The best party ever

by ed2481

Swords and Shields

Swords and Shields

Twilight walked side by side with Luna as they approached the arena which looked the same as it had the last time, except for banners depicting the winners of the last rounds. Slightly behind them walked Rainbow Dash and AJ. AJ let out a low whistle when she saw the colossal arena.

“Now that’s what ah call a stadium!” AJ said looking at it, Pinkie met us at the gates, although she seemed different. She was wearing the oddest looking armor that Twilight had ever seen, it looked like it was powered by steam. Two metal blades were connected to retractable chains that were attached to her forelimbs and several orbs lined her shoulders and back.

“Hi you must be this dimension’s Twilight, AJ, and Dash. I’m Pinkie Pie welcome to the games!” Pinkie Pie told us happily, Luna nodded and led us past her quickly.

“Luna would you tell me who that pony was and why she looked like Pinkie?” Twilight asked her marefriend.

“That was a Pinkie from another universe, I really hope that our Pinkie is careful about who she lets in. The last thing I need to worry about is cupcakes.” Luna said disparagingly.

“What do you mean by that Princess?” Dash asked Luna.

“I mean that there are some disturbing versions of all of us running around in the multiverse and I don’t particularly feel like running into any of them.” Luna replied “Let’s get to our box I’m sure Tia will have beaten us here but I want to avoid the rush.” They made their way through the stadium and passed a wide verity of different beings. As they passed a bar Luna stopped for a minute to talk to two roguish figures who were sipping bears at one of the outside tables.

“Han, Mal, it’s good to see you two, although I’m surprised you haven’t killed each other.” Luna told the two men with a smile.

“Well Mal and I tried, but after a few bar fights we learned that we have similar interest, most notably smuggling and bar fighting.” Han replied, Mal for his part nodded and cracked Luna a smile before asking.

“And how’ve you been Princess, I hope nothing to bad has happened in crazy magic pony land?” Luna chuckled.

“Everything has been going fine Mal; unfortunately we need to get to our box.” Luna said excusing herself from the conversation allowing the two friends to return to their drinks. When they got into the box they found Celestia waiting for them with a smug grin on her face. Sitting on her left were a serious looking man wearing grey leather armor. On his left sat a short woman with large glasses wearing white robes.

“You always take forever Lulu.” Celestia told her sister, who shrugged.

“I take my time Tia, which is more than you do from what I’ve heard.” Luna replied with a sly grin, Celestia just laughed and nodded for Luna to take the seat beside her. Twilight took the seat on Luna’s right, Dash and AJ sat next to her. Two men walked into the box in the midst of an argument. One man Twilight immediately recognized as Dumbledore, the other was dressed slightly like a cowboy.

“Dumbledore, Ebenezar I’m glad you could make it!” Celestia greeted them with surprising enthusiasm.

“Glad to be here Celestia, although I’m mostly here to see Hoss whip Potter.” Ebenezar said elbowing Dumbledore gently in the ribs.

“I wouldn’t count on that Ebenezar, Potter is smart and resourceful, and he’s done amazing things.” Dumbledore replied with a far off look in his eyes. Ebenezar shrugged and went over to get a bite to eat from the buffet table. “Twilight it’s good to see you when you aren’t dunk.” Dumbledore said turning to Twilight with a twinkle in his eye.

“I hope I didn’t do anything to stupid.” Twilight said while a deep blush crept over her face.

“Oh nothing too bad, although I believe you insulted Kratos.” Dumbledore replied.

“I DID WHAT, just how drunk was I?” Twilight asked in stunned surprise.

“If I’m not mistaken you told him that Celestia could kick his ass, and he had to be hauled away by several dozen of the strongest beings in the house.” Dumbledore told her.

“But I, but he could, why am I still alive?” Twilight asked Dumbledore.

“Luna came to your defense, along with Gandalf who told Kratos that he ‘SHALL NOT PASS’. Oh and I believe that I saw Master Chief and Ragnar Blackmane dragging him away.” Dumbledore said easily.

“Luna, why didn’t you tell me about this? What if I’d accidentally said something to him at another party and he’d decided to cut my head off?” Twilight asked her very guilty looking marefriend.

“It actually slipped my mind Twilight; I mostly remembered what happened after that anyways.” Luna said with a sly smile.

“Quiet you two the match is about to start!” Dash told them excitedly. Spike and Pinkie rose out of the stadium floor on their now familiar dais.

“Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the second night of the Pinkie games tonight we’re going to be starting you off with a round of sword fighting. There were many, many different master swordsmen out there so we couldn’t get them all to fight each other yet that’s being saved for the army events later. So we picked some of the best and most unique swordsmen we could find.” Spike told the crowd who had fallen into hushed silence.

“That’s right Spike, now our first swords master is literally timeless, he’s rid the world of evil to many times to count and has a kill count up in the hundreds of thousands. He’s fought dragons, giant birds, giant spiders, and giant black pigs. Give it up for Link the Hero of Time!” Pinkie yelled as a familiar green tunic wearing man rose up from the floor of the arena, the crowd went ballistic. Next to Link’s head hovered Navi the fairy.

“I had no idea that Link was so famous.” Twilight told Luna in surprise.

“He’s known just about everywhere, I’ve heard that there’s actually a video game series based off him in some universe.” Luna told her with a chuckle.

“Our next challenger walks with the Force and is renowned for his saber skills; his name is synonymous with freedom and good all throughout the multiverse. His name is Luke Skywalker, and no I’m not his father.” Spike said getting a loud chuckle from the audience who were watching the newest dais expectantly. The man who rose up was wearing a simple black outfit; at his hip was an odd metal device. The crowd roared its approval.

“Unfortunately your lightsaber has been modified so that it won’t cut through the other contestants’ swords, sorry Luke.” Pinkie told Luke apologetically, the man just shrugged. “It’ll retain any other abilities though.” Pinkie said with a smile.

“Who is he?” Twilight asked Luna, Celestia answered for her.

“He’s Luke Skywalker, he’s the founder of the new Jedi order and he brought an evil empire to its knees. Surprisingly he’s very compassionate and forgiving.”

“The next combatant is the current king of Gondor and led the Fellowship of the Ring, he really needs no other introduction ladies and gentlemen give it up for Aragorn son of Arathorn!” A serious looking dark haired man rose up on a dais wearing silver platemail armor with the insignia of a great white tree resting on his chest.

“He’s one to watch.” The man in the brown leathers sitting next to Celestia said quietly.

“That reminds me Alberich where’s Kantor? I miss his wit and was looking forward to seeing him again.” Celestia asked the man.

“He’s with that unicorn Shalkan off keeping him company so he doesn’t get lonely in his box alone sitting avoiding the rest of us none virgins.” The man in the leathers replied, Twilight noticed that his words had an odd syntax to them.

“I was almost certain that Kantor wasn’t one.” Luna said interestedly.

“He’s not, but Shalkan doesn’t seem to mind him for some reason.” Alberich replied with a shrug.

“Can you stop talking I want to hear this?” Dash said impatiently as the newest combatant was raised into the arena. Aragorn

“…learned from masters all over his world and is close personal friends with our archery champion Will Treaty, his name is Horace Altman!” The man on the dais had a friendly looking face and was dressed in platemail armor, at his side was a shield with an oak leaf. From behind her Twilight heard Will’s voice cheer along with two female voices, Twilight almost jumped in surprise. Will was wearing his trademark ranger’s cloak; the two women were both blondes although one was significantly taller than the other.

“Sorry I’m late Princess, I had to pick up Evanlyn and Alyss.” Will said politely, Celestia just shrugged and nodded to the three of them.

“Alright folks now that introductions are over let’s get this started, we’re going to be doing it tournament style. The first match is Link vs. Luke; the winner will fight either Aragorn or Horace depending on who wins.” Pinkie said while the dais detached itself from the floor and started to hover above the arena. Horace and Aragorn steeped onto a separate platform as the arena floor started to shift dramatically. The arena floor was replaced by a giant pit of lava with interspacing paths of rocks and metal platforms ran through it and creating a deadly maze of chance and uncertain footing.

“For the sake of making sure that you don’t die of the heat the lava has been bespelled so that it will only burn those who fall in, as for convection we’re letting just enough heat escape to keep it hot but not enough to kill you. So are you ready?” Spike asked the two men who were now standing on rocks maybe twenty feet away from each other, they nodded. “Then let the match begin!” Spike yelled. Luke unhooked the metal handle from his side and pressed a button, to Twilight’s surprise a glowing green tube of light emitted from it.

“What is that?” Twilight whispered to Luna.

“It’s called a lightsaber, it uses crystals to project light into a blade.” Luna replied quietly.

“That’s impossible!” Twilight whispered back, Luna rolled her eyes and turned back to the fight. Luke and Link were making their way towards a rock in the center of the arena. Luke moved with grace pulling off incredible acrobatic leaps, while Link made his way with far smaller concentrated bounds. They arrived at the platform quickly with Luke getting there slightly earlier. Link drew a large blue one handed sword while he kept a metal shield in his other. Link charged forward with a powerful down stroke, Luke parried it with one hand while he gestured with his other. Link went stumbling backwards before recovering his footing with a grin; Luke returned it before they both rushed back towards each other swords raised.

When the swords met there was a loud crash, it wasn’t the sound of metal on metal it was the sound of two powerful spells meeting. They stayed locked like that for a few seconds before both pulled away and Luke made a quick sideways cut which Link caught on his shield. They both leaped backwards breathing lightly neither one tired by their efforts.

Link reached into his pocket and pulled out a little black sphere which he threw at Luke, with a flick of his wrist Luke sent the sphere flying into the lava where it erupted in a large explosion. Throwing waves of lava over their rock, Luke did a running jump off the rock throwing in a midair flip for good measure. Link somehow managed to switch shirts before bringing his shield up to block the wave.

“Navi remind me not to throw any more bombs.” Link told the fairy who bobbed up and down in agreement. Luke motioned for Link to join him on his new fighting spot which was made up of several windy paths of rock barely sticking up out of the lava. Link shrugged and jumped over to join him. The two faced each other again; Luke stepped forward with measured steps one foot in front of the other closing the distance between him and the green clad man rapidly.

Luke struck out with his saber which Link deflected off his shield before he made quick darting stab at Luke’s chest, Luke flipped backwards landing perfectly on the narrow path. Link pressed the assault bringing his sword through a standard combo followed by a rapid spin, Luke deflected each blow before dodging under the spin and slicing at Link with a diagonal uppercut. Link’s eyes widened but he brought up his shield in time to stop most of the blow; unfortunately Luke had anticipated this and was already moving on to another attack.

The two fought on with the crowd remaining silent as the heroes attempted to kill each other. Luke nicked Link on his arm causing the man to shout in pain as the blade of light sliced off the strip of skin. Link responded by bashing his shield into Luke’s chest sending the black clad man stumbling backwards, somehow Luke kept his footing and righted himself before he could fall into the lava. Then Luke did something completely unexpected, he threw the saber at Link who easily ducked under it. Taking advantage of his opponents lose of weaponry Link attacked with a lightning fast down stroke, Luke dodged to the left positioning his feet so that Link was facing the direction that he’d sent his saber.

Link continued to swing away with Luke performing dodge after dodge while Link became more and more frustrated as time went on. Suddenly Luke dodged another swing and hit Link with a right hook sending the man reeling back in surprise. Then Luke waved his hand once, Link felt a jolt of pain coming from his stomach. Link looked down and to his surprise found that the saber’s blade was sticking out of his stomach, instead of give up and die Link charged forward to give one last hurrah. Luke who hadn’t been expecting the sudden charge was caught completely off guard. Link drove the master sword deep into his chest Luke’s before the light in his eyes went out and he fell into the lava leaving Luke standing there with blood pouring out of his chest wound.

“Please press the reset button before I die.” He said quietly to Pinkie who did so promptly. The lava contracted and Link sprung back to life, he quickly yanked his sword out of Luke’s chest, in what Twilight thought was probably the most uncomfortable way possible. The wounds in his chest and back reknitted themselves to form perfect unblemished flesh, even the fabric of the shirt came back together. “Thank you Pinkie Pie” Luke said with warmly before extending his hand for Link to shake, the two exchanged a firm handshake before Link disappeared.

“That went as expected, although I wish Link had lasted longer.” Celestia said sipping at a drink that she had somehow acquired.

“Who do you have wining the second round Tia?” Luna asked her sister.

“Aragorn by default, Horace may be a very good night but there’s no way that he can manage to kill Aragorn, no offense Will.” Celestia said the ranger just shrugged.

“Horace may surprise you Princess.” Will said with a slight grin on his face.

“Luna how exactly did Luke do that thing with his sword, I didn’t see any magical aura?” Twilight asked her marefriend.

“The Force, it’s like magic but different, and its abilities are more useful in combat.” Luna replied.

“It’s time for the next match!” Spike called as Horace and Aragorn steeped forward. “You’re both normal humans so the floor will remain as it is, go till one of you is dead.” Spike said. Horace and Aragorn drew their swords and started to circle each other slowly, Aragorn used two hands for his while Horace held his shield in one and his sword in the other. Horace struck first with a lightning quick slash; Aragorn parried it easily before bringing his sword down in a crushing downstroke.

Horace broke the blow on his shield with a loud clang and countered by attempting to stab Aragorn in the stomach. The stab was easily evaded by Aragorn who hopped backwards before he slashed at Horace’s head; Horace ducked under the blow and charged forward hoping to get under Aragorn’s guard. He was stopped by Aragorn who sliced at Horace keeping him out of effective range. They then began to exchange cuts and jabs each one looking for an opening.

“You’re very good for someone your age.” Aragorn said nicely between quick slashes.

“Thank you your majesty, I was thinking the same thing about you.” Horace replied with a smile, Aragorn chuckled and delivered a pulverizing blow that impacted against Horace’s shield hard enough to cause a dent. Horace responded by bashing forward with his shield aiming at Aragorn’s stomach, the older man sidestepped but Horace slashed with his sword causing the older man to counter with his own.

“Hmm… the young one is good.” Alberich whispered to the woman next to him.

“How good do you think?” the woman asked him.

“Not enough good to beat that man, but enough good to kill most fighters within seconds.” He replied between the clangs of metal as the two fighters continued their duel.

To everyone’s surprise Horace got first blood, Aragorn over compensated and Horace struck him across the arm denting his armor and causing Aragorn to wince slightly. At this point both men were covered in sweat but they fought on exchanging blow for blow until Horace stumbled on something and Aragorn brought his sword across in a viscous slice that Horace caught in the side of his stomach sending him sprawling. His armor stopped the blade but it had obviously hurt judging from the look on his face as he struggled back to his feet. Behind her Twilight heard one of the women inhale sharply.

Aragorn waited patiently for the younger man to regain his feet before he lunged, Horace swung up his shield to block the strike but his arm went numb in the process. Horace struck out with his sword catching Aragorn across the chest but the armor absorbed the blow. Horace was getting nervous, he hadn’t been outclassed in a very long time but he knew that his man was his better in the art of the sword. An idea popped into his head and a smile touched Horace’s face, he struck out in a rapid flurry of easily deflectable blows all of which were easily blocked by Aragorn’s blade. While Aragorn was busy fending off the attack Horace shot his leg out and kicked the other man in the knee.

There was a dull clank as metal toe met metal kneecap and Aragorn stumbled backwards, Horace brought his sword down in an ark which culminated with a ringing slash across Aragorn’s chest. The plate deflected most of the damage but still hurt enough to make Aragorn wince. Horace stepped forward his sword held high in preparation for the final blow, sadly it never came. Aragorn stabbed forward with his weapon punching through the younger warrior’s chest armor and impaling him cleanly, Aragorn pulled his blade out of Horace’s chest and let the man’s body fall to the ground with a small clutter of armor. The crowd cheered wildly except for our box where Will was shaking his head while one of the woman glared and the taller one sighed.

“And we have our winner Aragorn son of Arathorn!” Spike shouted, Horace’s body shivered and life leapt back into it. Aragorn reached down and offered the fallen warrior his hand, Horace took it readily with a smile. Before he disappeared from the arena and reappeared in our box. He was immediately grabbed up in a tackle like hug from the shorter woman.

“I got so caught up in the fight that I forgot that it wasn’t real, damnit Horace never scare me like that again!” The shorter woman scolded him; Horace hugged her back and laughed.

“I’ll certainly try Evanlyn; I just can’t believe how good that man is with a blade.” Horace replied with a grin. “Is there any coffee here Will?” Horace asked his friend changing the subject.

“Yes and it is amazing!” Will replied holding up his cup; Evanlyn rolled her eyes and wandered back over to the window as the two boys began to talk about the finer arts of coffee brewing.

“That was a battle was well fought lad.” Alberich said getting up to talk to the young warrior. Twilight turned back to the viewport, but Spike was still working the crowd.

“…Potter defeated Voldemort when he was barely an adult.” Dumbledore was in the middle of saying to Ebenezar, who waved it away.

“Hoss has been fighting vampires, werewolves, evil wizards, faire, trolls, ghosts, goblins, demons, fallen angels, and Fay queens for years now. Oh and let me remind you about the fact that Hoss brought a Tyrannosaurus Rex back from the grave and rode it through a hoard of zombies to stop a necromantic ritual with a man wearing a polka suit.” Ebenezar replied easily.

“Yet he knows nothing of love or compassion, which are the greatest powers of all.” Dumbledore replied with a smile gracing his face.

“Harry knows more about love then that runt that you’ve trained up Dumbledore and you know it. Without love Harry would’ve died a long time ago!” Ebenezar replied angrily.

“The match is starting, would you both please shut up?” Dash asked the two arguing wizards who quitted down to watch the match.

“…Now without further ado let the match begin!” Spike yelled. Luke stepped forward and he and Aragorn began exchanging a flurry of blows. Luke’s saber flashed across the gap between the two men but was deflected by Aragorn’s sword with an easy parry. Aragorn brought his sword down against Luke’s saber blade with a great clash before he sidestepped and stabbed at him, Luke sidestepped easily avoiding the blow.

The battle raged on with neither side gaining much ground or superiority. Then Luke flipped stepped forward and with brought his blade up in a smooth cut that cut across Aragorn’s chest plate a small amount of blood welled up underneath. Aragorn countered by slicing through Luke’s hand, to his surprise the hand sparked and smoked but didn’t bleed. Luke took the opportunity to return the favor; Aragorn’s hand fell to the ground the stump was cauterized. Luke then stabbed Aragorn through the stomach before beheading him. The crowd burst into applause.


Yeah sorry about the last fight being so short, I’m not the best at describing swordfights and there are only so many times that I can say slashed, dodged, and cut before I feel like things become monotonous and run out of cool words to use instead. The next chapter will be a one on one duel between Dresden and Potter which promises to be fun and awesome, both to write and to read.