//------------------------------// // Paintball's Weird-Ass Life // Story: Rainbow's Love of Paints // by rainbowshy459 //------------------------------// Paintball was walking alongside Big E as they maneuvered their way through the forests to their house. She was smiling dreamily as she thought of Rainbow. "What's got your head up in the clouds?" Big E asked with a smirk. Paintball blinked, shook her head, and turned to her teal-eyed 'brother'. "Huh?" She asked with big eyes. Big E shook his head. "You had a weird dreamy look on your face." He said as her cheeks flushed a pink. Then, he smiled. "It's about her, isn't it?" Big E asked, smirk still on his face. Paintball blushed. "N-No!" she said, blushing and pouting. Big E smiled and patted her head. "Sure it isn't." He smiled, earning protests from Paintball. Once they entered the house, they were greeted by one of their other sisters, Ruby Glow. "Hey E, Paint." She said, smiling and retreating back into the kitchen with Sunset Shimmer. "What'r you guys doing in there?" Big E asked as Paintball smiled, waved, then went upstairs to her room to do her homework. "We're making dinner." Ruby said, smiling at Big E. "Where did Paint go?" Sunset asked. "She had homework." Big E said. "Then, she's probably gonna watch Pretty Little Liars." Ruby said, shaking her head as she boiled water. "Most Likely." Big E said, going into the kitchen to help. "Where are the others?" Big E asked. "Uh..." Ruby thought, then she turned to Big E to answer so Sunset could take over. "Metal went to the Market to get more soda, Neko's at the Mall, and Felicity's at work." Ruby said, shooing Sunset away so the girl could wash the dishes. BIg E nodded. "Oh, and Paintball's in love." Big E said, leaving with a smirk. He knew Ruby wouldn't be able to not ask. Instantly, Ruby gave the Dinner duty to Sunset and ran after Big E. "W-What?" Ruby asked. Sunset put the Dinner on hold and ran after Ruby. "Boy or Girl?" She asked, leaning over Ruby. BIg E rolled his yes. "Yes, and a girl." He said. Ruby and Sunset leaned closer. Apparently, Paintball chose this time to come downstairs. "So, who is it? Who does Paintball love, already!?" Ruby asked impatiently. "NO ONE! DON'T BELIEVE WHATEVER BIG E TOLD YOU!!" Paintball yelled. Big E smirked and leaned closer. "It's one of her cousin's friends." He whispered. "Who!? WHO, DAMMIT!?" Ruby said, shaking him. He stopped her and leaned closer to both girls. "It's Rainbow Dash!" He yelled, Paintball yelled protests as she ran back upstairs. "Aww, that's so cute!" Sunset cooed. Ruby crossed her arms. "Who's this Rainbow Dash, Paintball?" Ruby yelled, sounding like a stern mother. "NO ONE!!" Paintball yelled through her door. "Rainbow Dash and Paintball sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!" Sunset and Big E yelled up at the door. "SHUT! UP!!" Paintball yelled like a true teenager. Sunset and Big E laughed while Ruby was talking like a stern mother. Metal Sound, Neko Chan, and Felicity Daze had walked in, but when they heard all the yelling, they pressed against the door and patiently waited for Ruby, Sunset, and Big E to notice they were home. "Nothing has prepared me for this..." Felicity said, Metal and Neko agreeing.