
by KidatHeart5

The Mysterious Alicorn

That night, Discord lied in his bed, tossing and turning as he slept. In his head, a fascinating dream was occurring.
He was looking straight at a bright light. He thought, “Am I dying?” Just then, an entrancing silhouette appeared from the light. It had wings and a horn. It also had a long, flowing mane and bright eyes. Discord squinted as he saw that it was an alicorn. All he could see of her was her silhouette and eyes.
“Discord,” she called out in a beautiful voice. Discord wasn’t sure whether or not he felt love at that moment. She approached him and batted her eyes at him, “Discord, honey. I’ve looked everywhere for you, and now I found you.” Discord gulped, “Are you my special somepony?” She rubbed against him and responded, “Why, yes I am.”
He didn’t know whether to be grossed out by this mushy stuff or to embrace her. But just as he was about to put his arms around her, he noticed something was happening to him. As soon as the alicorn drew back from him, he saw that he was turning to stone! He cried, “What did you do to me?” She chuckled evilly, “You see, Discord. I never truly loved you. No pony ever will!” Her eyes turned red as she laughed maliciously. There was nothing Discord could do but shout in horror, “NOOOOO!”
Discord woke up with a start. He panted as he calmed himself down. He told himself that it was just a dream, but now anxiety filled him. “Even without the Elements of Harmony,” he spoke to himself, “could the alicorns still turn me to stone? Couldn’t they just pluck the Elements from the Tree of Harmony and return them before the plunder seeds would grow again? Do they have another way of turning me to stone?”
He scoffed and lightly slapped himself in the face. He continued, “No, you nincompoop. You have Fluttershy to protect you. It’s the alicorns you’ve got to be careful around. For all I know, they could act all nice and then wham! They could strike you where you stand.
“I’ve got to make sure I don’t fall in love with an alicorn, because who knows? She might betray me!”

The next morning, Discord received a letter from Fluttershy. It was an invitation to the Hearts and Hooves Day Ball. She wanted him to join them in their fun. Discord knew that meant risking being around any alicorns, but he didn’t want to disappoint his dear friend Fluttershy. He sighed and paced around, pondering at what to do. Should he attend the Hearts and Hooves Day festivities or stay at home where it’s safe from alicorns who could turn him to stone? He knew he could trust Fluttershy, but what about the others?
Then he remembered the time he tested Twilight’s friendship to see whether or not she would help him despite being a princess. She had proven herself to be his friend by going to the ends of Equestria for him when he pretended to be sick. He knew the Twilight wouldn’t do any harm to him. Surely she could protect him from any bad alicorns…or the princesses. He considered the princesses because there was the possibility that they could turn against him. But then again…there was the Mane Six. In that instant, Discord knew what to do.

At the Hearts and Hooves Day Ball at the town Hall, ponies gathered there to party away. The alicorn princesses, including Cadance and Shining Armor, were there to celebrate. This made Discord, who was dressed in a lavish tuxedo, uneasy. He knew the princesses had the power to overpower him where he stood. But he had the Mane Six to protect him in the event that happened. As long as he was in their company, he was safe…mostly.
He snapped out of his thoughts when Fluttershy nudged him and asked, “Discord, are you sure you don’t want to dance?” He sighed, “That’s very kind of you, my dear, but I’m afraid I have to refuse.” Fluttershy knew that he was troubled about something. She asked, “Is something the matter? Are you still upset because you haven’t found your special somepony yet?” He replied, “It’s not that, Fluttershy. It’s just…Well, it’s better if I didn’t have a date tonight.”
Fluttershy knew it was for the best to leave him alone for the moment, so she turned and talked with her friends. She whispered, “I’m worried because Discord is alone tonight.” Pinkie Pie said, “Really? I thought he’d have somepony by now.”
Rarity chuckled, “Oh, my dear Pinkie Pie. You can’t just expect it to happen. Your expectations are the stuff fairy tales are made of. Take this, for example: he’s sitting there, all alone.” Discord could do nothing but stare at the wall.
“Suddenly, something catches his eye…”
A sparkle flashed in the corner of Discord’s eye.
“…and he looks…”
He turned to see a pony he had never seen before.
“…for there she is.”
This particular unicorn wasn’t commonly seen around Ponyville. She had a dark red coat, a blue mane with gray stripes held back with two diamond teardrop barrettes, and the most gorgeous violet eyes. She was wearing a lavender gown with rectangular, transparent straps on either shoulder that complimented her eyes. She seemed unsure of this place as if she hadn’t been here before. She probably hadn’t.
“The pony of his dreams,” Rarity continued at a distance.
Discord was entranced by her beauty and…he felt like there was something else there, but he couldn’t place it. Before he knew what he was doing, he was already walking towards her. Pinkie Pie caught sight of this as Rarity continued, “He’s never seen her before, but he doesn’t care.” Pinkie followed the direction of where he was walking. She soon saw the young unicorn who had Discord’s attention. She could still hear Rarity finish, “His heart is telling him that this, this pony, is the one destined to be his bride.”
Discord walked up to the unicorn and cleared his throat, “Excuse me, miss?” She turned to him with a gasp. He apologized, “Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you.” The unicorn chuckled nervously, “No, I should be the one apologizing. I’m Teardrop, by the way.”
Discord replied as he extended his paw, “I’m Discord, the master of chaos, but now a mischief-maker for good instead of evil.” Teardrop chuckled, “Oh, really?” He said, “Don’t get me wrong. I’ll do naughty things sometimes, but I use my powers for good thanks to some friends.” “That’s nice,” Teardrop smiled.
While Discord and Teardrop were conversing, Pinkie was amazed at how much everything transpired the way Rarity said it would. Rarity, however, didn’t notice it and chuckled, “I mean, come on, dearest! You really believe that would be what would happen to Discord tonight? Ha! The poor creature doesn’t have anypony tonight.”
Pinkie scowled at Rarity for not believing what she just said. “Any pony?” she said as lunged at Rarity and squished her face in her hooves. “HA!” She turned the unicorn in Discord’s direction and pointed at the couple, “What do you call that, then?” Rarity looked on in amazement as she saw Discord talking with a young pony nopony ever met. Pinkie could only laugh at her triumph and asked, “Who is that pony hanging out with Discord?” “I haven’t the slightest clue!” Rarity shook her head.
Discord extended his claw and asked, “Would you consider dancing with the one and only master of chaos?” Teardrop grinned as she put her hoof in his claw, “I thought you were the good mischief-maker.” Discord answered as they walked towards the center of the room, “Well, I can be whoever I want to be, and tonight, I choose to be a dancer.” Teardrop only giggled.
All attention focused on the couple in the center of the room. Romantic music began playing and the lights changed into soft colors. Discord lifted Teardrop to his chest and extended her right hoof with his claw. Though it was only he who was dancing, it felt like the two moved in harmony. Discord was always a fine dancer, but tonight, he got so caught up in his emotions towards Teardrop that he was losing control of his steps. When he realized he was faltering, he apologized, “Sorry. I don’t usually do this.”
He straightened his dancing for a few moments, but again he almost tripped. This time, he almost fell, were it not for Teardrop putting her hind hooves on the floor to catch him. The two found their noses pressing against each other. Discord almost blushed as he chuckled nervously, “Oh, my! This is quite awkward, isn’t it?” Teardrop chuckled, “You’re telling me.”
When they returned to dancing, Discord was sure that he’d found the right pony. She did, after all, have a sense of humor and was witty. He felt something buzzing within him. It was unlike anything he felt before, but it made his legs wobbly. He didn’t want to drop Teardrop this time, so he asked her, “Would you care if we went out to talk for a bit?” She smiled, “Why not?”
He set her down and went towards the door. Discord noticed that Teardrop was looking all around. He followed her gaze and saw the other ponies looking at them in astonishment. He scowled at them, “Hey! Go back to doing your own business!” The ponies immediately did just that.

Discord had conjured up a swinging bench near the town hall. He and Teardrop discuss how she had heard about him through legend and word-of-mouth. Discord gloated for a bit, but it was all for humor as Teardrop giggled. He asked, “So, how did you get the name ‘Teardrop’?” She answered, “My mother gave it to me. I have these incredible abilities I can do with tears.”
Discord said in surprise, “Really? What can you do?” Teardrop sighed, as if it was a huge relief to get whatever she had to say off her chest. “Okay,” she said, “I can take tears from ponies’ eyes even when they’re not crying.” She put a hoof to her eye and accumulated a tear.
She put it to her horn and levitated it. She continued, “I can colorize it into the different emotion the tear was shed for.” She then proceeded to change the colors within it. Discord sat there amazed at her gifts. But Teardrop put a hoof up and said, “I have more gifts than you know, and they’re not limited to tears.” Discord smiled, “Perhaps you’d like to show me.”
Teardrop suddenly became quiet and uneasy. She hesitated, “I’m afraid I can’t at the moment.” She then suggested, “I have an idea. Let’s go back inside and meet your friends.” She made her way back inside while Discord rose from the bench slowly. He was curious to know why she acted funny at that moment.
He followed her back inside when suddenly, Derpy zipped up to them and plowed into Teardrop! Derpy giggled, “Whoops! Sorry!” Discord scolded at Derpy, “Hey! Watch who you crash into, Der…” His voice trailed off as he noticed something that wasn’t there before. A long rip on the back of Teardrop’s dress revealed a pair of wings!
At first, Discord thought they were Derpy’s wings, but these ones were dark red, like Teardrop’s coat. He couldn’t believe his eyes, and neither could the rest of the ponies. They had turned their attention to the accident and were shocked to learn that Discord’s mystery pony sported wings! Even Celestia was shocked by this as well. Teardrop, noticing the crowd’s attention, immediately got up and flew out the door. Celestia turned to the Mane Six and commanded in an urgent manner, “Girls! Don’t let her get away!”
Rainbow Dash complied, “I’m on it!” She zipped out of the town hall and chased after Teardrop. Rainbow Dash tried to halt her, but Teardrop ignored her. What amazed Rainbow Dash that very instant was that Teardrop dived into the Everfree Forest…at a faster speed than Rainbow herself! Rainbow stopped in mid-air as she managed to utter, “Wha…” She had to stick to her job and dived in after Teardrop. She searched all around the forest, but the mysterious pony had already vanished.

Discord still tried to gather what he just saw. He thought, “An alicorn? I fell in love with an alicorn?” He stood there in disbelief and confusion. He had that nightmare about that shadow alicorn recently. Could she be the one?
Suddenly, something sparkled in his eye and he turned to see a diamond barrette that fell from Teardrop’s left side. He picked it up and all the wonderful feelings about her had been renewed. He turned to the open door and vowed quietly, “I will find you, Teardrop. And when I do, I want to be with you always…no matter if you’re an alicorn or not.”