//------------------------------// // Saying Goodbye // Story: Adventures in College // by rainbow dagger //------------------------------// (sorain' thoughts) /spitfires thoughts\ I slowly started to wake up and took a look at the clock and it said 1:00 I heard no response. Still no response. I got up, took a shower and when I finished I got dried and got dressed. I made my way to the living room and started to play borderlands and got my usual soldier class and after about three and half hours of playing, spitfire woke up / *yawn*What time is it\ /Not funny\ /Knowing him any time, maybe after we leave, who knows and who really cares, I mean it's nice to have an intelligent person to talk to\ /So whatcha playing\ /Never heard of it\ /What makes you say that?\ /Whatever let me play\ just then one of my sisters woke up and came down the stairs and said "Morning,*yawn* wait your up, you're never up this early" "Well ever since I got out of the army I have been waking up pretty early and actually even before that" I got to the intro video and the the iconic song played and then I let spitfire take control "Riiiight, so whatcha playing? No wait let me guess" she thought about for a second "Borderlands" she said sarcastically "Well what else will I play? Call of Duty, I mean the game is great and all but it's overplayed and there are a bunch of party players and makes the game one sided, I mean it's cool and all being on the winning team but it sucks being on the other side, so that's why I play Borderlands its never one sided" after the whole intro spitfire choose the siren class. /Interesting ideals and I suppose you make a good point\ the pre-play thing finished and she started playing after that in a period of a couple of hours every one except Soarin' started to wake up and I turned off the system and asked everyone to gather around the table and when they did i said "now after last nights story I forgot to tell you some thing, about a week after I got the chip I noticed that I got super human healing" "Like Wolverine from X-men" said the 10 year old "Yes like Wolverine, now like I was saying I have super human healing and if I got shot or cut or something will be instantly healed now if I lost a limb or something it would take all day to grow back but I would still get it back and I got sorta of a special ability with the chip" "And that special ability is" said my dad "Can you put your arm out" and he did and I grabbed his arm "Do you trust me?" "Yes?" he said in a worried tone "Alright this is gonna hurt" before he was able to react I grabbed a descent sized knife from my leg and stabbed his arm and I pulled it back out and put the knife away and he pulled his arm back and covered with his other "AAAHHH WHAT THE FUCK! YOU STABBED ME IN THE ARM!" he screamed and the rest of the family was in shock "Now before you get to angry look back at your arm" he did and when he saw there was no damage in his arm his jaw dropped to the floor then the next thing that happened was that my dad hit me in the face and I ended up on the floor "Alright I deserved that and I'm sorry for not telling you about my plan but if I told you what I was gonna do would you still volunteer?" as I got up and dust myself off "Probably not" with anger still in his voice "Exactly, now what I got you with was a psychic knife and what a psychic knife was is when I stabbed you felt it, right?" "Yes I felt it but why was there no physical damage" "That what the psychic knife is, you feel the pain but there is no actual damage which is kind of cool if you ask me, now I created that knife with my mind and with the chip it created a physical model of it and bam there's a knife in my hand" and I held out my hand and a knife started to formed in my hand it started with the handle then the blade and it started with a red wire frame then the actual knife cover formed and when my family saw that there jaw dropped again /God, you are so immature\ "Sense your jaws are on the floor you might want to keep them there when you see this" I grabbed the knife and I stuck my arm out then stuck the tip of the knife in the base of my wrist then I started to grimace at the pain, then I continued to push the knife in to my arm till I felt bone and when I did I started to pull down on my arm and continued to the joint and when I got to the joint I pulled out the knife and then I stuck my thumb in the cut and pulled on the skin and muscle to show the bone to my family then I let go of the skin and when it was back in position it instantly healed up. Like I predicted their jaws were still on the floor /Oooooow what was that for because that really hurt\ as spitfire was rubbing her arm /probably not\ "well let me show you guys somthing cool, you know that borderlands game I like playing" they all shook their heads up and down then I stuck out my hand again and a revolver started to form again with a wire frame but this time it was blue and it started with the handle then the cylinder, then the barrel, and then finally the cover and it had a white paint with glowing yellow wires connected to a glowing light on the barrel and to glowing piece on the top of the handle” This is called 'the chimera' it shoots corrosive rounds, or when it hits something it starts to eat away at whatever the bullet touches, explosive rounds, or it explodes on contact, fire rounds, or if it hits something it instantly catches on fire, and last type is electric rounds, or if it hits something electricity starts to run through it" "and how exactly did you discover this power" questioned my dad "Well, when I was firing my weapon I was out of ammo but I was still firing lethal rounds, then I went to a bar at the base and there was a bit of a brawl and I pulled out my knife and the fight diden't stop so I pulled out my gun and fired at the ceiling, then when I got back to my room I saw both my knife and my gun was still on my bed and after some nights in my bed I formed my knife and cut my self like I showed you but got a different result and I got the same result when I stapped my dad, then I experimented with making different guns and weapon and that how discovered my power" "Cool" said one of my sisters and about a couple of hours and dozens of different weapons later I had to say goodbye to everyone in about a half an hour later we were all walking outside to put my bags in my car then my mom said "Whose car is that?" "Mine why?" I replied back "Well that’s a really nice car what is, and how you get it?" "The car name is a Chrysler ME four-twelve, it goes 0-60 in 2.8 seconds and 0-100 in 6.4 seconds, it’s a v12 engine and does a 1/4 mile in 10.4 seconds at 143 mph and how I got it is a long story" "She asked what it is, not the stats of the car, and we have time" said my dad "You may have time but I don't I need to leave soon" "When do you have to be at the college?" "Midnight or else I have to give up my spot in the room" "Oh, well since it’s almost ten that leaves almost 14 hours to get there, and it takes 6-8 hours, so why not tell us" "Fine if you want to know I will tell you, it was my friend's it the army, I saved his life and he put me in his will" "His will how old was he exactly?" Questioned my mom "He was 22 he was very prepared and when he got home, he was hit by a drunk driver a week after he got out and his lawyer found out I was in his will he got me leave of absence to attend the funeral and the will reading and I got the car" "Oh I well that's sad how is his family doing" said my dad lighting "His family miss him and so do I, but they are doing fine" /You know that's not true, they were having a party for his death when we got there\ /True and I guess you’re right, and you’re right they were kinda funny when they said your name\ and then as I was getting inside my car my dad pulled me aside and said "Son before you go for the last time come with me I have something to show you" and so he led me inside then up stares and in to the office and went to the filling cabinet pushed it out of the way and behind it was a small panel and in the panel was a letter, he grabbed the letter or scroll and gave it to me and said "We got this when we took you home" I opened it and it had lines and curves like they were letters but incomplete and there where big gaps in between each line or curve but there was something that caught my eye, it was three marks a orange crosshair pointed between the eyes of a skull, a yellow lightning bolt with wings, and a blue lightning bolt, but what I was focused on was the crosshairs like it was part of me or something then my dad said "I'm sorry for not telling you sooner but...I'm sorry but I have nothing to say, I'm just so sorry for not telling you sooner but I was told to give it to you when you go to college" "Who gave you this letter?" "A tall lady with pastel hair that looked like it was flowing in the wind constantly, but she gave me the letter as we were walking out of the adopt... I mean the hospital with you in your mother’s arms and told me to give it to you when you were going to college" and as he said that my mother walked in and next to my dad "Ok then now did I hear you say adopt?" I said with a concerned voice then my parents had a little conversion between themselves then my dad walked up and said " after all the years of keeping the truth from you me and your mother believe it is time for you to hear the truth" "What truth, what truth are you keeping from me for all these years" as I started to get more and more concerned "Well we hate to tell you this but your adopted" when I heard that I started to laugh then so did my parents but they where had a sorta forced laugh, then I walked up to my dad and put my hands on his shoulders and stopped laughing and gave him a stare that would put medusa to shame and when he saw my eyes he was still as stone and then I pulled back my head and his head with enough force to break a 4x4 piece of wood and it knocked him out cold then my mother gasped at the sight she just saw /Oh my god\ /Ok\ then I looked at my mother I said "You think I diden't know that I was adopted?" she just shook her head "yes I knew, I had an idea that something was up when you two said atopt or adoption like over 100 times around me, but it wasen't till now that I was able to put the pieces together when he said adopt, now I don't mind that I was adopted but what I do mind is the fact that you two tried to lie to me for 22 years that I was your flesh and blood, thats what I can't handle and that fact that you coulden't tell me that I was adopted sooner" I just shook my head "now thats just sad thinking I couldn't handle the truth and you know what I'm sorry for everything that I have ever done, for being a jackass, for having little white lies, but I have never done any thing this bad so I am going for the last time and never coming back to this house" I pulled a bullet out of my pocket that was carved in to a rose and put it in my mothers hand and I said "I made this for you two to remember that there is life and death in the world and no matter what happens i will allways be there but now just remember the lie you tried to keep, now goodbye for the last time" I turned around and started walking out of the room and grabbed the letter on the way out and when I got to the door I turned my head and said "When he wakes tell him what I told you" and then I continued to walk out of the house when I got outside I saw my little sisters examining my car and when they saw me they lined up next to the driver door and when I got to them I got on my knee and hugged them close and I said "Never lie, never cheat, and follow your dreams" I released them and looked at their smilling faces and they replied "we will" "I love you both and never forget that ever and so do mom and dad" I got up and they opened the door to my car and I got in closed the door and they started to walk away then the little one turned around and ran back and gave me a little orange pony and she said "This is appleJack she represents honesty and she reminds me of you and I want you to have her" "thank you I will put her right here" and I put the toy on the dashboard "I love you very much but now I have to go" I took off as my sister was waving good by then about a fue minutes later soarin' woke and said (*yawn* What time is it and what I miss) (Why what happened) /I'll tell you on the way\ (It better be good)