//------------------------------// // Ch.43:Those Are Some Hard Knuckles. // Story: Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.5: The Comeback! // by trahzo //------------------------------// "Next is...Brass Knuckles? Ooh, I got some!" "No, not the weapon Brass Knuckles, the R63 Iron Will named Brass Knuckles...Spikerulez302, please do not sue us!" "Why do I feel someone is gonna sue us?" "If someone does, then they're gonna feel my knuckles, which are hard as brass!" The pink minotaur cow said while walking with Spike. Brass Knuckle, the female minotaur is on a week + weekend break from her inspirational seminars. She decided to visit Fluttershy, but Fluttershy received a from Tree Hugger about the Breezies being in trouble and they'll only listen to her. "Sorry Fluttershy couldn't make it." Spike told her. "The Breezies really needed her help." "I understand, trying to help them little creatures is what she does, but in my opinion, I'd like to see them do stuff for themselves!" Brass Knuckles said while tightening her knuckles. "Please don't go Super Saiyan Hulk on us, the town wont be able to survive it!" "Hah, good one little man." Then she patted him on the back. "Gack!" "Oh, sorry, forgot about my mighty strength." "*Wheeze* It's okay, *wheeze* my lungs & voice box will find their way back to their appropriate places." "Good to know." Then she made extra special care not, to hurt Spike while she pet him in the spines. Spike then began purring. "What the? That's never happened before." "That was cute." She commented. "It is not! I hate when I'm being treated like a pet, well as a dragon, but as a dog I guess I'm fine." "Yeah, look how embarrassed you are, you're a searing shade of red!" Brass Knuckles pointed out. "Kukuku, cute." "Sh-shut-up jerk!" Spike said with tsundere. "I know you like being called cute, so doggy, would you like a gem?" Then Brass Knuckles pulled out a gem. "Not if you're calling me a dog! As you can plainly see, I'm a dragon!" "Nope, she's right! You are a sniveling dog!" Said a douchey voice. "Garble!" "Hey babe, after we pound on this dude, wanna get some ice cream?" Garble argued. "Confident aren't you?" "Heck yeah!" *POW!!!* Like that, Garble got to take a nice long nap on the ground, but then the nap became a nap under the ground because he got buried up to his neck in dirt. Also, to add insult to injury, painted his head to look like a soccer ball, and taped his mouth so he couldn't breath fire, " *Groan* What happened?" "Hey mommy soccer ball!" "(NO NO NO NO NO NO!)" *Kick!* "HAhahahahahaha!!! That was awesome Brass Knux!" "Thank you, when being harassed by a jerk, show them how you work!" Brass Knuckles explained. "Sounds like the kind of words I'll listen to friend." "Heh, since I'm taking a break, I'll give you a discount." "Thanks Brass Knuckles." "So, I had an ulterior motive for coming here." "Why?" "Well, I came here to find a guy, to do something, and I was wondering since lots of guys really like Fluttershy, maybe she could help find a guy who isn't repelled by muscle girls." "Really?" "Yeah, you see my udders?" "Yep, I do." "Once I find that guy, I was wondering if he'd drink my milk." Then Spike's jaw dropped like AVGN! "Yeah, before she left on her trip, she told me, that you'd be willing to suck on my udders." "WHAT?!" Spike said in shock. Spike then thought back. "(This must be her getting revenge on me for what I did to Angel, damn!)" "So, will you?" She said while biting her lower lip. "(Okay Spike, saying no to someone like her, is like saying 'fuck you, yah ugly piece of shit vomited from a chicken that smells like ass to' Gilda. So swallow your pride & just do it.) Sure." "Great!" Later at the castle, Spike had Brass knuckles lay down while he drank her milk from her udders, he then realized that minotuar milk tastes extraordinary, and he felt his own muscles expand by a whole centimeter. Brass Knuckles was feeling great as well, she moo'd so hard that it caused every cow in Sweet Apple Acres to jump over Princess Luna. "Oh Spike, that felt incredible!" "Well, that was the most weirdest thing I've ever done, but at least your milk tasted great." "It did?" She asked. "Yeah, mind if I can have more the next time you come back?" "Why not squirt." Then Brass Knuckles kissed his forehead, and left. So now, whenever Brass Knuckles would go to Ponyville, she'd have Spike in a position that looks like fellatio! "Huh, what's that noise?" Twilight wondered. "It's coming from Spike's room." She saw the door a little bit opened. She peaked and caught them in the act, Spike on his knees, sucking on the udders of Brass Knuckles while she sat at the edge of Spike's bed. "*thud!*" Twilight fainted. "Did you hear that?" Asked Spike. "No." "Alright then." Then Spike went back to sucking on Brass Knuckles' udders. "Dang, in Spike's Gals, it was a threesome with Fluttershy, in this one, Twilight fainted while Spike sucked off her udders." Brak compared. Then this played in the background: "Please don't sue us Spikerulez302, you're the one who inspired our author to create this series! In a way you are his mentor! Such as how the creator of Mario is the mentor to the creator of Pokemon, and how the creator of DBZ is the mentor to the creator of Naruto!" Said Luna. "Spikerulez302 please forgive Trahzo for killing you off twice in the series, when he saw Spike's Gals for the 1st time on Fanfiction.net, he truly believed he could make something he can be grandly proud of, and this series is that, because of you." Explained Trixie. "Even though you'll never put the Headless Horse in your story, he'll still hope for that day because he believes in you! Thank you for listening if you're reading this."