//------------------------------// // The power of Fear // Story: When Worlds Collide // by Lon35hadow //------------------------------// Lone and the others were shocked for two reasons. The first, and smaller one, though just barely, was that Green Mist was planning on reviving Plasma. The second was that Cadence was with him. Right now, Green Mist, Cadence, and Shining, all wearing gloating smiles, looking at Lone and the others. "Cadence," Luna said, "Why?" Cadence scoffed before saying, "First of all, it's Mi Amore Cadenza to you traitors. Second, It's as revenge against Celestia, as well as any who are with her. You see, one of my ancestors was, in fact a changeling. My father, in fact. How they he a child with a pony is beyond me, but the gist of it is that he was seen as a threat by the ruler at the time, and Celestia here," she said, glaring a Celestia, "gave the order to kill both my parents, even though they got away. And she kept an eye on me, even separating me from my parents when her troops tried to kill them to ensure that I didn't become a threat. And then there's the fact that she made me an alicorn, which placed a mind control spell on me, though it was dormant, to make sure I didn't turn on her if I found out the truth. It was a few weeks ago that the Brotherhood came here, and it was Green Mist who showed me the truth. After the time it took for me to accept the fact, I renounced Celestia and joined the Brotherhood." As she said this, Lone noticed a glow coming from her sides where her cutie mark was located. "I helped them take control of the Empire shortly after. After that, we've been preparing both for your arrival, and for Plasma's rebirthing, which your friends were so kind to donate their body to." "And I'm happy to see that Chrysalis is here," Green Mist said. "Now, I can at least come closer to my goal." "While we," Shining said, "can have revenge on the bug that ruined our wedding, as well as her children." "But Shining," Metamorpha said, changeing back to Twilight, "it's me, your LSBFF." "Oh, we know," Cadence said. "Green Mist told us about that last week about your family. I knew there was a reason I didn't like you as much after the wedding." "Enough talk," Shining said. "Guards, kill them." It was then a voice recognized spoke up, saying, "I DON'T THINK SO, MOTHERBUCKERS," before a bolt of magic impacted on a group of guards causing an explosion that was seen where the pelicans were. From the hole created, three crystal ponies ran in, and stopped in front of Lone, giving off salutes before facing the guards, swords drawn. "Good to see you guys again, Radiant," Lone said to the mare directly in front of him. Radiant was a crystal earth pony with an iridescent red coat and blonde mane and tail with a crystal sword as her cutie mark. "Good to see you too, Lone," she said. "So," Cadence said, "more traitors." One of the stallions, a crystal pegasus with a green coat and a blue mane and tail and a sharp dagger as his cutie mark spoke up, "Yeah. What are you going to do, bitch!" "Heel, Saber," Lone said to the stallion, who's full name was Crystal Saber. "Yeah, yeah," Saber replied "So", the third pony, a mare with an iridescent whit coat, a black mane and tail, and a gemstone as her cutie mark said, "that's the crystal princess. Yeah, I don't see it." Snarling at this, Cadence said, "That's 'Empress' to you, insolent fools." "Anypony else think she sounds like Blueblood?" Lone said. "You dare compare me to him," Cadence said, anger being her entire voice. "Buck yeah we do," Radiance said, a confident grin on her face. "Kill them!" Cadence yelled before she, Shining, and Green Mist, their captives in tow. The circle of guards rushed them, spears and sword out. The first to counter was the third pony, whose name was Opal Shine, who created an ethereal blade, and cut the hafts of the spears of the guards in half, then cut off their heads. After that, it was Saber, who brought a clear saber out of the ground, leaped into the air, and proceed to cut off three guards heads before landing in a the center of a group of then, which he spun around in a circle, decapitating them. "Yippe-Ki-fucking-yay," he said before he took flight, and engaged the other pegasai guards. Radiant was using her strength to rip the guards weapons from their hooves and magical grasps, and then throwing them back with pinpoint accuracy, always hitting them in the head or neck. The real threat to the guards, though, was Lone. He used his energy sword and magic blasts in equal amount, his sword cleanly cutting off heads, while his shots went through many guards, and always through the heart. Sawn was using his plasma pistol to great effect, as each shot took one guard out of the fight. Hades was, literally, tearing ponies in half with his bare hands. John and the other Spartans were using their weapons to kill the unicorns that stayed at range. Pinkie and those with biotics were causing explosion all around and covering the others with biotic fields. Garrus, Zaeed, the three changelings, and Applejack were taking care any ponies that came too close and the others missed. Once enough guards were killed, meaning around one hundred, Lone said, "I'm going after them!" "You sure about that, Lone," Radiance said while cutting a guard in half with his own blade. "We need to make sure Plasma doesn't rise, Radiance, and we both know I'm the only one that has a chance at that!" Nodding, the mare said, "Then good luck, Lone." "Right," Lone said, then he turned to Ken and said, "Ken, make sure Evac is on their way here." "Got it," Ken said, shooting down a guard before reaching down to his thigh and tossing Lone an energy sword hilt. "Give 'em hell." Before Lone could say anything in response, Luna waked up to him and gave him a small kiss, a peck, really, on the lips. "Make sure to come back." Smiling, Lone said, "I will. You forget. I'm a motherbucking Shadow," before melting into shadows and racing off in the direction Cadence, Shining, and Green Mist had gone off in. A few minutes later Lone materialized from the shadows inside the crystal palace to see ten robed members of the Brotherhood in a cricle, Ashley and the others suspended mid-air, in a circle themselves, with Celestia in the middle. Under them was a circle of green flame with runes in it, following the circumference. The robed members were chanting in what Lone instantly recognized as ancient Equish, a language that had died long before Luna and Celestia had taken power. In a triangle formation around them were Shining Armor, Cadence, both of which now wore ashen gray plate mail armor that rippled, showing how many enchantment had been laid on them, and Green Mist, who wore red and gray armor that covered every inch of his body. They watched the chanters from their positions, their gazes icy, and harsh. "Before Equis was created," the chanters spoke at once in ancient Equish, "there was a single being. He created worlds, and breathed in life to many races. One day, he created Equis, and gave the ponies the gift of intelligence. He was considered a god. "Then, one faithful day, years after he created them, the ponies rose up against him with no reason. They united under the banner of Lone Shadow, who struck down the great king. "Long have we, his faithful followers, searched for ways to revive him, and now, we shall," they said, with Green Mist bringing a small knife from his armor and lowering Ashley and the others down into the runed circle, which seemed to glow brighter the closer they got. "With these gifts of flesh," he said, "may he regain his body from the void." Ashley and the others touched the flames, and disappeared. Before they could do anything else, though, Lone tried to rush at them, only to be stopped by a force field. Damn it. He activated his radio and said, "Ken, what's the status of the pelicans?" "We're getting in now. Where are you?" "Top floor. Tell Rainbow and Thel to get the missiles ready. We need them to get to Celestia." "Copy that. We just lifted off. Just let us know when you need them." "Yesterday!" "On it." Shining was next to speak, taking hold of the knife and holding it up to Celestia. He cut her on the left foreleg, saying, "With this sacrament of blood, may he regain the life that was taken from him." "Cleared hot, Lone. Stand back," Ken said. A second later, he said, "FIRE!!" The missiles impacted on the wall to Lone's left, creating a large hole, but the force filed shimmered, not breaking. Looks like there's only one option left, Lone though to himself before lighting his horn. In every pony, there is a dark side, one that gives them much more power, though few could access it. Metamorpha had a few times while she was Twilight. Chitinia had been put in one by the inspiration manifestation spell. Luna had become Nightmare Moon. Some would argue that both of the former princesses had control of it, but that wasn't true. Lone was another pony that could access this dark side. This is what he was doing now. His body now looked like the black of space, and his mane and tail were now, truly, on fire at the edges. His teeth became more similar to human teeth, some becoming even sharper than the human equivalent. His eyes now resembled those of Nightmare Moon, in the fact they looked like dragon eyes. His build became more muscular, but sleeker as well. This form was called Fear Bringer, and with good reason, as any who survived fighting him, which was rare, never slept well again, and many killed themselves to escape him. There was one difference between Lone and many others who were able to access their dark side, though. He could control it, but only barely. Amplifying his voice, which was deeper than before, with a spell, he said, "GET OUT OF HERE, GUYS!! I'LL TAKE CARE OF THIS!!" before he charged his horn, his magic now emerald green, whereas the previous shade was olive green. He sealed the hole in the wall, and fired a shot of magic at Cadence, aiming for her horn. The reason being is that Lone had seen spells like this before, and the last of the three sacrifices always needed the power of the most powerful adherent shot into the center. His shot connected with the force field, but the strength of it was enough for it to pierce it, and the beam flew true, and struck Cadence's horn just as she began to charge for her part. The alicorn fell down to the floor in pain, and this got the attention of the other two, as well as the chanters. Baring his predator-like teeth in a snarl, Fear said, "If you value your lives, run." To their credit, none of them ran, but rather pulled out their individual swords, Green Mist and Shining Armor both summoning ethereal blades, with the changeling still holding Celestia up. "KILL HIM!!" Green Mist yelled, pointing his sword at the black unicorn. In a gravelly voice, Fear, with a pleased smile on his face, said, "So be it." Fear, remember: Don't kill Shining or Cadence. If what I think is going on here is going on, then they aren't doing this of their free will, Lone said in Fear's head. The two could offer non-verbal input to the other, essentially meaning two minds inhabited a single body, a feat that none thought possible. Yeah, yeah, Lone. I may be the murderous version of you, but I still have a mind. Just remember, I can go back to my body at any second, and you have no control over it, and if you do kill them, you aren't coming back out. Fear rolled his eyes at that, and ignited the energy swords. Instead of the typical blueish-white blades, the swords now had red for the half of each blade closest to the hilt, while the rest was the same shade of red as Lone's highlights. The ten chanters were smarter than the Brotherhood members Lone fought before fleeing Canterlot. This wasn't enough to save the first five, though, as Fear was able to use his magic to crush their windpipes, killing them instantly. He then charged the other five, who were already halfway to him from the circle. He sliced his swords in an 'X' fashion, decapitating two of them. The other three stopped where they were and held their blades up in a blocking pose. Fear simply smirked, and raised pin point crystals out of the floor, impaling them, but not killing them. They withered in pain as Fear walked past them, his face down to the ground, his eyes facing them, the two energy swords out by his sides. Shining ran at him, his sword up, but Fear simply side stepped him and fired a concussive, but non-fatal, blast of magic at him, knocking him out. He then looked to the changeling. "We both know that I've won this, Mist," Fear said. "Just give up, and I might let you live." "Never," Green Mist said, and raised his blade to attack before a voice spoke up from behind one of the pillars. "Mist, you know he's right," Shadow Specter said, walking out from behind his hiding spot. "What are you doing here?" Green Mist snarled. "To tell you the Conclave wants you to return. They received word of this from our brothers, and told me to drag you back if I had to. Even they realize this is a failed venture, and that pursuing it at this moment will lead to the death of Plasma before he can return to power. Now, by order of the Conclave, return to the base." "Fine," Green Mist growled. He looked to Fear and told him, "You are lucky. When we meet next, you will die," before he enveloped himself, Cadence, and Shining Armor in red flames, and they were gone when the flames disappeared. The circle dissipated, and ghostly images of those used for the sacrifice appeared for a second, then vanished. Celestia then fell down before she was caught in Shadow's magic. "Take her," he said to fear. "I have no quarrel with you, Fear, but Lone, and I would rather face you when your at full strength, even if you can still take me." "What makes you think I won't kill you now," Fear said. "Because I know Lone is still in you, and that he won't allow you to kill a non-combatant." He passed Celestia to Fear, then said, "Lone, if you can hear me, the next time we meet, our fates will be decided." He then teleported away to the Brotherhood base, if Fear had to guess. He changed back to Lone, who then contacted Ken, saying, "Ken, this is Lone. Do you copy?" "HELL YES!" Ken yelled over the radio. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?" "Long story. I'll tell it once I'm with you guys. Where are you anyway?" "We're in the plaza, under the palace. Look, you might want to get here quick. Luna's extremely worried about you and Celestia." "Right. I'll get there asap. Be ready to move." "Got it." With that, Lone deactivated his radio and took Celestia in his magic, as she was put on the floor when Fear had turned back to Lone, and his magic, strangely, remained emerald green, and, carrying Celestia, went through the remains of the crystal palace, and to the pelican landing zone.