//------------------------------// // Part 2 // Story: Love:Reassessed // by SeaBreeze173 //------------------------------// Part 2 6 years later (3 years before the events of New Town, New Beginning) Eight young ponies sat in the bedroom of Moon Glow von Abastor. It was a hot summer day in the town of Ponyville, many of its inhabitants starting to believe that Celestia wished to burn them to a crisp with her boiling ball of hot gas which hung in the sky above. It had been six years since Moon and her mother, Starry Night, moved to Ponyville from their home in Manehatten. They lived with Starry’s mother, Bella Notte, in her modest home on the outskirts of the lively town. The day they arrived, Moon met seven foals who quickly became her best friends. The first was Glacier, a white coated pegasus colt. His mane and tail were the lightest blue Moon had ever seen, his eyes being the same color. The next two were twin pegasus colts, the calm Stone Brook and the outgoing Skye Racer. Stone had a slate grey coat and green eyes. Skye had a silver grey coat and silver eyes. Both colts had jet black manes and tails, Stone’s being well groomed. Skye let the wind do what it wished with his mane. Thunder Bolt, also a pegasus, had a brown coat and a blond mane and tail. His eyes were a nice cool blue. Red Knight, an earth pony, was red. Light red coat with a dark red mane and tail and green eyes. Sweet Heart, as her name suggests, was a complete sweetheart. She had a light pink coat and a light pink and white mane and tail. Her eyes were a beautiful indigo color. Her wings tended to poof up when excited, which was most of the time. Phoenix, a yellow pegasus, was Sweet Heart’s cousin. Their fathers, Falcon and Desert Sand, were cousins, with Falcon’s mother being the sister of Desert’s father. Phoenix and Heart were close friends, though Phoenix was more interested in playing in mud than doing her mane. Phoenix had a red and orange mane and tail with golden-orange eyes. On this summer day six years later, the eight friends were in Moon’s room, trying to come up with things to do for the remainder of summer break. “COME BACK SO I CAN KILL YOU!!” Moon Glow shouted. Seven other ponies looked at her, brows raised. “Uh, what?” Sweet Heart eyed her unicorn friend. “Huh?” Moon saw her friends staring at her. “Oh! You thought I was talking to you guys. No, it’s this stupid fly that’s been bugging me for the past ten minutes,” Moon huffed. Catching sight of the fly once more, she slowly lifted up the fly swat with her magic. The pesky fly had landed on a surface she could easily reach; Skye Racer’s back. SWAPP! “EEEOOWWWW!” Skye flew up in the air, nearly hitting his head on the ceiling of Moon’s bedroom. “Got it,” Moon smirked as Skye glared at her. The rest of the teens laughed heartily. “Ha ha, laugh it up,” Skye grumbled. “Bro, why don’t ya take up for me for once?” “As the older brother, it’s my job to laugh at you,” Stone said. “You’re only older by four minutes,” “Hey, I’ll take all that I can get,” “I have no idea why I hang out with you guys,” The silver pegasus pouted. “Oh, you know we love you, Racer,” Phoenix placed a hoof on Skye’s shoulder. “You just get in the funniest situations,” Phoenix laughed again, the others quickly falling in. “Moon Glow!” Moon’s grandmother, Bella Notte, called from downstairs. Moon wiped a hoof across her face to dry up the tears from her intense laughing session. “Yes, Nona?” “Do you fillies and colts want a snack? I have fresh baked cookies,” “Cookies?” Glacier popped up from his spot on the carpet. The eight friends trotted downstairs and filed into the kitchen. Bella had several batches of her secret recipe chocolate-dipped butter cookies cooling on the counters. On the table she had two pitchers of her mother’s famous—at least, it was famous back in Bitaly—strawberry lemonade. “She made the lemonade, too! Awesome!” Glacier exclaimed, quickly grabbing a glass and filling it to the brim with the summertime drink. He whisked up three of the cookies and trotted to a chair to enjoy his snack. “I think your coltfriend enjoys my cooking, nipote,” Bella whispered to Moon Glow. Moon choked on the sip of lemonade she had just got and coughed loudly. “What!? No!” Moon started, pausing when she saw her friends staring at her once more. “I’m okay! No worries!” she glanced at her grandmother. “Nona, can I talk you? In private.” Moon nodded her head to parlor. Once in the room, Moon shut and locked the door. Turning to Bella, she said, “Nona, Glacier’s not my coltfriend. Not now, not ever.” Bella chuckled. “Don’t kid yourself, Moon. You can see it just as clearly as I do,” “See what?” “Or maybe you don’t,” Bella deadpanned. “Deary, that colt is twitter patted,” the old mare cheered quietly “What?” Moon lifted a brow. “Don’t tell me you never saw that Disneigh movie,” “Nona, please talk in a language I know,” “Lui è innamorato di te,” Bella spoke in Bitalian. “I meant the other—” Moon went silent. “I don’t know Germane, dear,” Bella smirked. “Lui è innamorato di me?” Moon began speaking in Bitalian. “Yes, yes!” Bella smiled, nodding “When did this happen?” “Last year,” “Last year!? O nein,” Moon felt her legs give out and she sunk to the pink shag carpet. “Was that Germane?” “Not helping, Nona,” Moon groaned, covering her head with her arms. Bella looked down on her granddaughter, her eyes gentle. Easing herself down beside Moon, she placed a hoof across the unicorn’s back and pulled her close. Moon nuzzled into her grandmother’s embrace. “You know, my nipote, I had your same reaction when I found out that your grandfather wished to court me,” Bella said after several moments. Moon sniffed and glanced up to Bella’s face. “Really?” “Si. Yes. I was but a young mare, barely out of fillyhood. Back in Bitaly, when a stallion wished to court a mare, it was with marriage in mind. In my day, it was normal for young mares to be wed. My sisters were married at sixteen and seventeen and already had two young foals each. But I was a feisty one. I had no desire to marry. Here in Equestria, the courting system is a bit different. Many ponies have several special someponies before marrying.” “When did you marry Nono?” Moon inquired. “I finally said yes when I was twenty-five. I felt that I had had enough adventures and it was time to settle down,” Bella glanced down at the younger mare. “But that was just me.” “Nona, I don’t feel that way about Glacier,” Moon said finally. Bella looked at Moon, her brow raised and a smirk evident on her lips. The filly sighed under the older unicorn’s gaze. “Okay, maybe I do like him. But we’re best friends! It would be weird. And if it didn’t work out, being around each other would be awkward. I don’t know what to do! What if the others find out about it? Oh boy, Skye would never let it go,” Moon groaned once more. “Does it matter what they think? I’m sure they would be happy. Love is a perfectly normal thing. But you can’t rush it. You have to give it time to grow. You must nurture it, as you would a rose,” “I suppose, Nona,” Moon sighed. “So, you’re going to tell him?” Bella grinned. “Of course not! Why would I ruin our friendship because of a little infatuation?” Bella stared at her granddaughter, resisting the urge to facehoof. Instead, she smiled and rose up from her place on the carpet. “Whatever you say, Moon. Now, I need to make sure your coltfriend didn’t make himself sick from eating all my cookies.” The older mare opened the door and trotted into the kitchen, the door swinging shut behind her. “He isn’t my coltfriend!” Moon groaned. “Grandmothers.” The filly rolled her eyes. ~~~ Moon trotted into the kitchen several minutes later. Bella Notte had a plate of cookies and a glass of the lemonade sitting beside the plate waiting for Moon. Her friends were packed around Bella as closely as possible as she fixed another batch of the cookies, Glacier paying extra attention. He caught site of Moon as she came in, his cheeks going slightly pink. Moon knew he was looking at her and tried to ignore his stares. Oh, why did it have to be Glacier? Why couldn’t I have caught the eye of some other colt? Not my best friend. Moon mentally slapped herself. Like you have anything to say, Moon. You know you’ve been eyeing him, too. Why does he have to be so freaking cute?! Moon screamed. She thought she had screamed in her head, but the looks Bella and her friends were giving her said otherwise. I so hope I didn’t say that out loud. “Uh, Moonie? Are you okay?” Sweet Heart asked. Oh thank Celestia. “I fine! Really! Just a, um, bug,” Moon’s face took on a fake grin. “Since when have you been afraid of bugs?” Skye put out. “I’m not scared of bugs, Racer. It just, startled me,” Moon snorted. “Uh-huh.” Moon desperately needed to get out of the house. “Um, how about we go play some soccer?” “You? Play soccer?” Phoenix eyed her friend curiously. The first day they met Moon they invited her play soccer. The young unicorn learned quickly that sports were not her forte. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Glacier came up and placed his hoof on Moon’s. Eeek! Moon squeaked inwardly. She quickly pulled away and backed to the doorway. “Sure I’m sure! Now c’mon! Let’s goooo,” Moon turned and ran smack dab into the wall beside the open door. She shook her head out. “There’s a wall there, just so you know.” Glacier glanced back at Stone, Skye, Sweet Heart, Bolt, Phoenix, Red and Bella, all having looks of confusion, except for Bella. She looked as if she were trying not to laugh. “I think you fillies and colts better get a move on, before Moon runs into more walls,” Bella said, a hoof over her mouth. “I think you’re right, Mrs. Notte,” Glacier grimaced, trotting out of the kitchen. The rest of the crew followed behind. Bella let loose a few giggles and went back to her baking. “Poor colt. The boy has no idea.” ~~~ “Moon! Wait!” Called Phoenix as she and the others caught up to the unicorn. Sweet Heart turned to the colts. “Why don’t you boys go do whatever it is colts do and let us handle Moonie?” “Hey, she’s our friend, too,” Skye protested, Stone, Red, Bolt and Glacier nodding their heads. “What can you two do that we can’t?” Glacier added. Phoenix rolled her eyes. “It’s obviously a mare thing, ya dolts. Heart n’ I are perfectly capable of handing ourselves.” “I didn’t know you were a girl, Nixie,” Red snorted. The yellow pegasus glared at the red colt. “I wouldn’t be so sure. Have ya looked in the mirror lately, Reddy?” Red huffed, he and Phoenix glaring at each other. Skye Racer looked back and forth between the two, smirking. “Are you two gonna kiss or what?” “WHAT?” “EWW!” Red and Phoenix jumped away from each other. “I wouldn’t kiss him if he was the last colt on the planet!” Phoenix exclaimed. “Yeah! Wait a second,” Red glanced at Phoenix. Sweet Heart grabbed Phoenix’s hoof and pulled her away from the group. “Okay, you boys go have guy time and we’ll figure out what’s up with Moon Glow. Come along now, Nixie. Bye boys!” “Ugh, can you believe the nerve of Skye! I would love nothing more than to give him a good whack in the face,” Phoenix growled once they were out of hearing distance of the colts. “Just let it go, Nixie. Skye will be Skye,” Sweet Heart chuckled. “There’s Moon Glow! Moonie, wait up!” Moon looked behind her to see the pegasus fillies flying to her. “Where are the boys?” Moon asked. “Don’t worry about them. Ya got Nixie n’ Heart here to help you with all you’re problems,” Phoenix smiled, wrapping an arm around Moon’s shoulders and pulling her close. Moon wiggled out of Phoenix’s embrace, just to fall into Sweet Heart. “Uh, what problems? I don’t have any problems,” Moon smiled nervously, jumping away from Sweet Heart. “Don’t hide it from us, Moonie,” Heart scoffed. “You’ve got problems. Colt problems,” “Specifically,” Phoenix added. “Glacier problems.” Moon looked wide-eyed at Phoenix and Heart. She hung her head. “Fine. You’ve got me. But what can you two do? Heart, you and Stone are practically one pony and Phoenix, do you even like colts?” “Why does everypony think that? It’s called being a tomcolt!” Phoenix stomped her hoof. Taking a breath, she continued. “But this ain’t about us. This is about you. Sure, we might not have the best advice, but we can still help. Right, Heart?” The pink pegasus nodded. “Absolutely. We’re your friends, Moon. You can trust us,” Sweet Heart smiled gently. “Okay. If you say so,” Moon sighed. This is not going to end well. ______________________________________________________________________ 5 months later “ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?” Moon shrieked. “I can’t go out there in this!” Heart and Phoenix grimaced and covered their ears. “Sheesh, Moon. Why’d ya do that?” Phoenix rubbed her ear while glaring at the unicorn. “It’s not that bad Moon,” Sweet Heart smiled. Moon blankly stared at the pink pegasus. “I’m dressed as a clown, Heart. A clown.” It was true. Moon had a poofy blue wig set atop her head, dramatic makeup and a red nose adorning her face. She was dressed in a white and blue polka dot dress and had oversize blue clown shoes on her front hooves. “Hey, you’re the one who wanted to do a comedy act,” Phoenix rolled her eyes. She and Sweet Heart were dressed in the same clown outfits as Moon Glow, only Phoenix having orange as the main color and Heart having hot pink. “I didn’t know that Mrs. Bee would put us down as clowns! Much less order us costumes!” “That’s you’re fault for not being specific,” Phoenix said. “Don’t blame me for this!” Moon glared, pressing her muzzle against Phoenix’s. Phoenix scoffed and turned around. It was the fall talent show at school. The eight friends had been participating in the school talent shows together since Moon moved to Ponyville. This year, Moon, Phoenix and Sweet Heart were doing a comedy act. Moon had counted on it being just telling jokes she had come up with over the years, Sweet Heart and Phoenix “acting” them out as she said them. Apparently the teacher overseeing the show had thought that they meant a clown act and seen to getting the girls costumes. “Moon, Phoenix, chill out,” Sweet Heart stepped between her friends. “Let’s do like we planned in the first place and just add more dramatics to it. The clown suits will just make it better.” Moon rolled her eyes. “Fine.” ~~~ Phoenix, Moon Glow and Sweet Heart trotted back stage, falling over each other as they laughed. They could still hear the roars of laughter of the audience, which caused the fillies to laugh even harder. “You three were hilarious!” Glacier laughed as he, Skye and Red came back stage. “Thanks,” Moon smiled. Looking behind the colts, she asked, “Where’s Stone and Bolt?” “They chickened out,” Skye smirked. Moon raised a brow. “Seriously? What are you doing, anyways?” “That’s for us to know and for you to find out,” the silver pegasus chuckled. “Whatever. C’mon girls, let’s get out of these clown suits.” ~~~ Moon, Phoenix and Sweet Heart, having caught sight of Bolt and Stone, pushed through the crowd. “Hey, boys,” Sweet Heart smiled as she slipped beside Stone Brook. “Why aren’t you two up there?” Phoenix asked. Bolt rolled his eyes. “Because we have brains. Glacier, Skye and Red are total idiots,” “What are they—” Moon started as music began playing. Phoenix had a look of dread on her face. Glacier, Skye and Red came onstage, each wearing sunglasses, hoodies and ball caps. “Oh boy,” Sweet Heart said. “Kill me now,” Phoenix facehoofed “Please tell me they aren’t doing that,” Moon Glow groaned. "They are," Bolt and Stone nodded. Skye began rapping, “Yo, VIP. Let's kick it.” Red started up next. “Ice, Ice, baby. Ice, Ice, baby.” Glacier continued with the first verse. “All right stop, collaborate, and listen. Ice is back with my brand new invention. Something grabs a hold of me tightly. Flow like a harpoon, daily and nightly,” Glacier spread his wings and flapped down hard, doing a back flip while at the same time Red and Skye shuffled in front. “Will it ever stop?” They sang together. Glacier spun midair and dropped down beside them. “Yo, I don't know. Turn off the lights and I'll glow. To the extreme I rock a mic like a vandal, light-up a stage and wax a chump like a candle. “Dance, could watch the speaker that booms. I'm killing your brain like a poisonous mushroom,” “Deadly!” “When I play a dope melody. Anything less than the best is a felony. Love it or leave it, you better gang way. You better hit bull's eye, the kid don't play. If there was a problem, yo, I'll solve it. Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it,” Glacier pointed a hoof over to a DJ table from which Skye popped up behind. “Ice, Ice, baby. Ice, Ice, baby. Ice, Ice, baby. Ice, Ice, baby.” The trio continued rapping as the crowd nodded along. Eventually the song ended and awards were given. Moon, Phoenix and Sweet Heart got second place for best comedy act. Though Red, Skye and Glacier did not win medals, they did receive ribbons for participation. Skye was mildly disappointed, but Glacier didn’t mind. He considered it a successful night, being that he usually avoided singing in front of ponies. “How about victory milkshakes at Sugar Cube Corner?” Red’s mother, Fire Agate, asked. She had a burnt orange coat with a peachy-orange mane. Her tail was a combination of the burnt orange of her coat and her mane color, her eyes being an odd looking, yet gorgeous tawny shade. She had a flaming sword as her cutie mark. “Yeah!” the group of colts and fillies cheered. Agate smiled and fell in step with Bolt’s parents and older sister, Thunder Cloud, Ocean Light and River. Glacier, along with his parents, Storm and Snowflake, and sisters, Blizzard, Icey and Avalanche, were trotting around, trying to gather his younger siblings; seven year old Precipip, five year old twins Cumulus Cloud and Stratus Cloud, three year old Flurry and one year old Snowball, who was just starting to walk. Phoenix trotted between her parents, Falcon and Cardinal, her younger sister Blue Bird sitting atop Falcon’s head. Falcon was conversing with his cousin, Desert Sand, Sweet Heart’s father, while Heart’s mother, Verbena, continuously praised her daughter over her performance. Stone and Skye’s father, Rapid walked alongside his sons. His wife, Emerald Gem, could not come to the show as their adopted daughter, Opal, was sick. “Congratulations on your medal, Moon Glow,” Bella Notte smiled at her grandmother as she, Moon and Starry brought up the rear of the group. “Thank you, Nona. It was a lot of fun, even though the clown part was unexpected,” “You fillies did wonderfully. Your friends did well, too, though I don’t really get this new style of singing. What is it called again?” “Rapping,” Moon confirmed. “Wrapping? I thought that is what you do with presents,” Bella scrunched her face. “I will never understand you young folk. Odd things you are,” “I love you, too, Nona,” Moon laughed.