Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.5: The Comeback!

by trahzo

Ch.49:Sweet, Yet Cold Hearts.

"Next is...Nurses Sweetheart & Coldheart, oh those 2 are pretty hot! They took care of me during my visit to Ponyville, sheesh that Fluttershy can't take a joke."

"That's what you get for saying such a thing to Fluttershy in front of Bulk Biceps, Discord, Big Mac, Iron Will, and Angel Bunny." Explained Luna.

Spike was in a hospital bed, him & his friends were just in the middle of winning against another big threat! Spike fell just as Twilight & her friends banished the beast all the way back to Pluto! This epic fight resulted in Spike getting leg casts & arm casts.

"Spike, I know this is adding insult to injury...but, before we all ran off to battle against Zataxio, Rarity...promised to marry a certain stallion...heh heh heh."

Spike looked at Twilight with anger.

"Hey, on the bright side you get to be taken care of by 2 nurses..." Spike was still looking at Twilight with those angry eyes. "Okay love you, gotta go help Rarity & her fiance with their wedding plans gotta go bye!"


" *Groan!* Now I wish I was dead."

"That is no way to speak here little prince!" Said a voice that sounds like it needs a lozenge.

"Sorry Nurse Coldheart." Spike told her in sadness.

"Aw, don't be like that, Twilight ordered us to help you feel all better." Said a sweet voice.

"Thank you Nurse Sweetheart." Spike told her with a weak smile.

"Now, now Spike, I want to see a big smile on your face." Sweetheart said while tickling him.

"Cut that out Sweetheart, he needs some rest."

"Oh, my apologies, but be sure to call us when you need some assistance."

"Will do..."

A while later, Coldheart came in with lunch.

"Lunch time for Spike."

"Thanks Coldheart, now will you please feed me? I'm kinda..."

"Don't worry, I'm on it." Then she took a spoon scooped some food from the plate. "Here you go..."

"Aaaah..." Spike went as he opened his mouth.

Spike ate the food that entered his mouth, and crunched it while smiling.

"Wow, why are these gems tasting much better than other gems I've had before?"

"Because Sweetheart chose certain gems outta love."

"Liar! You picked those gems because you think he's cute." Said Nurse Redheart while walking by.

"Is it me, or is Coldheart feeling a little warm around the cheeks?" Spike joked.

""Sh-shut up and eat your lunch, I gotta go see how Nursery Rhyme is doing." Then she left the room.

"Hey wait, I can't eat because my arms are broken! Hello? Hello? Drat!" Spike went.


"Here I come Spike, sorry my colleague left you."

"Was it true about her getting me these gems because she likes me?"

"Yeah, she has trouble expressing her feelings, and her coldness is what repels many stallions." She explained.

"Wow, that is sad."

"Well, her coldness did save me from this one jerk back in highschool."


"Yeah, I used to date this guy named Teddie, but as the years went by, he started becoming worse and worse, the more other students hazed him and took his anger out on me, Coldheart saved me from him and his family moved to Manehattan to find a better environment for poor poor Teddie. I'm not angry with him for beating on me, I was angry with the students, but Coldheart told me to forget about him, but I still decided to remember him because I am a forgiving pony, but I wont forgive the students for treating Teddie wrongly."

"Wow, you're so nice Nurse Sweetheart."

" In fact, Teddie's the reason why I wanted to take care of you, I've seen how you're treated by your friends, I don't want you to become another Teddie." Then she looked at Spike with a pleading expression.

"Don't worry Sweetheart, I promise to never end up like your ex. Cross my heart & hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Sweetheart laughed then gave Spike some gems.

Later, Coldheart came in.

"You wanted to see me Spike?"

"Yes, Coldheart, do you really like-like me?"

She looked down."Yes Spike, the moment I saw you, I could feel your warmth counter my cold, and it felt so good I wanted to feel it more!" Then she looked away. "Now I bet you're going to reject my feelings aren't you?"



"Yeah Coldheart, you don't need to be so cold towards guys, I love how you've helped me while I'm recovering."

"You do?"

"Yes, you have a hidden beauty to yourself, would you mind removing your hairnet?"

"Okay Spike." Then she took off her hairnet revealing the long silky hair.

"What's wrong Spike?"

"You've probably took his breath away, don't worry, I'll take care of it." Then Sweetheart gave Spike CPR.

2 weeks passed, and Spike's limbs were back to normal, and Rarity & her stallion fiance got married and went off to a honeymoon in SanZebra where they both died of something that is not Ebola! Spike was standing outside of the hospital.

"Oh yeah, getting some from 2 nurses!" Brak commented. "I once tried asking some nurses for special treatment, and then they slapped me!"

"Probably because you're always doing what you usually do to piss everyone off." Said Trixie.

"Hey, she liked the compliment & knew it."

