Twisted Minds

by Booker Longlegs


“Ah would like to call this meeting of the Cutie Mark Crusaders ta order!” Apple Bloom said, banging her gavel on the podium. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Knife Point were arrayed in front of said podium. Knife Point watched Apple Bloom with interest. This was his initiation after all. He wondered what sort things he’d need to do. “Alright, y’all,” Apple Bloom continued, “The reason for this meeting is to welcome into our ranks a new member. Let us stand and acknowledge Knife Point.” The group stood. “Now, ta read the induction speech.” Apple Bloom unfurled a scroll of paper, which promptly rolled out of the clubhouse door.
Aaand bored. Knife Point thought. Scootaloo sighed.
“Could we just skip the speech?” she asked.
Apple Bloom looked affronted. “No we can-“
“I second that,” Sweetie Belle interrupted, “The speech is a little ridiculous.”
“But it’s supposed ta be ridiculous!” Apple Bloom cried, “It’s supposed ta prove the new member’s dedication!”
Knife Point stepped in. “A long, boring speech wouldn’t prove my dedication. It would just prove that I can go to my happy place, and I spend enough time there in school.”
“So that’s why you act so weird in school,” Scootaloo said.
Knife Point nodded. “Exactly.”
“Dare I ask,” Sweetie Belle said, “what is your ‘happy place’?”
“Oh, it’s great.” Knife Point said, “I’m in a large open field. The sky is blue, the sun is shining and I’m all alone.”
“Wow, that’s…surprisingly normal.” Sweetie Belle said.
“It gets better,” Knife Point said. His eyes had acquired a glazed look. “As far as the eye can see, the ground is littered with the bodies of woodland creatures. Birds, squirrels, rabbits, all kinds.” He sighed contentedly, “Just me, my knife, and all the time in the world.”
Silence prevailed after that last statement. Knife Point had a small smile on his face, his eyes far away in that field dismembering small animals. Apple Bloom cleared her throat, causing Knife Point to snap back to reality. He grinned sheepishly and made a motion to carry on.
“Alright,” Apple Bloom said, “Ah’ve decided ta skip the speech. Don’t serve no purpose if the new member’s just gonna go off ta,” she paused, considering, “Ah was gonna say LaLa Land, but I reckon that name’s too cheery for what’s actually goin’ on.” She gestured to Sweetie Belle. “We present ta you this cape, proving your status as a Cutie Mark Crusader.” Sweetie Belle just stood there, still stunned by Knife Point’s behavior. “Ah said,” Apple Bloom repeated with some force, “We present ta you this cape, proving your status as a Cutie Mark Crusader.”
Sweetie Belle jolted. “Oh, sorry!” She draped the gold trimmed cape over Knife Point’s back.
Together, the three original Crusaders said, “Congratualations!”
Knife Point looked at himself critically. “Do I need to wear this all day? Because I really don’t like it.”
“What!” Sweetie Belle shrieked, “I worked hard on that cape!”
“And I appreciate the effort,” Knife Point said, “That doesn’t mean I like it.” Sweetie Belle started stammering, while Scootaloo and Apple Bloom stifled their laughter.
“W-Well,” Sweetie Belle said, “What about it don’t you like?”
Knife Point considered the question. “I don’t know. I just don’t think it suits me.”
“Ya don’t need ta wear it if ya don’t want to,” Apple Bloom said.
“Thank you,” Knife Point said, removing the cape. He gave it back to Sweetie Belle, who was looking sullen. She muttered something under her breath. Knife Point paused. “Sorry, I didn’t catch that.”
“It’s nothing,” Sweetie Belle mumbled.
“Really?” Knife Point said, “Because it sounded like you called me a tactless jerk who wouldn’t know taste if it bit me.”
Sweetie Belle started sweating. “Um…no.”
“You know,” Knife Point said, stepping right in front of Sweetie Belle, “you are a terrible liar.”
Sweetie Belle tried to back away, only to hit the wall. She looked around wildly, but there was no escape. “Alright, that’s what I said,” she squeezed her eyes shut, “Please don’t stab me.”
Knife Point regarded Sweetie for a moment, and then he laughed. “And you have terrible short-term memory,” Sweetie slowly opened her eyes and Knife Point stepped back. “I told you just yesterday; I would only kill you if you really deserved it. That doesn’t mean that one rude comment gets you stabbed,” Knife Point gave a sideways grin. “Besides, I can hardly fault you if you’re absolutely right.”
That got everypony laughing. “Alright,” Apple Bloom said, “Let’s get out there and find our cutie marks!”

“Ah can’t believe we didn’t get our cutie marks!” Apple Bloom said moodily. The four Crusaders were in the Hayburger, nursing milkshakes and broken dreams.
“Are you really surprised?” Scootaloo asked.
Apple Bloom sighed, taking a sip of her milkshake. “No…It’s just, ah thought we’d have something by now. Ya know, at least one of us would make some progress.” The CMC stared morosely at the table. All except Knife Point.
“Don’t tell me you guys are always this mopey.” The girls looked up at Knife Point, and he continued, “I didn’t join this club so that we could all sit around feeling sorry for ourselves.”
“Then why did you join?” Scootaloo asked angrily.
Knife Point raised an eyebrow. “To spend time with my new friends?”
Scootaloo sighed, her anger draining away. “I know. It’s just, it really sucks that we can never seem to win. It feels like we’ll never get our cutie marks.”
“The way I see it,” Knife Point said, “getting your cutie mark is a bit like dying. It’s gonna happen, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Knowing that, it isn’t so much about the end result, it’s about how you get there. You have to make the most of it, and, personally, I had a lot of fun crusading with you guys.”
Silence fell as the girls processed Knife Point’s words. Sweetie Belle was the first to break it. “That’s a really scary thought, but strangely, it’s also kind of comforting.”
“You just need to keep things in perspective,” Knife Point said, “There’s no way you won’t get your cutie marks; what’s important is to have fun while you're hunting.”
All around the table, there was a renewed determination. Apple Bloom finished her milkshake. “Ah have ta ask, did you say all that just ta cheer us up?”
“Yeah,” Knife Point said, “Why? Can’t I feel bad that my friends feel bad?”
“O’course,” Apple Bloom said, “It’s just that, bringing up the inevitability of death ain’t the smartest way ta cheer ponies up.”
“Say what you will, it worked,” Knife Point said.
Scootaloo thought for a moment, and then a wicked grin spread on her face. “Well, if you really want us to cheer up, you can buy the next round of milkshakes.” There was a chorus of agreement from the other girls.
Knife Point rolled his eyes. “Fine.”