Love is in Bloom

by MuddyWaters

Chapter Three: Twilight Sparkle

"Oh, I don't know why Princess Celestia would've wanted me to come with you," Fluttershy murmured to me. She looked really frightened, and I wished I could've said something to calm her down. But I didn't even know what Princess Celestia and Princess Luna wanted with us!

But I had to try to calm the yellow pegasus down. After all, she was my friend. "I'm sure it's nothing bad," I told her. "Maybe they just need help with an animal that's injured or something."

Her teal eyes widened in fear. "Then we should hurry up! Oh, if an animal is in danger and I didn't do anything to help, I don't even want to think about it!"

I put my hoof around her neck reassuringly. "The train is almost there. Just relax Fluttershy."

She looked at me. "What if it's life-threatening? What will we do?"

"We'll do the right thing in the end," I told her calmly. "We always do."

"Oh, you always know just what to say, Twilight."

I tried to smile confidently at her, even though I didn't feel very confident. I was nervous myself, trying to figure out why in the world Luna and Celestia wanted me! It had been a while since a threat came to Equestria; it had been pretty quiet since Tirek, although there were a few times that my friends and I needed to band together. We'd spread the magic of friendship, and we still continued to when needed to be. Maybe another threat had come up though, maybe that's why Celestia and Luna wanted me!

We arrived in Canterlot, and for some odd reason, there were three royal guard ponies waiting for us. The one was orange-yellow and he looked oddly familiar, although I couldn't quite put my hoof on it. Another one was a black earth pony with a green mane. The last one was a white unicorn who I knew instantly.

"Shining Armor!" I exclaimed. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Cadence in the Crystal Empire?"

"Celestia and Luna called both of us here. It's really important. These are your guys' bodyguards while you're here-Flash Sentry and Dusk Light."

I gave the yellow-orange pegasus a quick look, before gasping. Now I remembered him! It was Flash Sentry, who I'd really met in a completely different world as a completely different species. But I'd never really gotten to know him as a pony.

Then my brother's words sank in. "Wait," I said slowly. "Why do we need bodyguards? We've been here before and never needed bodyguards."

"You'll understand in a bit. Celestia wants to explain it to you herself."

I nodded my head, and looked at Fluttershy, who seemed even more nervous than before. I couldn't blame her, after all, this proved that we were in some sort of trouble. Why else would we have to have bodyguards?

Shining Armor led us through Canterlot, with Flash Sentry next to me and Dusk Light next to Fluttershy. She was still cowering and I gently brushed against her. "It'll be okay, "I whispered to her. I just wished I could believe my own words.

While we walked, Flash tried speaking to me. "So, you're Princess Twilight Sparkle? I think I remember you from a couple times of meeting you."

Of course he wouldn't remember us meeting before at all. He would barely remember me. I couldn't help but sighing. Alternate dimension Flash and I really had a thing going on. I just wished I would've visited the other world more often.

"That's me," I said, forcing a smile.

He must've noticed my awkwardness, because he chose not to speak again. Instead, the walk to the castle was filled with complete silence. Even Shining Armor was silent, which I found odd. Normally he was ready to speak to me during the few chances we could actually see each other face-to-face.

When we arrived, we continued to walk into the castle in silence. A couple other Royal Guards on duty gave us a nod, and then went back to watching for some unseen danger.

Shining Armor lead us through the castle, until we got to the main room, where Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence were waiting. Shining Armor went to stand by Cadence.

"Twilight," Celestia spoke, a grin forming. "And I'm glad to see you could make it as well, Fluttershy."

"But why do you need us?" I asked. "And why does it seem like Canterlot is in danger?"

"It's not in danger," Celestia said calmly, "all of Equestria is."

"And it's from a danger we've faced before," Luna spoke.

"It is?" I asked. "Who is it?"

"I think it might be best if we show you," Celestia replied. The three princesses got up off their seats, and started walking. Shining Armor followed, while Fluttershy and I gave each other an odd glance.

"Are we going to follow them, Princess Twilight Sparkle?" Dusk Light asked me.

"Y-yes," I stammered, not sure of what to think. What was so bad that they couldn't just tell us? Who could we of faced that had come back, and caused everypony to act like this? And why would we need Fluttershy and not the rest of my friends here? Unless it was-no. I didn't even want to think of that. And anyways, he was reformed, right?

I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't realized where we were heading. When I realized, I let out a gasp. Seven pairs of eyes looked at me cautiously.

"Are we in the dungeons?" I asked.

"Yes," Cadence replied. "The prisoner is down here."

I nodded, choosing not to say anything. Fluttershy was whimpering, so I pressed up against her to let her know I was here for her. She was so nervous, and I just wished I could reassure her that it would be okay. But how could I when I didn't believe it myself?

"And here we are," Celestia spoke. "Twilight, you and Fluttershy may go in. Dusk Light and Flash Sentry will be right behind you."

I walked into the small cell, and I let out a gasp when I was who was in it.