//------------------------------// // Welcome to Jump City // Story: Fighting for Justice and Harmony // by pinkiepie2010 //------------------------------// Twilight opened her eyes and began to look around. This place was unfamiliar to her but the ground wasn't. It was cement just like Canterlot High but this didn't look like Canterlot High at all. Her thoughts were interrupted by Rarity gasping. "What happened to my horn and what are these?" Rarity asked as she panicked. "And what happened to my wings?" "Those are hands Rarity," Twilight began to explain, "this is just like when I go to Canterlot High." "Does that mean we can meet your Canterlot High friends?" Pinkie asked excitedly. "No Pinkie we can't." "What! Why?" "Because this isn't Canterlot High." "But if isn't Canterlot High, then where are we?" Fluttershy asked walking to her. "I have no idea." "Well where ever we are, they do have spectacular fashion. I also love that manestyle on you Twilight " Rarity complimented. "Uh, thank you," Twilight replied as brushed back her mane. Unlike at Canterlot High, Twilight's mane barely touched her shoulders. "Hey Twilight I don't know if you thought of this, but we might be able to figure out where we are if we looked in the book." Rainbow Dash requested. "That's a great idea," Twilight squealed as she picked up the book, "if I remember correctly the poem is on page 27." She turned to the page and looked there was no sign of the poem anywhere. She continued looking and stopped to check the cover and gasped. "Pinkie this is your book not the book that brought us here." "So if that's Pinkie's book, then what happened to the book that brought us here?" Fluttershy asked as she backed away. Pinkie took her book back. "I think I might know what happened," Applejack began, "Twilight ye were levitating the book with your horn while Pinkie was holding hers in her hooves." "My magic must have stopped," Twilight interrupted, "and when it stopped the book must have fell before it could," Before Twilight could finish she fainted. "Twilight!" everypony gasped. Applejack was the onlg one who went up to her and examined her. "Well yall, I reckon that since she got zero sleep last night, her body couldn't handle any more time awake and she fell asleep." About an hour passed before anypony said anything, though there was the occasional sound from Pinkie as she was reading her book. It was Rainbow Dash who broke the silence. "Okay Twilight's asleep and we're stuck in another dimension, so I think we should at least try to find out where we are." "But, uh, Rainbow Dash, we can't just leave Twilight here." Fluttershy pointed out. "Well then, you guys watch Twilight and I'll go find out where we are. " She started walking away. "Wait Rainbow Dash," Pinkie Pie called out, "I'm coming with you. " She ran till she caught up with Rainbow Dash. "Uh, Pinkie I can handle this on my own." "But Rainbow Dash what you get hurt and no one is there to help you and then we're forced to live out our lives feeling guilty forever and forever. So I need to come." "Okay then, you can come." Then they headed off. "Hey Rainbow Dash do you think we should climb this?" Pinkie asked pointing to a building with a ladder against it. "Sure Pinkie," Rainbow Dash answered, "I wish we could control the weather in this world, the wind keeps blowing my mane in my mouth." She pulled a piece out of her mouth. "Here use this," Pinkie requested as she handed her a hair tie. "Pinkie, where did you get that?" Rainbow Dash turned and saw that Pinkie's hair was now in pigtails. "Well I thinking I could use some hair ties and then I reached down and some appeared." "That's weird." "I'll prove it. Since we're both probably hungry some chocolate cupcakes with yellow colored frosting would be nice right now." She reached her hands down and they saw her open a portal up and she pulled two cupcakes out of it. They took a bite. "They're chocolate," Rainbow Dash said astonished. She took the hair tie and put her mane in a ponytail. Pinkie put her book in a backpack she pulled out and the two began to climb up the ladder. When they got there they stopped. There were three others on the roof. "Oh when will Twilight wake up," Fluttershy asked. "I don't know sugarcube," Applejack stated as she looked at Twilight, "it could be awhile." Before anypony could say anything else an unknown voice spoke. "Are you sure this is the right place?" "I'm sure," another voice replied, "this is exactly where Raven told us it happened." "But it has been over two hours what ever came out could have moved." "It doesn't hurt to check." With that a male figure emerged out of the building's shadow. He was looking at a circular device and then rubbed the back of his neck. "Well hello there," Rarity greeted him, "I must emit you are pretty good looking." "Huh," the boy replied, he looked at the group for the first time, "oh, uh, thanks." "Why your welcome. It's a wonder why you're here all by yourself." She walked closer to him. "Actually I'm here with my friend." "I mean romantically. I believe that we could make a great couple." She looked into his eyes and the two shared a laugh. "Yeah I think we could." The two leaned closer and kissed. "Robin what are you doing?" the other boys voice called out. Rarity looked and screamed the boy she saw was a robot. The scream woke Twilight up as Rarity ran to the group. She saw the robot boy and also screamed. Applejack and Fluttershy joined the group and four bunched together. The robot boy approached closer to them but before he could get to them they were teleported away. "Cyborg, what just happened?" Robin asked. "It's hard to explain but the one with the long purple hair made you kiss her," Cyborg answered. "How?" "I don't know but I think we should find Raven and tell her we found those alternate dimension beings." He began to walk away. "Agreed." Robin said as he started to follow. "Raven we've been searching for hours can we take a break?" one of the people on the roof with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash asked. "No Beast Boy," another person, probably Raven responded, "we need to find who or what came out that portal." "Wait I see something, I'll go find out what it is." At that moment a green wolf charged at Rainbow Dash causing her to fall of the roof. "Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie screamed. She began to cry. "Pinkie I'm fine,"Rainbow Dash called. Pinkie looked up and saw that Rainbow Dash had wings. They were glowing and larger than her wings in Equestria. "Woah," Beast Boy said as he saw her wings. He turned to Pinkie. "Who are you guys." "I'm Pinkie Pie, but you can me Pinkie and that's Rainbow Dash." The other two joined him "Well I'm Beast Boy, the one with the red hair is Starfire, and the pale one is Raven." "Greetings," Starfire said as she wave to them. "Listen," Raven said, "It's nice we're getting to know each other but I need to ask where did you come from?" "We're from Equestria, it's another dimension." Pinkie Pie explained proudly ad Rainbow Dash landed and her wings disappeared. "Are you here to do the harming of us?" Starfire asked nervously. "No we came here by accident. We don't even know where we are." "This planet is Earth and you are in the America. To be more of the specific Jump City." "You know, these two cool girls probably need a place to stay," Beast Boy assumed, "so maybe you can stay at out place." "I don't know, where is it?" Rainbow Dash asked. "You see that building," Beast Boy explained pointing to a T-shaped building, "we live there. It's the Titan's Tower and we're the Teen Titans." "Cool are you like a superhero team?" Pinkie asked excitedly. She ran closer to him. "You bet we are." "I hate to break this little bonding moment," Raven interrupted, "but I think we asked Cyborg and Robin first before we decide if they can stay or not." "Well then, let's go," Beast Boy lead the way off the roof.