//------------------------------// // Ch.48:Like the Color of his Flames. // Story: Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.5: The Comeback! // by trahzo //------------------------------// "Another OC?" Brak questioned "Don't worry, there's a higher Canon to OC ratio, one last OC wont be to bad, plus this one's a dragon!" Luna explained. "Okay, so this time we got...Jade by Queencold." said Brak. "Oh, here's a picture of her: She looks so cute! Begin!" said Trixie. "Goodbye." Went Jade, the green baby dragoness with horns and wings. "No, not goodbye, it's more like a see you later. You can come over to Ponyville & visit anytime, and once you're an adult, I can show you this cave that's close so we can see each other everyday! Promise me Jade." Said a very confident Spike. "I'll hold you to that promise Spike." Then the 2 connected pinkie fingers & shook, and Twilight readied the teleport back to Ponyville. "See you again Spike." "See you soon Jade." *FLASH!!!* "He seemed pretty cute. You 2 kiss?" Joked one of Jade's siblings. "Oh shut-up." Years passed, Jade would visit a few times, and would play with Spike, but then as tweens they started becoming hostile towards each other, not seeing each other until they reunite to apologize at ages 15-17! Yes, all of that was the dynamic of a the childhood friends in school romance anime! Close friends in elementary school, despise each other in middle school, then forgive each other in high school. Anywyas, yeah, Spike showed Jade the cave that used to belong to Basil, until Fluttershy stared him straight! Spike & Jade would hang out either in her cave, or at his castle. Spike & Jade would have a lot fun talking, fighting evil monsters threatening the safety of Equestria, and fighting over gems! Even so, it was just a whole year, and what Spike wasn't prepared for, oh boy, you've seen mares in heat right? Well, what if a dragon was to go into an estrus cycle & you were the only dragon with no wings?! Well, let's just see... Spike was walking through New Ponyville, yeah after the disaster of the stallion known as Hurt, the village was destroyed & then rebuilt by the citizens. The size of the village was able to accommodate Spike's current size. So yeah, Spike was minding his own business until... "Aaaah!" Went a stallion. "What the?" "AAAAAAH!!!" Went another. "Huh? What's going on? Who's in trouble?" He looked around, saw nopony until he saw a handful running for their lives from mares in heat! "Spike, run! It's mating season & I saw Jade coming this way, and she's coming for you..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" went an earth pony stallion before getting scraped up by a pegasus mare! "Mating season?!" Spike booked for the Everfree Forest, hoping to hide within the the tall trees. "Phew!" Hopefully she wont cat..." Then Spike was cut off mid sentence as a gust of wind blew away the trees! "Spike!" Jade yelled with heart eyes! "Crap! Uh, hey look it's a boy band!" "Where?!" Then Spike ran like a bitch! "Fine, prepare for an exciting game Spike, just like back then when we were kids." Spike hid behind a mountain. "Spiiiiiike? Come-on I'm horny and you're the only drake I know!" She saw Spike's tail sticking out from behind a mountain. "Spiiiiike? Guess you aint here." Then she pretend stomped away. "Phew, that was..." Then Spike bumped into Jade. "Ah!" Spike & Jade then stared each other down, with Spike making enough sweat to make a waterfall. "I'll give you...10 seconds to run! 10..." Then Spike began fleeing. "9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 Time's up!" Then she used her wings to rush at Spike & tackle him from behind! "Oof!" "Ha ha! I gotcha!" "That you did (DAMN!)." "Now come with me Spike, I'm ready to give my womanhood to you." She said while dragging Spike back to his cave. "Umm, mom, can you help me please?" Then he burped out a letter. "Dear Spike. Sorry, busy dealing with my own heat. Love Princess Celestia." "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!" He screamed as he was dragged all the way back to Jade's cave. "(Why couldn't Reginald have smelled her heat & take care of it?)" Then once they made it back to Jade's cave. "Spike, I want to have your babies!" She said while nuzzling Spike's cheek. "Wait Jade, this isn't really you, it's the heat." "Nah, I'm sure it's me." Then she began kissing under his chin. "Ooh, th-that tickles." Then soon Jade stopped kissing his chin then picked up a humongous boulder! "What's that for?" "To make sure you wont run away, duh!" Then she sealed the entrance. "Only way out now is to pay the toll." she said while sticking her ass at him. "Dammit! How do I get into these situations?" Spike said as he prepared to put his baby gravy in her. Can't think of anything for them to say.