//------------------------------// // Sacrifices // Story: Sacrifices // by pinkie_is_the_bae //------------------------------// Princess Celestia walked down a long hallway towards the throne room. She was accompanied by a small lavender unicorn who was frantically taking notes. "So, for this years summer sun celebration, I would very much like to have you and your friends to walk behind me, bearing the elements." She glanced worriedly at the stained glass picture of Discord being defeated "I want to show to all of the ponies of Equestria that we are safe as long as the elements, and the spirits are here." She smiled at Twilight who was jotting down Celestia's last few words. "Elements....spirits...safe... I think I've got it princess!!" Twilight beamed. She watched as the Princess used her magic to levitate the box containing the elements. She gently set the box down, and Twilight happily trotted over and opened it. She looked inside and a feeling of dread flowed through her. The elements weren't there. Twilight and the Princess gasped, and looked at each other. Celestia had a grim look on her face. "Was it Discord?" Twilight asked. "Did he escape again?!?" She looked around frantically, but Discord was not there. "No my student. The person who took the elements is none other that Impii, the spirit of wickedness and evil." She shook her head slowly. "Luna and I once had to defeat him, but he was too powerful. We only won because of pure chance. He flew into a cave which collapsed moments later. We thought he had died, but I guess we were mistaken," Celestia sighed. "I am afraid I must ask you girls for yet another favor." "Anything Princess." "You must travel to the cave where Impii was trapped. I am almost certain that is where he put the elements." She looked at Twilight who was nodding. "You need to leave immediately. I will inform Spike of this, and he can take one of my carriages back to Ponyville." "Of course Princess." In a bright magenta flash, the lavender unicorn was gone." Celestia stared at the spot where she was moments ago. "Good luck my student." Twilight arrived at her library moments later where all of her friends were waiting for her. She saw streamers. "Oh no," she groaned. "WELCOME HOME!!!!!!"Pinkie cried "I know you were just gone for a few hours but I knew that even a few hours without your friends can be really sad, and then I thought, hey why not throw a super duper spectacular welcome home party for when you get home and..." She glanced at Twilight's glum expression and immediately stopped blabbering. "Whats wrong Twi?" She asked. Twilight sighed. "Well, another evil spirit has stolen the elements, and we have to go get them." There was a long pause, and finally Fluttershy piped in. "Um, where exactly do you think the elements are?" "Princess Celestia told me they were in the cave where he was banished, which is probably about 50 miles north of the Crystal Empire." Twilight said matter o factly. Rainbow Dash was the first to respond. "Um, who is this guy anyways? I bet we can kick his butt no problem!" "His name is Impii, the spirit of wickedness and evil. And I'm not so sure about us 'kicking his butt'. Celestia and Luna only defeated him by pure chance.." She looked down slowly. "We should probably get going." The rest all nodded, and they set off out the door. "Are we there yet?" Pinkie asked. "NO!!!" Rainbow shouted. "For the fifty billionth time we are NOT there!!!" "Actually, I think we might only have a mile left."Twilight said happily." See that cave up there? I think that's the one we have to get to." "Cool!! I'll fly ahead and check it out." Rainbow shouted. Twilight shouted "No Rainbow, wait!",but it was too late, she had already zoomed off, leaving her classic rainbow trail behind her. "Well, I guess we should hurry up to catch her." When Rainbow got to the cave, she turned around and hollered, "I'm gonna go inside K?" She got no response from the other ponies, they were too far away to hear her. She flew in and suddenly a wall of fire appeared at the entrance. She was trapped. "RAINBOW DASH!!" a voice boomed. "I'm not scared of you punk!! Come on, show yourself!" she hollered at the bodiless voice. "Rainbow Dash, element of loyalty, it is nice to finally meet you!" The voice was explosive, and it came from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. "Come on! Put 'em up!!" Rainbow was now punching the air. "I know why your here Rainbow Dash. You want to find your elements and restore harmony in Equestria. Well, here you go!" Rainbow Dash's element necklace appeared in front of her. She tried to grab it but it vanished. "Ah ah ah!! I have one price. You can have your element back if you give me your ability to fly." "What the hay! Never!!! I'll just steal the element from you!!" She flew around the room but the element was nowhere to be found. "I will only make the element reappear if you sign this contract." A scroll of parchment appeared which read, 'I Rainbow Dash, give Impii my ability to fly for all of eternity.' Rainbow looked at the parchment. She looked around the room to see if there was any other way to get her element back, but there was nothing. "Ok..." she said "But only if you leave Equestria alone once your finished." A quill poofed up next to Rainbow. She hesitantly grabbed it and slowly signed the paper with a sloppy RD. She immediately felt her wings getting smaller and smaller. It hurt like white hot fire on her skin and she screamed with agony. The pain continued for a few more seconds, and then it subsided. Rainbow looked at her wings, which were now the size of Scootaloo's. She flapped her tiny wings desperately, but she could barely get a couple of inches off of the ground. She started to cry, and the fire barrier opened. All of her friends were standing outside. "Rainbow Dash!" They yelled. "Are you ok?" Pinkie asked. Rainbow slowly turned to show them her wings. They all gasped. "Impii won't give the elements back unless you pay a price." Rainbow sniffed. She turned around and curled up in a puddle of tears. The mares walked towards the middle of the cave. They looked around. Its was dark and gloomy, and there were little bats flying everywhere. "TWILIGHT SPARKLE, RARITY, APPLEJACK, FLUTTERSHY, AND PINKIE PIE!" The girls searched for Impii, but he was nowhere to be found. "I want to make a little deal with you girls." "Whatever it is," Fluttershy whimpered, "we'll do it." "Well in that case Fluttershy, the element of kindness is all yours if you give me, your voice." "My, my voice?" Fluttershy held her throat. "But why do you want my voice?" "That my dear, is my own business. Now do we have a deal or not?" Fluttershy nodded slowly. "Ok then." "And don't worry, this WILL hurt." the voice cackled. Fluttershy started to gasp and cough, she couldn't breath and she felt as if somepony was choking her. She screamed, but all of a sudden, the scream stopped. Fluttershys mouth was still open, but no sound was coming through. She had lost her voice forever. Fluttershy's element necklace appeared before her, and she clipped it on silently. "Who's next!!" the voice boomed. "Ah reckon I should go next." Applejack sighed. She stepped forward and asked, "What do you want from me Impii." "Oh Applejack, I just want your strength. You have apple bucked for far too long." "Ma strength? Well, I guess its the only way." She braced herself, and Impii snapped his invisible fingers. Applejack felt a melting sensation all over her hind legs, and all of a sudden, they felt like rubber. Impii made an apple tree appear in the corner of the cave. Applejack stumbled over and tried to buck it, but when her legs hit the tree, the apples didn't even shake. After a few moments, Rarity stepped towards the middle of the cave. "I will go next." she said with a slightly quivering voice. "What shall you take from me?" "Oh Rarity, I would be ever so pleased if you would give me your beauty!" "WHAT?!?!" Rarity shrieked," My beauty? Is there any other way we could work this out?" "Ah ah ah! Either you give me your beauty, or you will never get your element back and all of Equestria will be in danger." the voice snickered. Rarity sighed. "Fine. For Equestria." She closed her eyes and a bright light surrounded her. She screamed, but no pony could see her. "Rarity are you OK?" Twilight asked. The light faded completely and everypony gasped. Rarity's once beautiful mane was now in uncontrollable curls, and put up in a frizzy bun. She had bright red glasses and a mouthful of braces. She had lots of acne and her coat was an icky grey, not silver. She was wearing a horrid orange sweater which appeared to be very itchy, and her hooves were now very stallion like. "SOMEPONY GET ME A MIRROR!!!" Rarity shrieked. She gasped and held her mouth. Her voice was now very squeaky and it cracked a lot. Twilight poofed a mirror in front of Rarity and she screamed so loud, the ponies in Saddle Arabia could hear her. "My mane!! And my hooves, they are so icky!! Of all the bad things that could happen, this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!!!" Rarity fell on her fainting couch and sobbed. Pinkie Pie bounced forward. "Ooh, ooh pick me! Can I go next?!" "Yes, Pinkie you can go next. I want your energy." "Okie dokie lokie!!" Pinkie jumped around. "When does it start?!?!" Impii rolled his eyes. "Right now." Pinkie slowly stopped jumping and a pink aura escaped through her mouth. Her hair went flat and she collapsed on the floor. "Ugghhh!!" Pinkie groaned. "I never want to get up again!" The voice cackled. "And now for you miss Twilight Sparkle. I want your memory. That way you will never remember that you had met these stupid ponies, and you'll move back to Canterlot where you belong." "My memory?" She looked at her friends, then back at Impii. "Yes I'll give you my memory, but can I at least have a minute to say goodbye to my friends?" "If you must." the voice sighed. Twilight trotted over to her friends and gathered them in a hug. "Girls, listen because I don't think i have much time. When this is all over, go to Princess Celestia and ask her to put a memory charm on me. Then we can use the elements to defeat Impii." "No problem Twilight." Applejack said. "Of course" Rarity piped in. Fluttershy nodded and Pinkie groaned. They hugged for a while and Twilight finally trotted towards Impii. "OK Impii. I'm ready." Impii touched Twilights horn and she felt as if an egg had been cracked above her. She desperately tried to recall her life in Ponyville. 'Remember that time we went to the Grand Galloping Gala?' she thought to herself. 'And that one unicorn made us dresses, oh gosh, what was her name agin? And that one Earth Pony who was kinda nuts, I think her name was Pink Cake or something. Maybe Purple Pie? Wait, when did I even move to Ponyville, I live in Canterlot right? Ya, I live in Canterlot as Princess Celestia's student. Wait, what am I doing here? Am I in a cave? Who are these ponies!?" Twilight looked around and was very confused. "Who are you? Why am I here?" Twilight started to panic, her eyes were darting to one unfamiliar face to another. "Twilight! Its me, Rainbow Dash! Do you remember me at all?" Rainbow asked. Twilight shook her head nervously."I need to go.." A magenta aura flashed around her and she was gone. "Too bad!" Impii boomed. "I didn't even have time to giver her this!" Twilights crown poofed up above the five. "Oh, just give me that!" Rainbow snapped. "Come on guys, lets go." Everyone got up except for Pinkie who grunted. "Guys, I seriously cannot get up." "Fine," Rarity said. "we can all take turns carrying her." She levitated Pinkie up and they all started walking towards Canterlot, towards Twilight. ~ Poof* Twilight arrived in her old home in Canterlot moments after she left the cave. 'That was really weird.' she thought. 'I must have been dreaming.' She decided to take a stroll around Canterlot to clear her mind. She passed the concert hall where Octavia was tuning her cello "Twilight! How nice to see you! What ever are you doing in Canterlot?" She asked. "What are you talking about? I live here," she responded. "Decided to move back eh? Can't say I blame you. I would choose Canterlot over Ponyville any day." She continued to tune her cello. "So, how are your friends? I hear that Rainbow Dash is trying out for the Wonderbolts. Again." "Who is Rainbow Dash? Why are you acting so strange?" Twilight asked nervously. She knew she had heard the name Rainbow dash before but she couldn't remember where. "Uh, we should probably get you to Princess Celestia." Octavia walked with Twilight toward the castle." ~ "Impii took her memory, and now she has no idea that she lived in Ponyville, or even meetin' us!" Applejack explained to the Princess. Celestia looked around worriedly. "Did Impii take anything from you?" she inquired. "Yeah, she took my ability to fly, Applejack's strength, Pinkie Pie's energy, Fluttershy's voice, and Rarity's beauty." Rainbow responded. "Why?" "I fear that Impii gets stronger by taking other ponies prized possessions or qualities. If we do not stop him soon, all of Equestria will perish." Celestia replied. There was a knocking at the door, and it opened ever so slightly. Octavia poked her head through. "Princess, we may have a serious problem." "Please come in Octavia." the Princess said. Octavia opened the door a little wider and Twilight stepped through hesitantly, but when she saw the five ponies from the cave earlier, she freaked out. "Who are these ponies, and why do they keep showing up?!?" Twilight looked at the five and back to Princess Celestia, hoping for answers. "Now Twilight, I know you may not remember these five ponies now, but these girls are your best friends." Celestia said in a calming tone. "You have saved Equestria many times together, and you are all linked to the elements of harmony." Twilight looked very confused and panicked. "But how can they be my best friends, when I don't even remember meeting them?" "Don't worry my student" Celestia said, "In a few moments, you will remember everything." Celestia walked towards the panicked Twilight, and preformed a memory charm. Twilights eyes glowed as she remembered all of the great times she and her friends had. "I remember everything! Thank you Princess!" Twilight beamed. She turned to her friends and smiled at them. "Now let's use the elements to defeat Impii!" With a bright magenta flash, Twilight transported them all to Ponyville. ~ Impii was sitting in a throne in Ponyville and there was a long line of ponies in chains. "WHO'S NEXT?" Impii boomed. Lyra Heartstrings stepped forward with her head down. "Ah Lyra, I want your ability to play the lyre." Lyra sighed, and nodded her head. This was the only way to get Bonbon back. Impii snapped his fingers, and Lyra shuddered. She pulled out her lyre and strummed it, and it sounded like an animal dying. She let her head fall and walked over towards Bonbon, who had just been released. All of a sudden, the mane six appeared in front of Impii. They all had their elements clipped on, and they were in attack formation. Impii sighed. "Not you again. I thought I had dealt with you already." He rolled his eyes. "What do you want?" "Impii!" Twilight said, "We have come to defeat you!" The crowd behind them cheered, but Impii just laughed. "And how do you think your going to do that? Use those silly necklaces I gave you?! They are useless against me!" "That's where you are wrong Impii! These necklaces are the Elements of Harmony! And you were foolish to give them back to us, because when they are united together, they are unstoppable!" Twilight said triumphantly. "Elements Shmelements. You'll never be able to defeat me using stupid necklaces." Impii said in a annoyed tone. "Oh yeah you punk! Watch us!!" Rainbow hollered. She desperately tried to fly up towards Impii, but her tiny wings would not allow her. "Girls, lets go!" Twilight went to the center of the five ponies, and used her magic to wake the elements. They started to glow and the ponies began to float around Twilight. Rarity's element sent a bright purple light towards Twilights crown, then Pinkies, then Applejacks, Fluttershy's, and finally Rainbow Dash's until Twilights crown was surrounded by a vibrant rainbow of light. Twilight's crown sent a huge rainbow up in the air towards Impii, and the rainbow hit him square in the chest. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" Impii cried. When the rainbow disappeared Impii was gone. In his place were many brightly colored auras, which flowed into the ponies mouths. A red one came towards Rainbow, and she felt her wings grow back to normal. "Aw yeah!" She cried. She flew up in the air and preformed a sonic rainboom. A purple aura went into Rarity and she became beautiful again. A light pink one went into Fluttershy, and she started to sing. An orange aura went into Applejack and she stated to buck every tree she could see. A blue aura went into Pinkie who was still laying on the ground. As soon as it touched her, her hair went curly again and she started blabbering really fast. "Oh my gosh, I was really tired but now I'm not tired and I just have so so much energy and I just wanna jump all the way to the moon!!" "Yet another job well done my little ponies!" Celestia appeared in a bright light and walked towards the mane six. "All of Equestria owes you their lives yet another time." "Princess!!" Twilight cried. "Thank you so much for putting the memory charm on me. We owe our victory to you." Twilight gave her teacher a hug. "Nonsense my student. I was but a small stepping stone on your path to defeating Impii. In reality, it is I who should be thanking you. You each made a difficult sacrifice in pursuit of victory, and that couldn't have been easy. You each gave Impii the on quality which you treasure most, and in the end it paid off," Celestia kneeled in front of the six and bowed her head. "Thank you" The crowd all kneeled and a chorus of thank you's echoed through out the town square. The six all blushed and gathered in a group hug. "Now if I'm not mistaken," Celestia glanced at the sky, "the Summer Sun Celebration should start just about now." She turned towards the girls. "Would you girls like to accompany me to the stage?" The girls all nodded their heads excitedly, and got in a line in front of Celestia. Fluttershy cued her birds to start singing, and they started to walk towards the stage. Mayor Mare went to the podium and started to give a small speech. "Fillies and Gentlecolts, I would like to dedicate this Summer Sun Celebration to sacrifices. They sometime demand a lot from us ponies, but in the end, they always pay off." She stepped of the podium and Celestia began to rise the sun. When the sun peeped through the horizon, the whole crowd went wild. Twilight turned towards her friends and smiled. "Girls, this has been the been the best Summer Sun Celebration ever. Even with the whole Impii problem." Twilight and her friends looked off towards the sunrise, and they knew that their friendship was as strong as ever. THE END Hi! This is my first story so I would really appreciate some constructive criticism in the comments. Thanks for reading and I will be posting more stories soon!!!