Cutiemark Crusaders 10k: The fourth deity

by The Psychopath

Not old chaos

Twilight grabbed her hand and massaged it gently, trying to blow away the burning and steam and calming herself down.

"Wow. I didn't think that anypony would be capable of hurting me like that who wasn't a demon."

Abstract huffed. "You underestimate one who already went to war with beings of chaos in the past."


"I'm assuming that the one who gave you these powers is showing its pseudo-omnipotence by displaying its large eyes behind myself and whispering how I am a threat to it," Abstract spoke calmly.

Through Twilight's eyes, it was true. The giant yellow, reptilian eyes of it/they/them stood firmly behind the crystallion and whispered to the now-demon Twilight Sparkle.

Kill it

It's a threat to our/my plans

Its kind have already thwarted chaos once

It will destroy you if it gets the chance

"It thinks I'm unaware of its presence, but crystallions and draconequus have fought too long for my kind to not instinctively sense chaos around us. A primitive power, to be sure."

The ponies around the city gate started whispering to themselves as they didn't understand what was happening.

"What's he talking about?" Sweetie Belle whispered to Scootaloo. Her friend shrugged in response.

"So why exactly are you here, to take vengeance upon the worthless trash that attacked this city days prior?"

Twilight chuckled. "Of course not, silly. I'm here to learn more about you and your species. I've never heard of crystallions until today."

Her speech came at no surprise to Abstract. He was fairly certain that if all traces of his race on the surface hadn't been destroyed by the griffons and minotaurs, then it would be by time and nature itself. Unlike the other creatures, however, he did not flinch upon hearing that. In fact,he couldn't care less. The legacy of the crystallions was not one to go through the ages. Rather, it should be the crystallions themselves.

"I have no time for some trifling filly trying to write in her diary about whom she encountered today," Abstract explained.

The crystallion turned around to return back into the city, but Twilight wormed her way around him with her strange body and blocked.

"Awwww, come oooon. I just want to know!"

Abstract's hooves glimmered a faint sheen of white briefly and disoriented Twilight after a forced teleportation further down the hilly plateau upon which she ended upside down. Sweetie Belle grinned ever so slightly at the sight and found her intrigue of magic returning after so long.

"Are you sure that will last long?" she asked Abstract who passed by her to return to the city.

"I don't care," he answered stoically.

A small tornado of purple appeared in front of Abstract and slowed down to reveal Twilight Sparkle, her eyes and mouth stopping first just to reassert themselves on her face.

"Hey! That wasn't very ni--"

She found herself underground in a cave while Abstract checked his hooves and stretched a bit.

"My powers are slowly but surely returning," he observed.

"So I take it that's it?" Scootaloo asked. Abstract did not answer. "You know," she started. "If you really want to be the next ruler of this place, might I suggest that you start answering the questions of your subjects?"

"I did not answer because the answer is obvious. Like order, chaos cannot be stopped indefinitely, and I have no envy nor reason to do anything with those lower life forms. I have more pressing matters to attend to up north, where some fool thinks to control vastly weakened versions of crystallion magic."

Sweetie Belle blinked a few times in response to what she heard. "Vastly weakened?" she repeated. Her near quiet quiet voice conflicted with the barely hidden anger on her face. "Those crystals have corrupted many a friend and family member against their own, all because of that self-proclaimed king!"

"I'm aware." He said. "If you hadn't noticed yet, I brought for ponies from the north as a sign of good will."

"No you didn't," Sweetie spat.

Abstract turned his head slightly to look at the pony from the corner of the glowing circle serving as his 'eye'. "Hm?" he hummed.

"I don't know what you did to them, but they seem to worship you, and they're still covered in the crystals. How do I know they're not still under Sombra's influence?"

"Because they were corrupted by infantile magic spells, and because this 'Sombra' of yours has brought about my ire with the defamation of my race's magic." He stomped forward and seemingly towered over Sweetie for a quick moment. "He is my first target, and he will be subjugated by my crystalline hooves as a reminder for those who would dare oppose me in the future."

"He can't be touched! we've already tried invading his lands to save a few of our own."

"You're very adamant about ignoring what I've been saying."


"We will speak of this no further. I have already said my piece and explained the situation. When my powers fully awaken from dormancy," he checked his crystal wings. "and they have, then I will 'liberate' my future subjects. Until then, I will take into your experience with this unusual world and learn about the minor inconveniences that this pseudo-crystal magic causes unto the populace, as mentioned before."

Sweetie just let him walk away, knowing that any further altercations would end poorly. Still. "I don't like him," she mumbled under her breath.

"No pony does," Scootaloo interjected. "But, as long as he fights on our side."

Sweetie Belle nodded. "I would still prefer that he got a better attitude."

Discord threw the glass orb with which he watched the transaction occur into a flying tree behind him and leaned back in the air. "Hmmm. I've never seen that kind of magic. He disrupted the chaos around Twilight and made it randomly teleport around." He leaned forward and joined his fingers. "Interesting."