//------------------------------// // The Meetings // Story: A Whole New World // by Rosebadwolf //------------------------------// "Sombra." The king spun around in disbelief to face his beautiful princess. Her eyes were filled with love and sadness as she gazed upon him. He smiled and replied in a chipper tone, happy to finally be with her once again. "Celestia." The princess of the sun gazed at her smiling love and smiled back for him. She knew their relationship could fade, or their worlds could be separated, or the mirror could shatter, but to her all that did not matter, for she was with him again. The two spent their time together in the forest, making certain to not get caught due to the alternate Celestia being a bigger threat than ever. Sombra spoke of the trade the alternate offered, and while Celestia would have not considered it before, Twilight was now a princess with the elements, and Luna was just as powerful, if not more powerful, than Celestia herself. Sombra held her close and told her not to make a decision to rashly, and Celestia agreed. The two talked about nonsense things, with Sombra revealing advancements in Science and Technology, while Celestia spoke of the elements of harmony and discovering more about the magic of friendship-Sombra always got a chuckle out of that- with Sombra revealing that the magic of friendship was a storybook fascination in his own world modernly. Celestia laughed with him, before having to depart. She left him with a kiss before teleporting to the mirror and activating it. On the other side of the mirror was Luna, who had been panicking for hours over her sister disappearing. Celestia revealed about the portal and decided to explain fully to all three of her fellow princess. Once they gathered she began to explain the situation in the parell world. "Sister, You mean to tell us you are actually considering this?" Luna gasped out once Celestia finished her tale. "Yes." Celestia replied numb to her sister's shock. "Princess, What if the elements don't stop them when they get over here?" Twilight replied, needing to know incase her mentor choose the option of romance over her country. "Then the three alicorn magics should be able to cast them away." Celestia replied warmly, glad somepony was a little bit accepting. "Aunt Celestia, Isn't this a little bit irrational?" Cadence replied cautiously. "Cadence, you are the princess of love, are you not? Can you not sense what I feel right now?" Celestia asked emotionally, feeling the adrenaline of expressing her love flow through her veins. Cadence replied cautiously, "Celestia, I'd need to cast a mind spell to be certain and-" "Then cast it" Celestia replied, cutting Cadence off. "What?" Cadence replied, shocked. "I told you. Cast the spell." Celestia stated confidently. "Al-alright. I'll do it." A few moments of casting and traversing Celestia's mind later.... "She was not lying. This is true love. If she does not go to him, it will be impossible to get this back." Cadence told the others once back in her own head. "Sister, I think you should not go, Equestria needs you." Luna cautioned staring into her sister's eyes revealing her worry to the one pony who would, hopefully, understand. "Luna, Sombra needs her as well." Cadence replied from across the meeting table. Leading to Luna gaping in shock before replying desperately with, "We need her here more. Twilight, you agree with me right?" Twilight was numb to the situation. She was in shock at her mentor's affections, but everypony deserved to have someone in their lives. "Umm..." "See? She agrees with me! Go to him Celestia." Cadence replied happily. "No, 'Um' is not a negative or positive. She is still undecided!" Luna imputed, desperately trying to win over her sister. "Twilight, please back me up here." Cadence stated, shocked by Luna's desperation. "I think..." Twilight started of unsure of her words. "Yes?" the Two princesses thought while leaning on the edge of their chairs. "...that it is Princess Celestia's decision." Twilight finished, feeling confident in her decision to let another pony decide. "COME ON!" The two shouted in offense. "Thank you Twilight." Celestia whispered to her prized, former, student. "No problem Princess." Twilight responded quickly, enjoying the show of the other two princesses arguing over such a decision that was truly only one pony's decision. "Go Celestia Go!" Cadence cheered attempting to pin Luna to the ground. "NO! The ponies need her!" Luna shouted while teleporting to the side of Cadence. "Twilight, do you think we should leave them argue this out?" Celestia asked, turning her head to Twilight and proceeding to walk out of the meeting hall. "I believe that that is a good idea, Princess." Twilight stated, following her mentor, slamming the door behind her, leaving the two inside to settle their brawl. "LUNA YOU'RE MESSING UP MY MANE!" "YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE YOU TACKLED ME TO THE FLOOR!" "YOU SHOULDN'T INTERFERE IN MATTERS OF THE HEART!" "IT IS A POLITICAL EXCHANGE! I KNOW MORE ABOUT THOSE THAN YOU DO!" "I RULE AN EMPIRE!" "SO DO I!" "With your SISTER!" "YOU DO THE SAME WITH SHINING ARMOR!" "THAT'S TOTALLY DIFFERENT!" "NOT REALLY!"