//------------------------------// // Chapter One: Applejack // Story: Love is in Bloom // by MuddyWaters //------------------------------// Today had been hectic at Sweet Apple Acres, as it had been the start of Apple Buck Season. We had Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and all my friends. Although, even with all the help, I figured it was going to take a couple more days, at least, to finish Apple Bucking. There was just so much to do! But we were done for now, as the sun was setting. I had just sent my friends off to their homes, and I turned to Big Mac and Apple Bloom. "This was an exhausting day," I commented casually. "Eeyup," Big Mac replied. "But at least we got a lot done!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "I think we'll get done tomorrow, with everypony helping!" "Now, now, Sugarcube" I told my younger sister. "Even with everypony helping out, it does not guarantee success quicker." "But you saw how Twilight cleared all those trees so quickly!" "And you saw how taxing that was for her. She almost fainted." "Eeyup," Big Mac added. "We have to be careful Apple Bloom." She just simply rolled her eyes, and walked to the barn. I turned to look at Big Mac, who simply shook his head. Ever since Apple Bloom got her cutie mark, she'd thought it made her more important, even though she was still just a young filly. Big Mac and I both tried our hardest to reel her in, but sometimes it was just so hard. I really wished we hadn't lost Granny a couple years ago. Now it fell onto mine and Big Mac's shoulders to run Sweet Apple Acres and to and to make sure Apple Bloom grew up into a fine mare. Although, both of us doubted she would stick around Sweet Apple Acres as she had discovered her talent had been making potions. She still loved working on the farm though, so who knew. "Should we get going to bed?" I asked Big Mac. "Eeyup," Big Mac replied. He'd grown into saying more around other ponies, but he still preferred to use his two usual words whenever he could. I chuckled at my brother as we headed into the barn to go to sleep. He headed to his room, and I headed to mine. When I crawled into bed, I could not easily find sleep at first, my mind turning with all my thoughts. I had no idea how long Big Mac would be willing to stay at Sweet Apple Acres, and anyways, neither of us would stay young forever. Who would take care of Sweet Apple Acres then? Perhaps it was time for me to find a stallion to settle down with. The only question was who? It wasn't like I could just force myself to love somepony. I finally drifted off to sleep after thinking of this for a very long time, my dreams littered with a mysterious Stallion who was the perfect one for me. He was covered in shadows, and it was impossible for me to make out anything about him. I just knew he was there, even though I wished I could make something out about him. Anything to let me know exactly who it was out there that was supposed to be the perfect stallion for me. When I awoke, it was to soft knocking on my door. "Applejack!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "We need you downstairs now! This is important!" I got out of bed, grabbing my hat from the post of the bed. I combed my hoof through my hair, polling both my mane and tail in a ponytail. "What is it?" I asked, opening the door. "It's Twilight," Apple Bloom replied. "She's unable to help today as Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna needed her in Canterlot, where she'll be staying for a couple days!" I stared at Apple Bloom in amazement, blinking the tiredness from my eyes. "Is Equestria in trouble?" I asked. "No idea. Perhaps it's just a princess thing. The thing is without Twilight here, Apple Buck Season will take much longer! And we just don't have the time." "We can do it even without her," I told her calmly. "We've done it with just Big Mac and I, and now we have more ponies to help." "But-" Apple Bloom started. "No buts," I told her. "Let's just go downstairs. The others will be here soon." Apple Bloom let out an exasperated sigh, and walked down the stairs. I stared at her with a bemused look on her face. She thought she knew everything and yet she had so much more to learn. I was surprised when I came downstairs, and the only four ponies there were my two siblings and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. Where had everypony else gone? Surely they'd be here by now, I was sure I'd said first thing in the morning. "I tried to tell you," Apple Bloom spoke, obviously happy to be right. "Rarity had to go to Manehatten; she got a call last night for a fashion show thingy. And Fluttershy was needed in Canterlot by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna with Twilight." "What do we do without them?" I asked. "We can still Apple Buck!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "Even with just Rainbow and I, I'm sure we can still do it! Yup!" I chuckled at Pinkie's enthusiasm. She was always this way. Even though there were times that she was sad, they were rather rare. "Yes!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, her purple eyes narrowed. "I'm up to the challenge." I sighed. "Alright. Let's get to work." We headed out into the orchard where we stopped yesterday, and started working. Even with the five of us working, it was slow-going. We made a much smaller dent then the day before. When the moon started to rise, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie left. And I knew so much was going to have to be done tomorrow if we wanted to be done anytime soon. Who knew how long the rest of our friends would be gone! Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and I were exhausted as we made our way back to the barn, so much that none of us noticed anything strange. That was until we spotted two shadows by the door, and heard a voice speak. "Lookie what we got here, brother of mine." And that voice was too familiar to not recognize. Even though I didn't want to deal with the owner of the voice at the moment.