Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.5: The Comeback!

by trahzo

Ch.55: Rova's Friends.

"Next is...Fluffy & Sophie, the R63 Fido & Spot."

"Diamond Dogs?" Asked Trixie.

"Yep, now begin the story."

After what happened in: 'Spike's Loyal Pet' Rova decided to call her friends Sophie & Fluffy over to have a taste of him as well.

"Wow, with all these diamond dogs you're inviting, maybe I should pay these girls as guard dogs." Twilight joked

"Hey! That night was a misunderstanding and you know it!" Spike snapped.

"Suuuuuure it was....and I certainly wont be getting dragon puppy hybrids anytime soon."

"Oh shut-up!"

Spike didn't really enjoy how his life was heading, ending-up banging a bitch by accident. Now he has to deal with the entire gang. Speaking of whom were eating their food in the kitchen like actual dogs.

"I wish I'd never become a dog back in that version of Equestria." Then Spike drank Twilight's Coffee.

"Well, fortunately for you, I'll be taking Rova with me to the Crystal Empire as muscle to listen to an important meeting for all of the leaders plus Cherry Jubilee." Twilight told him.

"Yeah, take one and I have to deal with 2, I feel muuuuuuch better Princess Twilight Sparkle." Spike sarcastically said.

" *Giggle* Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be able to raise me a huge army of Diamond Dogs one day."


"Oh no, I didn't say that to cheer you up, I said that to cheer me up." Then Twilight finished her breakfast, magicked a leash, and left. "See you tomorrow Spike, also come on, Rova's friends are cute." Then she closed the door.

" *Groan!* Bitch!"

"You called master?" Asked Sophie & Fluffy.

Yes, there are going to be bitch jokes in this story.

"No I didn't."

"Oh well, we finished our breakfast anyways, we we'll just sit and watch." Said Sophie while she wagged her tail.

"Yeah, just pretend we're not here while eating." said Fluffy while wagging her tail as well.

"(Trust me, I do that every time we're in the same room!)"

Spike ate his food in silence, he didn't even care or notice that Fluffy & Sophie were gone until...

"Ah!" Spike then got up from his chair. "What the fuck?!"

"Sorry master Spike, but in the middle we decided to suck your morning wood without asking."

"Oh Geez you bitches! Sophie, Fluffy, just go!"

"Sure master." Then they both licked a cheek before leaving.

"*Groan!* Why me?" Spike complained while lying his head on the table.

Yeah I feel the same in the morning too when my step granny & blood sis are awake, I hate them! Anyways Spike finished his breakfast then went to his room to play some SSB4 on the WiiU!

"HA! That's what you get for being the Duck Hunt Dog!" Spike gloated. "Yeah, suck it you stupid bitch!"

"Did you just ask us to suck it?"

"What?! N-no! Stay away I said no!"

They didn't listen...


An hour later...

"(Why again?! These bitches!)"

Then Spike decided to take a little walk after feeling that puppy love. He didn't appreciate though how they decided to tag along.

"You 2 bitches really need training!"

"Oh come-on, you loved it."

Then the citizens began making jokes.

"Hey Spike, taken your harem for a walk?" Thunderlane called out.

"Mommy, can Kelly be my girlfriend?" Asked a colt.

"No Sweetheart, you're a pony, and she's a regular dog." The colt's mother said.

"(Damn! Why?)" Spike then made it to Sugarcube Corner.

"Tut tut tut, no pets allowed." Pinkie pointed to the sign. "Just kidding, sentient creatures don't count as pets, come-on in Fluffy & Sophie."

"(If I owned this restaurant, then I'd ban dogs in general!)"

"So, what would you 3 like?"

"Got any cakes with beef in it?" The bitches asked.

"I'll get some chocolate cupcakes."

OH! Spike, really? Eating a dog's poison right in front of them? What a little bastard! Sophie & Fluffy didn't really care though but loved how Pinkie had Beef flavored cake with them just for pet birthdays. Spike ate his doggy death cupcakes slowly.

"(I'm so glad I'm not a dog. Never getting to taste the delectable scent rich creamy chocolate would be a nightmare.)" Spike thought, and yes I made a reference to Foodfight! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

"Ah, that hit the spot. Hey Fluffy, Sophie, feel like licking off the crumbs?"


"It's only a little chocolate."

Then they become nervous.

"You 2 seemed to like licking my face, what's wrong now?"

"Ok........okay Master Spike." They then licked his face.

"Good girls, now I'll let's go home, here are the bits I owe you Pinks."

"Thank you Spike." Then she whispered in his ear. "Hey, I know you hate these 2, but that was so mean!"

"I'm sorry Pinkie but I really wish they'd leave me alone."

"You didn't even give 'em a chance!"

"I didn't give one to Rova either!"

"Do you really despise us that much?" Asked Fluffy.

"How did you..."

"Our dog hearing of course."

"Yeah, if you didn't like us, you should've just told us!"

Then they walked away sad.

"Spike......Spike, Spike, Spike, you know it doesn't sound like a dragon name, it in fact sounds like the most generic...."

"Don't you dare say it Pinkie!"


"You bitch!"

"Yeah, call me a bitch while you acted like one to the actual bitches! Spike, when are you gonna learn that the girls who you'll pursuit will treat like a dog!"

"Pinkie, how dare you?"

"Spike, it's time to stop running away from the girls who crush on you and accept them!"

"Who's says I'm running away?"

"I did! Now go after them, apologize, and name one of your puppies after me, Gummy, and Deez nuts!"

Then Spike was kicked out of Sugarcube Corner.

"Okay Spike, guess it's time to swallow your pride, many respectable men have done it, for example Mung Daal when he needed a Smindgeabread house so Chowder could have at least one good Kanishmas, or when Vegeta had to swallow his pride in Battle of the Gods and sing that Bingo song for Beerus." He said to himself.

Fluffie & Sophie were sitting at the front porch, in curled positions crying like dogs, then Spike walked up to them with his head down.

" *sigh* Sophie, Fluffy, look, I'm sorry for hurting your feelings. I-I-I regret it."

"You do?"

"Yes, you 2 & Rova are actually very pretty dogs, and I feel lucky for having you 3 live with me, I don't feel all that lucky since you've caused many citizens to consider beastiality though."

"Did we really cause citizens to turn to beastiality?"

"Uh...point being, you're pretty hot dogs."

"But why were you so cruel to us?"

"I don't want my own servants, and also after running into Winona as a dog in that other world, I...I developed a hatred for dogs because of it, but after seeing how devoted you 2 and Rova are...I guess all dogs aren't that horny." Then Spike held out his claw. "So, are we cool?"

Then they licked his face.

"I'll take that as a yes, now come-on, you 2 wanted to see that furry beastiality romance starring that boy and his anthropomorphic dog right? Well I got the the tickets right here."

"Thank you Spike!" Then Fluffy & Sophie kissed Spike on the lips.

"It's a good thing those girls aren't here because I'd lose one of my 9 lives right now just by the shock!" Said Brak.

"They're here!" Trixie called out."

"Ah!" Then Brak fainted causing his 1st life to go to heaven.

"Hey, don't do that! Great, now I need to get 100 coins to replenish that! Go to the next chapter while I go out & mug people!"

"Oh-no you wont!" Luna spoke.

"Try me!"

Then Luna chased Brak.