A Princess Needs her Coffee

by Broman

The Perfect Brew

“This is bad! This is really bad!” Twilight exclaimed as she ran down the hallways of Canterlot castle, passing by the great stained-glass windows that portrayed various works of art, including a section of Princess Celestia who stood at the center with a brilliant gown and glorious mane. However, Twilight had no time to stare at such things. She was panicked and frightened, fear gripped her after what she saw and she knew she needed to get help. Clinging on for dear life to her back was Spike, her number one assistant, who was equally as terrified as her.

“What are we going to do, Twilight!? I never seen Celestia like that before!” Spike yelled out as he bounced off of the galloping princess and onto the cold stone ground, his eyes quickly darting back down the halls.

“I don’t know Spike! I don’t know!” Twilight whimpered as she continued galloping down the halls like a mad mare. Her mind was processing thousands of thoughts, each reflecting on different scenarios and ways that could have caused this. However, no matter how hard she thought, she could not have ever foreseen this happening nor figure out how exactly this had happened. She knew only one pony who could help her, and desperate times called for desperate measures.

“Quick! Let’s get Princess Luna! She might be able to figure out this enigma that has afflicted Celestia!” she yelled to the startled Spike as she continued to run through the hallway. As she galloped down the halls a low moan echoed off the walls and she shivered from the eerie sound; her panicked state was becoming worse by the second.

“Gahhhh! She's on us!” Twilight yelped as she doubled her pace.

“Run, Twilight, Run!” Spike yelled back as Twilight continued to gallop down the halls of the castle.


Earlier that day…

It was the day before yesterday when Twilight received a letter from her teacher. Reading it over in quick fashion she was delighted to find that she, by Celestia’s request, was to arrive in Canterlot the following morning. With much excitement she gathered all the things she thought she could possibly need, along with a sleepy dragon in tow. In her excitement they had arrived in the early morning before the sun was to be lifted up.

Her mind bounced from idea to idea, becoming more and more excited as she tried to figure out the reason for her summoning. Recently becoming the Princess of Friendship meant it was most likely that she was to be trained in handling dignitaries, setting up personal aides or even selecting her own guard. The thought of handling these new responsibilities made her quite giddy inside, making her act like the small filly she was when she first studied under Celestia all those years ago. She arrived with Spike, who was still yawning and rubbing his eyes that irritated him from the abrupt and early wake up call. With many compiled notes, quills and high elation, they headed toward the throne room. When they first arrived she noticed that Celestia was not sitting upon the throne and only the night guards were up and about, ever vigilant as they guarded their posts. Curiously she wondered if Celestia was late, but quickly corrected herself knowing that Celestia was never late nor is she early. Twilight induced that she was in her bed chambers, and the two made their way to where she was most likely to be. They passed by guards and a few servants along the way until they reached the doors to Celestia’s inner sanctum.

She struck the door with her hooves in quick succession, the noise echoing off the walls of the ancient castle. She waited for a moment as her anticipation to learn why she was called. She was expecting her teacher to open the doors and the two would speak long into the afternoon; it was a good thing Spike brought along a few of his comics, just in case things managed go longer than anticipated. A full minute passed and there was no response from within, she wondered why Celestia was not answering.

“C’mon Twilight,” Spike said with a loud yawn, “she's still probably in bed, the place where I need to be right now.” He leaned against her leg as his body let out another yawn. Twilight pondered for a moment, the grinding of the gears in her head moved as would an express train, thinking of all the possibilities as to what would cause the delay. Celestia always would be on time and she would always be attentive when the need was present.

“Princess Celestia? Are you awake?” Twilight tried again, yet the doors remained closed, and her voice was the only thing she heard as it bounced off the walls of the castle.

“Twilight, the sun's not even up yet. If she is not ready then we should just wait until she comes out on her own.” Spike urged as he nudged into her side, his eyes was screaming to close shut. Twilight ignored him and reached to pound again until a small click came from the opposite side.

“Ah, good morning Princess Celestia,” Twilight felt relief wash over as the door slowly opened, excited for the envisage hours of the two conversing on various topics and discourse lengths of laws that they can work on, “I arrived an hour early and I’m sincerely enthusiastic for the new lessons.” she gave a smile to Princess Celestia and awaited for her regal response. When the door finally opened completely the still sleepy dragon opened his eyes expecting to see Princess Celestia, suddenly his eyes went wide, dropping the supplies that he carried for Twilight. Being a dragon, Spike had keen eyesight, even in the darkness, and what he saw inside that room terrified him to the point that he was fully awake.

“T..T.TTT..Twi…Twi…” he began to stammer, and pointed his shaking finger at something that laid just beyond the entrance of the door, trying desperately to say something to Twilight. She looked down to him and noticed the dropped supplies.

“Oh Spike, you have to be careful,” she gently scolded as she moved some of the materials with her magic and to keep them sorted, her actions making her oblivious to a single hoof approaching the light.

“C..Cel…Celes….Celes…,” Spike continued to stutter his words as he slowly took precious steps away from the sight.

“I know it’s Celestia, Spike. Are you feeling alright?” she questioned as she took notice of him backing away, his eyes began to dilate at the sight of what was behind her, unaware that Celestia’s head nearly hovered over hers.

“MMm….mmm….mon…mon...mon…,” Spike continued to look up at the sight before him, his voice growing higher as Celestia entered into the light. Twilight shook her head and gave a kind smile to Spike, lowering herself until she was eye level with him.

“What is the matter Spike? Whatever you have to say you can tell me,” Twilight continued, trying her best to reassure her frightened friend. It was evident that Spike was at a loss for words as he continued to look up in absolute horror.

“Hello? Eques to Spike?” she waved a hoof in front of Spike to get his attention yet no response came. “Spike are you oka-“ she didn’t finish when Spike, in a quick series of movements, looked directly at her, grabbed her face with his claws, and turned her head around to see what was behind her. The moment her eyes settled on Celestia she too could not find the words to describe at what her eyes beheld. Celestia’s glorious eyes were replaced by blood shot pupils, tiny red vines appeared all around the corners of her eyes. Deep bags stretched under her eyes that transformed her beautiful countenance into a dreaded state of gray. Her mane, which once flowed heavenly behind her, was now drooped across her body and brushing the floor in its wake. A few moments ago Twilight thought she was one who would not be unsettled by anything, and after studying all the features on Celestia’s appearance, there was only one thing that she could do in this sort of situation...

And that was to scream like a little filly.

“RUN AWAY!” She yelled in a high pitched voice, her mane standing on end. She quickly grabbed Spike and bolted down the corridor, her supplies flung in the air and scattered across the floor as Celestia could only look on in confusion. A moan escaped her lips as she slowly followed them, her hooves dragging along the stone floors of the castle.

Present time…

Twilight rounded the nearest corner with Spike close behind her when she found Luna’s bed chambers. The doors were guarded by two thestral ponies, both carrying their spears and guarding that door with absolute dignity. They were being replaced by two pegasi day guards when Twilight screeched to a halt in front of them.

“Princess Twilight?” the nearest guard spoke; even though she was recently been titled the Princess of Friendship she still found it taxing to be called that; she normally preferred her own name.

“Guards! I need to speak with Princess Luna immediately!” she spoke with authority but her voice betrayed her due to her much anxiety. The guards looked at one another, their emotions remaining the same as they pondered her words. They all turned back to her, the same guard speaking with a curt response.

“I’m sorry Princess Twilight, I really am. However, Princess Luna specifically ordered us that she was not to be disturbed.”

Twilight’s mind began racing again; she could make multiple persuasive arguments as to why she needed to meet with Princess Luna. However, due to the sight that she witness of Celestia’s dreaded state of her physiognomy, and to the fact that she was consumed in a deep panic and shock, her impatience and worry would not and could not be tolerated by the guards. She whipped her head down the hallway, trying to catch sight of Princess Celestia. A low moan filled her ears, her body shook again from the frightful noise. She glanced back at the guards, who remained oblivious to her plight, she had no choice but to take matters into her own hooves.

“I don’t have time for this!” She cried out as her horn lit up and surrounded herself and Spike in a sphere of magic and a second later disappeared with a loud pop in front of the guards. The guards turned to one another with vague expressions.

“What was that about?” one of thestrals asked to his fellow guards.

“I’m not sure but… wait,” the royal guards ears perked up and turned down the hallway towards the location of the noise.

“Isn’t that-” they all peered down the hall and saw a familiar presence, and an all-too familiar groan coming from it. The guards glanced at each other, wolfish grins spread upon each of their once stoic faces.

“It’s that time again.” The thestral said with excitement as they all fiddled with their pouches of bits, knowing all too well what was coming and the fours guard were proceeding to place their bids.

Moments earlier, in Luna’s bed chambers…

“We can’t believe this,” Luna spoke to herself as she levitated a hoofful of papers and legislative notes. “Our dear sister of all things. To have this much work and not be finished is incomprehensible.”

Princess Luna had been pacing around with the papers, her regalia raiment was set aside upon a dais near her bed, and spent much of her time signaturing small bills and throwing away useless needs and wants from the Court Counselors. It was a tiring business to go through useless paperwork that has been repeated several times for the past few months. She knew that if the courts should act on new legislature or reforming old laws, it would take the fools years to even decide on anything. She sighed to herself and full knowing that some things never move fast enough for her liking but it was something that she must do, it was her duty. Scanning through another stack of papers from her work desk she noticed a note from Celestia about several dignitaries being scheduled this very afternoon. Her eyes narrowed and her nostrils flared when she noticed that some were to meet at the same time.

“Oh really our sister? To be so foolish into inviting the dignitaries of both Maretania and Maretonia at the same time? This just cannot do.” She plopped onto her bed, her head rested onto the pillows and her hoofs rubbing her temples tenderly as she drew a quill and paper and began making notes of how to accommodate their arrivals while also planning to set up a worthy lunch for them. The two nations were known to enjoy luxury and she had to appease both of them. However, there was one complication that would rear its ugly head. She closed her eyes as she thought of the undertaking.

“Would they enjoy it if we wore a dark Scarlet dress with a light yellow tint or a black garb with shimmering gold?” her thoughts drifted to the attire that they would wear when the dignitaries would arrive. A small smile crept up her muzzle, amused at what the reactions might be to her formal dress and to guess for themselves to who they were honoring. Her thought process stopped when she sense a magical surge in her room and a loud pop came from within. Papers were thrown from their stacks and scattered everywhere from the sudden burst; she pulled a face of much loathing and knew she would have to sort the papers back into place. Standing up from her bed she flared her wings to the intruder.

“We have stated that we were to be left in…” she began to say but her words faltered when she saw Twilight and Spike appear in the middle of the room, their expressions were quiet troubled, almost as if they see a ghost. Grateful for the chance to be taken away from her duties she gave a small smile to the young protégé.

“Why good morrow dearest Twilight, ‘tis a pleasure to see thee in our presence-” she began to speak but was immediately cut off from two separate voices.

“Princess Luna I need your help! I was preparing to come to Canterlot, well I’m actually in Canterlot, but I was supposed to meet with Celestia for a meeting, I had all the notes ready to have our lessons, she did say she wanted to discuss somethings for handling the new castle but- Gah what am I talking about?! I’m getting off track!” Twilight took a quick breath before continuing. “Anyway I just arrived to meet Celestia on the throne but found that she was not there, although it was possible because she was always on time and is never late, in fact It was the first time I have never seen her in her position, which got me to thinking that she was preparing for today’s lesson in her study and- Gah I’m doing it again!” Twilight buried her face in her hooves, unsure of what she should even say, she had lost her knack for words once she saw Celestia walk through that door.

As Princess Luna tried to listen to the frantic pony in front of her, the young Spike was not helping in the matter by adding his voice into the mix.

“Celestia! Eyes red! Weary Voice! Mane low! Terrifying! Scary!”

Enough!" Princess Luna bellowed as she sealed both of their mouths with her magic, silencing them both. Her eyes narrowed as she focused on the two, giving off a stare that would resemble Nightmare Moon, her expression ever remaining impassive.

“Look, we see that you are troubled. We see that you are seek answers to questions we do not know. But barging in unannounced and howling like windigo’s in the middle of our work is something we shall not tolerate, especially at this early hour!”

Princess Luna’s voice had risen and it made Twilight and Spike shiver. For a few tense moments Luna drew a breath and calmly sighed.

“We know of the words you have spoken and depicted to us. Would you ‘kindly’ nod your heads when we answer your questions?” she emphasized her words carefully to the two, and both nodded their heads in unison to her.

“Very well, from what gibberish words you vocalized you stated that our sister is in a dire state?”

Both Twilight and Spike nodded their heads to her, unsure on what Princess Luna has planned for them.

“Does our sister experience any slow movements of any kind?” her question directed at Twilight who nodded her head hesitantly, not knowing where this conversation was leading to. Luna kept her gaze on her for a moment before drifting her attention to Spike.

“Did our sister have any signs of weariness, eyes of the color blood and grumbled noises that were unintelligible?”

Spike looked at her as if she read his mind and he inclined his head. In that moment Princess Luna’s determined stare was washed away and her expression softened ever so slightly.The magic surrounding both Twilight and Spike vanished and they were once again able to speak freely. Twilight watched as Luna’s head sunk low, her mane covering her eyes. Her shoulders began to shake and it tore Twilight apart to see what was occurring before her.

“Princess Luna. I’m so sorry. Please… tell me… anything…what is wrong with-”

Princess Luna lifted her head up and a roaring laughter escaped her, falling back onto the bed. As the Princess of the Moon continued to chortle, Twilight, was taken aback by her aunt’s sudden outburst and could only watch in pure unadulterated confusion. She gawked at the sight of a regal figure now reduced to a giggling mess; topping it off with her kicking her hoofs on her bed like a silly foal.

As Luna continued to laugh to the heavens, Spike, perplexed by the sight, hesitantly spoke out.

“Uh, Princess Luna? Aren’t you upset that Celestia is–,” he was cut off when Luna brought her head up to meet them, seeing a few streaks of tears streaming down her face.

“Upset? Dear Spike, we would never be upset,” she wiped her tears with a hoof, a smile brimming from ear to ear. “In fact, this is the most glorious news we have had in a long time!” Luna giggled in delight, rubbing her hoofs together in eagerness. Twilight, brought out of her stupor, looked at Luna curiously.

“Princess Luna, I don’t understand. Why the sudden change? I just don’t–” Luna raised her hoof ending her question. She wanted to get to the bottom of this.

“Twilight dear,” Luna’s voice stayed the same yet her silly grin remained, “we have dealt with many things in our lifetime. We have faced challenges and witnessed things that ponies could never comprehend and sometimes drive them crazy, when they try. We witnessed Feudalism, Fairyism, and a few isms we never even heard of,” Luna paused for breath, chuckling the whole time. “We never believed that there would ever be anything that could even surprise us. However you, dear Twilight, for you to be here now is a testament that continues to bring incredulity among us. We salute you to making our dawn.” Luna finished by giving a quick bow before dissolving again to another fit of giggles.

I pretty sure you mean ‘by making your day’,” Twilight mentally corrected Luna’s words as she continued to watch the Princess of the Moon, who was now kicking the sheets off her bed. She quickly shook her head when she realized that her question wasn't fully answered. Knowing full well that it wasn't prudent to interrupt Luna, she had to press on for Celestia’s sake.

“Princess Luna, I’m sure you and your vast wisdom is unequaled,” Twilight drew a nervous laugh, “but still I have to find your reasoning questionable, or to say the least a little crazy,” she sheepishly said the last word. Luna paused in her mirth and looked at Twilight curiously but her smile remained.

“Twilight, when we said that this is good news we mean that in a different light,” Luna slid off the bed, hoofs gently clacking against the cold floor. “For this will be the most fun we had since a few moon cycles!”

Before Twilight could reply she was already being pushed forward by Luna’s wings.

“Tis best that we show you instead and all will be revealed.”

Twilight looked at Spike for an answer but he could only shrug his shoulders, uncertain at what to say. Reluctant, she followed Princess Luna through the front door of her chambers, with Spike following closely behind her. When they opened the doors she immediately saw the four guards holding a bag of bits in each of their hoofs. At first she was appalled, a disappointing glare etched into her face, seeing the guards act in the low ways of gambling. Before she could reprimand them for the act a low moan echoed off the stone walls. Turning to where the sound emanated , Twilight gasped and fell on her haunches when she saw Princess Celestia twenty feet away. She reached out with her hooves, Spike being the closest one, was held tightly in her firm grip; Spike didn’t respond as he stared in fear of Celestia before him. She still remained the same as before, her mane hang low to the floor, her facial features in poor care, and still her low moan was carried on as she trudged down the hall. The only difference that caught Twilight’s eyes was that she was now wearing a yellow robe. As Celestia was getting closer, a small mumble escaped her lips, and slithered into Twilight’s ears that made her shiver at the sound..


“What?” Twilight said, completely flabbergasted what she heard. She heard Luna’s voice behind her, addressing the guards. She prayed a sigh of relief that some order will be presented. However, what Luna said next not only surprised Twilight but completely confounded her.

“Guards, escort Princess Celestia to the royal Kitchen when you are finished fiddling with your bits,” she paused for a moment before leaning closer to them.” Also, please place our bid at ten seconds,” she gave a smile to the guards who eagerly nodded their heads.

“What?” Twilight repeated, more softly and more astonished than before, her eyes becoming pinpricks as her stare traveled from Princess Luna, then to the guards and finally rested on Celestia. Princess Luna began trotting down the corridor, only to stop mid stride to grab Twilight with her magic.

“Come along dear Twilight, there is no time to dawdle, for the fun is about to begin.”

“Whaaaaaaat?!” Twilight gave out a moan as she, and the clutched dragon in her arms, were dragged across the smooth floor. She found herself contemplating what just happened while Princess Celestia mumbled the same word again.



Several minutes later, Princess Luna arrived at the Royal Kitchen just ahead of where Twilight and Spike were. Releasing her aura around Twilight, Luna, went through the doors and entered into the royal kitchen. The still stunned Alicorn and dragon followed in tow. The room was spacious enough to host at least several dozen cooks and sous chefs, ready to tackle the morning and to make meals for the two noble hierarchs and any foreign dignitaries. However, there was only one occupant inside the large kitchen. On the other side of the kitchen island a single unicorn mare was busy cleaning some dishes, humming a small tune as she settled the dishes in a nearby rack. The unicorn had a cream colored fur and curled mane, the tips of her mane having a lighter color than the rest. She was so busy with her work she had not noticed them enter inside until they were standing on the other side of the island. Luna cleared her throat in the air, causing the mare to stop mid way through her work. She turned around and Twilight took notice that she bore a coffee bean that was surrounded by several silver stars as her cutiemark. The mare gasped when she saw the two of them as bright smile beamed across her muzzle.

“Oh Good morning Princess Luna!” the mare cheerfully said as her settled her dishes to the side. “What brings you to the kitchen this early in the morning?” She went to bow forward but stopped when Luna raised a hoof up to her.

“You can skip the formalities Miss Daybreak. We’re just here on–,” she paused when Daybreak turned and saw Twilight, who was now becoming aware of her surroundings.

“And you must be Princess Twilight!” Daybreak expressed much exuberance as she rounded the kitchen island and grabbed Twilight’s hooves and began shaking them in much thanks.

“Oh, I have to thank you so much for all that you have done. Rarity told me all about you and if it weren’t for her kindness I wouldn't even be here.I have you to thank for it.”

As Daybreak continued to shake her hoofs, her thought processes began to wind up. Twilight looked at the mare before her and her memories soon returned to revealing themselves.

“Oh you must be the friend that Rarity mentioned. She said you were out of job at Starbits.” Twilight said, her mind distracted by what was coming this way, and eagerly shook back the mare's hooves before her.

“Yes indeed. I think this is the first time we have been properly introduced. Oh wait, where are my manners?” Daybreak stopped her shaking and took a step back before bowing low in front of Twilight.

“The name is Daybreak Dazzler, your highness. Former employment to the Starbits franchise and now a full time staff member of the royal kitchens of Canterlot Castle. I help make coffee for all staff members, guards, and any pony needing a little jump in their step.”

“Wow, that's quite amazing!” Twilight said back, her weary mind trying it’s best to keep a normal conversation before the storm comes. “I bet you have quite a lot of responsibilities.”

“Oh my dear, I have handled much in my time to know when any stallion or mare could need a little kick in their hooves.” Daybreak rose up, her green eyes meeting Twilight's and a gave a determined look, “Besides I have handled many things that were far worse than this.” she smiled again and Twilight could see the passion spill out from the mare before her. She beamed with pride and passion and Twilight couldn’t fathom where she got all this enthusiasm.

Maybe it’s the coffee?” Twilight thought as she stared at the green eyed mare, her light makeup making her eyes stand out even further. As all of this was happening, Spike, who escaped Twilight’s death grip, was beginning to feel the adrenaline rush seep from him and he began to feel more drowsy than before. He reached toward the wall near the doorway, propping himself until he rested his head against the wall. The moment he thought he could get the well needed sleep a sudden moan came from the other side of the wall. It chilled him to the bone and his claws dug deep into the wall, holding on for dear life. He was not only one, the three mares also heard the noise.

“Was that Princess Celestia?” Daybreak asked, one eyebrow arched toward the doorway.

“That, dear friend, is the one and only.” Princess Luna replied, “Which is precisely why we came here.”

Daybreak arched the other eyebrow. “You mean it's–”


“And she’ll need–”

“Oh, most immensely.”

Twilight looked at the two in pure confusion, unsure of what to say. Soon Daybreak's mouth opened slightly in sudden realization.

“Oh. OH!” she was grinning from ear to ear as the situation became very clear. “I’ll work on the brew right now!” Daybreak said, without skipping a beat, immediately went and began gathering ingredients with her magic. The fridge opened and milk was brought out to be poured into a large pitcher. Small bags of chocolate, coffee, and other ingredients were sent from their cabinets into the pitcher, turning the liquid into a solid brown. Twilight watched in amazement as the assortment of items and ingredients floated and shimmered in a silvery aura, moving up and down in a rhythmic tune. Daybreak continued to hum along, carefully crafting the brew to her heart's content.

“Oh Princess Luna, would you want me to make the usual for you as well?” Daybreak said, mixing more coffee bags and chocolates into the pitcher, her eyes never leaving her work.

“Oh no Daybreak, thank thee for thine offer. We think it best that we settle with Jasmine Tea before we sleep in a few hours,” Princess Luna said as she held a teapot and a bag of Jasmine tea with her magic.

“That'squite alright, help yourself to the kitchen,” Daybreak replied as she continued to add more ingredients to the pitcher. As Princess Luna began opening a faucet to pour water into her teapot Twilight began to ponder at the situation at hoof. Her mind was playing a dangerous game of tug of war by the forces of order and chaos, with a hint of insanity on the side.

Calm down Twilight... calm down! There has to be a very logical explanation for all this,” Her thought process began, while her body began pacing back in forth in a circle, her hair slowly unfurling as she began thinking. “I’m just probably dreaming. I’m still in my home in Ponyville, playing with my friends as we explore the castle and every now and then save the town from a threat that may come our way. Yes, just as normal as it can be,” Twilight’s thoughts continued to ravage her mind, trying to keep things together and piece whatever Daybreak and Princess Luna had planned. Another moan echoed off the walls, coming from the other side of the door, and made the young princess pace even faster around the kitchen.

“Princess Luna, Princess Celestia is here as you requested,” One of the guards on the other side spoke out.

“Keep our sister there until we require her presence,” Princess Luna replied back. Daybreak paused in her work and looked at Luna, who in turn gazed down upon Daybreak.

“We think ‘tis best to speed things up Daybreak?” Princess Luna questioned as she carried her teapot and settled it across the stove.

“I would have to agree with you on your assessment.” Daybreak concurred as she finished pouring the last of the ingredients into the pitcher, the color turning into from a brown to a blackish fluid. Daybreak turned to a machine, which Twilight thought was an Espresso or a coffee drip, that sat idle on the far side of the kitchen. Daybreak began pouring the liquid into a empty bowl and settling inside the machine’s chamber. She then added water into the other bowl of the machine, turned it on and waited patiently for the machine to heat the contents inside.

“Now that’s through, the only thing we need to do now is wait for a few minutes to heat up and it will be ready to serve.” Daybreak responded as she returned to kitchen island. She turned and took notice of Twilight who continued to move in a frantic pace around the kitchen.

“Oh my, Twilight you look a bit flustered. I think you need a nice tall or grande mocha latte. Either option could keep you at least calmed and chipper yet more focused on subjects before you.”

Twilight paused in her pacing, turning her head ever so slightly to gaze at the mare before her. She gave a weak smile, trying to muster whatever defenses she could make with her racing mind.

“Thank you for the offer Daybreak. It’s just that I don’t think coffee is probably best for me at the mo… Spike! Will you stop doing that!”

She whirled her head at Spike who was at the doorway, peering outside to see Princess Celestia on the other side. He had been doing this for a few minutes now, opening the door ever so slightly and hearing a faint moan coming from the other side.


Spike would shut the door for a brief moment, he stared out at a blank wall of the kitchen, before he opened the door once again.


He repeated the process several times which irked Twilight to no end.

“Spike stop it, please!” she pleaded in a calmer tone, yet keeping her voice stern. Spike did as he was told, closing the door behind him before heading toward the kitchen Island. Twilight sighed as she turned back to Daybreak who was tilting her head ever so slightly, wondering what was wrong with the young princess. Seeing that concern look in the cream colored mare’s eyes made Twilight feel guilty inside. She turned to meet Daybreak in the eye and opened her mouth to speak, yet found no words to describe how she felt towards the situation that laid before them. Giving a heavy sigh, she lowered her head until her mane was touching the kitchen floor and accepted her defeat.

“I don’t know what’s going on,” she finally admitted. Through all the calculations, through all the scenarios and possibilities, she could not figure out what is befalling Princess Celestia, and as to what Princess Luna and Daybreak had planned.

“Oh, is that all?” Daybreak said, breaking the tension that surrounded Twilight’s mind. Her eyes shot wide and stared directly at Daybreak. The coffee mare fidgeted for a moment as she saw Twilight’s complexion showing all of her fatigue and frustration.

“Should I explain things or should you Princess Luna?” Daybreak turned back to Princess Luna, who was pouring her boiling tea into a cup.

“You should have the honors. We wish to see the show proceed.” Princess Luna bore a small grin as she placed the tea bag inside the cup, and stirred it with a small spoon. With a quick nod Daybreak turned back to Twilight and gave a small caring smile.

“Princess Twilight. Do you recall what happened a few months ago, where the sun and moon were moving sporadically?”

The question caught Twilight off guard, having recalled seeing such an event. “Why, ah, yes, I did see that happen. The whole town was puzzled by the phenomenon but what does that have to do with,” she was stopped mid-sentence when Daybreak raised a hoof.

“Well, Princess Twilight-”

“Twilight is fine,” she responded back, knowing that formalities were not her strongest suit.

“Well Twilight. The ‘Phenomenon,’ as you called it,was caused do to Princess Celestia’s insistence in drinking Princess Luna’s specialty made coffee.” Daybreak paused, letting the words sink in, as Twilight began to slowly understand the situation. As Twilight pondered at what she heard, Daybreak continued with her explanation. “After her episode she was switched to decaf and we believed that it would make things for the better. After the first few weeks she had a busy order to fulfill and I was tasked to create a special coffee for Princess Celestia. When she partook of the nectar she… well how should I put it… went poof.”

Twilight gazed at Daybreak, confusion etched deeply into her face as Daybreak continued with a small grin. “Princess Luna and I were the first one’s to discover this and we found, through hilarious results, that whenever she has a bad day or an overburdened schedule she would become what you saw outside.” She gestured towards the door where Celestia was awaiting entrance.

‘Tis also explains as to why we have extra work during my nights.” Luna added, taking a whiff and a small sip of her Jasmine Tea. As Twilight began to contemplate on her words a ding sound came from the machine.

“Ah, the brew is ready,” Daybreak happily said as she drained the contents back into the pitcher before taking the brew over to the kitchen Island. Twilight looked at the bubbly concoction on the island. The smell was heavily in coffee and mix of chocolates; the smell alone made her mind surprisingly more focus, if only for a moment.

“And this… brew… can help bring Celestia back to what she once was?”

“Oh it certainly will,” Daybreak said as she checked the brew before her. Twilight looked at the potent drink before her and it suddenly dawned on the young Alicorn.

“Ah, Daybreak, you think that will all fit in small cup?” Twilight asked, which caused Daybreak to roar in laughter. Taken aback at her sudden outburst, Twilight shied away for a moment until the mare calmed herself.

“Oh Twilight, you're right about one thing,” she reached under the kitchen island and pulled something from underneath. She brought out something that Twilight did not expect. A large mug, bigger than what Applejack has in her cupboards, was lifted by the mare and placed firmly on the kitchen Island with a loud thunk.

“What in equs is that?” Twilight hesitantly spoke at the large mug before her.

“This my friend, is a quart,” she happily explained while pouring the down the liquid, which turned back to a smooth brown, into the large mug before her. “Bigger than a pint my dear, this brew can kickstart the whole populace of Canterlot off the face of Canterhorn.” Daybreak finished pouring the last of the contents inside and quickly brought out a small bowl of whip cream, placing a single scoop on top of the holy liquid. Once settled in place, Daybreak gazed at the masterpiece before her.

“Princess Luna, Twilight, and young Spike,” she paused as she addressed each of them. “I present to you Celestia’s elixir. The ‘Super Ultra-Deluxe Quadruple Deluxe stuffed Mocha Cappuccino’, with a side of cream, of course.” Daybreak finished and everyone stared in awe at the drink before them. The aroma of the drink filled the entire kitchen making Twilight’s mind more focus than before. The sight of the drink alone made her mouth water and she easily felt that she could taste it right then and there. Her small daydream was dashed apart when a loud moan echoed from outside of the kitchen. She turned to see Princess Luna step forward and with a clear voice spoke to the guards outside.

“Let my sister come forth.”

Not a moment after Luna uttered those words the doors were flung open, smashing into the wall and nearly unhinging them in the process. On the other side stood Celestia, her hoof raised forward, and her eyes were more bloodshot than ever before. Her ragged form enter through the doors and trudged slowly towards the others in the kitchen, her mane dragging behind her. Twilight gulped in fear, unsure what was going to happen. However, both Daybreak and Princess Luna remained ever so quiet. They both stood on opposite sides of Twilight, calm was their expressions and they did not show any possible sign of fear. As Princess Celestia continued move forward, Twilight noticed the guards standing on the other side of the door were more than present before. At least a dozen were watching the scene that was about to unfold. No doubt that they also were a part of the gambling ring and she would sincerely speak to them about...

Coffee,” Celestia said in a low, dark tone which snapped Twilight’s gaze back to struggling princess who stood only several feet away. Twilight took a nervous step back, not knowing what Celestia’s reaction might be. Spike clung to her side, holding Twilight’s tightly, like a child to it’s mother, and was shaking considerably. Twilight held him close with her wing and she gulped in the last bit of courage she had before trepidation settled into her. Princess Luna was the first to stir as she moved forward towards Celestia. She settled her Jasmine tea and was holding the large brew in her aura. She hovered the drink a foot in front of Celestia’s muzzle. Not a moment later, Celestia seized the beverage, her for-hoof snatching the mug like a viper, and brought it close to her chest. As her hoof wrapped tightly around the handle, she eyed the drink in front of her, sniffing the aroma that it gave off. Celestia lowered her muzzle and her tongue rolled out, scraping the edges of the cream with a quick lap. Not a second later, and to Twilight’s amazement, she brought the mug to her lips and downed the whole mug of coffee in six large gulps. When the last of the liquid elixir went down her throat, she lowered the drink and smacked her lips together with much satisfaction; which left behind a small brownish mustache caused from the cream and coffee. For a moment, nothing happened and Twilight could only stare in fear and curiosity as to what might happen next.

“Ten...” Princess Luna finally spoke, causing Twilight to look at her.

“Nine... eight...” Daybreak spoke next, taking a couple steps back.

“Seven... six… Twilight, we advise thee to take a step back...five...” Princess Luna continued the countdown, mirroring what Daybreak was doing. Twilight did so quickly, scooping up Spike with her, and went to Luna’s side.

“Four... three...” Daybreak paused and leaned quickly to Twilight’s side, a large smile plastered across her muzzle, and spoke nearly in a whisper, “...Brace yourself.”

Twilight looked forward and saw Celestia remaining the same and Luna removed the mug from her sister’s grasp. The guards all huddled on either side of the door, their heads peeking out to get a better look, a few even bearing large grins in much anticipation.

“Two...” Princess Luna placed the mug away and stared at her sister before her, a large grin etched deeply into her regal composure.

“One...” Daybreak placed both of her hooves against her ears. Twilight then heard a strange meep coming from Celestia, her eyes opening wide and her mouth hung low.

“Ignition!” Princess Luna beamed.

“We have lift off!” Daybreak added, thus beginning the long awaited show.

Twilight could only stare in disbelief as Celestia’s face contorted: first baring her teeth out, a second later her eyes squinted and immediately after that her eyes crossed and began to dilate back and forth, while her lower jaw began to swing back and forth. Her wings quickly expanded, shooting out into the air before snapping back to her sides. Her body froze for a brief second, holding still like one of Canterlot’s statues. Then her wings flared open again and the tips flapping at a rapid pace, making her hover off the ground as she squealed in delight. She did this for a few brief moments before her lungs were depleted and she landed back onto the ground; her face continuing to contort and shake uncontrollably. As she continue to to do this her body began shaking in ways that ponies should never be able to do. Her whole body was moving on its own and almost was making her bounce between the floor and up into the roof above. While all this happened she continued to cackle, like a maniac. She did this for nearly a full minute before her body stopped all together and her head stuck straight out like a swan. She was deadly silent and the only thing that moved was her ears shooting out in different directions every few seconds. Then, without warning, she opened her mouth and burped, in an un-lady like manner, before arching the back of her long neck.


Her mane shot out and returned to it’s natural radiant glory, moving in the air the way it’s suppose to be. She remained still, staring out as if in deep thought. She blinked several times, shook her head for a second, and stared at the three mares before her.

“Ah, good morning Twilight. I didn’t expect you to arrive until later,” she gave a warm smile, as if she just woke up, her muzzle still covered in the coffee mustache.

“Good morning sister, we took the liberty in sorting most of your work from the day before,” Princess Luna said, nodding low to hide the grin upon her muzzle.

“Morning to you as well. Thank you Lulu, I will be sure to look into the manner myself,” she turned as her gaze shifted onto Daybreak and gave a small nod.

“Good morning Daybreak, I see that your shift is almost done?”

“Indeed it will be, although I might stay up a little extra and cook a few more brews.” Daybreak bowed deeply to Celestia, her muzzle also holding a hidden smile.

“Such dedication, Daybreak, you're truly a wonderful mare. Princess Luna was right when she hired you. Your talent is special, and it’s was all thanks to Twilight’s recommendation that you're here now.” Princess Celestia bowed low to all of them before raising up and adjusting her robe. “Now, if you will excuse me, I must prepare myself for today’s events. Twilight I wish to see you in my chambers in a few hours were we will meet the dignitaries from both Maretonia and Maretania. I’ll see you soon.” She gave a quick turn and headed out the the door, passing by the bowed guards at the door’s entrance. Once she was gone from everypony’s sight, a day guard placed a small bag of bits onto the ground and slid it across to a thestral beside him, who eagerly accepted the payment. A moment later both Princess Luna and Daybreak began chuckling to themselves, along with several guards who tried their best to contain their snickers.

“Oh that was glorious,” Princess Luna spoke out, wiping away a tear with a brush of her hoof while taking in her Jasmine tea with her aura.

“I think I saw a few new looks and… oh that was just brilliant,” Daybreak beamed, her enthusiasm never wavering.

“What did you think Twilight?” Princess Luna looked down and saw her expression and another roar of laughter escaped her. Both Twilight and Spike sat behind Luna with their mouths agape. Their eyes were wide and staring out, not knowing how to comprehend what they just saw. As Princess Luna continued to roll in her laughter, Daybreak turned her attention to the guards outside.

“Since you stallions and mares are here, I’ll treat you all to a hot brew. Whaddya say?” she gave a warm smile and all the guards, both day guard and thestral, all trotted inside the kitchen, as Daybreak began to make new coffee brews for the whole lot. As the room began to become louder with small conversation about the day and what transpired, Spike was the first to snap out of his stupor.

“Should I drink coffee?” he asked nervously and another uplifting laughter escaped Daybreak.

“I don’t think coffee will be best suited for a dragon your age. But I can make you a hot cocoa with two marshmallows if you wish,” Daybreak gave a gentle smile.

“Yes please!” Spike said enthusiastically as he left Twilight’s side and awaited for Daybreak to work her magic. As Daybreak continued her work Princess Luna, who had subsided in her mirth, sat next to Twilight who still had her mouth agape. Twilight’s, whose mind was still processing at what she saw, was nudged by Luna’s wings and she looked up to be greeted by a warm smile.

“Don’t worry Twilight. It was hard for us the first time when we saw our sister like this,” she continued to smile and added, “So… did you enjoy the show?”

For a moment Twilight said nothing and her right ear fidgeted for a brief moment. Then she let it out, she gave out a warm chuckle to ponies around her, which allowed all of her stress and tension to leave her. She laughed for the longest time, longer than anything else that she had witnessed and she felt joy enter through her just as the aroma of the coffee around her.

“We’re glad that you enjoyed it,” Princess Luna said as she smiled at the happy Princess before her. “Why don’t we cook you up another batch of Jasmine tea. Would you care for some?”

“You could also have the Mocha Latte if you so wish” Daybreak said as she handed out several drinks to the awaiting guards and a small glass of cocoa to Spike. Twilight stopped in her laughter and she looked at Princess Luna and turned to give a reassuring smile to Daybreak.

“As long as they’re both decaf.”