//------------------------------// // Ch.44:When Spike Meets the Past & Present. // Story: Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.5: The Comeback! // by trahzo //------------------------------// "Next is...both Young Granny Smith & Old Granny Smith?" "Sounds like our guest can explain this one." Said Luna, as she pointed to Dr.Whooves who was sipping tea with Trixie. "Yes, I can explain how it works, you see...." What? The story began just as the Doctor was about to explain how this time paradox works? Dammit! So yeah, the Young Granny Smith was in the kitchen making some apple pie, when suddenly...a vortex opened-up out of nowhere! Young Granny held on tight to the counter as everything was being absorbed, even some hair from her mane, tail, and coat! Then once the vortex stopped... "What in the sam hill was that?" She said. "Mama?!" Then Granny Smith's Son/Daughter came in, yeah we don't know if she gave birth to Applejack's mom or dad, hence the '/'. "I'm fine youngun." Then in the time stream, the picture of Young Granny Smith, mixed with the hair, apples, and the scream in terror! All of it then spent 10 billion years forming, even though to us it was just throughout Granny Smith's life up to this point... Years later... Current Granny Smith was in the middle of making Apple Pie, and she was being assisted by young adult Spike, since Apple Bloom went off to college in Manehattan. "Sorry for asking yah to do this(not really, I just wanted a strong handsome man here with me, hee hee hee!)" Granny Smith lied. At this point, Big Mac married Cheerilee, but the divorced, then moved in and married Cheerilee's sister Cherry Blossom, but then they had a falling out too, then he moved in with Fluttershy, but yet another falling out! Big Mac tried going out with Macareina, but it was very awkward. Then Big Mac found true love with his cousin Bailey Sweet and moved to Apploosa! With AJ left, production went way down! So Spike decided to volunteer. Every day he'd come over and help with the work, Rainbow Dash would assist too, but only if she gets one cup of cider a day, that bitch! Spike & Granny Smith became close friends. "It's fine Granny, you let AB try to perfect her Cutiemark for art & carpentry. Though letting Big Mac move to Apploosa was a bad choice, why couldn't Bailey Sweet move here?" Asked Spike. "Hey, I'm old! Don't argue with my wisdom! (I agree with your sleek pecks handsome!)" "Hah! If old people are so wise, then why did Splinter give Michelangelo the most complicated weapons? Why doesn't the perverted Jiraiya or Roshi learn? Then there's also Bumi, Herbert the Pervert, Mr.Waddles why is an old guy hosting funerals? He's gonna die soon also!" "Okay, fine! (Sorry for snapping at yah handsome.)" That's when a time portal opened up in the middle of the kitchen! "Ah! Again?!" "What do you mean again?" Spike yelled while holding onto both Granny Smith and the counter, while anchoring himself down with claws! "Back when I was a mama, when my family was out, and I was making Apple pie, a vortex opened-up to suck me-up! Guess this thing came back now that I'm old & wont matter to anyone if I died!" "What do you mean it wont matter if you die for being old? Your family will care, your friends will care, historians will care, I'll care! So don't you give-up Granny Smith!" Then a tear rolled down her face. "Spike, thank you." Then the vortex disappeared again, leaving a young mare in it's place. "Granny Smith, you okay?" "Yes, why do you ask?" Said a young voice. "Huh?" Then they both looked to see... "*Gasp* It can't be..." Said Granny Smith. "Is....is that who I think it is?" The mare then looked back at them. "Ah! A dragon in my house!" The young mare then jumped onto the top of the table and held up a chair. "Don't worry old timer, I'll save you!" "Old timer?! Young lady, I'm you from the future!" Granny Smith snapped. "What?! Th-that can't be!" "It's true, see this scarf?" "We may have the same scarf, but I still don't..." "Come with me, I'll show you where that Bonnet is in my room, and I'll show you where our swim suit is!" Then Granny Smith took young granny by the ear and walked up the stairs. "Wow, pulling your ear is actually hurting me also." "This is so weird. (Yet, this version of Granny Smith is so very hot!)" Meanwhile in the orchard... "What's wrong Applejack?" Asked Rainbow Dash, I sense a young guy just called Granny Smith hot!" "Gross! Though hey, many will have their fetishes, remember when we walked in on Pinkie while she had Cheese Sandwich, Party Favor, and Bubble Barry spray whipped cream all over her face? That was weird!" "Especially that stallion version of her." Now back to inside Granny Smith's room. "See?! The same red bonnet! The same swimsuit! and that hair tie?" Then she took off her's letting her hair down. "I got it too!" "Wow..." Then she looked at a family photo of the current Apple Family. "Am I really a great granny?" "What?! No! All 3 of them are my grandkids." "Really? I thought this red stallion & orange mare had this yellow filly." "But that's just everyone's theory." Spike joked. "A game theory!" Thanks for watching! Just kidding! Ha ha ha, suck on deez nuts man! "Spike, quit being a comedy duo with the author and focus!" "So, what's Ponyville like?" "I'll show you." "I'll go with you 2 to ward off the creeps." Spike said. "Thanks Spike. (This is very convenient! If I play my cards right, then I can have this version of me, get it on with his dragon dicks!)" Yeah, Granny Smith just confirmed that she ships herself with Spike! Anyways, Spike & the smiths walked around Ponyville, showing Young Granny Smith how it's grown over the years. All the guys instantly turned their heads towards Young Granny Smith. "Wow young me, your milkshakes are definitely bringing all the boys to the yard." "STOP!!! PAUSE PAUSE PAUSE!!! WHAT WAS THAT JOKE?!!! What the Tartarus Trahzo! What the Tartarus?" Luna complained. "Resume." Brak announced. "Huh?" "Oh, I yeah, that song didn't come out yet during your time." "Sorry we can't have Dr.Whooves bring you back to the past, since he moved back to his human time after Cranky & Matilda's wedding." Spike explained. "Well, I don't mind. At least I gave birth to the pony who'd have Applejack was it? Before I ended-up in this time." "Yeah." Spike said. "Wait, are you really okay with not being with your husband in this time?" "I'm gonna miss him, but since I don't have a stallion anymore, I guess I can search for love again." She said. "(I bet old me is taken with him, I certainly am.)" She then thought. "(Sweet! Now I can hit on her!)" Spike thought with perverted intent! So after Spike & Granny Smith showed Young Granny Smith all of the changes in Ponyville, it took her only a minute to take in all of the changes. "That was mighty amazing, something me & my family began, I love how it grew into something incredible!" Young Granny Smith said while they were walking down the fence back to Sweet Apple Acres, that's when... "Hi Applejack." Young Granny Smith said. "Whoa, I guess the doc was right, I'll drink less booze." "Nope, I see them to." Spike said. "Well, at least we got a little extra help with harvesting again...you are gonna help & not take naps right?" "Hee hee hee! Of course grand daughter..." "*Shiver* It feels so weird hearing that from a young mare." "You'll get used to it." Said Spike. Yeah, just like how everyone got used to The new castle...okay fine I'm the only one who's gotten used to the castle! Mostly because I'm pretty sure I'm the only brony is this neighborhood I'm living in. I got cool older friends who play Pokemon, watch Digimon, play smash bros. I'm sure only one of them has kids. I mean, the guy with kids even has a Pikachu edition Nintendo 64 & the Gold & Silver Pokemon Manga, and the friend with twin pitbulls has classic Pokemon on the classic game boy! I managed to impress them though when I brought my wireless Gamecube controller for a few rounds of Brawl, though I did lose a lot! Anyways... "It might take a while to get used to it." Said Applejack. "Hmph, I betcha all the guys in Ponyville have gotten used to it already." Said Rainbow dash. Then Rainbow, both Smiths, and Spike began laughing while Applejack left for Sugarcube Corner. "Hey AJ, where are you going?" "I need lots of sugar!" "Lemme come with you." Then Rainbow Dash & Aj were gone. "Is that my granddaughter's boyfriend?" Asked Young Granny Smith. "No, that's her sorta girlfriend." Granny Smith answered. Then all 3 shared yet another laugh. Later that night... "So ladies, Twilight will be at the Crystal Empire for until tomorrow, so feel like letting me stay over night? I got no chores to do at home." "You've helped me since Big Mac & Applebloom left, you're welcome here anytime!" Said Granny Smith. "(Yes!) Thanks." So Young Granny Smith decided to sleep in Apple bloom's room, while Spike slept in Big Mac's. Young Granny Smith woke-up and decided to go to Big Mac's room to see Spike. "Spike, you awake?" "Yeah, why?" "Well...I was wondering..." Then she removed her bonnet & scarf."...If we could rut?" Spike grabbed Young Granny Smith and then put her on the bed & they began making out! His tongue sliding around her mouth, and her tongue being squeezed by his! Their mouths pressing harder & harder, as sweat came off of them & their kissing became even more passionate! *Knock* *Knock* The both of them saw Granny Smith standing at the door. "Feel like letting old me join in?" <-Yes, this is a reference to That's My Boy starring Adam Sandler! "Yep!" And that night featured a bizarre threesome that transcends Space & Time. "No comment." All 3 said.