
by KidatHeart5

A "Normal" Day in Equestria

It didn’t seem like long ago that he was free from being stone the first time and hid the Elements of Harmony so the ponies who now wielded them couldn’t use them. He lured them into the labyrinth and reversed the personalities of five of them. He enjoyed his second rule before the Mane Six reconciled and used the Elements of Harmony to turn him to stone for the second time. He wasn’t trapped for long when Princess Celestia decided to free and reform him. He thought it would be impossible to turn good, but when Fluttershy treated him like a friend, he soon realized the error of his ways and promised to use his magic for good instead of evil. Even though he didn’t truly change his mischievous ways, he helped ponies in his signature way.
This day seemed no different than the rest. It was the same thing year after year for everypony. For Discord, though, this was his first time. Hearts and Hooves Day was coming up and the ponies were getting excited for the festivities. Discord wanted to gag, but Celestia tasked him with assisting the Mane Six.
Naturally, he caused some mischief like conjuring a breeze to blow away Rarity’s decorations. He also set the timer an extra few minutes and burnt Applejack’s caramel apple sweets. It was only after he added a few silly things to Twilight Sparkle’s list did the Mane Six suspect something was up. They confronted him about it as soon as they knew who was behind it. “Discord,” Applejack said, “we know that you’re the one behind the ‘accidents’.” “Yeah,” Rainbow Dash agreed. “What is with you?”
Discord rolled his eyes and sneered, “If you must know, I don’t particularly like this holiday.” Pinkie Pie cried, “What?! What’s not to like about Hearts and Hooves Day?” Rarity chimed in, “It’s only the most romantic holiday of the year!” “Yes,” Discord differed. “Well, the very thought of it makes me gag. I mean, what’s the point of going around and making googly eyes at somepony?”
Twilight Sparkle chuckled, “Oh, Discord. There’s a lot you don’t know about love.” “Oh?” Discord glared at her. “And I suppose you’re some kind of ‘expert’ on these things?” “Come on!” Pinkie jumped. “We’ll show you.” Discord could do nothing but sigh and reluctantly follow the Mane Six.
As they took him all around Ponyville to show him what Hearts and Hooves Day was all about, the Mane Six sang a number about it. Discord, needless to say, was less than ecstatic about their singing. When the ponies stopped singing, though, Discord still wasn’t convinced that Hearts and Hooves Day was something special. “A pretty good show, ponies,” he clapped. “Only…*yawn* I find this holiday less than exciting. It’s all too mushy for my taste.”
“Well, Discord,” Twilight Sparkle pointed out. “One day, you’re going to find your special somepony and then you’ll learn the meaning of true love.” But Discord mocked her, “‘Then you’ll learn the meaning of true love.’ Yeah, what’s the word I’m looking for? Oh, yeah.” He stuck his tongue out in a disgusted way and gagged, “Blech!” He turned around and walked away.
Rainbow Dash shouted at him, “Just wait, Discord! You’re going to find somepony you want to love! But when you get near her, she won’t love you!” The rest of the Mane Six scolded at her, “Rainbow Dash!” Rarity chimed in, “Well, I have to agree with Rainbow Dash. He’s never going to find somepony who’ll love him.” “That’s enough, both of you!” Fluttershy glared.
As the Mane Six walked away, Discord was watching them from the trees. He was disheartened by what he heard, so he hung his head low and went deeper into the woods.

He soon came across the swimming hole and leaned in to see his reflection. He sighed, “Rainbow Dash and Rarity are right. No one could ever love a draconequus.” He scowled and continued, “So what? I don’t need love. I can handle myself perfectly in Equestria.”
He sighed again, “Yeah, it’ll be perfectly boring. I need to change up my lifestyle a bit. But how?” Just then, he heard giggling in the distance. He turned to see a pony couple walking together. This gave Discord a great idea.
He smiled mischievously, “Of course. Why didn’t I think of it sooner?” He snapped his paw as he continued, “I’ll find myself a wife! But first, I need to disguise myself.” He gestured himself and said, “This simply will not do!”
He snapped his paw and transformed into an alicorn. He still retained much of his true appearance, but with hooves instead of his regular limbs. His horn was as blue and crooked as his goat horn was. He still had his mismatched wings and his tail was white. His face was long like a stallion and his mane was the same. “There!” he inspected himself. “I look just like a stallion!”
He then chuckled, “Ready or not, mares. Here I come.”


He went all around Ponyville trying to woo the single mares. But they all rejected him by screaming and/or ran away. Some even threw food at him. By the end of the day, Discord was walking solemnly and thought, “Well, I guess that’s it, then. Nopony wants me.
“Discord?” he heard a familiar voice ask. He lifted his head to see the Mane Six. “Is that you?” Applejack asked as she squint her eyes. “Yes. Of course, it’s me,” he replied in an annoyed tone.
“No offense,” Rainbow Dash slowly said, “but I don’t think you can fool anypony with that disguise.” Rarity held out a mirror and agreed, “Especially when you have *ahem* most of your features.” Discord looked into the mirror and saw that he still looked like himself in pony form. He sighed, “I guess you’re right.” He transformed back into his original form and sadly said, “You were right all along. Nopony would want me.”
“That’s not true,” Fluttershy consoled him. “You’ll find somepony.” “But how can I know for sure that she’ll be the one?” Discord asked. “Believe me, Discord,” Twilight said. “I know what it’s like to be in love with somepony.
“You find yourself suddenly nervous. Your heart will begin to flutter, and you start to be nicer to this pony than any other pony. You can’t stop thinking about them and you feel like your happiness depends on this pony.” She sighed as she found herself thinking about Flash Sentry. She quickly snapped out of it and continued explaining, “That’s how you know when you’re in love.”
Discord blinked for a few moments and shook his head rapidly. He gathered himself and said, “Thank you for that little talk, Twilight. However, I must head home and hopefully feel better by morning.” “Take care of yourself, Discord,” Fluttershy said. “I will, my dear,” Discord waved and disappeared in a flash of light.
The rest of the Mane Six looked at Twilight and smirked. She looked at them and asked, “What?” “Oh, don’t try to hide it, sugar cube,” Applejack grinned. “You’ve got a crush on somepony.” “Is it that guard in the Crystal Empire?” Rarity asked.
“Wha…Girls,” Twilight chuckled. “Even if I did have a crush, I don’t see him much.” “Who knows?” Pinkie Pie said. “Maybe you’ll see him at the Hearts and Hooves Day Ball.” The ponies looked at her in confusion before Fluttershy broke the silence, “I hope Discord will find somepony soon. I hate to see him sad like this.”
Twilight Sparkle reassured her, “Don’t worry, Fluttershy. I’m sure there’s somepony for Discord out there. He just has to find her.”