//------------------------------// // Fear // Story: Shadows of Darkness // by BloodHive1998 //------------------------------// Twilight walked into a large demonic tree, not bothered by going through the walls, since she'd been doing it for quite a while now. Within the tree was a large amount of books on demonic magic. The Alicorn walked over to a table that had one such book laying opened. Examining the book proved useless though as it was written in an odd language. Twilight groaned because the language looked familiar, like she'd seen it in passing. Looking back to the book shelves, Twilight lit her horn in preparation of levitating one to her. Obey! Twilight jumped and lost concentration as the voice rang strongly in her mind, leaving her with a minor headache. She knew the voice though, it was the voice of the Everfree. The urge to fly back to the Everfree forest and protect it had quickly escalated to the Everfree telling her to obey and she had been dealing with it for an hour now. Twilight shook her head as she walked out of the library through the same path as before, through the wall. As she left though, she caught a glimpse of glowing red eyes disappearing from sight. "This isn't good, I'm being followed." Twilight observed as she took to the air and flew off towards the Ignis Forest. Inferna growled as Twilight flew off. Taking to the air She followed, keeping to the smoke and clouds that were all around her. As she flew, she chastised herself for not being more careful while following her target. Apparently well aware of her pursuer, Twilight started sending blasts of magic behind her. Inferna growled as she dodged the attacks, if it was up to her, then she'd counter, but they weren't even meant to battle yet, not until they entered the clearing at least. Over the next few minutes, Inferna found herself dodging constantly, but that lead to a realization. This is good, no, this is great! If she wears herself out before we get to the clearing, then my chances of winning will increase dramatically. Then I can have her power all to myself! the demon thought excitedly as she flapped her fiery wings to avoid another attack, showing her razor sharp teeth from how much she was smiling from it all. Twilight landed in a large clearing within Ignis, breathing heavily as she turned around to face her pursuers. The demon landed with a sadistic grin that showed razor-like teeth. The demon's appearance though, was shocking. It's mane, tail, and wings (all made up of orange flames and keeping their form when it shouldn't be possible) were all shaped and styled exactly like Twilight's; its coat was a light orange; and its eyes were glowing red (the pupil and iris blending into one another). "Hello Twilight Sparkle. I'm Inferna, now let me explain the rules here." Inferna paused as her horn lit up in orange fire-like magic and she created a screen to project the rules on. The screen read -No holding back -do not keep just to ground or air, use both -all magic allowed -battle's not over until sompony dies Almost immediately after she had finished reading, a wall of flames lit up around the two, trapping them together. Twilight shivered, she knew who Inferna was, the 'monster' that she had feared as a filly, and that was a part of her. unknown location #2 Rainbow Dash landed in the center of the arena, memories of the last time she had fought there resurfacing. Begin Flashback Rainbow Dash, or rather Night Shade, looked across the arena at her opponent, he was a soldier. As for the reason behind the battle, the soldiers and infiltrators were at a disagreement about the treatment of prisoners, so they were having their representatives battle to decide which choice would be enacted. In a flash of red flames, Night Shade's purple coat was replaced with a carapace and claws adorn her hole-filled hooves. The soldier took on a more basic form, looking like a bulkier version of the forms that were used in battles and invasions (including the invasion of Canterlot that would occur almost twenty five years later). "We all know the rules, but for those unaccustomed to this kind of battle, I'll explain." an announcer's voice rang through the Hivemind "This is a battle to the death, that means that it's not won unless your opponent's heart stops. You are to use only Changeling magic and all that it implies to fight, anyling caught using another kind of magic will be forced to forfeit. Any questions?" after a pause, the announcer smiled. "Very well, you may begin!" The second this was said, a powerful shield went up around the chamber, ensuring noling interfered and noling got hurt. Night Shade shot forward the second she heard that, the soldier soon meeting her in the center of the battle field. The soldier lit his horn and hit Night with a blast of magic, sending her flying as he lunged at her. Night saw him coming though and flipped herself around, her sky blue wings buzzing softly as she lashed out with her back claws, catching the soldier off guard, he stopped dead in an attempt to avoid the attack, but was met with an explosion of magic. As the soldier cleared his eyes, Night attacked again, raking her claws across his back and flying back several feet. Her slitted magenta eyes locked with her opponent's yellow ones as he shot after her again. Night had prepared for that, what she hadn't prepared for was the sudden blast of magic that hit her a moment later, sending her flying into a wall. Her blood red saddle carapace was able to stop her though and she landed on her hooves, only the saddle carapace sustaining much damage. Night Shade smiled as she began to blur, soon vanishing from sight. The soldier stopped in his tracks at this and began looking around. Night increased the size and sharpness of her claws as she approached. She soon hovered silently over the soldier before dropping, she didn't waste time with a struggle and immediately slit the Changeling's throat before dropping her disguise. "The winner is Night Shade with her expert use of covert disguise!" the announcer said proudly. Night Shade smiled and bowed to the crowed. The Changeling proceeded to use her red magic to carve her name into the center of the arena, granted, it'd be removed within the next week as the builders and the nursers were having arguments. End Flashback As Rainbow Dash looked around the arena, she caught a glimpse of the intricate markings of the Changeling language. The Pegasus took wing as she flew up to see what was written, since it was pretty large. She froze upon seeing the full name. Night Shade was carved in bright red magic along the floor. "A fitting place for a battle, don't you think?" someling said from behind her, spinning, Rainbow came face to face with a shocking foe. Hovering several feet from her, wings dead silent, was Night Shade herself. Impossible, she doesn't even exist anymore Rainbow thought as her past self, though they looked about the same age thanks to the age spell she had used all those years ago, smiled darkly and landed, taking on a fighting stance, Rainbow followed this. "You know the rules Rainbow Dash." Night Shade said with a smile. unknown location #3 Fluttershy yelped and hid in a bush, looking out, she found that the thing that had fallen on her was just another drained apple. "W-who's draining a-all these apples?" she asked herself in a whisper. Reluctantly, she walked out of the bush and continued through the forest, shivering from the unnatural fog. As she walked, Fluttershy became painfully aware of the fact that literally no life seemed to exist in the forest, not even a blade of grass. This raised the question of where the apples were coming from, seeing as there were no living trees around her, only dead ones. Flutterbat hissed in anger as she watched her shy counterpart jump and hide at every little thing. Taking wing, she flew through the air, soon gliding down low and briefly passing Fluttershy's vision. The second she was a few feet away from Fluttershy, Flutterbat pulled up. She snagged an apple as she ascended and quickly drained it, discarding the apple in front of her counterpart and grabbing another one, doing the same a few feet away. Luckily, Fluttershy caught on quickly and began following the trail. Flutterbat knew not to underestimate her counterpart. 'Shy may have been, well, shy, but she was actually pretty strong when she needed to be. Then there was the dreaded stare, though that wouldn't be a problem. Bottom line, so long as the Bat-Pony didn't anger her, then she wouldn't pose a huge threat, theoretically speaking of course. Soon Fluttershy was lead into a clearing, which lacked the fog. She looked around timidly until the creature she had seen fly by her earlier landed. The Pegasus let out a quite gasp and turned to run, only to find a wall of dead vines in her way. Turning back around, Fluttershy looked at her Bat-pony counterpart fearfully. "Okay Fluttershy, here's the rules. This is a battle to the death" Flutterbat stopped to smile at the horror on 'Shy's face before continuing "That means that one of us isn't walking away from this. Neither of us are allowed to stay grounded or airborne, you'll have to alternate. Finely 'The Stare' is off limits, don't pretend you can't control it either." with that, Flutterbat got down low and hissed harshly. unknown location #4 Pinkie Pie giggled as she bounced through the caves, wondering who the pony she met had been. The bouncy pink pony soon found herself in a large, empty, chamber within the cave system. The chamber had literally nothing in it. "Oooo... What's this for?" Pinkie asked excitedly as she looked at the other side of the chamber, where the cloaked pony from before now stood. Ignoring the fact that she had come in through the only possible entrance, Pinkie giggled at the pony across from her. "This is where it all ends." the pony said as she removed her cloak, revealing a replica of Pinkie, only with flat mane and tail, in a stealth suit. Pinkemena smiled sadistically as she pulled out a knife from nowhere and continued with "The only rule is that one of us is going to die at the end." Pinkie Pie was suddenly in front of her counterpart. "Where'd you come from, I mean, Twi got rid of all my clones, and I suppressed you, so Why are you here." she asked, Pinkemena instantly relocating her self to the opposite side of the chamber, where the door had shut. "What does it matter, I'm here to kill you, why should I give away information?" Pinkemena asked, before finding Pinkie in front of her again, Pikemena relocated to the ceiling. "Come on, let's play!!" the party pony yelled out, giggling at her sadistic counterpart's attempts to avoid her. Pinkie stopped then and briefly pondered what to do to get to Pinkemena, an idea soon came to mind, complete with a light bulb over her head. Pinkie reached into nothingness and pulled out a pair of Pegasus wings that matched her coat, before attaching them to her in the proper places and opening them. She gave the wings a few test flaps before taking to the air, where she hovered in front of her counterpart. Pinkemena didn't give Pinkie a chance to speak though as she once more relocated to the ground and took on a fighting stance. "Enough, I'm going to kill you now." she growled. unknown location #5 Applejack walked quietly through the Terra Hive, heading for the farming section, where they grew several underground plants. Around her, Changelings flew from one place to another, going through her in some cases. The path to the farming area had been memorized by Applejack so it didn't take her long to enter the place. All around the chamber, odd looking plants grew, glowing mushrooms being a prominent occurrence. Off in a corner, there was a shrine of sorts. Applejack walked up to it with care so that she could see it. The shrine had Moon Star flowers all around it, they glowed subtly with the light of the moon. Aside from that, the shrine had dead vines wrapped around the two pillars that were against the wall. In the center was a small statue of someling that Applejack knew all too well. Finally, right above the statue, carved into the wall by the blue magic that was Queen Stormy Forest's, was Thorn Gamma-level spell-caster, loving nurser, and skilled gatherer Applejack smiled, the part of her that still saw itself as a Changeling happy to see her importance in the hive had garnered a shrine. Thorn, or rather the construct that represented Thorn, lit her horn as she looked around the large battle arena that was so rarely used. She had etched her name in her amber colored magic onto the floor to symbolize the battle to come. In a flash, Applejack appeared in the center of the arena. The Changeling took her time examining Applejack and comparing the farm pony to herself. Their coats were different colors, with Thorn's being red. Thorn's wings and saddle carapace were the same color as Applejack's coat. Her mane and tail, not held by bands, were a completely different color to Applejacks, they were bright green. Their eyes were the same color though, except with Thorn's being slitted. Applejack looked around the moment she got over her confusion from the sudden teleport. She froze though when she saw Thorn herself standing on one end of the arena. "You and I both know the usual rules to this arena. Changeling or Terra Magic only, no interference, and the battles over upon one participant pinning the other. Well... the last rule has changed. One of us isn't making it out alive, and the battle wont end until one of us dies." Thorn said as she leaned down in a fighting stance. Applejack shivered, this wasn't going to end well. unknown location #6 Diamond Shard cackled madly as she finished violently murdering the unfortunate stallion on her table. Putting her knife down, she spun and walked off, heading for her pool. As she approached the pool, Diamond removed the blood-red cloak she had been wearing. Her white coat, almost completely red from blood, was shinning thanks to the aforementioned blood. Diamond slowly lowered herself into the blood pool, sighing in content as the blood reached her chest and she relaxed. The blood was warm thanks to several preservative and heating spells that she had learned for just this reason. Diamond Shard smiled sadistically as she felt the dried blood on her coat wash away with the constant swirling motion of her pool. The sadistic mare dunked her head briefly, coming up and shaking her head slightly to clear the excess blood off. Her purple mane was slightly stained, but she could fix that with a simple spell. The mare giggled sadistically before letting herself relax again. Rarity quietly walked into a room, the room was odd compared to the rest of the rooms she'd seen. It lacked blood stains or statues, instead, there were thousands of sharpened gems and bladed weapons. A loud bang sounded through the empty chamber, causing Rarity to yelp and spin in the direction it had come from, the entrance, she found that the it had closed. Spinning back around, Rarity watched as a segment of the wall slowly opened, accompanied by three more bangs. As the wall finished closing, she stepped back in shock of the pony that had stepped through the new door. Though the pony was slightly obscured by the blood on her white coat, there was no mistaking her purple mane and tail (both of which looked like Rarity's when her mane and tail were either down or wet) or her Cutie Mark, a red variation of the fashionista's own. "Neither of us thought we'd see each other again, now did we my dear reincarnate. That aside though, here are the rules" Diamond said before lighting her horn to reveal a darkened area of the cave, this showed the rules painted in blood along the walls. -all kinds of magic and spells are allowed if the participants know them -Both parts of the chambers are allowed to be used -The weapons on the walls are not for show, they must be used -This battle doesn't end until sompony is dead Rarity shivered slightly at this.