//------------------------------// // Strangers // Story: Dark Clouds // by Exopone //------------------------------// “Come out come out wherever you are little ponies,” The mockery of the Obalocks chanted as they continued to bang on the door. “Never! We will never let you take us!” Prince Night Drops spoke, brave yet frightened, “We will stand strong until we find our parents!” He gave a snort as he stood in front of his friends and held his place in front of the door. “Well it seems we can’t defeat them…” The second Obalock said as the foals looked at each other in happiness before the door was kicked out of place, the nails and boards breaking apart as the foals flew back, the Obalocks throwing them against a wall, “Haha you really believed that!? My my, we’re gonna have a little fun no?” The first one laughed evilly as the second began to approach them. The foals hugged each other as they awaited their fate, “I guess this is it… Glad to be your friends everyone… Glad we could spend out list time with each other…” Feyace said as they waited for the Obalock to attack. The Obalock stood completely still, “Whats wrong with you!” The first said, standing in front of him to see what was wrong. The Obalock’s eyes were still, the pupils dilated as he began to cough violently. He fell to the ground to only see a spear lodged inside his back, “Who in the name of…” The first looked out the window too only see a purple Pegasus crash from the inside. “FAITH! CLEAR A PATH FOR US!” The Pegasus yelled as she grabbed her spear out of the Obalock and slammed it into the second. “Yes sir Exopone!” Black Faith said, her hypnotic eyes looking caring and harmless as she dashed towards the other Obalocks. “You wretched exorcists… You’re no match for us, just give up now and be happy to still live and work for Master…” The first Obalock laughed as the second laid dead on the ground. The foals continued to hug each other, not wanting to see them as they could only hear what was about to happen. The Pegasus, her grumpy as usual, dug the spear deeper into the Obalock, “As long as I live… I will protect the innocent! Help the poor! And never obey to the commands of your Master…” She hissed as she chanted a unknown language and the Obalocks turned to dust. She stood with her spear, panting on the ground as the foals looked up at her. Prince Night Drops raced towards her, frightened yet wondering if the unknown mare was okay. “Umm miss… Are you okay…?” Prince Night Drops asked as he got no response from her, only the glare of her orange eyes, “Umm what’s your name…?” He asked curiously again, still cautious of her as the dust covered parts of her body. “Exopone. Sir Exo.” She said, knowing very well that the title of ‘sir’ referred to the stallions and not the mares. She soon fainted from exhaustion as the foals didn’t know what to do. They heard explosions from outside and the yelling of ponies and Obalocks as they clashed together in the fight. “Oh no oh no oh no, what are we going to do!” Replanca said a bit scared for her life as she wondered what was next to come. “Calm down Replanca, she gave us a chance to escape so we must take the chance,” Rongo said as she charged out the front door and into the unknown. “Wait!” Curvus struggled to say through her shy voice as she looked back at Exo, “We can’t just leave her here, alone and defenseless,” She told Night as he was the only one who waited. He gave a nod to her and with his magic put the light and very thin Pegasus on his back. As the foals dashed outside they saw what could imagine to be what a battlefield would look like. Obalocks and ponies, fighting to the death as they all took on a power blow to one another. Black Faith was able to see the foals and rushed through the battling ponies, “Oh thank Celestia you’re safe. Come on we have to escape while we can to the Cabins,” She said as she looked at the foals and almost began to run before one of them stopped her. “Wait… What about everyone else! We can’t just leave them, what if they get hurt!” Vrontii asked a little depressed, knowing they will have to leave the other Exorcists with the evil Obalocks. “They will be fine, they have been trained to go in this type of battles,” Black Faith said a bit nervous as a Obalock leaped from behind but in swift movement, Exopone woke up and sliced the creature in two, her chanting continued as it turned into dust like the ones before. “Leave me, I’ll be fine. You guys must go before anybody else gets hurt,” Exo said, her eyes stern and heartless, like her soul was a Obalock itself. The foals had no choice but to obey her cold eyes as Black Faith ran with them back into the forest. They heard a scream in the background to only see Exopone stabbed from the back with three claws, each one piercing her fur/skin, reappearing on the other side of her body. “NO!” Night Drops said as he witnessed the small Pegasus fall to the ground, her wings crumpled and folded as Black Faith, hiding the tears in her eyes grabbed the foals and continued running from the gruesome sight. As they made their way back to the shelter village, Night Drops just couldn’t believe what he had witness. The young, yet older mare, stabbed… Dead… And if not than taken to be a slave of the Obalocks’ Master. “Don’t worry Prince Night Drops… I know Exopone very well, she would never lose that easily to a battle,” Black Faith gave a confident smile, even if her eyes were watery of tears that she tried to hide it from the young Prince. “But I saw her… She’s… Dead….” Night Drops spoke out, still sadden by the memory as the other foals hugged each other knowing very well that one of the highest Exorcists was killed on this day.