//------------------------------// // a Crashed Barracuda // Story: Tau warrior and beyond // by Ninja426 //------------------------------// Time 8:34 Location: Ponyville Golden Oaks Library Cortex awoke once again to the morning sun shining down upon his face. he got up and proceeded to the kitchen to be able to get a glass of water form Twilight's fridge, he walked into the kitchen to see Spike sanding on a wooden stole cooking breakfast, making some type of flat food i believe it was called pancakes? ah i don't know i never lived much with the humans cause but they were very grateful to be joining us on the tau empire those who quit following that so called emperor. "Oh good morning Cortex did you sleep well?"spike asked "yes my sleeping was alright i just came down to get a glass of water to help start my day: said Cortex as he opens the fridge and pulls out a water bottle, he opens it and drinks it about half way before putting it in his pack and siting down at the table and starts a conversation with spike " So Spike form your perspective how crazy is this town to you?" he asked as he sat in a wooden chair to think "It mostly depends on what problems starts it, may get out of control or it can start small end quick before it gets really bad" Spike says as he finishes the pancakes and puts them on a plate and sets them down onto the table. " But everything works out in the end"Spikes says happily as Twilight enters the room to gets to make a bit of green tea as she yawns, she notices spike and Cortex and walks over to join the conversation. "Good morning Spike, good morning Cortex" Twilight says in a good mood, as she gets her green tea and sits down at the table as she levitates 3 pancakes over to her and she begins to eat them. they all enjoy a nice meal tell a knock comes at the door, twilight goes and answers it to see Lyra standing there with a Startled expression. " Twilight we need you to come to the town hall, there is a meeting going on about a very strange white round thing has crashed in the Everfree forest!" she says in a hurried tone cortex walks up "Did they see what is was that crashed in this forest?" Cortex asked with curiosity "They say it looked like some type of white metal object it was giving off a strange blue glow" she said, but right after she finished Cortex was ruining as fast as he cloud Towards the forest at high speeds that would have made rainbow dash impressed, Twilight tried to follow after him only for not as he was already in the forest. she decided to go to the meeting to see what was Mayor Mare wishing to say. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cortex never had run so fast in his life as he ran past ever Tree as he followed his radar towards the crash, he arrived at the crash site to see something he never in his life would have seen, there right in front of him was none other then a crashed barracuda of the air caste, "i cant believe that this....."He says as he look at the crash sight from the looks of it the interior was destroyed it was in very bad damaged it looked as if it may never work again but it can be salvageable, so he went inside to see if the ship has anything left to find, this ship had many tools and equipment, tau tools littered the metal floor and some craftsmen papers lay with a few weapons, along with a few tau soldiers lying dead 2 on the floor and 2 in the cockpit,("yes... they are Air Caste i will need to make them a proper barrel ground so that they may rest in the afterlife") he thought as he continued through the ship as he came across the door to the armory or what remained of it any way. he used his power sword and cut down the debris in his way so that he can get into the armory, most of the weapons and equipment were damage and looked like it would no longer work, he then noticed a drone in the far corner of the room it looked to be able to be fixed so he took out a tool box and begin fixing the drone back to its old self, after around maybe a hour he had got the drone started and all of its functions up and working. "PROGRAMMING ONLINE, OBJECTIVE UNKNOWN...." the drone spoke in its robotic voice "Well X-45 you can now come along and work with me" Cortex said in a casual voice "OBJECTIVE ACQUIRED, NEW MISSION FOLLOW, PROTECT AND FIGHT ALONG SIDE SERGEANT CORTEX" the drone said once again in its robotic voice cortex nodded and the two went to bury the bodies of the air caste warriors "May you find peace in afterlife"Cortex says in a sorrow and calm voice, he then hears some rustling in a near by bush he takes cover behind the tree with his drone, he sees creatures that look like the equines but... are much different, Black skinned, with holes in there legs there around 6 of them and they are all wearing some type of armor around them, he then sees one much bigger then the others move out for the woods. "This is the thing that crashed in the everfree my Queen" the blackish equine said to the taller one "Good... so what is this strange white thing any way?" The big equine asked('she kind of looks like the Celesta but i don't know if she is hostile or not' )cortex thought " We are not sure my Queen but its been give off a very strange power reading of some type of power from it" he said once again "Hmm.. power maybe it could be one for the hive to grow stronger, let us return to the hive for now i can sense some of the ponies coming are way we must not be found out just yet at lest not tell the wedding happens." the armored ones nodded and they all disappeared in a flash of green magic "so it was around here i think" cortex heard one of the ponyville citizens as he walked out just as a few of the equines got closer they all gasped in awe at what they were looking at, Twilight walks up to cortex and asks "Cortex what is this?" " This is a barracuda an air fighter from my races technology it was one of the best things to pilot sadly i don't think i can fix it" he said "Well i could get the princesses out here and ask to see if they can help Carry it back to my home for you to work on it"she spoke then a loud robotic voice that came form behind her made her jump. " SERGEANT ARE THEY HOSTILE OR ALLY?" the drone asks cortex as it has its sniper weapon pointed at Twilight " Stand down X-45 there are friendly's" the drone then lowers its weapon and stands by "Cortex what is that?" she asked in amazement "This is X-45 a tactical drone that can use a shield,sniper and a scanning function" Cortex says "well that's an amazing thing of tech i have ever seen.., also i should say its getting late, let us head on back home to rest for the night" twilight said in a tired manner " You can go i will be with you in a bit" Cortex said, Twilight nods and her,her friends and a few others that came with here go back towards the town Cortex stays there for a hour and searches throw the ship i bit more, but he only finds a few left working devices and to his surprise a stealth suit and a bit more ammo for his weapons and after he is done he heads back to town with X-45 following behind him he enters Twilight's home he goes to the couch, he lays down (" i wonder what i should do about the ship and the strange blackish creatures i guess i can look into it in the morning") he then falls asleep getting ready for the next time events