//------------------------------// // 1 - 05 // Story: Four Hooves // by destinedjagold //------------------------------// Unlike Mister White Horse, Big Mac’s shorter, but the red stallion is still taller than me. I watch the few remaining pegasus ponies above the fruit trees, hoping to see a familiar face, but nope, none of them are familiar. As they push the clouds away, I walk up to Big Mac who gives me a quick glance before he returns his attention to the trees. “Hello,” I greet him with a smile as I stop a few paces away from him. “You’re Big M—er, you’re Macintosh, right?” “Eeyup,” he says without tearing his gaze from the greens. Er, I mean oranges. They’re still green in color, so I suppose they’re still unripe oranges. It’s a little weird to see Big Mac working on orange trees. No offense to any oranges out there. Anyway... “I hear you’re a harvester?” “Eeyup.” I smile and nod. “Nice. I’m Jay, and I’m not from around here,” or from this world. “It’s nice to meet you.” “Eeyup.” My smile falters a bit. “...So you’ve been outside this pasture before, right?” “Eeyup.” “Delivering crops to other ponies?” “Eeyup.” I’m starting to think that AJ was right about her brother. “...Uh, so have you heard about a pony named Twilight?” “Eey...” he blinks, and blinks again. After a few seconds, he turns to me with...wow, he has a good poker face. “...Eeyup.” I sigh with a smile. “Nice. Okay, so I’m looking for her, you see. Do you know where she is?” “Ee—” I hold my breath. “—nope.” And this is why I should never let my hopes up. It hurts when it crashes down on me. I feel my ears droop as I frown. “...Oh. Uh, okay.” Damn. I’m kinda tempted to ask if he knows Smarty Pants. Hm... Nah. “So uh, do you know anything about her that might help me find her?” He blinks at me. “...Eenope.” And my frown goes further down. “I...see... Well, uh, thanks, and sorry to disturb you, Macintosh sir.” I give him a small nod before I turn around and slowly walk away. Sigh... I guess I better go and see Applejack. “Why the long face?” Or Pinkie Pie. That works too, I guess. Also, that was a baaad joke coming from you, Pinkie, yet it manage to make me smile a bit. “Eh, just thinking about something...” I shake my head a bit. “Don’t worry about it.” She frowns. “If you say so.” She then gives me a small smile of her own. “So... How’s your little love search going?” I let out a sigh. “That bad, eh?” She shrugs. “Well, you obviously are looking for her in the wrong place.” “I know, I know,” I say with a nod. “I’m just...looking for some leads that’ll tell me where to go.” “Well, if you’re reeeaaally dead-set on looking for her, then why don’t you go and ask in other pastures?” She shrugs again. “Or just go to the bleep ponies.” I let out a small chuckle. I have already forgotten about our bleep word. “Well, that’s the thing,” I say as my smile turns into a frown. “I...don’t know how to get to other, um, pastures.” She blinks at me, her smile turning into a straight line. “...What?” She arches an eyebrow. “That doesn’t make sense.” I blink in return. “Uh...why?” Now she’s looking at me as if I suddenly turned into a unico—oh, I think I already know where this is going... “Because you’re obviously from somewhere. Some other pasture that I haven’t gone to yet.” She shrugs. “As strange as this might sound—” Oh, trust me, Pinkie. The show has mentally prepared me for your crazy antics. Which you disappointingly lack in this world. “—you carry the scent of your home that we haven’t visited yet. And we’ve traveled and traded our harvest with other pastures close by. That only means that you’re from a far-away land, which also means you’ve visited other pastures before you got here,” and she finishes her explanation with a big grin. I smile at her. She’s strangely intelligent to be Pinkie, but hey, it’s Pinkie. I shouldn’t question it. “So... If I visited other pastures before, does that mean that I get to ‘catch’ their scent on me?” Pinkie blinks. “Well, yeah.” She smiles. “Oh! You’re doubting me, aren’t ya? Well!” She suddenly puts her muzzle on my neck, making me freeze and hold my breath in shock-surprise. The next thing I know, her face is no longer on my neck, but on a more respectable distance. Oh, and she is frowning at me. “...That’s strange.” I blink as I begrudgingly start manual breathing. I know breathing is automatic, but I find it annoying that it turns into manual mode if I accidentally take notice of it. Le sigh... Oh, right, Pinkie. Derp, I forgot what she said. “Uh...what?” “You...” she points a pink hoof at me. “...only have your strange home’s scent and our pasture’s...” I flash her a lame smile. “Er, yeah. I did tell you that I haven’t been to any other pastures yet.” “But,” she frowns at me. “It doesn’t make sense!” Stop talking like Twilight! That’s her line! She shrugs. “Eh, whatever. Big world and all of its big list of mysteries, I guess?” She smiles at me. “Well, if you really don’t know how to get somewhere, why don’t you join us tomorrow in our delivery?” Huh. I guess that works. But wait. “Tomorrow?” She nods her head. “Yep! We’re gonna harvest the crops we need to deliver later before the moon comes up so we can deliver them just before the sun wakes up! We’re gonna be delivering a lot if I remember it correctly. Let’s see... There’s gonna be lettuce, eggplants, potat—mrf?” I ever so gently press my hoof over her mouth. Hey, I know my hoof’s probably dirty from all of my walking, but she ate the dirt that clung on the roots of the grass, so whatever. Wait... About that... “Pinkie...” I say as I put my hoof down. “Hm?” “Correct me if I’m wrong, but,” I say as I look at a few ponies around. “Ponies don’t usually pull the grass and eat it as well as its roots, right?” Pinkie blinks and shrugs. “Yeah, I guess so. But what can I say? I like the flavor of the roots.” I think the flavor you’re talking about are the dirt on the roots, but whatever. “Well, uh anyway, I ah uh, appreciate the offer,” I say as I frown. “But, um, tomorrow?” She nods with a smile. “Yep! Tomorrow! Before the sun comes up!” She then looks around. “If you’re worried about where to sleep, well,” she looks back to me, “you can sleep wherever! We share our territories with everypony around here. Just...” she leans closer to whisper, “...don’t sleep right next to couples. They tend to get really touchy sometimes.” That’s something, coming from ‘touchy’ Pinkie. “And loud.” I shake my head. I don’t need that mental image right now. She pouts. “Wow... You’re a difficult stallion, you know that? I can get others to smile or blush when I said that line last.” I sigh. Sorry, Pinks, but I don’t feel like laughing or whatever at the moment... “C-can’t you guys...” Wait... Why am I asking them to deliver now? Why am I gonna ask them to help me in the first place? This...this is my problem, and I shouldn’t drag anyone else with me. That would be selfish of me. “Pinkie.” “Yeah?” “Can you tell me where...the bleep ponies are?” She blinks at me. “Uh, why?” “I need to go there,” I say. “Twilight’s a bleep, so the bleep ponies might know where she is.” “Uh... Did you forget that scar I showed you?” I blink. “Er, well, yes.” I blink again. “Wait. Earlier, you suggested that I should go to the bleeps.“ She shrugs. “I wasn’t serious about that.” She then frowns at me. “And you still want to go there?” I nod my head. “I need to find Twilight, Pinkie. You said so yourself that you guys no longer give them your food, so tomorrow, you guys won’t be going there, right?” I took a breath and sigh. “I need to see her as soon as possible.” Because I can’t stay here for far too long.