//------------------------------// // Morning Greetings and a party // Story: Tau warrior and beyond // by Ninja426 //------------------------------// Ponyville (Morning) Cortex awoke to the sun shining down upon him as he awoke to find himself still on the very small house from the look of it it seems to be around 6:30 or so, so he started to look throw his equipment and one of the objects he could not believe what he was seeing it was a tau commander Microburst Fragmentation Launcher, a powerful weapon only given to those that wear the XV46 Vanguard Commander Variant Void Battlesuit one of the most powerfulest weapons in the tau army he continued to look through his bag he also came across some EMP Grenade's along with some photon grenades and a Equalizer in there too also with his Pulse rifle he had as his first weapon he had earned joining in the empire in the past he remembers the times he spent with his La'rua before he became a Sgt and right hand man to Shas'O kais Past 3 years ago Cortex sat on the edge of a tower as he watched many tau of the civilians pass by all in tow with there lives where not in danger at all in the world, if the empire were to fail... he did not wish to think of this, then he is surprised by a voice that camefrom behind him in the tower, he looked back and saw Shas'O Or'es'Ka the commander that went and battled in the karava system he goes to battle in an XV22 Stealthsuit. Similar to O'Kais, Or'es Ka's suit can be outfitted with a Flamer, Missile Pods, a Jetpack, a Stealth Field and a Shield Drone as upgrades. it also has a Multi-tracker, Shield Generator, and a Marker Drone distinguish his suit from that of his predecessor, as well as his use of such weapons as a Fusion Blaster which can stun vehicle crews and a Cyclic Ion Blaster that is a potent anti-infantry weapon. "hello young warrior what troubles you?"he said in kind manner "Well commander Shas'O Or'es'Ka i have been troubled by what may happen to the rest of the warriors battling on Kronus and i wish that i could battle with them so i could help them in there time of need: said cortex with a smothered expression "its a fine thing to think of helping are fellow warriors in the field of battle but be cautions of what you say cause the battles are long and had especially against those humans and the ork barbarians and the soulless necrons but we fight for the Greater good and the peace of the universe" said the commander in a serious tone " But i will see if i could put a word in for you and you team if you wish Young soldier" said the commander "That would be very kind of you commander"said Cortex as the commander walked to leave the tower but stopped and asked "may i know your name soldier?" asked the commander as he turned around " its Pvt Cortex Commander"said cortex, Commander stood still for a moment and said" well good luck in your duty Pvt.Cortex i may see you again someday" cortex saluted the commander good bye as he left, cortex was shocked to be speaking too one of the highest ranked commanding officers especially commander Shas'O Or'es'Ka the commander of a air caste force and one of the bravest. Past end Cortex was shaken out of his thoughts by Twilight coming down from the 2nd floor along with spike them both just looking tired for what looks like ether less sleep or they just slept wrong, ( from what i can tell i believe the reason is spike is tired cause he is at younger age and i believe twilight is like that cause of lack of sleeping) he thought" well good morning to you two" said cortex in a calm manner, it surprised Spike a little along with twilight they looked in his direction and sighed Twilight spoke first" oh hello there Cortex you startled me a second there we just came down to get ready for you to visit the town today so everpony can meet you in person cause the news had probably already spread knowing pinkie she has a party ready by now"said Twilight "well now that were up would you like something to eat" she said "i guess i could get a salad then and some water" said cortex "That's fine with me also i would like to ask what do your people eat any way?" Cortex stood up and started to speak of what tau eat" well my race it is mostly Vegetarians and very little do we eat meat, we would only eat meat for some festivals we would have had celebration's by my race only really eats as Vegetarians and not much more he said, while he was talking she was taking notes on everything he would say about his own people. and after a long breakfast they walked out of the library and set of to visit the town only to find it was empty Twilight knew where this was going as if this was normal to her and it was but cortex did not know and so they continued there walk which lasted for like 10 minutes until they reached a place at looked all pink and brown and white like (what do the humans call it candy? no,ice cream? maybe. i guess i will go with that.) he thought. they made there there way to the door and opened it to only see darkness (huh this is not the most strange thing i-) but before he could finish he was surprised by about what seems like the hole town in this one place, the pony called pinkie jump from the group of ponies and asked "so-do-you-like-the-party-do-you-do-you-do-you!" she asked with a happy smile on her face." i must say it was most unexpected i have to say its a good party as you say' pinkie grew even happier for the comment then he had a look towards the crowd it was had many ponies some did not mind he was not form here some were curious and some may seem a little scared, but do to the elements of harmony being friends with Cortex they all seemed calmer then he thought they would be around a new being, well the party went on with a flow and it was a very fun party for Cortex he had met many of the towns residents like two musicians one was called Vinyl Scratch and Octavia melody, Octavia is very talented musician in a soft type Which is calm and lovely and Vinyl Scratch makes music that makes the hole place shake literally shakes the place i also me a pony by the name of Lyra heartstrings and her friend bon bon Lyra is a musician as well and bon bon seems to run a candy shop he met a bit other of the others but one strange individual had caught his eye a few times someone that had a hourglass on his back side( i wonder who that is) Cortex thought after the party the place was a hole mess after wards the only ones left were Spike,Twilight,pinkie,fluttershy,applejack,Rainbow Dash, and Rarity along with Cortex they were all cleaning up the mess from the party Cortex Decided to help them cause of the nice party the through for him not to long after the place and been cleaned up and almost all had left as Cortex, Twilight and Spike were about to leave when rainbow came to talk to cortex " all i wanted to say cortex was to apologized to you about before"she said as she rubbed the back of her head "there is no need to be sorry my Cyan friend i have forgiven you already so you don't have to worry about it " said Cortex. Rainbow dash sighed in relief and took of towards her house and so Twilight and cortex walked back to the library with spike asleep on Twilight's back after about a 5 minute walk they made it back there Cortex ducked so not to hit his head on the door frame Twilight said her good nights and went to bed spike in tow. Cortex laid down on the couch to think "(sigh) i still worry about all of my fellow troops in my caste i know a lot of them died along side me but how did i live throw that i died to the Necron lord himself he killed me in cold blood i don't even know what Happened to Shas'O or the ethereal i guess all answer's come in time" he laid down and went to rest for the night