//------------------------------// // StarShine BrightLight // Story: The Courageous and Awesome Trixie Lulamoon // by SuperChaosKG //------------------------------// Chaotic Note: Do you notice something funny about this Chaotic Note? It's in italics! Yes, I finally figured out how to do things around here so no more breaking the pacing! Oh and if you see the other chapters you'll see another change! Not only did I fix all of that, but I also added the Trixie Fail Count! It's a counter showing all the times Trixie fails in this story. With that in mind, let's continue!" _____________________________________________________________________________ Ponyville. The place where her entire life was ruined. Where her fake story cost her her caravan, her magic tools, her hat and cape( Which thankfully, Luna recreated). And the Ursa Minor. Oh, the Ursa Minor! Those two colts... they didn't know it but they destroyed everything Trixie had accomplished. And now these two wanted her to... RETURN?! All these thoughts ran through Trixie's mind as she slowly backed away from the town. "Uh, huh. Nope. Trixie's not going back there." Vision or no vision, there was no way in hell Trixie would enter that town ever again. "Well, why not?" asked Selena "Its full of your kind, you can earn money, and can actually have a house." "Well... umm..." Trixie tried to think of an excuse. Think! Think you moron, THINK!! AHA!! Trixie thought to herself. "You two are Ursa Minors. Let's just say... this town had a bad experience with Ursas and leave it at that." "We can get around that." said Percy as he started to shrink "Dogs with birth defects." Well that didn't work... Oh balls, Trixie's gonna have to tell them the truth, isn't she? Aw man... "Okay, look. The ponies there do not like The Great and Powerful Trixie and she's not going back. Kapeesh?" "Wait, how long were you gone?" asked Percy "Oh about two years." "Funny. Two years ago, two ponies woke me up and I think I did something to a town. Strange isn't it?" As Trixie tried to act like she had nothing to do with that,"Well, how about a disguise?" asked Selena. "... That... could actually work. But how?" asked the mare. "How about using paint in that convient tool shed?" said Percy as he started to walk to a tool shed that the two girls didn't seem to notice. ________________________________________________________________________ In the Tool Shed Trixie Lulamoon was searching everywhere but couldn't seem to find any paint. "You guys have any luck?" asked the Great and Powerful Trixie as she got down from her perch on a shelf. "Eeyup." said Percy putting three cans of paint on the floor. "The only colors I could find." The colors were, suprise, surprise, lime green, blue and white. The colors from Trixie's vision! thought Trixie as she was absolutely positive that see saw the future. Now something's gonna scare Trixie. But what? Trixie thought some more. Trixie got to work with the paint. She colored her coat Lime green with a lime green horn. Her mane was completely white with a blue stripe running the length of it. The same pattern was also on her tale. Finally, she expertly painted a perfect Transmutation Circle as her cutie mark which was a star with a circle around it. At the completion of her amazing painting, she looked like this. "Alright. With these colors, The Great and Powerful Trixie will be unstoppable!" "You might want to talk in the first person." said a concerned Selena. "Okay. I-I-I... Trixie can't do it! She just won't use pronouns, then! Let's go, you two! ________________________________________________________________________ Entrance to Ponyville Trixie's first step into the town that destroyed everything. Alright, Trixie. Baby steps. She took a step... and bumped into a pony. "Oh! Sorry..." said Trixie as she saw who she bumped into. The pony... was strange to say the least. She was very pink, witha bouncy mane that looked like it was impossible to have naturally. Her cutie mark was of three ballons. "Oh, I'm sorry! I was just heading to work! It's the best place ever to work! You get free candy, cake and other stuff when you there! I wish my friends could work there, but they probably couldn't handle the stress... Oh I've never seen you before! What's your name? said the pony extremely fast. She seemed to be oozing with energy. Name? TRIXIE"S NAME! How could The Great and Powerful Trixie forget such an important component! Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! Trapped, Trixie said the first thing that came to her mouth. "STARSHINE BRIGHTLIGHT!" Trixie pretty much yelled. StarShine BrightLight? THAT'S the best this Great and Powerful mind can come up with?! What kind of idiot would fall for- "Starshine Brightlight? Why that's a wonderful name! It sounds like a friend of mine. She's really smart. Are you smart? Wait! GASP!! You're not... MOVING HERE ARE YA!!" the pony said, also yelling. "Umm... yes?" said a confused Trixie. "GASP!! Well we GOT to give you a welcome party! Oh, I'm such a silly filly! I almost forgot! My name's Pinkie Pie! Party Extroadnaire!" said Pinkie Pie, shaking Trixie's hoof. "The party will be at 8 at Sugarcube Corner! SEE YA!!" said the strange earth pony as she bounced off. "... well that was the strangest conversation Trixie ever had. Anyway, that's not important now. It's time for Trixie to earn bits! That's means getting a job!"