//------------------------------// // 12:50 AM-Fashion History Display Room // Story: Survive the Night // by WRLB //------------------------------// Spike woke up with a sharp pain in his neck. He was lying on the ground, not knowing what he was doing or where he was. There were dresses all around him. He was shocked to see that he was smaller than the last time he remembered. While his head pounded furiously, he started to remember the events that brought him there. He’d woken up in an empty room. Well, not completely empty: to his left there was what looked like Twilight, who was fast asleep. He knew he was looking at Twilight, but she looked so artificial. Maybe it was just him, but he just had to find out if he was looking at the real Twilight or not. He walked closer to his mentor. He leaned forward, ready to poke her. But then he realized that if it was Twilight, it would be rude to wake his own mentor from her calm and peaceful slumber. Still deciding whether to poke her or not, Spike heard the sound which reminded him of pans banging. He turned and saw a curvy purple tail leaving the room. There was only one pony who had a tail like that: Rarity! He rushed in the direction of the purple tail. He saw that there was a long hallway, and sure enough, there was Rarity. Spike wanted to scream “Rarity!”, but when he tried, his mouth just opened agape, with only a small squeak coming out. He shook his head, and it was then that he noticed his queer-looking body. He put his hands on his belly; he couldn’t feel anything except his own weight. He bent his elbows to find that his arms were connected by some black substance he couldn’t identify. He looked up and saw that Rarity was further down the hallway than a couple of seconds before. Maybe Rarity knows what’s going on, Spike thought to himself. With great determination that was powered by his love for Rarity, Spike walked down the long and enormous hallway. As he walked, he couldn’t help but feel terribly afraid. There was only one light illuminating the area, and everything was colored a dark shade of grey. A couple of seconds later, he came across a plaque that read: Fashion History Display Room Spike was confused. Everypony knew that Rarity enjoyed the recent fashions. The only time she even bothered with older trends was when they came back in style. He walked into the room and saw Rarity looking at each of the gowns. Knowing her, she was probably looking at them with the upmost attention to detail. He walked a little closer, and then he froze. Something was moving in the darkness, and he was surprised that Rarity didn’t take any notice to the sound of small hooves clopping against the hard floor. Spike looked around, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. Then, Spike heard a loud SMASH. He looked back at Rarity and couldn’t believe what he saw. A stallion dressed all in black had bashed Rarity’s head with a baseball bat! Spike wanted to help, but he was frozen in fear. He watched in horror as the stallion smashed and smashed his special somepony’s head into a pulp. He was even more terrified when bits and pieces of her face went flying off with each blow. He had to do something, but what? His gut told him to attack the stallion. He moved forward, and suddenly, the stallion turned his head and glared at him. Spike was ready to tear him to shreds, but then he felt a hard “WHACK” to his head. He fell down and hit the ground. “I did it boss,” a voice behind him said. “Good job,” the stallion said, “now help me with this one.” “Sure thing,” said the voice behind him. Then he blacked out. He remembered everything clearly now, as he stood with great difficulty. He held Rarity’s withered body in his arms. I should have known he wouldn’t be working alone, Spike thought to himself. As he brushed Rarity’s mane, he noticed how stiff it was, unlike how she usually had it. He didn’t care if she had a fake appearance; he swore that she would be avenged. He then heard voices coming from a small opening in the wall. He got in front of the opening and crawled into it.