//------------------------------// // Ch.59: Errors Have Been Made! // Story: Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.5: The Comeback! // by trahzo //------------------------------// "Next is...Princess Erroria, the Filly Princess of Errors!" "What does Erroria look like?" Asked Trixie. "Like this: She was an animation Error that the fandom adopted, just like Derpy and that one cyclops error from Best Night Ever." "What does this Cyclops error look like?" Asked Trixie. "Sorry, it's too creepy for Trahzo to allow." "Okay, just begin the story, I'll look for it myself of Derpiboo...Oh my Fausticorn that is scary!" "What direction did my life go? Oh yeah, it went the wrong way because of Twilight!" Spike complained. Spike was questioning his life as him & an accident prone filly were being chased by a Beebear! "Come-on Justin, he didn't mean to mock your singing." She said to the Beebear. "No, I was being honest Erroria!" "Oh come-on, he worked hard to tune his instrument." "And yet his singing voice sounds more like Princess Celestia's pet phoenix: Philomena close to death!" Then Justin Beebear staring flying faster! That's when a missile blew-up Justin Beebear! *Boom!* "Wh-where did that missile come from?" "Must've been another error that countered this error." Erroria said. "I'm gonna run before your bad luck rubs off on m..." Then the ground collapsed under them! Causing Spike & Erroria to fall down! "Don't worry Spike, I gotcha!" Then she used her magic to lift Spike & put him on her back. "Alright, let's get outta he..." Then a bolt of lightning struck! Making them fall. It was Derpy jumping on another cloud again! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" "Out of all the accident prone girls I've met, you truly are the princess of them all!" "Thanks." "That was not a compliment!" Spike shouted. "I'm sorry Spike, maybe I can try something! I know, I'll try to levitate us bo..." Then they landed on bottom of the whole. "Ow..." "Out of all the fillies, why'd I have to run into you?!" Spike complained. "Please don't be mad at me Spike, it's what my cutiemark is telling me." She pleaded with sad eyes. "Don't worry, I'm not that mad at you, but I'm still mad, but it was something before I ran into you." "Feel like talking about it?" Asked Erroria. "I'm sure talking about it will make you feel better." "Well, if you wanna know..." So Spike told Princess Erroria the whole sad tale of how he was painfully rejected by Rarity, dissed brutally by Diamond Tiara, and told the most painful truths about himself by Pinkie Pie even though she didn't mean it. He began questioning his life until he ran into Erroria & Beebear. He was so full of self hatred that when he had heard Beebear's song, he mocked his singing, and then Beebear got angry, blah blah blah. Missile kills the Beebear, blah blah and even more blah blah blah and now here we are, 2 kids stuck in a hole. "That's so sad!" She then tried to hug Spike but she just tripped over and ended up on top of Spike. "Oops, sorry sometimes I hate my Cutiemark!" "Did a Princess just say she hated her cutiemark?" Asked Starlight Glimmer. Then Spike incinerated Starlight Glimmer! "AAAAAAH!!! It's sooooooo hooooooooot!" "Yay, you saved me Spike!" She tried to hug Spike again, but stopped her. "No." "Okay, but still I feel so sorry for you." "Don't pity me, I don't need it." "Aww, don't be like Usopp. What you just said is eon's sadder than my unlucky life!" "Hey, you're the Princess of misfortune and I guess I'm one of your subjects. Look, can we walk down the path Starlight Glimmer made for us." "Okay." So Spike & Erroria walked down the dark path, Spike lit the way by consecutively breathing fire. "Spike?" "Yeah?" "I'm sorry about the day you've been going through." "I told you, I don't need pity." "But I want to, if it were up to me, I'd say yes if you were to ask me out, I'd defend you from Diamond Tiara, and I'd unintentionally say such mean things, or say such horrible honesty in general." Then she leaned on Spike's side. "You sure are sweet Erroria." "Thank you Spike." Then they saw a light. "Hey look, the exit!" Spike & Erroria were about to exit until... "Hello!" "Who said that?" "Us!" Called out the ashes of Starlight Glimmer who was standing next to the blown-up remains of Beebear. "Okay, when did this story start becoming Toilet in Wonderland? Oh, hey! Reader, you should totally play Toilet in Wonderland it's very funny! Nicob did a playthrough of it." Spike advertised. "Spike, who're you talking to?" "No-one, but I got an idea to stop these 2!" "Really? Yeah! Stand back." Then Spike kicked the ashes of Starlight Glimmer into the nearby pond! Then threw the remains of Beebear into a nearby mud puddle where pigs played, but when they saw the remains and considering pigs eat anything, yeah this was a one sided fight! "Wow Spike, thanks for getting us out of that one! You're my hero!" "All's I did was throw away their remains that were somehow able to still speak." "Yeah, but I have always wanted to say that." "Eh, it's okay." Then they saw the sun setting. "Well, I better go, bye Princess Erroria." "Wait, Spike!" "Yes?" "I want to see you again." "Okay, I'll ask Twilight if you can come over to the castle tomorrow..." "No, not friend see you, I mean date see you!" "You really want us to see each other?" "Yes, even though I can be the biggest klutz, you're someone for life! I may not be as pretty as Rarity, but would you be willing to give me a chance and maybe when we're adults I'll be prettier." "Okay, but please don't change yourself." "I wont Spike, errors are my destiny." So Spike & Erroria began dating after that day, Erroria never stopped being so sweet to Spike, reminding him that he matters. Spike showed Erroria how exactly how to not be such a klutz, and you know what? They both became each other's good luck charms, because Spike's misfortunes & Erroria's errors began dying down. So now, we end it off with Spike & Erroria sitting at the balcony of the cast...... *Crash!* OH-NO! Ponyville just suddenly collapsed! Eh, maybe we'll get to see the next retcon, Gen 5. "Uh, you can accommodate for that many citizens, oh I'm just kidding that's a one shot! It's not like that chapter will have a sequel, unless Trahzo decides to give it one." Brak joked. "Indeed." Luna agreed. "Now, it's time, bring in the final letter!" "Oh boy, let's see who last but not least, in the next chapter!