//------------------------------// // The Date // Story: Chaos and kindness: My Beautiful Bride // by Sapphire One //------------------------------// I snapped my friend's fingers and I instantly appeared in front of Fluttershy. She was giving instructions to Angel. "All you need to do is feed the rest of the animals. It really isn't that hard." I cleared my throat to let her know I was there. Her ears perked up when she heard my presence. "Discord! I didn't realize you were here! Just give me a second to straighten this bunny out." Angel gave a barely audible gulp. Fluttershy gave Angel the stare, the worst punishment that Fluttershy could give to one of her critters. I thought she was cute when she was angry. Wait what am I thinking! Well, maybe I did think that. When Angel got his stare out and he decided that he was going to obey. I zapped us back to the pocket dimension and we sat down and started to eat dinner. The first half of dinner was quiet and very uneventful. "So, Fluttershy, what do you do in your free time?" It was a stupid question but I couldn't bear any more silence. "I actually sing and do target practice." Fluttershy said. I wasn't surprised when she said singing, but target practice? "Um, target practice? I'd believe singing since I can hear you sing from here but I don't ever see you do target practice. What kind?" "I'm good on a slingshot and a BB gun, but the bow and arrow is my thing! Of course I wouldn't hurt anypony but I live so close to the Everfree Forest I need some type of defense. I can show you after we eat if you like, but what about you?" I thought for a moment or two to answer," I sometimes work on working my magic skills like doing chain teleports or hovering a glass of chocolate milk around the room without spilling a drop. I also create and fly model helicopters but feathering arrows and making bows are my favorite hobbies even if I don't know how to shoot them. If I run out of material I just think up some more or go pull a good one on Luna or Celestia." I said with a satisfied smile, thinking I had impressed her. "Do you make and feather the bows and arrow by hoof or by magic?" She asked. "By hoof of course! Even though I do tend to levitate it to where I need it or just to keep it steady to string them but the carving does feel weird if I do it by magic so I do that by hoof too." "Since we're done with eating we can show off our skills! You can make me a couple of arrows and a bow and I shoot! I have the perfect spot in the Everfree Forest where I go most of the time to practice. I can take you there." "Deal! I just go and get my tools and materials and I'll show you how to make one." I said with a wink. I disappeared to gather some fine oak once I had found the perfect pieces I tested it strength, bendy but doesn't break. Then I went further into the forest where just the other day I saw some pink Flamingos nesting and it was molting season for that type of bird. At least that was what the book in my paw said. I featured outwards till I found the springs that I had seen the birds fly towards. The birds were nesting but most of them were asleep. I quietly tiptoed deeper into the nesting grounds. I quickly spotted the alpha bird. The one with the deepest colored feathers. Sure enough he was on guard for his young and his mate who often had the darkest and glossiest beak. His mate was asleep. Her feathers matched Fluttershy's mane exactly! "Perfect." I said to myself. Around her there was at least forty feathers. I quickly picked them up and stepped away. Teleporting back to my pocket dimension where Fluttershy was waiting, I made sure to be less dramatic with my entrance. She was a little surprised when she saw me holding a bunch of flamingo feathers. "Discord! How did you get those? You didn't...." I cut her off. "No of course not! It's molting season for Flamingo's. I found an entire flock of them by a spring. I always feather arrows with real feathers. They fly much easier with real ones." She gave a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. What kind of wood is that?" "Oak." I tell her. "That's red Oak Discord! It's really rare! How did you?" I cut her off again. "A whole grove by the spring that the flamingos are nesting in." "That's amazing!" "I know, and back a while ago maybe ten or eleven years ago I found a pond in a hole in the ground. Behind a thicket where the brambles were thickest in the middle of the Everfree Forest. I happened to be carrying a red oak tree for Celestia and I fell in the hole. It was pretty deep in the Forest so I got lost but before I could teleport I fell in the hole. Surprisingly the plant didn't break. I knew that that red oak was probably the last of it's kind so. I came up with a spell but in a rhyme.Into your reflection you stare. So you're yearning for one whose reflection your share? Do you solemnly swear not to be scared of the prospect of being doubled in paired. I said the rhyme out loud and the tree sort of grew out of the water. I picked it up and had an idea. If I make enough I can make a grove and make Celestia happy by saving an entire plant from going extinct. I, uh, kinda had a slight crush on her back then, but, that was before she blasted me into an uncomfortable stone prison block. "Hey, about two years ago Pinkie fell into the same pool. But how come there's a legend about the mirror pool when Pinkie's granny told it to her about Seventeen years ago." "Oh, did I say seven? I meant seven hundred years. Celestia and I were friends back then. "Oh, well that makes some sense I guess. Oh well, let's get to work on the bow and the arrows."