//------------------------------// // Family Value // Story: Chips Brothers' Archive // by JavaChips //------------------------------// The sun rose high in the sky over Ponyville, the cool spring air slowly being replaced with a warm summer breeze. Ponies walked the streets, enjoying the warm sun above their heads. High above the town, doing spins and loops in the air, was Rainbow Dash, making her way through town. Speeding across the sky, she landed gracefully on the ground in front of the Chips’ house, knocking loudly on the door. “Yo Java!” she yelled. “Hurry up in there or we’ll miss the train!” Her knocking was acknowledged as Java answered the door, stepping aside to let her in. “Relax Dash, there's still half an hour before the train comes.” he told her, eyeing her stuffed saddlebags. “You're bringing all that? We'll only be in Fillydelphia for a week you know.” Sitting down on the nearby couch, she nodded in reply. “I'm bringing all my Wonderbolts fan gear with me, plus my poster to get autographed. I'm only five signatures short.” Java smirked, making his way to the stairs. “I hope you remembered your dress, you still have a wedding to attend remember?” She nodded back to him as he disappeared up the stairs, laying back on the couch. Making his way across the hall, Java tapped his hoof against Micro's door. “Micro, are you almost done packing in there?” he asked, opening the door. Inside was Micro, sitting on his bed with his gamecolt in front of him. Java shook his head and stepped up to the bed. “Micro what are you doing? We have to leave for the train soon and you haven't done any of the packing I told you to do an hour ago. Mom's expecting us at the train station on time.” “Uh, Java? Over there.” he said, pointing to his saddlebags in the corner, fully packed. “Oh.” he replied, a touch of embarrassment in his tone. “Alright, well Dash is waiting for us downstairs, so let's get going.” With a nod, Micro got up and picked up his saddlebags, following Java downstairs. Once they met up with Rainbow Dash, the three made their way to the train station. “So what's Fillydelphia like?” Dash asked. The two brothers looked at each other and shrugged. “Like any other city I guess.” Java explained. “the town has it's good sides and it's bad. It's not as tightly knit as Ponyville, and it's certainly a lot bigger, but I imagine it's the same as any other city in Equestria.” vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv The Fillydelphia train station was as busy as it always was. The platform was filled with ponies waiting for the next train. Waiting at the front of the platform was a turquoise mare, a treble clef on her flank. Her eyes kept moving from down the tracks to the clock on the wall, then back again. Finally, she saw the train pulling into the station. As the train pulled in, she was knocked aside. Getting up and adjusting her deep green mane, she began looking around the now larger crowd around her. “Mom!” came the sound of a young colt. She found herself on the ground once again as she was tackled into a hug by a happy tan colt. Getting back to her feet, she returned the excited pony's hug. “Well hello there Micro.” she said with a giggle. “It's good to see you're in good spirits. Where's your brother?” She got her answer as both Java and Rainbow Dash approached the two. His mother's face lit up when she saw him, and the two shared a hug. “It's been a long time Mom.” he told her. She nodded, brushing part of his mane out of his face. “Java, you're turning out to be quite the stallion.” she told him, turning her attention to Dash. “Oh, hello there. Is this your girlfriend Java?” The two blue ponies looked at each other with a bit of a blush. They quickly turned away, shaking their heads. “N-no we're not.” he explained. “This is Rainbow Dash, a friend from Ponyville. I have a girlfriend in Canterlot.” Dash stepped forward, holding out her hoof. “It's nice to meet you ma'am. The name's Rainbow Dash.” “It's nice to meet you, I'm Cadence Chips.” she told her, shaking her hoof. “Well, soon it'll be Cadence Da Capo.”Dash smiled and nodded as the four began walking out to the street. “Right, congratulations on your remarriage. I hope it goes better than....oh, sorry.” Cadence called over a taxi, helping the group into it. “Don't worry about it, it took me a while but I'm past that. As long as we're on the subject, I'd like you boys to spend tomorrow with Andante. He's really been looking forward to meeting you.” The two nodded. “Sure, I can't wait to meet him.” Java told her. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv The taxi pulled to a halt in front of a two story building. Java smiled up at the building, it brought back a lot of memories. The old sign that once read “CHIPS” was off it's hinges, no doubt the spot was awaiting a new sign. As he stepped inside, he saw that the interior had done a complete change as well. Where Java remembered piles of metal and electronic parts, now there were different knick knacks and decorations. The living room had new furniture, save for the piano in the corner. Looking it over, the piano that held dust for the years of his childhood was now cleaned, the keys appeared worn. Looking at the home around him, Java couldn't help but smile. “You've done a wonderful job redecorating Mom.” Cadence couldn't help but smile back. “Thank you Java, I was hoping you'd approve. Don't worry though, I left your rooms just the way you left them.” Micro smiled and trotted down the hall. “I'm gonna go unpack.” he told them. Cadence couldn't help but give a surprised smile. “My, I don't think I've ever seen Micro with his head held so high before. He must really be loving Ponyville.” “Yeah,” Java told her, “It's really made him come out of his shell.” “I guess that means I made the right choice letting him go with you.” Java nodded, smiling. After their moment of pause ended, Java made his way down the hall, leading Dash to the guest room. Once she was settled, he made his way to his own old room. He found it exactly as he had left it before. Sitting on the shelf above his bed was an old AC/DC tabletop radio, the first piece of electronic equipment he had repaired. Sitting on a bookshelf were multiple programs he had wrote in his youth, things that did multiple things from preheat the oven at certain times of the day to overriding security codes. Of course, not all of them came to fruition. Multiple video game posters covered the walls, from Megamare to Call of Cutie. He let out a sigh of nostalgia and set down his saddlebags, laying back on his bed. He felt happy to be laying there again. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Dash and the two brothers were sitting amongst the table as Cadence made her way into the room with a hay pizza on a platter. “Bad news guys,” she told them, setting the pizza down in the center of the table, “Andante is in the middle of a concert, he won't be joining us for dinner.” “That's too bad, I was looking forward to meeting him.” Java told her, eyeing the pizza. If there was one meal his mom cooked that he loved the most it was her hay pizza. He reached his hoof out to grab a piece, but it was slapped away by a glaring Cadence. “Javani Beta Chips!” she told him. “Watch your manners, we let the guest take the first slice.” Java sighed and rubbed his hoof. “I've been gone for a year, I don't count as a guest yet?” he mumbled under his breath. Meanwhile, Dash was on the other side of the table, trying to hold back her giggles as she reached for a slice. “Javani? Oh man I won't be forgetting that.” Once again Java sighed as he finally got to take his own slice. The four sat around the table, swapping stories between them as they ate. “And then,” Java continued, “I ran toward the barrier at top speed, moving right through it. They were all around me, but Pinkie Pie was able to help me stave them off. I had just reached the button when Pinkie yelled, “Twitchy tail!” and I did a full circle on my front hooves and bucked the sucker straight into the air!” Cadence smiled, clapping her hooves together at the end. “My, that's quite a story. My little Java, the big hero.” Micro smiled. “And you should have seen the awards ceremony Mom! We got to meet the princesses!” he told her excitedly. “Oh really? And what was that like Micro?” “They were really nice and normal, like they were regular ponies, not stuck up and regal like someponies say they are.” The group couldn't help but laugh at the comment and Cadence nodded in response. “I've told you not to judge a book by it's cover.” vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Following dinner, Micro and Rainbow Dash retired to bed, while Java stayed up to help with the dishes. “It's nice to see you boys again.” Cadence told him. “It's been so long, I've started to miss you.” He smiled, nodding. “It's good to see you, too. Even more, I'm happy to see you smiling.” “Thank you, I haven't been this happy for a while. Tell me, does Micro know the truth yet?” He shook his head. “He still believes that he worked late a lot.” “That's a bit surprising. You figured it out at his age, I made sure that you boys would when you were old enough.” Java sighed and stared at his reflection in the water. “It's not as simple as that. I think even I knew before I asked you about it. When he wants to stop believing, he'll ask, and I'll tell him.” She nodded, setting the last dish in the rack to dry. “It's getting late, we both have busy days ahead of us, let's get to bed.” Java nodded and left behind her, turning out the light. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv The sun shone high in the sky the following day, sending sunbeams through the window of Java's room straight across his face. With a groan, he began getting up. “Come on sun, can't I have another hour?” he asked, rubbing his tired eyes. Making his way out to the living room, his eyes still half closed, he made his way to the kitchen to pour a cup of coffee. He stopped at the door as he saw another pony, a silvery grey unicorn with a black mane, sipping his own cup of coffee. Turning and facing Java, he smiled and approached the slightly confused colt. “Good morning,” he said, a touch of Italy in his accent, “I take it you're one of Cadence's ?” Java gave a confused nod, starting to put the pieces together. “I guess that makes you Andante.” The unicorn nodded in reply, taking another sip. “That's right, Andante Da Capo. It's nice to finally meet you, your mother has told me quite a lot about the both of you. If I'm not mistaken, you're Javani, correct?” “Yeah, that's me.” he told him, pouring his own cup. The two made their way to the living room. “I'm a bit surprised actually, your mother told me your special talent was electronic programming and repair, why is your cutie mark a coffee cup?” “It's actually the symbol of a computer language, it just happens to be a coffee cup.” he told him, sitting down and taking a sip of his own coffee. “And from what I've gathered from Mom's letters, you're a pianist right?” Andante nodded in response, displaying his grand piano cutie mark proudly. “That's correct, I come from a long line of musicians.” “Well, it's nice to see you boys hitting it off.” came a voice from the hallway. The two turned to see Cadence, making her way across the room to sit next to Andante. The two shared a soft nuzzle as she got comfortable. “Did you tell him yet?” she asked. “Tell me what?” Java asked them. “The Hoofsonian is opening a new exhibit in autumn, a history of electronics.” Andante explained. “Since you won't be here to see it, I pulled some strings and got me and two friends into the unfinished exhibit.” Java couldn't help but smile as he explained. He had heard about the electronics exhibit, and word was it was going to be good. Cadence began to giggle as she saw the excited look on his face. “Java, can you go wake up Micro? You both need to get ready if you don't want to miss your chance.” Java was gone in a flash toward the end of the hall, leaving the two sitting on the couch. “That was a really sweet thing to do, I could tell Java would be excited about it.” Cadence told him. “Well, I'd like to start on good graces with my son in laws.” he said with a smile. “Well, you're off to a good start.” vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv As the sun reached the center of the sky, Cadence looked around the house with a sigh. With the brothers back in the house, her cleaning schedule had increased, but she had still managed to finish by noon. With the house chores done, she made her way to the door and slid her saddlebags on. “Are you going out?” a voice behind her asked. She nearly jumped out of her horseshoes as she turned around and saw Dash standing in the hallway. “Oh, hello Rainbow Dash. Sorry, you were asleep for so long I forgot you were even here.” With a yawn, she made her way up to the door. “It's no problem, you aren't the first one I've surprised that way. If you're going out I could tag along, it would get the chores done twice as fast.” “Well that sounds nice, thank you.” she told her. “I wish Java and Micro were as helpful as you are.” “No problem, it'll give you more time to worry about bride stuff.” she joked. The two laughed as they left through the front door. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv The Hoofsonian's closed exhibit was a sight to behold. It held everything from the first radio to the latest communication technology, even a partial exhibit on the history of electronic gaming. Micro was galloping off from here to there, looking over all the electronics. “He's quite the energetic young colt when he wants to be isn't he?” Andante said with a chuckle. “Yeah,” Java replied, watching him, “If you had known him a year ago, you would have thought the exact opposite of him. I'm really glad he came with me to Ponyville.” “Java, come look at this!” Micro yelled over, pointing at a Neightendo entertainment system. “I've never seen one of these in person before!” “Yeah, I see it,” Java said with a chuckle, “It's a real classic.” “Well, I'm glad that this is the Micro I get to see.” Andante told him. “Even more so, I'm happy there's no ill will between us.” Java gave him a confused look. “Ill will? For what?” “Well, I've heard situations like this tend to turn for the worse when it comes to family relationships. I suppose I was worried you wouldn't like me.” Java patted the nervous unicorn on the back, giving a reassuring smile. “Andante, the piano keys are worn down, the house is clean and there's a smile on my mother's face every moment of the day. As long as you're making her smile like that, there is no ill will, I'd be happy if you married her.” Andante smiled back at the colt, happy to get such an answer. He nodded, and the two joined Micro as they toured the exhibit. “Just so you know, I don't expect you to call me 'dad.'” Java nodded. “I wouldn't expect that either, I don't have a great history with father figures.” “Right, I heard you weren't close to your father. If it's not too much trouble, could you tell me the whole story. I'd ask your mother of course, but she's stressed enough this close to the wedding, I don't want to upset her.” Java couldn't help but smile, and gave Andante a nod in reply. “Sure, Just don't let Mom know I told you.” vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Cadence walked the marketplace like she lived there, taking every turn with confidence of what she'd find around the corner. Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, had given up on ever mastering the giant market, and was simply flying next to Cadence. “Goodness Rainbow Dash, don't your wings ever get tired?” She asked, watching them flap. “I don't think I've ever seen a pegasus flapping her wings for such an extended time.” The two had been travelling about town working on chores for the past three hours, and Dash had been flying since the two walked out the door. At first she tried to do some aerial stunts to keep herself entertained, but the populated air space of Fillydelphia proved too restricting. “I guess, In Ponyville the skies are clear, I can fly for as long as I want, and that really strengthened my wings. I need strong wings if I want to join the Wonderbolts.” Cadence was looking over apples while she listened to Dash's explanation, setting some in her saddlebags and handing back some bits. “Is that so? Well with wings like that I'm sure you'll make it. Actually, you look kind of like a current Wonderbolt if I'm not mistaken.” Dash nodded, her mood taking a slight turn. “RGB.” “That's right, your mane and body color are the same as his.” “Yeah, well he is my older brother. His real name is Cosmic Dash.” “Is that so? You know when I was a filly I was in love with the Wonderbolts, too. Of course they were a completely different set of ponies, they were the original Wonderbolts. Now only one of them is left, the group's training coach and sponsor, Bolt Lightning. I remember meeting him when I was in high school, he was such a sweet pegasus.” “Whoa, really?!” Dash asked, completely surprised. “I've never met the Wonderbolts outside of some social gathering, how did you manage it.” Cadence blushed, looking back into her past with a giggle. “Soundarus, the boy's father, pulled some strings. His father was an advertiser who worked with the Wonderbolts every time they were in town. He surprised me with it at their performance that year. It was the sweetest thing he had ever done.” “It sounds like he was a really nice guy.” Cadence sighed and looked to the ground, moving further along the line in her mind. “Yeah, he was a very sweet colt. I still try to figure out what went wrong.” “Yeah, Java hasn't told us much about it. What exactly happened between you two?” vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv “It had been happening since I was two years short of high school.” Java began explaining, staring off the balcony at the streets below the museum. “Dad wouldn't let Mom visit him at work anymore, and he was coming home late almost every night. He would use the same excuse every time. 'A customer in need is a customer indeed.' I barely know what that means, it was just an excuse.” Andante nodded, listening intently as Java talked. “I can see how it could have put a strain on their relationship.” “Yeah, well, I wish I could say that was all it was. It went on for a while, until Mom was tired of it. The summer before I entered high school they divorced. Life was difficult for a while, but after I got my cutie mark and started electronic repairing it got better. It was in my last year of high school that I finally asked Mom what really happened with Dad. In truth, I already knew, but I didn't want to believe. He was cheating, some mare on the east side of town. Last I heard he settled down with her in Hoofington, and that's the last I ever heard.” Java did his best to hold back his tears. Talking about this particular topic always filled him with anger and depression. Andante offered him a handkerchief, which he took and wiped his eyes. “Well, thank you for telling me, I'm sure it wasn't easy.” “It's no problem,” Java told him, “You deserve to know, right? Just don't let Mom know I told you.” He nodded back and the two shook hooves. “It's a deal.” vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv The three colts made their way through the door late into the day, and were met with Cadence and Rainbow Dash, who were setting the table. “Well look who's home.” Cadence said with a smile. “Did you boys have fun?” Micro nodded vigorously, taking a seat at the table. “You should have seen it Mom, the exhibit is amazing! There are so many old electronics I never even heard of!” Java couldn't help but laugh as he sat next to his brother. Looking out at the table, it was quite a spread. There was almost one of every vegetable dish on the table. After the tiring day the group had, they were happy to all sit down together and eat, sharing stories of their day. Once the meal had drawn to a close, everypony, excluding Rainbow Dash, who had left for the Wonderbolts performance, gathered in the living room. Andante sat at the piano while Cadence stood. The two began what was originally a piano duet, with Cadence showing off her special talent of singing on the second part. Her elegant voice filled the room with a calm atmosphere, and put a smile on everypony's face. They sung well into the night, until Cadence declared the end of the tune with a soft final note. After some clapping, the ponies in the Chips house all made their way to bed. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv It was late into the night when Rainbow Dash made her way home. The door was locked by that point, and she had to knock to get in. It was Cadence who made her way out to the front door and let the pegasus pony inside. “Well, those performances last a pretty long time these days don't they?” she asked. Dash nodded, Yawning and stretching herself out. “Yeah, it can be a real tiring ordeal just watching them. Oh, before I forget, I got you something while I was there.” From between the feathers of her wings, she produced a folded piece of paper, which she set down on the table for Cadence. Unfolding it, Cadence looked over it and her eyes lit up at the writing on the paper. To a die-hard fan, keep shooting for the best in life, Bolt Lightning Cadence smiled over to her new pegasus friend, folding up the paper and setting it somewhere she wouldn't forget it. “Thank you Rainbow Dash, this was a very nice gift.” Dash nodded back and stretched again, making her way to bed. Cadence smiled and sat for a while in thought, before she also made her way back to bed. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv It had been a very long week, but finally the big day had come. Cadence stood in the bridal room, staring at herself in her white dress. She began thinking about the future ahead, hoping for the best. While she was contemplating past and future, a knock came to the door. Java stepped in, wearing his special suit. “Oh, Java. You surprised me there for a second. What are you doing in here?” Java smiled and walked up to her. “I'm here to escort you up to the altar.” he told her. “I know you didn't formally ask me, but-” “No, don't apologize. I'd love it if you were the one who escorted me.” she said, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. “You have become a strong colt, I made the right choice letting you go to Ponyville.” Java smiled and offered Cadence his hoof. She took it, a smile on her face as he walked her out and down the aisle. Once she was up on the altar, next to Andante in his own suit, he made his way to sit between Micro, who was in his own personalized suit, and Rainbow Dash who, unbeknownst to everypony, had worn a tuxedo instead of her dress. The three sat through the entire ceremony, and Java watched with extra emotion in his eyes, as finally it drew to a close. “By the power vested in me, by Equestria,” the minister finished, “I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.” As the two shared their first married kiss, everyone began clapping. Java clapped especially loud, he could see the happiness emanating off of Cadence. A small tear when down his face as he watched. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv The next day, at the train station, Mr.- and Mrs. Da Capo walked with the three to the platform. Java smiled at the two. “Dash,” he asked, “Can you take my bags on board and keep an eye on Micro?” Dash didn't even not before taking Java's saddlebags and getting on board. He turned to the two and smiled, sharing a hug with his mother. “Take care of yourself.” he told her. She couldn't help but laugh. “I was about to say the same to you.” “Don't worry Java, I'll be sure to take good care of your mother, and I'll never do anything to hurt that smile.” Andante told him. “Yeah, I know you will.” he said as the final call for passengers came. With a wave goodbye from the window. The train left, the three ponies of Ponyville headed back home. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv It was well into the night before they got back home. Java sent Micro straight up to bed while he checked the mail that had piled up in the past week. He was dwelling on the happy memories from the past week while he cycled through it, when a knock came to the door. As he opened the door, the smile left Java's face. Standing in the doorway was an orange-red colt, a deep grey mane. On his flank was a classic radio. “Hello Java.” he said. Java did his best to contain himself. Looking at this colt filled him with a level of anger. His legs tensed up as he did his best not to raise a hoof. His teeth were grit as he spoke. “It's been a long time,” he told the colt, “Dad.” To Be Continued