//------------------------------// // Eat your heart out Blueblood! // Story: To hide from your friends among your friends // by QuickType //------------------------------// =================================Chapter4=========================== =================================Jack================================ =================================Ponyville============================= =Engage the Chapter Motherfucker!!= Jack couldn't help but notice the ponies staring at them as they walked to Twilight's partly annoyed because, Lyra and Twilight wouldn't stop comparing notes and observations along the way. "Just ignore it" Piper whispered into Jack's ear. "I Can't, it's all those eyes, they are filled with fear of the unknown, of us." Jack whispered back wishing Crunch did not stay back at the cave. They came to the centre of town and stopped, all eyes on them. "Can we hurry up all these eyes are freaking me out.." Jack said to Twilight. "Sure, its the library over there." Twilight said pointing with her hoof. =============================Evil changeling hive======================= Chrysalis sat on her throne plotting her revenge, when the doors to her chambers opened. "My, Queen." The messenger bowed. "What is it? You of all lings should know not to interrupt me when I'm plotting." " My Queen, one of the scouts has discovered an infinite source of magic, in two other worldly beings." "Unending? It comes back faster then drained?" "Yes, my Queen." "This is interesting, thank you my subject." The changeling bowed and departed. 'This is excellent news, if I can capture even one of these creatures then I could raise a never ending army, I could take over all of Equis!' The Queen laughed as she thought of this. ===============================JACK=============================== Sitting in Twilights house Jack, Piper, Max and Mandy watched as the notes and drawings went everywhere as the two scientific unicorns unicorns started to 'Organize' their notes. The other ponies fell asleep after an hour of this. Then began the questions. "Why do you eat meat?" Said one "If I cut off your hand will it grow back?" said another. After another three gruling hours of this, Piper turned to Jack. "Oo dii Rah nust fen ni vuth. (Oh my God they won't stop)" She said in Dovah expressing her inner geek. "Hi grozah drun vorey laan.( You probably caused another question)" "Wait, you speak DRAGON?!?!?" Jack and Piper looked at each other. "What are the odds?" Piper said "We had dragons in the mine but they never spoke." Jack said. "What did you say to each other?" Twilight demanded. "Nothing important." Piper said "I am going to tell you about our past to get this out of the way so listen up if you like sad stories." Jack said. Lyra and Twilight took out blank notepads with quills at the ready. ========================First person story segment====================== =Engage the story motherfucker!= I will tell you about our world, it is a twisted place where there are good people and their are bad. I happened to have bad people for parents, they were abusive and rude, Locking me in my room for weeks at a time, beating and starving me. The only light in my life for a while was my grandmother who was the only one that was kind to me, so when I was eight years old a Neighbor heard me calling for help the police came and found my parents high on drugs and immediately arrested them, when social services came and I told them I wanted to live with her and one flight across the united states and I was in Virginia. Where I grew until I was 15 and I met Piper, we were friends at first but after a month of knowing her I worked up the courage to ask her out. Her parents were rich, and were kind to me, they were thrilled when we started dating. A year ago Piper and I were on our one and a half year anniversary date and I was driving us back home when we were struck by lightning on a clear night. We blacked out and woke up in a field full of deep holes in the ground, we shouted for help our bodys sore and stiff, as if we had just ran a marathon and lifted over 1,000 pounds in 5 seconds. We just started wander around looking for civilization, when we were picked up by some diamond dogs, who had just come back from a slaving run, they chained us to the group, where we meet Max and Mandy. We were dragged into the mine, where we learned about the kinds of creatures and beings that inhabit this place, This is also where we met Crunch. He helped us organize some Riots to help in escape, but they always failed no matter how strong in numbers we were, we always lost, and were always punished severely afterword. I learned through what the ponies in the mine said, that ponies were quick to judge and took convincing to change their minds. I was about to give up hope of ever being free, until I met Applebloom and her friends. Then all I had to do was wait, and hope some more. ============================Third person engage!!!!======================== =Engage the reality motherfucker! (Last one I promise)= When Jack finished his story Twilight and Lyra looked shocked. The other ponies voiced their opinions. "I knew mah sister would bring joy to sorrowed hearts!" Applejack said with a tear in her eye. "I bet they never tasted equestrian chocolate!" Pinkie said in a shocked tone. "It sounds like you jumped through dimensional planes, Celestia might know how to send you back." Twilight said "Thats good to know, I'll ask her when I see her" Jack said with a nod. "How many times did you try to escape?" Rainbow asked. "Over 50, I was wiped ,Piper was forced to watch then was beaten in front of me, Crunch was beaten, Mandy and Max were pelted with the diamonds we mined. As punishment." Jack said "The real punishment was when they found out that we were in love the chained us to opposite walls and laughed as we tried to reach eachother." Piper said with a sad tone in her voice. Jack put his arm around her to comfort her. "Don't worry silly billy I Pinkidamia Dine Pie, will throw you a 'Sorryyoucameintoequestriainthewrongplacebystrangecercomstanceshereisacheerup/finalyfreewelcometoequestria/ponyville' Party!" Jack and Piper looked at pinkie with one question on both of their minds. 'did she even inhale?' "Excuse me darlings, I couldn't help but notice that your clothing is a bit torn up, may I fix them for you?" Rarity said ignoring Pinkie. Jack and Piper looked at their clothing, noticing they were a bit torn up from the past week. They took off their hoodies their wings carefully sliding out of the slits on the back. "Shirts and pants too." Piper and Jack shot them a look, Jack sighed and started to explain. =One awkward situation later= "So thats why not until we go to bed" All the ponies in the room where blushing, even pinkie stopped talking. Checking a clock on the wall Twilight realized it was getting late. “I think we should continue this conversation in the morning, I have already sent a letter the Princess she said she would send some chariots in the morning.” Twilight said. “Ok, where are we sleeping?” Max asked. “Well, you and mandy could stay here for the night. Does anypony want to take Jack and Piper?” Lyra raised her hoof “I’ll take them. I have a double mattress in the spare room.” “Actually Lyra, I was hoping that Rarity could take them...so she could fix their cloths.” She said blushing again. “Certainly darling! There is always room in the boutique for friends.” Rarity said with a smile. There was a gasp from the window nearby. But only Jack and Max seemed to notice this. "Lets go get you settled in." Rarity said getting up from where she was sitting. Walking through town in the dimming sun of the evening, the town looked to be deserted, all the shutters were shut and blinds were drawn. Jack could feel the eyes on him, it sent shivers down his spine as they walked to a building shaped like a carousel. As they walked in they were greeted by manikins of ponies. There was giggling coming from the back room. "Sweetiebelle, darling! We have have guests!" Rarity called Three familiar fillies came from the back room with red capes on their backs. They each came and tackled Jack and Piper laughing as they did so. "Hey, girls." Jack said. "How have you been?" Piper asked. "Great!" Sweetie replied in her high pitched "We've been trying to get our cutie marks in cooking!" Applebloom said. Then they all smelled something burning from the kitchen. =============================Pupa============================ Queen Pupa of the Changelings sat on her throne. Her thoughts were interrupted when there came a sharp rapping on her chamber door. "Come in!" She called in a sweet mother like voice, her red eyes and under wing color making her appear fierce at a first glance. A changeling guard came in leading Crunch behind him, they both stopped in front of the throne and bowed. She turned to the guard. "You may go back to your post good sir." The guard bowed a second time, about faced and walked out. "Dearest Crunch, I am glad to see you have escaped the diamond dogs." she said with a faint smile. "Yes my Queen, negotiations did not go well, but I have discovered something of great value." "Please do tell good Crunch, don't leave me in suspense!" "Two humans who each act as an infinite source of love, and two golden dogs whom I believe are the keys. They have befriended me, and in return I am like a father to them, my Queen." "This is excellent news, so when are my grandchildren coming for a visit?" she said with excitement. "Soon my Queen, they must first get past the watchful eye of Celestia, what do you plan to do?." "Make, a deal with them. And smother them in love and affection." Crunch smiled, Pupa has always been loving for her children and grandchildren, and always sweet and kind to outsiders she likes. Yet, her sweetness has never made her blind to a threat of the safety of her hive. After all She came forward to Celestia and proposed an alliance against crysalys to destroy her and her wicked lings. So he knew that Jack, Piper , Max, and Mandy would be more than safe, they would have an army on their side. ================================Jack================================== It was around 10:30 PM Jack being the sneaky person he was, took the deer heart and put it into a brown paper bag and placed it into the fridge. After which Rarity caught him trying to leave the kitchen. "Excuse me dear. What did you place in that bag?" Caught Jack thought quickly. "I packed a snack for the road, but it could spoil if not kept cool." "Oh, that's alright with me but, might I inquire what it is?" Rarity asked. "Let me answer your question, with a question. How would you like to possibly vomit, due to the contents of this bag all over this nice kitchen floor, hence ruining your night, and your beauty rest?" Jack said with a look that screamed 'Drop this subject, and don't look in the bag lady.' "Just write on the bag that it is yours and not to look inside....I am going back to work, goodnight." "Goodnight." Jack said as he picked up a marker from the nearby counter and scrawled on the bag. 'caution:biohazard, for human consumption only!!!! DO NOT LOOK INSIDE!!!!'. Then promptly went back to the guest room to snuggle with Piper. =================================Morning============================= Jack woke up earlier than expected looking over to Piper she was still sound asleep, looking as adorable as ever. First thing Jack did was carefully get out of bed trying to not disturb Piper. Grabbing his mended clothing from ontop of a nearby chest he then proceeded to the kitchen to see Sweetie Belle start to open the bag. Rushing quickly Jack grabbed the bag out of Sweetie's magic grasp. "Hey!" she cried in protest. "You know, you should really read warnings, they could save you." "I just wanted to know." she replied with a frown. Jack figuring nobody would believe her even if she told Her friends said "Alright, i'll tell you, but keep it between us and the crusaders, no one else, got it?" Sweetie nodded in agreement. "Its a Deer Heart." "Why do you need one of those?!?" "Its for a prank, now drop the subject.” ==============================Max================================ Max layed on the carpet by the couch, he had let Mandy take the couch for comfort reasons. “Good morning Maxy.” He heard Mandy whisper in his ear. Max moaned not wanting to get up. “Come on, get up, you don't want to seem like a bad house guest do you?" Lazily, Max got up and stretched his back with several soft audible pops. "Good boy." Mandy said patting Max on the head, Just as the front door opened. In came Pinkie with a huge grin on her face. "Good Morning!" she happily said . "Good morning." Mandy replied Max replied with a groan. "I need to ask you a question of dire importance!" "What is it Pinkie?" Max asked rubbing his eyes. "Well Applejack says you can't eat chocolate, I told her that was silly, only Dogs cant eat chocolate but she then said that you were a kind of dog so I bet her 50 bits that you could to please answer." She said with wide sad eyes. Max now fully awake looked at Mandy, and laughed. "Of course we can, why?" Pinkie pulled a try of mocas out of nowhere and handed them to Mandy, then proceeded to run out of the room yelling "It's a secret !" and bounced down the street out of sight. Then Twilight came down the stairs with a sleepy look. "Was that Pinkie?" "Yes." They both replied. "She brought Coffee." Mandy said holding up the tray of four cups. Twilight grabbed one in her magic and took a sip , before calling spike and telling him he will be by himself for a few weeks. Then went over to the kitchen to start breakfast. ====================Jack============================= Jack poured himself and Piper a bowl of cereal and each of them a cup of coffee. Rarity came downstairs and poured herself a cup. "Good morning." Jack said. "Hello darling how do you like you're refurbished clothing ?" "Their great!" Piper said. " The chariots arrive soon, so we should head over to Twilight's." Rarity said with a smile. With a nod they quickly finished their breakfast and headed out to Twilight's. ===============1 hour later========= ============Twilight's home============= Jack could see the chariots slowly approaching from the castle, five in total each one had a team of 4 day guard pegasi pulling them. They touched down in front of the library, one of them in hooked himself from the carts and said. "Twilight Sparkle? I presume." The white stallion guard said in a strong commanding voice. Twilight nodded and said "That would be me!" In a cheerful tone. "I have been instructed to escort you, the elements and the recon team to the castle. As well as our 'guests'". He said indenting on the word guests. 'Oh, great we have to deal with this naive prick.' Jack thought. "Please relinquish any weapons you may have to me please." a young black stallion guard said walking up, his eyes screamed 'These are amazing creatures!' but his expression remained neutral. "For what purpose?" Piper asked. "You are meeting the princess swi-!" The prick guard said but stopped short. "What the captain means to say is, 'It would put most of the guard and the princesses at ease if you are unarmed." Said the younger one. Jack looked at Piper who shrugged and then at Max and Mandy who were already handing the crossbow over. With a sigh Jack handed over the katanas, but he kept his knife in his pocket for safe keeping. "We do expect those back.." Jack said. "Certainly, but you will need to be approved by a Princess." the nice guard said. They boarded three per chariot. The take off was much like a plane they took a small running start and swiftly took to the air gaining altitude within seconds. =================================30 min later========================== Jack could fly faster than they were going. he had to be stuck on the cart with Twilight and Lyra. The questions fallowed. "How complicated is your digestive system?" "How long does it take you to heal from a wound?" "How far can you see?" "What kind of books are their in your world?" and many more in which Jack quickly explained trying to enjoy the ride. He eventually got to the point where he yelled out. "Nust fen ni strin vok! (They will not shut up!)" before jumping off the chariot causing the scientists to gasp in surprise. Jack started to freefall, laughing at the shocked expressions of the ponies above. Spreading his wings quickly he stopped himself before returning to the convoy, gliding next to them. "Whats up?" He said in a chill voice, before he notated four guards had left the pulls and where ascending back up to meet them in the air. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?!?!" Twilight asked. "You both were being a noting with the boring questions so I jumped to entertain myself" Jack smiled again. Twilight rolled her eyes. "Just get back here we'll be there in five minutes." =========five minutes later ========== =============Luna========== At this current time Luna would be asleep but she was excited to learn that the Evasive creatures that she had been hearing so much about where coming for a visit. She and Celestia watched as the chariots approached. They made small talk as they arrived. "I hope dear sister that they are not mad that you sent your best soldiers to find them." Luna said. "I am sure they have forgiven that incident, it was in my haste to stop potential threats to our kingdom." They saw to large figures jump from the approaching convoy. Followed by Twilight screaming " No! The princesses are there watching." causing them both to giggle at Twilight's frustration. The figures witch Luna guessed where the humans opened large wings and started to glide towards them. ============Jack============= As soon as Jack saw the alicorns on the balcony he nodded to Piper and they fell backwards off the chariots once again. Jack laughed as Twilight yelled at them. They opened their closed wings in unison and glided Towards the castle. "Halt!" They heard guards behind them yell. Jack and Piper veered off in different directions at random, and then proceed to dive towards the ground, they wanted to show they are not so easy to control. Jack ended up in a market, dodging movers unpacking a couch as he avoided the ground. Looking behind him he saw three guards were tailing him. He could see all kinds of creatures there doing business, Griffen, Changeling, Ponies, small dragons, hippogriffs, donkeys, and even cows. But mostly Unicorns each one looking at Jack as he glided past them in disbelief or disgust on their faces. Jack quickly stopped to kick off the ground and spiral upwards back towards the sky and then stopped up at the clouds to sit and wait for the guards to come, he had made his point. He then saw Piper do the same and join him on the cloud. "Woah! These are soft!" Piper exclaimed. "How did you know we could do this?" She asked asked. "I took a guess last week and tried it, and that isn't even the best part!" Jack exclaimed as he took a hand full of cloud squeezed it in his hands a little then threw it to the ground, splashing a well dressed Griffin in water. "They are water balloons! " he excitedly said. "Stop!' Came a voice from behind, Turning they saw three guards slowly approaching them on the cloud. "State your business!?" "Were cloud jumpers." Piper said "Cloud jumpers?" The guard said in a confused tone. "Yes, and we are now about to jump off this cloud." Jack said "For what purpose?" "Fun." Piper said before swan diving. "Like she said, fun." Jack said before performing a leap of faith, In the distance an eagle cried out. Piper and Jack landed on the balcony next to the princesses and bowed. Recognizing them from the description Twilight gave them earlier on the ride over. Luna was the first to speak "That was most entertaining to watch!" Her horn glowing for an unknown reason. Jack liked Luna the moment he saw her, but Celestia on the other hand emanated so much power it scared Jack to his core, even with her warm motherly smile he was genuinely afraid of her. It was as if he where looking into the mouth of a giant angry bear, from hell, on fire with acid breath. "Welcome to Canterlot." she said "Thank you mam." Jack quickly said his voice wavering a bit in fear. "We are thankful you allowed us to come on our own terms." Piper said her voice sounding the same. "I must apologize for sending that many guards after you, it was a bit much. But that doesn't mean you are no longer a potential threat, we will be watching you to be sure." Celestia said in a motherly voice. "Yes, ma'am" They both said. "Do come in, let us get better acquainted with your customs." Luna said opening a door to the inside. "Stop right there creatures! Step away from the princesses!" A guard said from above. "It is alright Captain, we were expecting them, your orders are to stand down." Celestia said With a salute he flew away and they went inside the castle. Celestia walked in front of them with Luna in between Jack and Piper. "We may chat more when we get to the tea room." =====A couple minutes of walking later===== The room was covered in pillows with a small table in the middle next to a fire place, despite the roaring fire the room felt lukewarm. Luna went in and sat down at the table. "Come, sit and relax you are in no danger here." she said. Jack and Piper nervously sat at the table. When Celestia sat they flinched, her power overwhelming to them as if she could kill them all in an instant. Celestia's eyes widened a little as if she realized something. "Are you afraid of me?" she asked. All his confidence, his rebellious nature, gone all Jack could do was nod. "I guarantee I mean you no harm young one." with a flash of her horn four cups appeared on the table each filled with tea. "Oh, my bad.. you are a coffee person aren't you?" with another flash of her horn a cream colored liquid appeared in a white mug appeared in front of him. Piper took a sip of her tea and seemed to calm down a little. "Drink." Celestia said Jack wasted no time and took a sip of the liquid, it was sweet with a bitter after taste, he felt calm and perfectly fine, another sip later he felt as if he was not standing next to two ridiculously powerful beings. "Better?" "Yes, thankyou." "That herb is used in political debates, to calm the nerves of representatives that come here." Celestia said "Now could you please tell us your story?" =======Twilight================= =========2 hours later=========== Twilight was freaking out, she was supposed to hoof deliver them both to the princesses! They were now headed to their assigned rooms from the hanger, they were each given a suite along the same hall. The Golden dogs were given one of the rooms at the end and the Humans the other right across After settling in she went to check on her friends, discovering they were all in rainbow's room discussing the events of the past two days. She went in to listen in. "What is your deal Rainbow?!?! They are not spies!" Lyra exclaimed. "They could be, and those dogs could be working for them!" "Their story about the mine, dear? Sure, the diamond dogs conditions where not as rough as they described when I was there, but they were sherly rude, there was no reason they couldn't have captured more ponies and gotten more aggressive." Rarity said. "Ah would have known if they were the lying, they weren't" Applejack said "Fine." Rainbow said slightly bored. "Its ok Rainbow, I am sure there will be a fiction where they really are spies!" Pinkie said. "What?" Rainbow said. "THEN I'LL GIVE THEM CAKE!!!" she exclaimed. They rolled their eyes, it was just pinkie being pinkie. Twilight excused herself as she went to apologize for the Human's behavior. As she walked she imagined her teacher scolding her on her failure to control a rediscovered species. The more she walked the more she got paranoid, she was outright terrified on what punishment her mentor will decide.... As she approached the door she expected to hear the worst, but what she heard instead was intense laughter coming from multiple voices. She opened the door to see the Princesses and the humans laughing like crazy. "So then we walk over to the ponies and he exclaims 'Why the long faces?'" Jack said The party bursts into laughter again. "What did the ponies say in response?" Luna asked. Jack and Piper stopped laughing. "Um, Humanity are the only sentient creatures where we come from, they were on a farm they were used for work." Piper said. "So, they did not talk? At all?" Luna asked. "No, so you could imagine, when we got here we were in for quite a scare." Jack said. "I am sure." Luna said with a smerk. "Oh, we did not see you there Twilight, do come in." Celestia said and Twilight did as told. "I almost forgot to ask, Do you think it is possible to send us home?" he asked a glint of hope in he and Piper's eyes. Celestia's smile fell slowly, she sighed and said "No, I don't know dimensional magic, if i did I would have sent back all the items that have fallen here." Jack sighed "If it can't be helped...we were already planning to stay here anyways, so lets not mention it again." "On that note let us go to lunch if you could get your friends from their rooms, we will meet you in the dining hall." Celestia said On the way to the guest rooms they ran into a white stallion in a vest and tie with blond hair, Jack literally bumping into him. "Sorry." Jack said apologising. "Out of my way hideous inferior peasant, you stand in the presence of Prince Blueblood!" Jack stepped out of the way of the prick and coughed 'Asshole' as he passed. But Blueblood did not seem to notice he just put his nose up and kept walking towards the dinning hall. "That was Blueblood he is the Princesses nephew , the only thing bad about this place." Twilight said. ======Dining hall===== Jack smiled he had found the perfect royal to use the heart on, so he purposely sat next to Blueblood, And Pipe took her seat next to Jack on the other side. "What are YOU doing here?! This table is for respectful honored guests!" He claimed. "They are, and they are more respectful then you will ever be!" Twilight yelled at him. "Auntie Celestia, do something about this brute!" He whined "I believe it is Luna's turn for the decision.." Luna looked up from her salad and said three words. "Deal with it." then went straight back to eating. After they had all eaten their salads the main course came. which was some fancy hay recipe. Everybody there got one except Jack and Piper who got silver tops to their dishes. Everypony watched them as they pulled back the plate covers to find a large cooked steak for each of them. "Barbaric." was all Blueblood had to say. Then Luna spoke "You told us that you ate meat regularly so we had a griffon chef prepare some beef stakes for you." "Thank you, but first, with your permission I would like to perform an ancient custom of my people, for your amusement." Jack said his eyes darting at blueblood then winked at the princesses. Celestia smirked as if she knew what was about to occur. "You have permission." Jack took out the brown bag from his pocket and put it on the table. "This is usually done with a small amount of electricity." Jack said. "If it is required for tradition." Celestia said ringing a small bell with her magic. A maid came into the room with a smile on her face. "You rang Princess?" the young mare said. "Yes I am In need of a small amount of lightning magic could you bring us an amulet from the armory?" "Right away, Princess" She said with bowing before she turned and went. They sat there for the next ten minutes slowly munching on their food as they talked about their future plans. "So, what happens now?" Piper asked. "Well, you will be staying here in the castle for a week, assisting us with certain tasks, and making friends,." Celestia said smiling at them. "After of course, We acknowledge your existence to the population, which we were going to keep a secret, but that show you performed made your existence known already." Luna said Jack nervously laughed and noticed the maid coming back "Yeah, oh it looks like the maid is back." He said wanting to change the subject and get on with his prank. The maid hoofed over the amulet to Jack. Jack, having used such a device before in the mines during an escape, knew what to do with it. He took the lightning shaped metal in his hand and put it into the bag pressing the tip on to the dear heart, he then asked the amulet to provide enough electricity to make the heart pump for a few minutes. A small snapping noise was heard followed by the steady beating of a heart. "Jack? What do you have in the bag?" Twilight demanded. Jack reached in and pulled out the beating heart. "Its the heart of my first deer kill, the custom is to try to eat it in front of political figures." "That's barbaric!" Blueblood said. "And you my good sir are an Asshole." " Did you say eat?!?!?!" Lyra asked "Yes." He said before turning to Blueblood and taking a bite out of the heart like an apple right in his face,spilling some left over blood over said face. =======30 minutes after ======= Jack and Piper where walking through the canterlot gardens chatting about blueblood reaction to the heart. "I can't believe how quickly he darted from the room after that ear piercing shriek!" Piper laughed. "Don't forget how red his face was!" Jack responded with a huge grin on his face. "He nearly threw up once he got to the door!" She said laughing some more. "Hey guess what?" "WhA-!?!" He panicked slightly as piper flung herself onto him locking their lips for a passionate kiss. "I Love you and all your silliness." She said hugging him. "I Love you too." he said hugging her back.