Phantom War IV: Return of the Phantom Consortium

by Danny Eclipse

Meeting with Royalty and Friends

The next day…

I was on the flight deck with the rest of the team. A few minutes ago, I had ordered Trypticon to take the cloaking offline. I was waiting patiently for our party to arrive and finally, I saw it. I saw a shuttle in the distance. The shuttle had lowered its landing gear and when it finished landing, the landing ramp lowered. I held my hood up, keeping my identity hidden. First, Rainbow and Applejack came out, followed by Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity. Then came Charming Thunder and Twilight Sparkle. Finally, Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadance came out and with them, following closely, was Discord. When they were among the flight deck, I smiled.

Charming said hostile-like “Alright, we are here…Now start talking.”

“Hostilities? I thought we agree to not show hostilities.”

Celestia asked calmly “Who are you?”

“That’s the question, isn’t it? Who am I? Well, might as well show you all.”

Brutalight asked me “You think that’s wise?”

“Dear Princess Brutalight, do you object?”

Brutalight said “No…”

“Then let them be on equal ground.” I replied.

I uncap my cloak and the wind took the cloak off, revealing my true identity. They all gasped at my appearance.

Mane 6, Princesses, and Charming shouted in unison “DANNY!?!”

I smiled and replied “Hello everypony.”

Discord asked “Who’s he?”

Luna replied, still shocked “He’s my son, Discord.”

“I am Danny Eclipse, Son of Princess Luna…and King Sombra! I am the twin brother of Charming Thunder! I am the Emperor of the Griffin Empire, former leader of the Phantom Consortium, leader of Team Insanity, and Champion of Unicron.”

I smiled at their reactions. It was utter shock and disbelief.

“Never expected it was me, didn’t you?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

They all nodded in unison. I smiled a bit more.

Charming said “So, you are my brother…”

“Indeed Charming. If you want proof, Luna and Sombra can confirm it.”

Luna confirmed “He speaks the truth.”

Discord asked, accusing “What I don’t get is why free the Elements of Insanity?”

“Because of the Dawning of Darkness. It’s a prophecy that tells the doom of Equestria, unless Harmony and Insanity didn’t unite. I wanted this to happen so we can talk things over. But first…Discord is going to promise under the Pinkie Promise that he will never use his magic against the Elements of Insanity and other Insanity Freaks unless they have done a pure evil deed and no wiping them from existences, just seal away their freak powers and everything.” I told them.

Discord groaned in response. He hated that deal a lot. Not only will he doing that but he will never be able to stop them unless they have committed an evil deed.

“Promise or no deal for an alliance with Team Insanity.” I said.

Discord groans and struggles but finally sigh in defeat and replied “Fine. I cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

I smiled, knowing he will have to keep up to the promise otherwise the Elements of Harmony would be used against him.

“Alright. Now we have that out of the way, let us continue to main goal here. Me and Princess Brutalight would like discuss some terms…”

Brutalight steps forward.

Brutalight said “We have terms and conditions in the alliance. My terms are simple: We are not to be mistreated for being different. We are to have equal rights like the Mane 6. And we can hire our own army of pony freaks. We are to have a role in Equestria and not to be avoided. We can be in your military if we wish.”

Charming replied “Seems easy enough.”

Brutalight added “Oh, there is more. I get my throne and title of Princess of Insanity in Equestria.”

Celestia replied “That will be difficult to do…”

Brutalight ordered “Make it happen.”

Celestia sigh and replied “Fine…”

Luna asked “Anything else you demand for?”

Brutalight said “One more thing: A base of operations where our work is our own business.”

Charming told her “Alright, we can do that.”

Brutalight replied “Alright.”

“Now that we got that away, we must now focus our efforts against Lightning.”

Luna said “Alright, I think we can agree on that.”

“Lightning was the Squad Leader of the Phantom Consortium. She’s a coward and wouldn’t DARE invade Canterlot without having the entire army to back her up. She no doubts has my flagship, The Eclipse. I made sure she couldn’t use the Superlaser on it by placing a code on it that only me, Meta, and Dusk would know. Without that superlaser, the Super Star Destroyer is safe to enter battle. But our military was made to pacifically deal with military forces. I can help you repel the Phantom Consortium, since I made the faction. However, the loss of life will be too great to recover from. So, just allow me to stop Lightning in her tracks by my way. I’ll be meeting you, resigning myself back to Equestria, and initiate Protocol Zeta.”

Charming asked “Protocol Zeta?”

I smiled with great excitement.

“Did you really think I wouldn’t have an emergency failsafe protocol in case somepony had betrayed me? My droids have this protocol inside them, so that will change the tides. The Ponies who were under my command know to never fight me so they will return to me. The only thing that we should watch out is if Lightning builds an army of her own droids.”

Celestia said to herself “This war may end quicker…”

“Indeed. However, I demand that she is under my punishment. With my punishment, it’ll be a miracle if she survives what I have plan for her.”

Celestia began to think it over and nods, agreeing with that term. Lightning once served under her nephew’s command, she must be punished by her own nephew.

“Good. Now, for pressing matters…”

Luna asked “What is it?”

“For some odd reason, I’ve undergo a semi-transformation…”

I opened my mouth and pointed to my teeth, revealing my fangs. They all were shocked to see them.

Luna said “It seems…your birthright has finally shown up.”

“Birthright, mother?”

Luna told me “Yes. Nightmare Moon was your mother as well. She was a Vampony who created the Vampony Empire. She was rose to existence halfway through your birth. She must have given you the blessing to becoming her successor if something happened to her.”

“Well, I’m nothing like her.” I said.

Charming asked “What should we do now?”

“Tomorrow, during the sunrise, we meet in the war room in Canterlot and prepare the battle. I’ll inform you on everything. Vehicles, Troops, Fighters, etc.”

Luna said “See you tomorrow then, son.”

“Bye Mother.”

They all left, leaving me and the EOI alone.

Brutalight asked “Can we really trust them Danny?”

“They will have to.” I replied. “Otherwise they will loss Canterlot. Meta may have been my military official but he doesn’t know all the secrets of the Phantom Consortium. Besides, Lightning has cross the line too far and I intend on finishing what I should have done long ago.”

Rainbine said “At least we will be safe…”

“Indeed. Come, we must ready for war.”

The Team went back inside to get prepared for the incoming war.