//------------------------------// // Invitations // Story: Let's Get Serious // by peacevic //------------------------------// Ch.1- Invitations This is the story of the Greatest Party Ever. "Are you sure?" The pilot was barely audible over the roar of the engines. "You're serious?" "I've never been more serious!" Pinkie Pie shouted back. She started strapping herself in. Despite his skepticism, the pilot pushed the button. "Ok..." The bay doors began to open. Let's back up a bit. We'll start a week before the G.P.E. (Greatest Party Ever, silly.) Pinkie Pie was at the register in Sugar Cube Corner, helping a customer. It was the same thing she'd done since she started working here, even before she'd received ownership from the Cakes on their retirement. "Boring! You'd think after that cold open this would be a lot more exciting." "What was that, Pinkie?" Rainbow Dash asked, for she was the previously mentioned customer. "Oh, nothing." Pinkie reassured her old friend. Rainbow Dash shook her head. "I still don't get you sometimes. Even after all these decades." "I know!" Pinkie bubbled, a smile shining from her face like a stage light. "Isn't that sooo fun?" Dash cocked her head to the side, considering that. "You know, you're right. I wouldn't have it any other way. So when do you think my order will be ready?" "Should be done in a few days." Pinkie replied, after consulting her mental schedule. "Awesome. Catch you later!" With that, Rainbow Dash flew out of the store. Pinkie Pie started wiping down the counter, humming all the while. A few hours later, Twilight walked through the front doors. This, in and of itself, was pretty unusual. "Not that unusual. We are friends, after all." The Princess of Friendship was so engrossed in the official-looking documents she was reading, she didn't hear Pinkie. In fact, she didn't even look up until she bumped into the counter. "Oh. I'm sorry, Pinkie." Pinkie Pie giggled. "It's ok, Twilight. I don't think the counter minds." "Right..." Twilight frowned for a second, then recovered from her first dose of Pinkie this today. "Anyway. As you may know, next month is Princess Celestia's birthday, and I was wondering if you could throw her one of your famous parties." Pinkie gasped. "I've never thrown a party for a Princess before! Well, I've thrown some for you, but that was before you were a Princess. And a couple after. But your coat is purple, not white. I've never thrown a party for a white-coated Princess before!" "So... that's a yes?" Twilight asked. "Of course, silly!" Pinkie confirmed. "I'll just need to get a few things together." Twilight sighed in relief. "So, I'll just leave it to you." "Okie dokie, Lokie." Pinkie agreed, already scheming as her friend left the store. The first thing Pinkie did after locking up the Corner was walk to Sweet Apple Acres. "You're telling it wrong." Um... what? "I'm not walking to Sweet Apple Acres. I'm cartwheeling!" In-indeed she began to cartwheel. All the way through Ponyville. She arrived at the farm a short time later, wheezing from the effort. The mare she'd come to visit saw her coming from the barn and met her at the door. "Well howdy, Pinkie." "Hey... Applejack..." Pinkie huffed. "Just a... sec. Dizzy. Need... to... sit..." "How come you're so dizzy, Pinkie?" Applejack wanted to know. Sitting had helped. "I cartwheeled." Pinkie told her. "All the way here." "Now, why the hay would you do something like that?" The farm-mare chided. "You're getting too old to be running around Ponyville. It's not good for ya." Pinkie rolled her eyes. "Come on, Applejack, I'm not that old. It was fun! Besides, you're older than I am and you're still working the farm." "And it ain't like I don't have my own health problems." Applejack countered. "Plus, I have help. I just worry about you, Pinkie. Being a party planner's fine when you're a young pony." She put a hoof on Pinkie's shoulder and solemnly shook her head. "But we ain't young ponies anymore. Maybe it's time to slow don." Pinkie smiled. "Trust me, Applejack. I know when to stop. A party loses its fun if it drags on too long." "Good." Applejack adjusted her hat. "So what brought you around?" "Ooh!" Pinkie started hopping in excitement. "Twilight's asked me to plan a party for Princess Celestia's birthday!" Applejack nodded, understanding. "And you're gonna need a whole heap of apple goodies." "Do you think you'll have enough?" The super party pony asked her friend. "If you'd asked me that a few years ago, the answer'd probably have been no." Applejack rubbed her chin. "But lately, we've been expanding. Granny was always against it, but since she passed we've hired some extra hooves. We should be able to get you all you need for a party as big as this one'll most likely be." "That's great!" Pinkie hugged AJ. "I've got a few more stops to make. See you later!" Pinkie didn't go straight to the next pony on her list. There were so many fun things to do around town that she couldn't help but get distracted. After helping Derpy with a delivery, teaching some foals how to hopscotch, and assisting Scootaloo with her new trick, Pinkie finally remembered who she was supposed to be meeting. Mostly because the mare in question happened to walk by. "Vinyl!" Pinkie called after her. "Hey, Vinyl- wait!" The infamous DJ turned around. "Oh, Pinkie. What's up?" "Feel like you got another party in you?" Pinkie turned on the charm. Vinyl laughed and shook her head. "Sorry, but no. Your parties were always awesome, Pinkie, but I'm retired. Have been for... wow, years now. Octavia still plays, if you want to see if her band can perform." "Are you sure?" Pinkie wheedled. "It's for Celestia's birthday..." "Then I'll make sure I'm there. As a guest." Vinyl smiled, but was quite firm with her answer. Pinkie relented. "Alright, then." "Sorry again." With that, Vinyl waved goodbye and walked away. Pinkie Pie was left standing there, now needing to find an act to replace DJ Pon-3, but having no idea who that could be. "Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be fine." It's kind of strange that you can hear me. I'm not sure what to think about it. "Well, I like listening to you. You have a pretty voice." Really? "Sure! It's not too deep, but it's still rumbly. I think it's called a barrow tone?" Well thanks, Pinkie. That's very nice. By the way, some ponies are staring at you. "Good. They can watch what I'm gonna do next."