//------------------------------// // Shari Meets Ponies // Story: Elements of Earth // by Fluorescence //------------------------------// So, um. How should I start this off? My name’s Shari, and I'm in the magical land of Equestria. Haha, I planned that joke a while ago. So, it all started out when I was randomly teleported to Equestria. There, I met some colorful ponies. Luna, one of the twin princesses of Equestria, Rarity, the elegant unicorn seamstress [Oh, stop it!], Applejack, the apple-bucking Earth pony, and Rainbow Dash, the braggart pegasus. I don’t really like that pegasus, as you can see. I don’t care to explain how I know those ponies, and their names, as Rarity is standing right next to me at the moment, poking at me with her horn to get on with it, and also asking me to stop complimenting her. Immediately I was shocked that I was surrounded by ponies, but then I was relieved that I wouldn't have to deal with waking up and getting prepared for school in the morning. Kidding, kidding. I actually like school. So, I scrambled (did I mention that I was on the muddy, grassy, ground?) away from them, because it isn’t every day that you meet cartoon ponies. Luna then half-screamed half-yelled something like, “WE WILL SHARE WITH YOU INFORMATION ABOUT OUR PREDICAMENT AND HOW YOU ARE NEEDED AT A LATER TIME.”, and then disappeared with a brilliant midnight blue flash bringing Rainbow Dash and Applejack along, leaving Rarity behind. Rarity then gave me her introduction, staring at my face with such intensity I looked away, her greeting sounding something like, “Hello, darling! It appears that we share the same Element. I am so charmed to see a human! Celestia told us about your kind. Oh, my name is Rarity; I apologize for not mentioning my name sooner.” After that spout, the fashionista unicorn actually looked at my clothes and gasped, when she saw my attire covered with filth. “Dear, you look like you just rolled in a mud puddle! I must take you to Ponyville to get you cleaned up!” I didn’t protest, since I care about how I look, plus I didn’t like the feel of being covered in mud-stained clothes. So, after a while about chatting about myself, and the human race, Rarity and I finally arrived at Ponyville, and Ponyville did NOT look like the charming town seen in the show- never mind. Anyways, Ponyville didn’t look in top shape, that’s for sure. Garbage was strewn all over the streets, nobody- noPONY besides a few others were seen outside, and the town did not have a… happy feel to it. I felt self-conscious when I saw a few fillies glaring at me from inside their houses, barely managing to reach the height of their window to peer through. Oddly enough, Rarity did not seem incredibly bothered by this. Instead, she just avoided the garbage while keeping her pace, levitating a few cans into the nearest over-filled trash cans. Noticing I had gone quiet, Rarity tried to re-ignite the conversation. “Just imagine how hard it is for the trash collectors!” she had said, giving a hollow laugh. “That is, if we had any…” “What’s happened here, Rarity? Ponyville used to look so ni- I mean, it should look nice. Nicer, I mean.” I said. “It’s quite a long story, Shari… Princess Luna, the winged unicorn you saw earlier, will inform you on what the situation is soon enough.” "Yeah, I know her." I replied casually. "Ah..." We continued on in silence. When we finally arrived at Carousel Boutique, (heh, I’m making the trip sound longer than it is) I noticed that suddenly the garbage came to a halt in the area around the Boutique. “Rarity, why does the garbage suddenly stop here?” I had said in a curious tone. “Twilight’s assistant, Spike, helps me keep my property… sanitary. What a gentlemen, helping a lady without the lady in question even asking!” Walking up to the door to open it for Rarity, I noticed a strange blue glow around it. I leaned forward, and… looked at the lock. It appeared to be protecting the door handle, sort of like a force field. I didn’t dare touch it. Instead, I turned to look at Rarity questioningly. From only having spent a little amount of time with the unicorn, I was surprised at how well she read my thoughts. Am I that obvious? [Of course it was obvious, when you’re staring at a glowing lock then turning around to look at me, darling.] “I have to lock the door. From, ah, unwelcome visitors.” Rarity emitted a glow from her horn, and the door turned back to normal. “After you.” When I opened the door to the Boutique, I hit something, hard. I rushed through the entrance to find a bruised Luna laying on the ground, moaning. Whoops. Getting on my knees, I started blubbering things and patting Luna’s sides. “OhmygoshareyoualrightshouldIcalltheparamedicsi’msosorryohmygosh” After a few seconds, I realized people were standing next to me and talking. “… I think you just knocked the lunar princess unconscious. What a great way to introduce yourself to Equestria, Anime.” "Your clothes are all muddy." … Anime. Anime? My internet nickname? I glanced up, completely forgetting the Princess, and saw my internet best friends. (Well, I don't talk to Denise much, but I still consider her pretty much best-friend tier. I'm not picky on choosing who are my best friends, okay?) Sorry, I’m getting into this. So, I saw Jessica, my Filipino friend with dark skin and long dark brown hair, and Denise, my European buddy! I hadn't seen many, or rather, any, pictures of Denise, and the way she differed from my mental images of her was shocking. The word ‘joy’ couldn’t possibly describe the emotion I was feeling. I felt like sprinting through a meadow with rainbow unicorns (hey, it would actually be possible here!) prancing behind me and making it rain my favorite foods while my clothes weren’t getting dirty and I would be able to eat all of the raining foods. All of them. I’m getting a headache now. I’ll continue this recording later (sorry that I've been hogging the mic, Rarity. I let you speak a little though), after I eat something. Rarity makes a mean dinner. By mean, I mean awesome. [Is everyone of your kind so flattering?] *click*