//------------------------------// // He Is Dave // Story: Sea Creatures // by NuclearPatato //------------------------------// It was a nice Saturday in the city of our focus. The day was sunny and clear, the streets were full of people and the mall was entirely flooded with them. The mall was a place where you could find lots and lots of different merchandise such as clothing, food, souvenirs, more clothing and a octopus trapped in a snow globe. In a souvenir store, there was a collection of snow globes from all around the world. Inside one of this globes there was a octopus. A living octopus. His name was Dave. Dave had a really long story. He used to live at a zoo in New York. There, life in his opinion was good. Roomy tank, great location, monkey house view and of course, his adoring legions of fans. He was the octopus of a thousand tricks, the total package. Until they've arrived and took everything from him. Four adorable baby penguins. With them around no one wanted a octopus anymore so he got moved to another zoo. But the same thing happened, over and over, at zoo after aquarium. Adorable penguins stole the show while Dave was avoided, forgotten, unwanted, alone. To him this was awful. From that period he came to realize some creatures are born to get all the love. The rest get nothing. The only thing that has kept him going for all these years was his burning thirst for revenge. After seeing that the was being abandoned, Dave decided to have his vengeance on the penguins. He abandoned his post at the zoo and used the superior mind he was gifted with to learn science. He disguised himself as doctor Octavius Brine, who became known among the humans as a renowned geneticist, cheese enthusiast and frequent donor to N.P.R. pledge drives. He hired a crew of octopuses and built himself a submarine laboratory where he developed for years his doom's-day weapon, the Medusa Serum. After this serum was done, Dave started kidnapping the penguins from the zoos he lived in. After gathering all the penguins, Dave shot them with his Medusa Serum, turning them into monsters and unleashing them on the streets of New York, hoping that the exterminators will handle them. Unfortunately for him, four penguins, Skipper, Kowalski, Private and Rico, found a way to reverse the ray and turned all the penguins back to normal. As a secondary effect, Dave was shrunk and trapped inside a snow globe. Now, Dave was once again alone, with his hate and desire for revenge on the penguins, waiting to be sold. Meanwhile, three teenage girls were wondering the mall. ''That was the worst movie I've ever seen! I can't believe that we've paid to see that!'' one of them started to complain. ''Well, I can't believe we've paid for something!'' continued one with a remarkably puffy hair in a irritated voice. ''I really miss my powers!'' ''Hey! It's your fault that we've lost our powers Adagio! If it weren't for you and your stupid plan we wouldn't have needed to care about money! Now, we have to work to ensure our existence in this stupid world along with these... these... bugs!'' continued the one that started the discussion. ''Aria, you know that my plan was good! The only reason for which it failed is because that cowards took us by surprise. I couldn't have known about Sunset Shimmer so stop throwing the blame on me!'' replied Adagio in a monotone voice. Suddenly, one of them got her attention caught by a specific store. ''Dagi! Dagi! Dagi! Can we go to that store? Please! Please! Please!'' she said in her usual enthusiastic voice pulling Adagio's hand like a excited child. Adagio looked at the store to which the girl pulling her hand was pointing. She looked at the girl begging her and that rolled her eyes. ''Sonata, you know that we're low on money! We can't simply walk in shops and take whatever we want anymore. We have to save what we have." Sonata widened her eyes and tried again to convince her friend. ''Please Dagi!'' Adagio sighed. To Sonata, this was the common approval from Adagio (not to be mistaken with the ''Sonata, you are an idiot!'' sigh). She than ran to the shop, forgetting about the girl whose hand she was still holding. Aria was following them, though at a much slower speed, seeming to have a little bit of joy at the sight of Adagio being dragged at a high speed. Sonata and the poor entity behind her entered the shop. In a moment of relief from Sonata, Adagio managed to pull her hand out of her grip. She than rubbed her wrist. ''Firm like a rock! Right Adagio?'' said Aria with irony. ''Shut up Aria!'' Sonata was wondering through the store like a fish, swimming in a coral reef. Her attention was jumping from an object to another. She continued her blind quest as she explored the shop. Dave was watching the human but did nothing. He was used to have people simply passing by so he didn't really care much. It was when Sonata turned her attention to the snow globe collection that Dave began having hopes of finally escaping his glass prison. ''Common! Pick the octopus! Every girl wants an octopus!'' tried Dave to convince the human, even though he knew couldn't communicate with her without a translation device. Sonata than spotted the globe in which Dave was trapped in. At first, she didn't notice the octopus that was waving at her, thinking that it was part of the ornament but than, she realized that it was a living octopus. She picked up the globe and started to study it. ''Hey, Aria! Come check this out!" she called. ''Yes, that's a snow globe Sonata.'' said Aria with disinterest for the item. "I know silly! Look closer!'' "Is that an octopus inside there?" Aria than approached her eye to the globe for a closer look. ''There's a living octopus inside the snow globe.'' she continued trying to understand what she just said. ''Aw Aria! Can we buy it? I've always wanted a pet!" Dave was starting to have hopes. ''No.'' ''Why not?'' ''Because you're dumb and you put in your mouth.'' ''Common Aria! I will take good care of this one!'' ''Sonata, last time we gave you some pet fish you ate them all a few minutes after. People like you are not meant to have pets.'' Dave froze. ''You know that I thought they were food!'' ''Sonata, neon fish are not food in this world." ''How was I supposed to know? We were top predators back in Equestria. We were eating everything small enough to be an easy prey." Once again, Dave had a sentiment transition. This time, from terror to confusion. ''If this was a ordinary fish, I wouldn't have cared but who knows? This octopus might be venomous.'' "Octopuses can't be venomous." "Yes, they can." "What do you know about octopuses?" "More than you!" Sonata than slapped Aria's nose. "Do not!" In return, Aria slapped her hair. "Do two!" "Are these two idiots really the ones who will decide if I am to live or die?" started Dave to think with loud voice, almost indifferent to the situation. "And what motive of dispute do you have now I wonder?" said Adagio while approaching the other two. "Adagio, are octopuses venomous?" asked Sonata. As the two girls were waiting for an answer, Adagio slapped her face. "And how... Just how in Equestria did you two started to argue over this?" "Well, we've found this octopus in this snow globe and than I've asked Aria if we can buy it. She said that not because she thinks that I will try to eat it and that this octopus is venomous and might kill me. So are octopuses venomous or not?" It took Adagio a little time to comprehend what Sonata just said. "Wait... There's an octopus in the snow globe?" she finally asked. "Yes." both Aria and Sonata answered at the same time. "That's it! I'm out!" Adagio declared. "So, can we buy it Aria?" asked Sonata again. "Fine! But I'm not feeding it!" The two than payed the price for the globe and followed Adagio as Dave was wondering what was going to happen to him.