//------------------------------// // New Hope // Story: Diamond Dog Days // by Verve Vision //------------------------------// "Isn't this fresh air lovely, Biggy? It's so nice to come to the cabin once in a while, away from Canterlot." Social Justice said to her husband, currently sitting in a large arm chair reading a book held in his yellow magic aura. He looked at her with half closed, yellow eyes. His deep blue mane, and green coat perfectly groomed despite being in the middle of nowhere outside a small town called Ponyville. "I must admit, the peace and quiet has been enjoyable, but we are leaving tomorrow, nothing to do about that. I need to take care of the company and you must return to the court house eventually." Big Business said to Social, now standing by the window, her wide, bright pink eyes complemented by her peach coat. Her curly blonde and pink mane shined in the light coming through window pane. "Oh I know but It's certainly lovely today, no clouds, warm sun... I know! I shall take a walk before dusk! That should be a nice end to this trip." Social Justice said grabbing her sunhat in a pink aura. "Are you sure, Justice? It may get dark quicker than you think." "Oh, I'll be fine! A simple light spell would take care of that problem. I have a feeling this will be a memorable walk!" Social said putting on her hat about to go out the door. "Alright, stay safe." Big Business said knowing he can't talk his wife out of anything. "Goodbye, Darling!" Social Justice shutting the door and starting off on her walk "This was a splendid idea!" The unicorn said to herself, looking at the scenery around her. " It's such a shame to leave so soon..." *whimper* "Hmm? What was that noise?" Social said beginning to look around carefully. Afraid that some helpless creature was in danger pushed her to keep looking even after it had gotten quiet. Searching bush after bush and looking behind every tree, Social feared she wouldn't find whatever made that sound, when she saw it. A small, frail looking puppy. It's thin red body shocked Social to her core. Social quickly ran over to the small thing and gently picked it up in her hooves. The puppy was limp and cold. Social ran as fast as she could carrying the dying creature back to the cabin to grab her husband and head into town. She was going to save this baby if it was the last thing she did. Social Justice and Big Business ran into the Ponyville vet clinic and scrambled to the front desk. "This is and emergency! This animal is dying!" Social cried desperately, clutching the pup in her hooves. The pony at the desk quickly called for the staff, doctors and nurses swiftly swept the weak puppy into intensive care. Social and Big Business could only stay behind and wait for news. Sometime later as Business was comforting his wife a nurse came out and waved for them to come in. Social practically ran to see the puppy while Business and the nurse quickly followed. They arrived in the room where their patient was being treated. The small pup was in an incubator hooked up to IV's and breathing equipment. "Is it going to be okay?" Social asked putting her hooves on the glass casing, not taking her eyes off the puppy. "We finally got her stable a few minutes ago. She has dehydration, malnutrition, and is only a few days old. If you had got her to us any later I don't think she would have made it." The nurse explained. "I have suspicion for how this happened but I need to know where you found her." Social told her what happened and the nurse sighed and shook his head. " I was afraid of that. You see, our patient isn't an ordinary dog, she is a Diamond Dog." "What is a Diamond Dog?" Asked Big Business. "They are creatures much like dogs with an intellect similar to that of a pony, and I believe this one has been abandoned." "Abandoned?! Why would they do such a thing?" Social said aghast. "Well this pup is much smaller than what is normal from my understanding and would likely not grow to be very large even with proper care. I think they just didn't want to care for something that wouldn't be useful to them." He said sadly. "It's really a shame but that's just how some cultures operate." "At least we saved her..." Social said sadly. "I'm afraid there is another problem. The patient, is much like a pony foal and needs to be raised as such. We're simply not sure what to do with her." The worried nurse explained. "We shall take her in of course!" Spouted Social. "We will? He said she needs to be raised like a normal foal." Big Business said a little shocked. "I will not leave a helpless creature to some unknown fate! You know that!" "Sigh, yes I know that. Please bring the required papers for the medical treatment and any other needed certification." Business said defeated, knowing he can't fight his wife. "Alright, but first we need a name for the chart, legal reasons. Do you have any ideas?" The nurse said holding a clipboard. "...Ruby, Ruby Gorget. For beauty and strength." Social Justice said looking at her new daughter. Social wants nothing more in life than to right wrongs and for everycreature to have a fair chance at life. She's glad that one life is better because of her.