Gryphon Pride

by ThatOneGuyWhoIs

1 Prologue

Gryphon Pride, 1: Prologue

Moonlight shone forcefully through an open window, unveiling a small colony of rodents scurrying across the wooden floor. Their little paws scratched against the ground and occasionally one such creature would slip and slide into a wall with a dull thump effectively shattering the fragile silence. This drew curse filled shouting from an unknown direction the hall.

"Damned rodents, can't let me think in peace but one night can they? Ooh, if Only I could get my claws on them I'd show them how sharp these talons really are!"

All of the colony's inhabitants fled suddenly for fear of being forced into the rigorous tests the mad doctor was known for putting their kind into. It had been many moons since such an event had occurred, but one could never be too careful when Dr. Field was involved.

As all the rats had left, the air became quiet and only the dampened scratching of a talon on parchment through the large oaken door could be heard. Thaumic Field was not exactly known for being the happiest of Gryphons, well...... not many Gryphons were known for being happy in the first place but that was beside the point. Ahem, anyways, the old Gryphon had spent a great deal of his life studying the arcane arts, such sacrifice was sure to have great rewards, but the road was taxing.

Visible upon his features Thaumic had obviously had a stressful life, his eyes were baggy and his beak turned in a permanent frown but despite this he still had hope in his hearts for his latest invention was sure to work.

Grabbing the Arcanic Steel 'wand' Dr. Field reached into his mind where the blueprints for his invention were stored. Taking a deep breath and counting to three Thaumic flicked his wrist with the motion of a well practiced idiot. As per usual, his creation did nothing, he pulled out a list and sighed, dipping his talon in an open ink pot he swiftly crossed out 'Thunder Sapphire Focus' from his list. The old Gryphon gazed at the severely depleted list of ideas.

The concept was simple, first the wand would use an Arcanic Steel base topped off by an obsidian wand cap with a mana drain enchantment placed upon it. Which would be transferred through the Arcane Conduit within the wand and carried to the 'core' which was composed of a crystalline phoenix eye encased within DragonForge glass. Once the mana flow passed through the core, it would seamlessly glide into the 'focus' which would be used to direct how the magic in the wand was cast, the focus' makeup was still on the drawing board though. But..... there weren't any more options except for one... So, if this idea was to succeed then the focus had to be the one item that was actually difficult to obtain.....

"FOR FUCKS SAKE! For once could this just be easy?" Thaumic cried to himself.

Slowly, he got to his paws and paced his way to the DragonFire candle sitting upon the antique spruce desk that was this workshops work-desk. Picking up out of a squeaky drawer a small chunk of cryptocrystaline quartz Field set it to the side before grabbing a talonful of shredded-dry bark. The old bird sprinkled the tinder in the candle's lip gracefully, obviously having committed the task to muscle memory. Wrapping his cracked talons around the small piece of flint, Thaumic brought it close to the well-burned candle and struck the amorphous chert with a small shard of weak steel.

Sparks quickly fled the rock and jumped to their close friends creating a beautiful fire. Pastel colors swirled throughout the waving flame as though the Pegasi had poured in their own Liquid Rainbow into the blaze.

Shaking himself out of the entrancing hypnosis of the Arcanic Fire, Thaumic pulled out a creased sheet of parchment Dr. Field swiftly straightened out the curling ends before pulling his ink-pot over to himself. Dipping in a talon he started writing:

"Dear Lady Civil Growth

I regret to inform you the latest focus for my wand has not met the criteria. I will be entrusting my eldest grandson to locate the elusive Grand Wyverness: Angelica. The spry Gryphon will then have to locate Blackbird's map within her hoard and bring it back without losing the dead pirate's secrets. This map will lead to the last item I need to complete my wand, let it be known that I trust him with my life, and if he is to fail.... We may never be able to reclaim our title as a proper country.

With regrets

Doctor Thaumic Field"

Looking forward to releasing his frustration in the form of a smoke Dr. Field pulled a pipe and a tin of tobacco out of a hidden compartment in his desk. Bringing the scarred flesh that was his arm back up Thaumic grabbed his steel shrapnel along with the well used flint, and before long he was outside on his balcony and the tobacco in his pipe was smoldering.

Drawing a lungful of nicotine rich smoke the ash grey Gryphon released a shuddering sigh as he reveled in the dopamine boost his brain rewarded him with for satisfying his insistent addiction.

The retired adventurer took another draw as he pondered how his life had come to relying on annoying teenagers to get the job done. Oh, yes, maybe it was when he lost his back leg and tail to a raging serpent.
That was definitely something, though it did help him get his brother out of his gambling debt, so it was overall worth the loss of a some measly appendages.

Releasing smoke from his nostrils like a speeding locomotive shoves out steam Thaumic puffed his pipe a few times before spreading his wings with a loud whoosh. He craned his neck around and studied the scarred flesh of his molted wings, no longer suited for anything other than a quick glide. This was the same activity he had done since he got into his later years. Wishing to be young again, to be able to fly with his late mate, Cub Smith. She was majestic when she flew, her amber feathers reflecting the morning sun against her dark silhouette, with her maroon fur flowing with her light feathers in a swirl of color. But those days were over, he would hear her laugh no longer, and they would share no warmth on the frigid northern winter nights.

A lone tear streaked down the unfortunate Gryphons face, he raised his wing and wiped his face before extinguishing his pipe and walking back to his pine furnished lodging. Shuddering, Thaumic grabbed an envelope off his desk before folding the parchment and stuffing it hastily inside. Grabbing his seal stamp Dr. Field dipped it in the hot wax before pressing it upon the envelope and effectively securing it.

The widower let a small smile grace his face as he thought about his draconic friend: Garneiri, she was the one who provided the DragonFire candles he used to post his mail. She was sweet if a bit shy, her scales were a ferrous color and they sparkled when the moonlight hit her at the right angle......

Shaking his head, Thaumic let the smile grow into a grin before setting the envelope into the flame, the letter was engulfed in the dancing flames before the ash floated to the balcony in a shimmering cloud. Quickly zipping through the starry sky, Dr. Field had but one thought:
"I'm getting too old for this shit....."