//------------------------------// // Homecoming // Story: Sweetness to a Mercenary // by Striker Flash //------------------------------// In the land known as Equestria there are many places that a pony could visit. Canterlot, The Crystal Empire, and many other places, but one place in particular always seems to stick out. A small little town where a lot of things can happen. A place better known as Ponyville. It was an ordinary day for the ponies of Ponyville well, most of them anyways. All the way in Rarity’s shop a young mare sat moping about some stallion that she had lost years ago. “Come now dearie you mustn’t look so down. He isn’t going to come back because you’re pouting. You need to move on with your life and be the mare that you are.” A white mare spoke with blue-violet locks said as she worked on different pieces of clothing. “It’s not as simple as you might think Rarity. I can’t ever stop thinking about him, the only time I didn’t really think about him was when I got my cutie mark with my friends.” Another white mare spoke out only she had a pink and lightly purpled striped mane and tail. On her flank was a golden heart with musical notes saying that she was a born singer, even if sometimes she had her moments of ill words, and she also cared for everything immensely but not as much as a certain stallion. But her voice was lovely, that of a princess one might say. And her looks only helped her voice when it came to the stallions around Ponyville. “Sweetie Belle you’ve been worried about him for ten whole years now. Don’t you think that’s a little long to be waiting for somepony? You have many other stallions in line waiting for you to go out on dates with them and you say no because of what you did ten years ago?” Rarity said slightly hurting her little sister. Alright folks time for some info on this world. This story takes place ten years after Twilight becomes a princess. Sweetie Belle and her friends have all found their cutie marks but are still the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They just help others find their cutie marks. However Belle hasn’t exactly been herself since a friend of hers, a really close friend, left Ponyville. She hasn’t been able to think about anypony else. Rarity wasn’t lying when she said that there was a line of stallions waiting to take her out. Sweetie Belle and her friends are some of the most gorgeous mares in Ponyville right now. Well Scootaloo is alright but you get what I mean. I hope. “Rarity you don’t get it. I haven’t felt this way about any other pony.” Sweetie said as she looked out a window her eyes ready to tear up. They always did when she thought of him, which was a lot. “Sis I wanted to be with him when I was seven but he left and now I don’t want to be with anypony because I’ll just end up talking about him and they’ll leave me.” “Sweetie Belle I doubt that anypony would leave you. I mean Spike hasn’t left me and he’s had every opportunity to do so.” Yes everyone Spike and Rarity are together in this story but don’t worry Spike is a lot more mature now and can actually do things that no one probably thought possible. Also they have a dragon-filly hybrid child. Newborn and looks like her mother only had Spike’s colors when it goes to the baby’s mane and tail. The baby is an alicorn which is a little strange because Spike doesn’t have any wings or anything like that. But it’s what happened and they call her Sapphire for her eyes. “But Rarity, Spike’s always loved you. Ever since the first day he met you he was in love with you and it only took him about seven years to confess to you.” Belle said sort of downing what Rarity was saying. “That dumb dragon would do anything for you. I just want to see him one more time and then I’ll get over him. But that likelihood is equal to Scootaloo crashing on her scooter. Meaning that is never going to happen.” KNOCK, KNOCK! Belle and Rarity both looked toward the door. It was banged on again and Belle got up to go see who it was. “C’mon Sweetie Belle we have work to do.” A bright yellow mare said on the opposite side of the door. Belle immediately recognized the voice as her friend Apple Bloom. Belle didn’t want to open the door but she knew that Bloom would just kick it down if she didn’t open it. Belle opened the door to see her friend standing there with a cart full of papers. They had been chosen by the town to set up fliers for this year’s festival for Princess Twilight. “We gotta get moving or we’ll never get done. Scootaloo’s already started but we have to help or we’re gonna be in trouble.” “Alright I’m coming. Rarity! I’m heading out with Apple Bloom! Be home before dinner!” Belle said as she walked out of the house. “Rarity is everything alright?” A purple and green dragon a foot taller than Rarity said as he came down the stairs. “Oh Spike it’s nothing really just Sweetie Belle thinking of that stallion again. She can’t seem to get over him, I think it’s just a waste of time for her to keep hoping that he’ll return. I mean he hasn’t for ten years so why would he now?” Rarity said putting her front hooves in Spike’s hands. “It just makes me so angry that she can’t move on with her life. I just want her to be happy.” “I want the same thing you do, she’s my little sister too you know.” Spike said as he looked into his mare’s eyes. “She’ll be alright you’ll see Rarity.” “I truly hope you’re right Spike because I won’t be able to see her unhappy for much longer. I’ll find that stallion myself if it means seeing her smile again.” Rarity was tired of seeing the fake smiles that came from her sister. She wanted to see that sister that was always trying to get her cutie mark. “It’s been so long since she’s ever truly smiled that I doubt anypony would recognize it.” “C’mon now Rarity, that’s not how you should talk about your sister. We need to be thinking of ways to make her happy not how we can uh…um…you know worry about ourselves. If we really want her to smile we have to find him but we can’t leave the store right now, not until we have more hooves on deck to help us.” Spike was doing his best to be supportive of both his wife and his sister-in-law. However he wasn’t doing that great of a job, but he was trying at least. “Spike I understand that and what do you think I have been trying to do for the past ten years? I’ve tried everything to make her smile but it seems that no matter how hard I try that stallion keeps bringing her down. I feel like I’ve failed in being her older sister.” Rarity truly felt everything she was saying for those who think she’s just being dramatic. “We should get to work now, that’ll get your mind off this Rarity, it always seemed to do the trick before.” Spike said wanting to see his wife smile again. Now if only he could make them both happy. That’s the key to Spike’s happiness. However he couldn’t seem to remember what that stallion’s name was. He began to think but he couldn’t get it. The only thing he was able to remember was the letter A, but that was it. Nothing else came. It has definitely been some time since he thought of him but it didn’t matter there was still the picture of him but it was from when he was a young colt. By now he’d be a stallion so they really had nothing to go on. They began to hope that he would soon be coming to Ponyville. There was a new pony coming to work at Sugarcube Corner but the likelihood of it being him was very low. However all one could do was hope that it was. At least, for Sweetie Belle’s sake that is. ………………………….. “Ponyville? Thought I’d never come back to this place.” A stallion with a black coat and a dark blood red mane and tail said as he looked at the town from just beyond the line that Ponyville was in. On his back was a cloak that covered his face and bat like wings, and under the cloak was a katana sword, blood red like his mane. It was a very special sword that’s descended from a legendary dragon. That being said, his hooves weren’t really hooves. They were claws, some you would probably find on a demon or monster. Then again he was part monster, being his father was a monster and his mother was an ordinary earth pony. He was not an alicorn, but he did have a horn. Only his horn is more rhino shaped than unicorn shaped. When it came to magic he had little to absolutely no experience. The horn really only added more to his monster appeal. “I wonder if she’s still here. I hope not, I’m here for a job and to make a new living. I’m not here to bring back old, bad memories.” The stallion walked into Ponyville and was taken by how little the placed seemed to have changed since he was last here. He began to turn around to see all of Ponyville as he was beginning to get excited. Unfortunately he wasn’t paying attention to where he was going and accidentally ran into somepony knocking her down. The stallion turned to see a white mare with a pink and light purple streaked mane and tail. A golden heart with musical notes on her flank. She sat up rubbing her head with her hoof. The stallion blushed because he had never seen such beauty before. She was amazing to look at and he didn’t want to look away but at the same time he wanted to get to Sugarcube Corner as fast as he could. “I’m so sorry are you alright?” The stallion asked offering his claw to the mare. “Oh I’m fine and…are those claws?” The mare asked looking up into the stallion’s eyes before gasping with surprise. “Heh, you’re not the first to do that so I’m alright with it. Yeah I have claws in place of hooves. I’m part monster, but I’m a nice guy. Don’t worry I’m not going to bite you or anything like that. So what’s your name? My name’s Asher.” The stallion said smiling to the mare trying to be friendly. The mare suddenly began to shiver as though she were freezing. Asher saw this and backed up slightly as a crowd began to form around them. He started thinking how he could possibly explain the mare’s reaction to him. More importantly he was thinking how he was going to explain what he was. Asher looked into her eyes or at least attempted to and found that she had begun to cry. “Hey don’t cry, is it something I said? Please don’t cry I can’t stand it when a mare cries.” Asher was hopeless when a mare or any form of female cried for that matter. He was a softie in that regard. Even if it was fake he couldn’t stand it and would do everything in his power to make the mare or filly happy. “Just tell me what’s wrong and I’ll do whatever is necessary to make it better.” “Are you going to be leaving here anytime soon?” The mare asked still shaking from emotional means. “No I have a job here now at Sugarcube Corner. I plan on living here for the rest of my life. At least that’s the plan but as long as nothing comes up I won’t be leaving. Does that make you feel any better?” Asher said trying his best to make the mare stop crying but that only seemed to increase her tears. Asher was about to try and stop her by other means until the mare really looked into his eyes. That’s when he remembered the filly that had hurt him ten years ago. “Belle?” He asked the mare who proceeded to tackle him to the floor. Asher didn’t want to hurt the mare so he didn’t do anything to stop her, but he couldn’t believe it. “Asher, thank Celestia you’re alright! I’ve been worried sick about you! Where have you been all this time?” Sweetie Belle was really happy to see Asher. She thought that she would never see him again, and yet here he was under her looking at her not exactly friendly like. “I’ve missed you so much words can’t describe how glad I am to see you!” “Can you get off of me please before I throw you off?” Asher said somewhat bluntly. He didn’t want to be around this mare for that much longer. “Oh sorry I got too carried away with my emotions. I didn’t mean to tackle you.” Sweetie Belle said as she quickly got off of him. Asher stood up on his claws and wiped the dirt from his cloak. “Asher how are you, is everything alright?” Asher wasn’t particularly happy to see Sweetie Belle. “Yeah just peachy, what do you want? I’ve already answered your questions, so if there’s nothing else I have to be going.” Asher said as he began to walk away. However, Sweetie Belle wasn’t about to let him get away that easily. “Wait I’ll go with you!” Sweetie Belle said as she caught up to him. Asher turned around drawing his blade holding it just below her throat. “I don’t think so. Listen I didn’t come back to be friends with you. In fact I was hoping I would never see you again. That’s my luck for ya. Just leave me alone, I don’t want to have to hurt you.” Asher wasn’t exactly being sarcastic or jokey as one might say. “I’ve killed a few mares in the past and I’m not afraid to add more to the list.” “Wait you killed other mares? What exactly were you doing before you came here and where did you get that.” She asked still a little shocked that he would even think of hurting her. “I don’t need to tell you anything traitor. All you need to know is that I won’t be spending any time near your house or your family. I don’t want anything to do with you and I’d appreciate it if you would accept this.” Asher put the sword back in its scabbard before he headed down the road for Sugarcube Corner. “Traitor? So he’s still angry about what happened ten years ago. But that’s not what matters right now. What matters is that he’s back! WOOHOO!” She shouted as she began to jump around like Pinkie Pie would. “Sweetie Belle?” Rarity and Spike said as they glanced over at the hopping mare. They had a stroller where their small filly lay reaching out for her father. “Sweetie Belle what’s got you so jumpy?” Spike asked as they walked over to her with slight hesitation. They couldn’t tell if she’s gone crazy or whether she’s finally realized the stallion's not coming back. “Asher! He’s back! Oh I’m so happy right now.” Sweetie Belle said as she continued to jump up and down repeatedly. “He’s back, the stallion you’ve been so worried about? How can that be? More importantly why isn’t he here with you?” Rarity asked looking at her over jubilated sister. “Will you stop jumping so that we can have a proper conversation? Or am I going to have to make you stop jumping?” At that Sweetie Belle seized her jumping and smiled at her sister with a little blushing on her cheeks. “Where has he gone now? I thought he would be with you right now sense you two used to be such great friends. Or does he not remember you?” “He remembers me and he remembers how I hurt him. I was hoping that he didn’t but well that’s my luck for you. Anyway he’s headed over to Sugarcube Corner. I don’t know why but I’m about to head over there myself to see what he’s doing here.” Belle said as she started heading in the direction of Sugarcube Corner. Rarity and Spike were a little worried that something might be wrong and decided to follow Sweetie Belle just in case. Asher walked forward keeping his eyes peeled for that mare he so did not want to be with right now. Just the thought of being near her made him angry. He tore the thoughts from his head and found himself at the door to Sugarcube Corner. “Finally.” He sighed as he opened the door getting the ringing of a little bell on top of the door. “Hello? Misses Cup Cake, Mister Carrot Cake? Are you here?” “Oh Asher how nice it is to see you again. I see you decided to take us up on our offer.” Cup Cake a cotton candy blue mare said as she came from out of the kitchen. “Ah yes it is nice to see you.” Carrot cake, a lighter orange stallion said coming also from the kitchen. “We used to have another pony living here but after she got married she moved out to live with him. It’s a little empty here without her around. Quiet to, but we get around. She sometimes comes and babysits the kids when we have to go out.” “I remember her. Pinkie Pie, the craziest pony in Ponyville. She was a riot. I wonder who she got married to anyway?” Asher asked as he placed his sword against the wall. The Cake couple looked at it then at each other with slight fear. “Oh are you worried about the katana? There’s no need to worry. I won’t be using it unless it’s absolutely necessary. Besides I quit that kind of job as you already know.” “We know, it’s just we don’t want our kids to get their hooves on it. We don’t want them to hurt themselves.” Carrot Cake said stating their fear to their newest employee. “They wouldn’t be able to do anything with it anyway. The sword is magic and only comes out with my touch. Not even magic can remove the sword from its scabbard. You’re the first ponies to think that you could even take my sword. It’s kind of funny.” Asher said removing his cloak from his back. His face had some scars on it from his past that has yet to be revealed. His blood red mane stretched down to his back, he really needed to shave it. “Can I use the restroom by any chance? I haven’t really given myself a trim in a while.” He said picking his sword back up with his claws. “It’s right upstairs Asher. Go right ahead and use it if you want.” Misses Cake said pointing upstairs. “Thanks. I’ll be down in a second to show you I can make cakes too. You haven’t seen what I’m capable of.” He said smiling heading up the stairs with his sword. He went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror and saw that he had really let his hair grow out. Normally a pony would just go to a stylist for a trim but not Asher. No he had a particular way of cutting his hair. He used his claw raising his hair and stretching it as far as it would go. He drew his katana staring at it for a while just because he hadn’t in some time. The scarlet blade shined even in the pale bathroom light. He swung it right behind him cleaving his mane right off. He looked at himself in the mirror after throwing the excess hair in the garbage. “Much better,” He said smiling at himself in the mirror. His mane was much shorter now. Only it spiked up somewhat like that mare Rainbow Dash he remembered back when he was just a colt, only his was a little longer. Even though it was spiked it still rested on his neck. When he looked into the mirror he could have sworn he was looking at an old friend. “If I didn’t know any better I’d say I look like Rainbow Dash. Wonder how that pegasus is doing anyway?” He remembered the mare fondly. She was a cool and collected pegasus mare who always wanted to be number one. Last he heard she had become the leader of the Wonderbolts and had gotten married to some other pegasus named Soarin. But beyond that he didn’t know that much. She was a celebrity, so getting info on her wasn't that hard. She was a good friend but he couldn’t stand that she allowed that Scootaloo to train under her. Okay folks for the sake of myself and your brains, I’m just going to say this now, he is not fond of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Yeah he pretty much hates all three of them. Anyways back to the story. He stretched out his wings making sure they didn’t get stiff like that one time. Taking off with stiffened wings is not fun at all. Looking at himself in the mirror he was slightly upset and disgusted. All he saw was somepony who was different and that everypony hated. Once he was done in the bathroom he went to his room and laid his cloak on the bed and just jumped onto it. He sighed feeling relieved that he didn’t have to walk anymore at least until tomorrow. He had spent the past three days walking with no food, but it was something he was used to anyways. At least with his profession. He was used to the one day a week eating regiment that came with what he did. Sure most of the things he did were a little savage and paid well but he had to pay extra so that others would actually sell things he needed for himself other than food. Food wasn’t really a top priority with Asher. Asher was drifting off into sleep when he heard what sounded like hooves hitting the stairs on their way up here. He had his claw on his sword ready for whatever it was that was coming. He didn’t want to be surprised so he listened closely and waited. When he saw a shadow he drew the sword and got into a fighting stance. “Alright who’s there?” Asher said, his voice was darker and sounded like a monster. “It’s just us Asher no need to get defensive.” Carrot Cake said putting a hoof out to tell him everything was okay and that he didn’t need to worry about anything. “I didn’t think you’d be so jumpy like that? Thought you said you were done with that job?” “Sorry about that.” Asher said scratching the back of his head as he sheathed the sword in the scabbard. His voice and look was normal again, a complete turn-around from where he was five seconds ago. “It’s just what I’ve done for the past ten years has made me a little edgy. I’m hoping that the town can calm that part of me down. I don't want to be stuck in the past anymore, if you know what I mean?” “It’s okay just don’t go swinging that sword around you might hurt the kids or something worse.” Asher raised his eyebrow because he couldn’t think of anything worse than hurting their kids. “Actually now that I think about that I don’t believe there is anything worse than hurting our kids.” Carrot Cake said as he laughed it off like some joke. However Cup Cake didn’t really see it as that. She gave him this sort of scowl of a look at least that’s what it looked like to Asher. Asher just hoped this wouldn’t turn out becoming a fight. That’s the last thing he needed. He just got here and he was exhausted from his travels. All he really wanted was something to eat. Before Mr. and Mrs. Cake could start fighting Asher stomach roared like that of a hungry lion. They both looked at him and saw him blushing a little bit. He was embarrassed that he couldn’t hold that in longer. But then again he hasn’t eaten in three days so you can’t blame the stallion’s stomach. “Oh sorry about that looks like my stomach is speaking for me now.” Asher said as he began to laugh about it. He was still a little embarrassed about it though. “Oh it’s alright Asher you have come a long way.” Mrs. Cake said trying to make him feel less embarrassed. “How long has it been since you ate anything anyways?” “Three days actually.” Asher said scratching the back of his head. Then his stomach blasted out again and Mr. and Mrs. Cake nodded their heads and got behind Asher. They then proceeded to start pushing him down the stairs and into the kitchen where he was then seated at a table. Asher had this really confused looked as he watched the Cakes start putting together what he hoped to be something eatable. “Alrighty then here we go.” Mrs. Cake said as she slammed down a large tray onto the table. The smashing of the tray actually had Asher wrapping his arms around his seat. He didn’t expect that mare to be so strong. “Sorry about that, it’s been so long since we have had to cook for someone other than ourselves that we got a little carried away.” Carried away? That was an understatement considering the enormous amount of food lying there on the table. However to Asher it was like Heaven had just opened its doors to him. He didn’t waste another second as he literally dived into the food, as Pinkie Pie would. “Well it looks like you really were hungry.” Carrot Cake said but Asher didn’t hear him. He wouldn’t have heard the world ending with how fast he was going into that food. Mr. and Mrs. Cake could tell that he wasn’t going to be very talkative until he was done eating. So they decided that they would go into the living room and just wait for him to be done. His manners aren’t exactly top notch one might say, at least not at that moment. He’s normally a very well mannered eater, even when it’s just small pieces of food that he would carry with him on one of his missions back in his past. Just before Asher was done the door to the shop opened. The little bell on the door that signaled someone coming in rang with a happy chime. Mr. and Mrs. Cake got up and went to the front of their house/shop. Standing there looking around was Sweetie Belle, she seemed to be looking for someone. “Sweetie Belle, what brings you here today?” Mrs. Cake asked wanting to get things rolling. “Oh hi Mrs. Cake, sorry for not saying that I was coming in, but I was wondering if Asher was here right now?” Belle asked looking rather in a hurry but still cute; pulling her head back with her head down and her eyes bulgy like a puppy’s. “Oh of course dear he’s inside having something to eat right now. The poor dear hasn’t eaten in three whole days.” Mrs. Cake said which actually had Belle’s eyes wide with both intrigue and worry. Why would that stallion not eat? From what she remembered that guy ate like a pig. He couldn’t get enough to eat, almost ate Rarity out of house and home if she hadn’t straightened him out. “But he looked just fine to us do you think he might have been lying to us dear?” Mrs. Cake asked her husband who just shrugged. “I mean his stomach growled like a lion’s, so he could have been lying.” “Well if I know Asher he’s just a hungry guy wanting food. That guy since he’s half monster he needs a lot more than a normal pony, or well he can eat more than a normal pony.” Belle said remembering that he used to be a living garbage dump. Again if not for Rarity he’d still be the same. “I’ll just go and see how he is or if he’s eaten too much.” Sweetie Belle walked into the kitchen humming away happy to be where her long lost friend was and found him lying on the ground…with his face on the ground. “ASHER!” Belle cried out as she rushed to his side and began to shake him hoping he didn’t eat too much that his stomach burst open. “Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay…” And she repeated that line about ten more times but we’ll fast forward to when he makes a small moaning sound. Belle opened her eyes and watched as Asher rolled over his stomach was like any normal pony’s stomach. So much for the funny stomach approach. Asher opened his eyes and saw Belle inches from his face and was startled propelling his forehead into hers. They hit and both of them were rubbing their heads. “What the hell Belle?” Asher shouted completely forgetting that kids lived here. Luckily they were at school, thank Celestia or God or whoever you thank in this damn world. “What do you mean you were face down in the ground and you expect me not to worry about you?” Belle asked somewhat sassily. Can’t blame her though, even if Asher hates her she still thinks of him as a close friend so she has her rights if that even is one. “I was worried about you.” “That’s the last thing I need, you worrying about me.” Asher said pouting I guess one might say. “Listen I haven’t eaten in three days so excuse me for stuffing my face!” “Wait you weren’t lying about that whole haven’t eaten in three days thing?” Belle asked actually shocked by his statement. “You thought I was lying?” Asher asked getting angrier now, “And you wonder why I don’t want you around me. Yes I haven’t eaten in three days, what is so surprising about that?” Asher was getting even more frustrated the more that Sweetie Belle was in the room. He just wanted her to leave. “I was wondering what were you doing before you came here?” Belle asked really excited about getting to catch up with Asher. Unfortunately Asher wasn’t in the catching up kind of mood. He shot his wings out causing a small gust of wind to go throughout the room. It threw Belle into the cabinets of the cakes kitchen almost knocking her out. Luckily he didn’t use that much force when he flapped his wings. Belle remembered how his wings were always different from a normal pegusai wings. They were bat like and really scary at some times. It only increased the fact that he was a monster but that’s not what Belle saw at all. No she saw the stallion of her dreams, who is not a vampire for all of you thinking that right now! She wanted to be with him but the way he was acting, it sounded to her that it was going to be some time before they were even able to talk with each other without Asher wanting to kill her but that didn’t mean she was going to give up. Nope she is as stubborn as Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Twilight and Rarity put together. Essence why she never stopped thinking about him for ten years. Asher just got up and went upstairs. Belle was a little surprised to see him leave in such a rude way. He didn’t even say a word to her, but then again he hates her so you can’t blame him. Asher went up to his temporary room and got his cloak and his sword and put them on. Belle was behind him when he got the cloak on his face. “Asher where are you going?” Belle asked somewhat like a mother would her child. Asher didn’t respond but instead jumped out of an open window he opened but before he got half way through the window he was surrounded by a blue light. He made a face that symbolized, you have got to be kidding me. “You’re not going anywhere until you answer my questions.” Belle said and then she proceeded to throw him into a wall. Asher hit the wall and left an impression on it as he fell to the floor. Asher was again face down on the floor. He raised his head and had this frustrated look on him. “Belle, what the hell was that for?” Asher asked getting up and waiving his claw around like he was slashing at something. “I want you to start answering my questions Asher.” Belle said as she started to walk toward him. Asher just sighed and stood up. Belle was a little surprised by this. “A-Are you going to answer my questions now?” “Nope.” Asher said as his wings unfurled and he flapped them once and a large gust of wind blasted into the room causing Sweetie Belle to go right into the wall. Asher was about to leave when he felt something in him stop him. He was literally inches from the window when it happened. He looked back and saw that Sweetie Belle was a little bruised up but his worry if that didn’t last very long. He put his hood on and jumped out of the window. When he landed he was still looking up at the window as though he had to. He huffed and walked away not looking back. Then he heard what sounded like someone using magic of some kind and flew into a tree. When the sound ended he saw Sweetie Belle standing where he was but a second ago. “Where the hell is he? I know he has to be around here somewhere.” After those words were said Belle ran off into the town. Asher felt he was safe after waiting five minutes in the tree. He spread his wings and flew back into his room taking his cloak and sword off of him and lay back in the bed. Asher was just happy that Sweetie Belle was finally off his tail. He didn’t need to worry about her anymore. He just let himself fall asleep so that he could prepare for the next day ahead. Outside of the home of the Cakes and Asher, Spike and Rarity, along with their hybrid baby, had seen that entire thing. They either saw it with their eyes or with the help of Rarity’s magic. She learned a few new tricks so that she could listen in on the baby in case any of their other ways of listening in on her didn’t work. Rarity didn’t like what she was heard from that little ‘conversation’ Asher and Belle just had. “Spike I think I now know why my sister is so hung over Asher.” Spike looked to his wife with intrigued eyes. “She really is in love with him. I don't think she’s going to get over him so easily.” “Hey at least she’s smiling again Rarity.” Spike said trying to make Rarity feel better. “At least that’s something.” “It is but what happens if she gets her heart broken? She could go into a even greater depression than she was already in.” The horrible thought made Rarity gasp and was then followed by, “That would be the WORST, POSSIBLE, THING. I don't want her to be even sadder because of some stallion who holds a grudge from over ten years ago.” “Rarity if I’ve learned anything from being with you, it’s that anything’s possible.” Rarity looked at Spike with a confused look. “I always thought you would never see me for who I was, so three years ago I decided to finally ask you out. I was mature enough for you but I feared you would reject me. You wouldn’t believe how happy I was when you said yes to me.” “Really? Why haven’t you told me before?” Rarity asked feeling like he wasn’t telling her everything. “The truth is I haven’t said anything about it because it turns out we both had the same feelings for each other.” Spike said putting one of his claws under her chin and holding it so that she was looking right into his eyes. “I didn’t want you to think that I didn’t really care about you or something like that. You never really saw me as I am now until I started to mature and learn to control my powers that were given to me. I thought at first you were only doing it to be with a cool dragon but you proved me wrong. I thank Celestia for giving me a chance with you and I thank you for loving me back.” “Okay I love the fact that you told me all this now but how does this have anything to do with Sweetie Belle and Asher becoming friends again?” Rarity asked getting irritated, for two reasons. One, Spike was taking too long to answer her questions and the baby was about to wake up. “What I am saying is that we don't really know what Asher is thinking.” Rarity was now confused because that’s not at all what that sounded like. “I mean you remember seeing him throw Sweetie Belle against that wall and he could have just left her but instead he hesitated. That means that there’s still a part of him that must see her as a friend or he wouldn’t have done that.” “Dear me, Spike you're a genius.” Rarity gave Spike a kiss on the cheek and started to jump around like she was about to get a case full of the finest jewels in all of Equestria. Spike was just happy to see Rarity no longer looking so gloomy. “Alright but how are we supposed to get them to become friends again?” “I don't know Rarity but we’ll think of something.” Spike said as they began to head home. However Spike wasn’t really sure they could get Asher to be friends with Sweetie Belle again. After all she did something that made Asher hate not only Sweetie Belle and the Cutie Mark Crusaders but also their entire families as well. All he could hope for was that Asher would come around, but he planned on doing whatever it took to get them to be friends again no matter what.