//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Lunar Rainbow // by LunarEclipse //------------------------------// The morning started off good. Luna and I had a nice breackfast, and had little conversation. After we finished, we set off towards the mysterious forest. The same one I found her in. Again, we had little conversation, this silence was driving me crazy. "So, you want me to help you find a Philosopher's Stone so you can obtain unlimited power and become immortal to be able to protect your world from any upcoming threats, right?" I ask trying to break the silence that fell apon us. "Yes, that is right." the Princess replied. "Oh, almost forgot, is it ok if I call my friend and ask him to help us, he can be trusted and keep a secret?" I ask her. She got that worried look on her face, the same one when she took her first bath. "Only if you tell him to promise ME that he will keep what he sees a secret." she said sneering a bit at the thought of someone else besides me coming along. "Ok I'll tell him." I pulled out my phone and dailed his number. "Hello?" my friend asked as he answered his phone. "Hey Calvin." I said in reply. "Oh, hey Matthew, how have you been recently, I havn't heard from you in a few days, is everything ok?" he asked. I started to get annoyed by being asked so many questions in the past few days, but it was ok. "Ya, everything is ok." I said. I paused not sure if I should ask him. I look back at Luna, she had a hopeful look on her face. "I wanted to ask you if you are willing to help me on something?" I finally asked him. "Um, sure, what do you need?" he asked in reply. "You see.." I trail off, telling him what has happened the past few days, explaining even the little details. "Sure, I will help you guys, I am also happy you asked me." He said in reply. "No problem, do you know that forest next to my house?" I ask starting to give him directions. "Yes." he said "Ok, met us there, and be quick please, Luna made this seem really important to her." "Ok, I will be there as soon as I can." he said, moving out his door. "Ok, thanks for doing this." I said. We said bye, then Luna and I sat there and waited. We were waiting for about 5 minutes, then Calvin arrived. "Hey, hope I'm not late." he said pulling up in his car. "No, it is ok, thank you for coming so quickly." Calvin was confused, he only saw me, but I didn't say anything. then out from behind a tree came Princess Luna, smiling with sheer happiness that she had another person to help her fuldill her quest. "Oh, didn't see you. No problem Princess, it is my pleasure to help you with this mission you are on." He said, kneeling before the Princess. "There is no need to kneel before me in this world, in here I'm not a Princess like I am in my home world." Luna said with kindness in her voice. Calvin rose to his feet, blushing a little bit, feeling embarresed. "Ok, shall we get started?" I ask. "Yes, we shall." Luna said. We started acending into the forest, looking for any signs or clues leading us to a tower or something that might have the stone inside of it. We reached the spot where I found Luna then she spoke. "I remember now, when I was here, I found a piece of paper, but I couldn't understand it. It had what seemed like a riddle on it, but I don't really know all that is in this world, so when you found me, I thought that I might have to capture you in order to make you tell me what the meaning of this is." she told us. While telling this to us, she used her magic to get a piece of paper out of what seemed like a bag, but I haven't noticed it before. She levitates the paper to me and I grab it, releasing it from the magic's grip. I read what it says out loud. "Two regal sisters ruled here in a life before this, it is an old tower, so it is hard to miss." I finished reading it, then I read it again to myself making sure that I read it correctly. "Luna, don't you have an older sister?" I ask her. "Yes, why?" she replied. "I think that this means you and your sister. I think that we have to go to the old royal tower that is deep north in this forest. Your's and your sister's ancestors must have ruled in this world in the past." I said, and it seemed that she agreed. "Ok then, it is settled, we shall venture into the forest and find the royal castle." Calvin said. "Ok, but before we do, I must tell you this." Luna started, Calvin and I listened on intently to what she was saying. "In this forest, there are many creatures, some more powerful than the rest. Before you ask why I can feel the intensity of their power through my unicorn half of my body." she said in reply. "Ok, but, if there are many monsters, then what are we supposed to do, you have magic, but we only have our fists, and I don't want to sound rude, but I think that we aren't strong enough to face them." I said. Afterwards I appologized to Calvin making sure he wasn't offended. "I was getting to that. I have strong magic, as you may know, but it isn't strong enough to protect us all in this forest. This is because of this world, it is new to me so my magic may not be that effective to what is in there. However, us three will need to use the Elements of Harmony to get through the challanges that may be waiting for us." as Luna finished, Calvin and I got a weird look on our face. "How can we use the elements if we don't have them?" I asked. She smiled then replied. "Even though we don't have the elements with us, we still may be able to use them spiritually. If we can perform the elements in the challenges, then we may be able to surpass them." Luna finished, Calvin decided that him and I should believe her and so I did. Luna was a princess afterall, so even if I didn't believe what I was hearing, I still will trust her. "Ok then, I think it is time we finally start this quest." I said. "Indeed, this will be a long quest, but at the end, even if it kills you two, you would of tried your best in order to protect a world that isn't even yours." Luna said. I looked at Calvin, he too was thinking the same. What we are about to do, will be our best try to protect both Princess Luna, and her world of Equestria. As our three companions: Calvin, Matthew, and the Princess Luna look at the path they will be taking into the dark forest. This was strange to Matthew and Calvin, it was the middle of day, but the forest entry was pitch black. They take one last look at their surroundings, then nodded to each other. They were ready to begin, as they slowly walk to the beginning of the path, each of them carefully think on what creatures or challenges that may lay ahead of them, waiting for the right time to strike. As they reach the entrance, they go in. Author's note: Hopefully this doesn't have that many mistakes. The names are completely random, so don't worry i am not using real names. Yes, the last chapter is supposed to be in third person. I tried to make it like a narrator speaking.