Start of The Brood II Sweet No More

by king fireball

Chapter 1 Capture Sweetie Belle

The car stopped in front of the Manhattan Hotel building where the girls were staying at for a weekend getaway but it was all about to change. Starshine grabbed a desert eagle from his glove compartment then got out of the car along with Lightning Dust who was carrying a revolver.

"So how are we going to capture her? It's not as easy as you think." said Dust as they walked inside.

"I know, I know but I have an idea to sort of lead her away fro her friends." said Starshine.
Dust had actually enjoyed being around Starshine, in retrospect you could say she fell in love with him but then he told her that he was married to Adagio.

"Sweetie Belle normally comes out here to use the vending machine so when she comes out you put her in this body bag." explained Starshine who gave Dust a very clean but stabile body bag.

"Okay." said Lightning Dust with a sinister smile.

Sweetie Belle walked out of her hotel room and skipped down the hallway to go get a candy bar from the vending machine where Starshine and Dust were lying in wait.

"Now!" commanded Starshine.

Lightning Dust put the bag over Sweetie's head and knocked her out cold just to make sure she didn't scream for help. Starshine dragged Sweetie Belle outside and put her in the back seat of the car, shutting the door.

"Okay let's go before they find out what happened." said Lightning Dust as Starshine revved up the engine and sped off.

Rarity sat on the bed even though Pinkie kept jumping on it, making it difficult for Rarity to deal with her. She looked at her watch then looked at the door which made Rarity nervous.

Sweetie Belle what's taking so long? thought Rarity.
Applejack and Twilight exchanged confused looks on their faces, AJ got up from her chair and walked over to a nervous Rarity.

"Um Rarity you okay sugarcube?" asked Applejack worried.

"Yes I'm fine, it's just that Sweetie Belle isn't back yet." said Rarity.

"Maybe she's still choosing a snack, you know Rome wasn't built in a day Rarity." said Rainbow Dash who was balancing a soccer ball on her head.

Twilight closed her book then left the room to a vending machine on the ground she found 1 dollar and 75 cents lying there. She picked them up but on the dollar Twilight saw a bit of blood, it was good evidence to assume that Rarity's sister was no doubt kidnapped by someone. Twilight called her friends and they came running in like a herd of stampeding bulls.

"Oh no my little sister Sweetie Belle! She's..." said Rarity as she teared up.
Fluttershy hugged her tightly and Rarity cried harder in Shy's arms.

"What should we do Twilight?" asked Fluttershy who was still holding Rarity in her arms.

"Right now we should investigate where the blood leads." said Twilight.

"So we launch a spy mission and be secret agents in a quest to recapture Sweetie Belle?" said Pinkie in her normal excitement.

"Not quite, although we'll have to follow the blood trail." said Twilight.

Rainbow pointed to the blood drips leading outside their hotel room and they all ran out but it didn't give them much. Twilight wasn't ready to give up yet at least not for Rarity; she needed Sweetie Belle by any means.

"Damn it the trail's gone cold on us, now what?" said Dash.

Rarity inspected the tire track and noticed that this car was in a hurry to get out of here pretty quick, another thing caught her eye; it was Sweetie's bow that Rarity gave her as a birthday present. What is her bow doing here on the ground? thought Rarity.

Her cellphone went off and Sweetie was on the other line shaking and crying in fear.

"Big sister I've been captured and in a warehouse, please help me!" said Sweetie Belle frantically. That was enough to get Rarity's attention.

"Don't worry Sweetie Belle I'm going to get you very soon I promise." reassured Rarity as she hung up the phone.

"I can't believe she fell for that, I never knew your sister is that gullible." said Dust.

Sweetie has a sinister grin on her face as she laughed like a mad woman, knowing that she would lure Rarity into a trap then destroying her and the others as well. Starshine had known this plan was going to work from the moment Spitfire died from the poison Dust gave her.

"So when Rarity and her friends come we'll have a little surprise for them." said Starshine with an evil grin spread from ear to ear.