Living the Epilogue

by Juku

Chapter Two: Complications of a Misunderstanding <Revision>

"....estia slumbers, and is to not be..."

Of words not her own, does the faint commotion before her bedchamber doors begin to stir her out of an just begun slumber. Taking but a small sigh, she rolls in her bed with but one ear lightly raised. With but a few seconds to nothing more, her pillow begins to fluff out once more.

"...have important..."

Eyelids aflutter, she breaths in deeper while shifting once more to the high elevation of cover in a less than lady like position. Tilting her head slightly to the right, she frees just enough from the confides of her ever so cushy pillow to catch but just a bit more.

" Princess Luna..."

Nodding groggily in agreement, she quickly rolls onto her right side with the flush of warm air escaping her quilt causing her to shiver in return. Shifting and lightly kicking to and fro, she fidgets until once more all but a pleasant thought surrounds her weary and tired mind.

"...sent me! She's been injured and sheeeeaah!" The guardpony jumps back as the royal bedchamber doors swing inwards to reveal a less than presentable Solar Princess of horrendous wavy bedhead. "P-princess Celestia! P-Princess Lu..."

"She has refused medical attention?" Princess Celestia's words, while with a slight croak in her voice, come soft but fluent.

"Princess Luna resides within the Throne room, your highness." The guard, barely given enough time to kneel in her haste, does so just as she is forced to close her eyes on instinct to the vibrating pop of an less than thrilled Alicorn. "I hope they don't end up fighting again."

"Princess, I must protest this behavior. You're injured and...!"

"Has word been sent to our sister?" She seems to simply ignore the guardpony hesitantly chasing her with a aid kit held in his magical grasp, still held back to older days when her dialect was not only favored, but expected. "We have no time to mend what is already doing so."

"But...!" The guardpony once more attempts reason, raising his foreleg to point his hoof across many matted areas of the Princess's coat, along with an area directly along the front chest swollen enough to cause a light limp in her stubborn trotting. "You're injured!"

"To act as if this is the first time is to merely forget what history has tried to teach, and all the more reason to make haste!" Turning her attention towards one of the many guards standing in wide eyed, if failing in attempt to remain unfocused, whom begins to wilt. "What of them?"

"..." The guardpony's eyes grow even wider to the confusing question awaiting an answer. "I'm sorry, Princess!"

"What matter of... We inquire on the status of the three citizens whom accompanied us back from the White Tail Woods." Princess Luna's disposition growing ever more agitated. "We ordered their well being secured in all things. We wish to be updated."

The guards, weary to the question even more, all begin to show signs of teetering nerves under the ever intense stare of the Princess. Trotting to before of what assembles but a few dozen having been assembled from the slumbering barracks, her eyes slowly widen upon the passing of each one who refuses to look directly into her own. Nearing halfway, her eyes can no longer hide her surprise as they narrow in her disappointment.

"They were with foal! Are you to inform us that none of you know where they are within the walls of the castle?"

"They were dispatched to the closest hospital for treatment, your highness." Comes the flat tone of one ever brave guardpony whom almost makes it close enough to be hit by a sudden burst of magic coming from the teleporting Solar Princess, to which he takes but a few clops back."Your highness!"

The many guards, following in line, shout aloud before kneeling. Paying no heed to the groggy but still quick craning of Princess Celestia's neck as she looks in and about for whom she truly seeks, having come about before catching the battle ridden sister whose narrowed eyes cannot be seen.

"Luna! Are you...?"

"Busy!" Seemingly caring not to the influx of magic in her not so condense teleport that also grabs the last two guards in the front row, the only sound after the crackle being the low growl of a tired, confused, and worried Alicorn with bedhead from Tartarus.

"Number 97! The Doctor will see you now." The mare, with a cheerful smile draped in nothing but a old fashioned nurse cap, seems to patiently await the next patient before a wayward hoof comes and bonks her atop the head. "Hey! You're going to damage it!"

"Then stop goofing around and help me file all this paperwork." Another mare wearing absolutely nothing at all rolls her eyes towards the cap, shaking her head before trotting back to behind the desk. "Why'd you even buy it anyhow? Nopony even wears them anymore."

"But it's symbolic! You know, back when nurses traveled from settlements and out of the way family farms?" The mare follows suite and trots to behind the desk, before slowly shifting her eyes from the single piece of paper on the desk to her coworker. Locking eyes, they sit there wide eyed for but a few precious moments before both letting out a deep sigh with downtrodden expressions.

"Wish something hap..." Cut short by the air vacuum of an impending group teleport, she hasn't even the time to try and catch that which flies off her head upon the back wall as the Princess of the Night and two guardponies pop onto the waiting room tile. Cast in an wide eyed stare, not even meeting the eyes that seems to hold patience no longer, "P-p-p-p... Patient inbound!"

"We are no patient. We are here to find..." Princess Luna nary gets her sentence halfway done before a hoof slams upon a red button upon the desk, causing alarms to go off with a almost pathetic beep in comparison to the flashing blue lights. Taking a clop back, she is quickly enclosed by numerous ponies answering to the call made for a pony in need.

Her guards pushed aside as if not even worth having, she almost loses more of her temper before the absolute look of surprise on all the ponies faces causes her to shift to more of the same. She begins to open her mouth, to make in observation to the lack of name given for such a parade, until she gently closes it instead onto what would surely have been heart felt. Instead, to the display given, does it seem to put her at ease.

"We are..." She begins, before giving a pause in order to try and return to something that requires more focus than normally expected. "I am here to find three ponies whom were put in danger earlier this night. It would appear that the decision to send them to where they would receive the best care was well placed. There was a stallion, mare, and a foal. I would like to meet with them, if they are willing."

"Actually they have been asking of you, your highness." One of the doctors steps forth after having done her best to kneel in respect. "The mare has not spoken much since their arrival, and the stallion seems to be in an state of confused shock. Their filly, on the other hoof has been very talkative, if even far too much so from the accounts given by the parents."

Ushered forth, by the leave of the lead mare doctor, Princess Luna lightly clops across the sparkling white tiles past the next set of double doors into what accounts for an all too soundless journey down several connecting corridors. Followed by her two guards, and even more farther behind, she takes further notice to the subtle body language of the doctor leading them without another word made in sound.

"You are a testament to your caste, Doctor... ?" She leads off in attempt to bring knowledge to the tension.

"Willow." Doctor Willow hesitates before responding, "Doctor Whispering Willow, actually. And thank you, your highness."

"She's very good at calming a patient down, even when they're in a lot of pain." A voice barely catches up from behind.

"You made mentioned to the little filly being talkative?"

"Yes, very. At first we just figured it was a foal's way of coping given her young age. She started off with things that made little sense, much to the light hushing of her mother, until things became more unbelievable and too silly to take as anything but foalish imagination." Doctor Willow pushes open another set of doors with her magic, caring not to look behind her. "Foalish enough to get a light giggle out of some of us."

Princess Luna tilts her head in light confusion to the notions of the conversation, narrowing her own eyes while trying to make some sense of the ever growing gloom in the air threatening even to bring her down as mumbles and whimpers murmur from behind.

"I do not understand. You mentioned how she lightened the obviously disheartened. It is so wrong to enjoy such innocence?"

"She said you were dancing with a cloud until you tripped and fell out of the sky." A pony almost in tears from behind confesses. "We're sorry!"

"...a cloud? What matter do you..." She cranes her neck to look back to the foray of shame riddled expressions of her subjects on the verge of tears of their unintended mockery. "Why do you shed tears as if you've done me untrue?"

"Because she said you got hurt and we laughed!" A stallion ushers in next, as if almost eager to entice punishment from a Lunar Princesses who merely continues to clop past the now standstill Doctor Willow, echoing through the halls without even a breath for disturbance.

Without looking back, but carrying now a more thoughtful expression. "Then all is as it should be, for which I am grateful."

Beginning her clops once more, Doctor Willow almost scampers forward in order to catch up while the others all merely stand back an watch as the two slowly round another corner and out of sight. Without even a whisper, they all let their unfocused stares drift to the floor instead.

"As are we." Comes the soothing motherly voice from just behind, to which cries of surprise and slipping hooves as a few crumble to the tile floor does it's very best to remain perfectly in tune. "You must forgive me, my little ponies, for my unintended ease dropping. I merely felt that it would be best to not intrude on what was something of such importance. Please accept my apologizes for frightening you."

"Princess Celestia!" The ponies who fell get to the hooves before sliding down on them once more in respectable greeting. Rising once more, they all catch the glimpse of the downward crane of Princess Celestia's neck in return, before rising it above them once more.

Taking notice to her slow but distinct clop on her left front hoof, they part between their ensemble in order to let her pass as they in turn watch her patiently clop down and past the same corner. With visage limited to only her own, the Princess quickens her pace as to keep just within sight of who would lead her both in destination and intention.

Losing sight past the slam of two double doors, she uses her magic to cushion the clops now pounding down into the tile against her almost rampant pace to not be left behind once more. Making her approach to the double door, she forgoes subtlety with her magic nearly bursting them open to the wide and agitated eyes of lunar might. "Luna!"

"If you're quite done sneaking around like a foal, then follow us. I will explain what I can when we find more suitable arrangements." Turning around only to find Doctor Willow giving off the most nervous of hums, turning in kind as she leads them once more. They get but a few clops forward before they are encased in the golden barrier of the Solar Princess, whom continues to stand where she had been.

"I trust in our dear doctor to hold what may be said here in the strictest of confidence, given that she has already heard enough to bring alarm for the faculty." Only now does she clop but a few to stand alongside her sister. "Along with myself."

"I do not know what they are, nor what they were." Luna's words, no matter how seemingly cryptic, forms a riddle for one while an even higher cause for concern in another. "Whether by purposeful concealment or by my own mind's ignorance, their true forms were never revealed."

Celestia looks towards her sister in the same manner as her hooves trailing but just behind in stride.

"I had been waiting for the storm to clear in order to look upon our kingdom once more, having felt something reminiscent to an earlier age. With my presence once more unhindered, I left with haste, and upon my arrival I acted swiftly and protected a pairing and their foal." Letting out an unladylike snort. "And had all been true, then for what reason would you have been awoken from your slumber?"

"Did you merely underestimate them?" Celestia asks in a softer tone.

"I would rather see it as not understanding them." Luna almost quips back, fluttering her eyes shut to the small shake of her head. "I'm not in the right frame of mind, I'm afraid. But that is no excuse to take my frustrations out of you. My apologizes, sister."

"May I see it?"

"See what?" Luna lifts the inside brow facing Celestia, before narrowing in realization. "It is nothing to be concerned over."

"You're putting more weight on the left hoof to the wound on the right side of your chest, are you not?" Giving her eyes a roll to non verbal response, "Do you really think shifting your weight back evenly is going to do anything but worry me more?"

"Coming from the mare that powdered her horn by day and withered in pain during the night for almost a month?" Craning her neck to give her sister's unfocused wide eyed stare one of harsher expression. "One that brought tears to your eyes because of how stubborn you are?" Stopping her clops in order to turn and face the side of her latest agitation. "I literally had to knock you out for you to let me apply the cream."

"What do you mean you had to knock me out?" She, too, comes to a stop before giving her sister her full frontal stare. Twitching her ear to the small cry of surprise, she takes opportunity to move her eyes down and left. Letting her head tilt but just a bit, much to the ever growing growl sent her, her horn begins to glow. "Luna...?"

"What?" With eyes narrowed, only to quickly widen before once more falling as slow as her body towards towards the floor, cushioned and then lifted back up while wrapped in a dull golden hue. ""

"Doctor Willow." Celestia's tone changes to something a bit more stern. "I know that we have already asked much of you and your staff, but I'm afraid that things have become far more serious than any of us may have assumed. While we all have our parts still to play, I will be counting on yours to lead me to answers that I do not have." Shifting her gaze towards the doctor dawning an ever worrisome one. "Can I depend on you?"

"Of course, your highness." Doctor Willow, with only a few cracks in her voice, answers without hesitation. "We have several specially designed rooms if you wish to have Princess Luna placed under our care. They are all private and spacious."

"It shall actually be in both of our best interests to head to the room with the family. I will be helping to mend her wounds while I talk to the family about what they saw this dreadful night." Moving up with Princess Luna in magical tow to just behind the Doctor. "Princess Luna has few weaknesses, but in my favor, one seems to lay in wait upon our destination."

"Lay in.... is the family in danger?!"

"What? Oh no, not them." Shifting her eyes but a bit to the low moan hovering along her side. "We should hurry."

Running his fingers up and down the front, he quirks an eyebrow or makes a huff upon each scuff or dent upon his most dependable of friends. Blowing on the knuckles on his other hand, he attempts to rub away that which robs the metal of it's shine while making inaudible chatter upon the futility of each attempt. Having crouched down during his inspection, he lowers his head in just the nick of time to the sudden impact just above, leaving only the rippling strands of blue and violet energy behind against the distant splash of water.

"Feel any better?" Guardian continues to crouch down, letting his forearms rest atop his knees with his hands hanging free. Staring out into the pitched blackness of the night under solid sediment cover, he takes further cue from the low growl off to his side. "Didn't think so, either."

"I'll feel better once you actually tell me what the hell that was all about." Who can only grumble to the long drag of air taken by he who has earned his ire, ever so casually crouched below. "Without the bullshit."

"Not too much to say without it, brother." Returning to his normally low monotone. "I made a choice, much like yourself."

"There isn't much choice when the screams come." Giving his head a idle shake, "You can come up with all the ways to say there is, but when it comes down the line, you either run towards it or away like a coward." along with a small shrug. "Ain't a choice there for me."

"And when you have no more screams to tell you where to run to? What then?" Guardian keeps continues with what keeps the atmosphere calmer than otherwise permitted. Letting but a few precious moments of silence to pass by before making further observations. "You're a predator. Just because something isn't on the menu doesn't mean that your suddenly not a threat. You'll always be one."

"Then business as usual. So what? Am I supposed to suddenly get cold feet?"

"You're supposed to play your part."

"I thought I was coming here with a brother to try and finish what we didn't start." Turning his head to look down with an less than approving stare. "But according to you we're not even here for the same damn thing, so maybe it's finally time that you told me what part I'm playing."

"The one you chose the moment you stepped foot in this realm. You're doing exactly what you said you came here to do. Kill demons." Lifting but one hand into the air, outstretched towards the watery crevice below, an even louder splash barely conceals the sound of impact upon his hand. Having leaned forward, he slams it down in time to anchor himself from being pushed back too far from his crouch. "So what are you again?"

"...annoyed." Seeker quips in all honesty, much to his sudden struggle against the overpowering neck hold of an equally annoyed Guardian who pulls down even harder than he rose up, seemingly surpassing any resistance with ease. "...n-not helping!"

"Then you're not looking hard enough!" Guardian ignores even the hard elbow into his side, shifting now upon one knee in order to align Seeker to face the inside of the towering slab of metal. Hearing only the hard breath of continued struggle, the inside of the shield begins to gleam of no outside light given, until he is no longer able or willing to hold Seeker against his will. "So, again. What are you?"

Scampering to his feet, giving but a spit or two, he wipes his mouth with his arm while still staring upon that which reflects nothing but the surrounding darkness. Still catching his breath, he switches his look of momentary fright to blistering anger. "That wasn't funny!"

"It's called making a choice, and the consequences of having done so." Guardian stands firmly upon both his feet while resting a hand atop the shield, softening his voice in the process. "The ones you killed earlier had a purpose, while you still had none. You changed that."

"I'm immune to the infection." Lifting his hands, finger spread, turning them front to back over and over. "That's the point!"

"You are the infection." Raising his voice just enough to get through. "This," Switching the point of his index and middle finger back between them several times, "is no different than the ones you killed earlier tonight. It didn't matter for you because you were still on Earth."

"I'm nothing like them." Seeker laces his voice with venom. "You're a brother, and you'd lay such a thing at my feet?!"

Reaching down in order to grasp and then lift his shield once more, taking but the slowest of strides towards Seeker, "You say you're here to save the ones who dwell here yet when it comes down to it, you're just fighting to be king of the hill." Coming up alongside, facing opposite ways. "Do you know what happens when you reach the top?"

Seeker, taking realization to the flicker upon the back of his neck, just continues to stare out.

"I'll finally know where I need to go." Stretching his own neck with a few low cracks, "If I didn't feel it, I wouldn't of brought you with me. But sometimes you have to let go of the anger and focus on what's truly important. You've made sure to let the demons know we're here, like I made sure the ones we're trying to help do as well. But there's a problem there."

Still looking away, he ever so lightly etches his head in towards Guardian.

"They will kill to grow. When they die, all that they've become will go back to it. We have nothing to offer them but death, and they will do everything that they can to avoid us while going after only the most potent now. At the same time we only know of one who'd be a target. We need to find out whose standing on that mountain and block anything but getting up the path."

"Then we need to bring more down to let us know where we need to stand." Seeker finally turns to look, even if not reciprocated. "But I can't make the promise to stand by and only watch if they make a showing. " Turning to face the same direction. "Don't have a choice, you know."

"Just make sure you get all of them, next time." Guardian seeks to make casual reprimand.

"...all of them?"

"Don't worry about it this time. I'll take care of it shortly." Of the slightest smirk, does Guardian elicit further concern.

"What the hell did you do now?" Showing his frustration in the ridge of his nose, smoothing out as confusion sets in to the slow rise of Guardian's arm as the shield once more rotates to be concurrent with the forearm. Taking but one step forward, he takes several back in quick succession as the shield begins to illuminate in violent blue energy, splitting apart wider at the base as a long metal rod slides out in between the space.

"Like I said, we're a threat." Guardian bolsters his voice to overcome the low but growing whine coming from his shield, "We need time to adapt to this place and you're in no condition to do so just yet." until at it's loudest does something slide and finally connect the right underside to left, causing Guardian to be pushed back as something shoots forward towards the entrance of their cave, bringing it all down. "Yet."

"And this somehow is connected to trapping us in a cave?" Throwing his arms up in the air. "Makes perfect sense!"

"It's to keep anything that lives here from getting in, not keeping either of us from getting out." Lowering his shield before turning to walk past Seeker down even deeper in the enclosed crevice. "Follow. There is much that I need to teach you if you're going to be of any real help."