My Little Pony: Transformers Prime

by LibbytheKautz

Chapter 1: An Unexpected Journey

"Bulkhead, I needed that!" Complained a white and red robot, more formally known as a transformer, with the Autobots' logo on the upper left corner of his chest.

Bulkhead, a bulky green and black Autobot with the same logo on his left arm, groaned. "Hope it wasn't too important," he muttered.

"Too important!?" Ratchet answered, raising his voice, "That was the stabilizer for the space bridge! Without that, the chances of it taking us to the desired location are extremely minimal!"

Bulkhead looked down at the crumpled metal mess stuck to the bottom of his foot. "Oops."

Ratchet groaned once more, then turned back to his work. "Looks like I'm starting from the beginning."

A yellow and black Autobot with the logo on his midriff let out a series of beeps.

Ratchet smiled. "Thank you, Bumblebee, I needed to hear that."

Bumblebee let out a beep in return, then the went back to his work.

A blue, red, and silver Autobot with the logo on emblazoned on both of his shoulders walked into the cave that that Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Ratchet, and a blue and pink Autobot with the logo on her chest were working in. "How is the progress on the space bridge coming along?" He asked.

"We would be farther along if Bulkhead hadn't stepped on the stabilizer," Ratchet answered, "but otherwise, it is coming along fairly well Optimus. Soon we will be able to travel to other planets in search of energon."

"Great!" Called another Autobot as he walked into the cave through one of the walls, this one white with red and blue accents and the Autobot logo on his chest.

"There you are Smokescreen! Where've you been? We've been working hard!" Inquired the peach-accented, blue and black Autobot.

"Aww, Arcee, can't I have a little fun? This phase shifter is awesome!" Smokescreen pleaded, holding up the blue and silver device attached to his wrist.

Arcee rolled her eyes and turned back to her work.

Suddenly the space bridge whirred to life. Ratchet looked up. "What the..." he started, then the space bridge sucked them all in in before he could finish.


In a land far away, a small purple alicorn with a navy blue mane streaked pink and purple sat in a crystalline castle, looking out a window. A star surrounded by five smaller stars, her cutie mark, was on her flank. She sighed, looking at her companion, a purple and green baby dragon.

"What is it, Twilight?" He asked.

She sighed again. "Oh, Spike, it's just that, well, you see, I..."

"You..." Spike prompted.

"I... well, don't take it that I'm not thankful for this castle, it's just, well, I miss the Golden Oak Library so much."

"Oh come on, this castle is awesome! It's big, made of cold crystal, has long empty hallways... and... I see your point. The Golden Oak Library was small, cozy..."

"And had so many memories."

Spike sighed. "How about we go and visit Fluttershy? She can find a way to take your mind off of things."

"Well, I haven't visited her cabin for awhile. Sure." She smiled at Spike. "You sure are my number one assistant."

"That's just what I want to be!" Spike answered with a smile. Twilight hopped up and left the castle, heading towards Fluttershy's cottage.

Twilight Sparkle thought back to the times in the library, Pinkie Pie's surprise party for her when she first came to Ponyville, the sleepover with Applejack and Rarity, the meeting to help Rainbow Dash study for her Wonderbolts test, Tirek blowing it up... she sighed. They had defeated Tirek, but at what cost? She shook her head. The fate of Equestria was more important than some old library. However, they hadn't just lost a library, but the memories embedded in it.

"Twilight? We're here!" Spike's voice pulled her out of her thoughts. They were standing in front of a small cottage. Twilight knocked on the door, and a small yellow mare with a long pink mane and pegasus wings answered. Her cutie mark was three butterflies.

"Oh, hello Twilight, I wasn't expecting you." The pegasus said in a soft voice.

"Sorry Fluttershy, I just need to get my mind off some things, is there anything I can do to help you?"

"Oh yes, today I was planning on helping to clean out a bear's cave," she answered, ushering them in. Her cottage was filled with woodland animals.

"A... bear?!"

"Don't worry Twilight, he's a friendly bear. And even if he gets out of hand, I will be there to get him back in line."

Twilight smiled sheepishly. Come on, Twilight, she told herself, Fluttershy's being braver than you.

They headed out and were soon hard at work cleaning the bear's cave. Fluttershy was right about the bear. He had welcomed them in courteously and was helping them clean as well. Hours later they finished were heading back.

"Thanks for letting me help you, Fluttershy." Twilight Sparkle said.

"It was my pleasure. And really, I should be thanking you. It would have taken me much longer if I didn't have your help." Fluttershy noted.

Twilight was about to respond when a bluish green light lit up the sky. "What in Equestira is that?!" She exclaimed. The light formed a whirlpool-like shape, then six beings dropped from it and fell through the sky. Seeing that they could obviously not fly and needed help, Twilight reached out with her magic and tried to slow them down, but that did little help. Gritting her teeth, the magical aura around her horn tripled in size and brightness. The beings slowed down just in time to gently touch the ground.

Twilight and Fluttershy rushed over towards the six who fell, who appeared to be metalloid. Several ponies from the town rushed over as well. Four ponies from that group ran to Twilight's and Fluttershy's sides.

"What in tarnation was that?" An orange earth pony with a blonde mane, a cowboy hat, and three apples for a cutie mark exclaimed.

"I... don't know Applejack, there was a light in the sky and-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, we all saw that," interrupted a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane and a rainbow lightning bolt in a cloud for a cutie mark.

"Oh, do be quiet, Rainbow Dash," said a white unicorn with a purple mane and three diamonds for a cutie mark, "they're getting up." The crowd hushed as the metal monsters stood up and faced them.


Optimus Prime couldn't believe his eyes. What were these small equines, and how could they talk? And their colours, too. They were coloured every colour of the rainbow, and most of them had a mark on their rump. No, they were definitely not on earth anymore.

He thought back to the strange magenta aura that had slowed their fall. What kind of energy was that? He wondered.

A purple pony with wings and a horn that was slightly taller than the rest came forward. "I hope the spell I used didn't cause you any damage," she said, "My name is Twilight Sparkle. And, may I ask, who, and what, are you?"