The Quest for the Smokey Mountain

by Unnamedwriter

Chapter I: "Who Let The Dogs In?!"

On a farm in the woods, there lived a pony. Not a hot, dirty farm you see, spread over dull flat plains of grassy grains or muddy fields of soggy, leafy vegetables. This was an apple farm, where tall trees made for shady orchards and where a snack was always close at hoof. But above all it meant hard work rewarded with good food, and a loving family.

With a swift kick to the trunk the apples dropped down in a shower of shimmering red; ripe, juicy, and ready for market. Apple Slice hummed a little tune to herself as she picked up the apples that hadn't fallen in the baskets, then hefted them up in her teeth and onto the cart with the rest of the morning's harvest. Her brother Chopper smiled back at her as he pulled the loaded cart back to the house and barn.

"Chilly this morning," he said. "For summer at least." He was a tall apple green earth pony with muscles well built by years of farm work, and a blonde mane he kept short. On his flank was his cutie mark of an axe embedded in a half fallen tree. His sister nodded as the pegasus weater vane atop the barn turned with the breeze.

"Looks like falls gonna be a lil early," she said, thankful for the bountiful harvest they'd had this season. Her coat was a deep ripe apple red while unlike her brother, Apple Slice allowed her wavy blonde curls to grow so they rustled in the cool breeze. Her cutie mark was five neatly cut apple pieces laid out in a star pattern. "I'm gonna go into town fer some supplies. Anyth'n special we need?"

"Nnnoope," Chopper said, "Just the usual sugar and mixes for a new batch of jellies and preserves." Apple Slice nodded, still a little envious her brother didn't have the same twang in his voice that she did, but then he'd spent a lot more time traveling with their mom in Canterlot growing up. Almost as much time as she had helping their father on the farm. They both missed their parents, but they also knew the best way to honor them was to keep the farmstead they had built together going strong.

"Otay then," Apple Slice said putting on her saddlebags and trotting toward the gate. "See ya later." She walked leisurely down the worn dirt path and by the time she reached the gate she was humming to herself again. She was in a cheery mood when she noticed a tall pale grey unicorn pony in dark blue robes and a tall pointed hat fitted over his horn walking toward the gate.

"Good morning," she smiled.

"What do you mean?" He asked in a rough old voice that rumbled from beneath his long gray beard. "Do you mean to wish me a good morning or that this is a good morning whether I want it or not?" He had spoken so fast, Apple Slice hardly had time to think of how to answer him. "Or perhaps you mean to say you feel good, on this particular morning. Or are you simply stating this is a morning to be good on?"

"All of em at once I reckon," she said, head spinning a little as she started back down the road toward town, only to realize the old unicorn was following her. "Can I help you?" she asked in her best canterlot accent.

"That is the question isn't it," he said quietly and mysteriously. "I am looking for somepony to share in an adventure."

"An adventure?" Apple Slice wondered out loud before shaking her head, making her curly blonde mane sway back and forth. "Sorry partner but I don't think anypony east of Hollowshades would be int-rested in no adventures. Right unpredictable things those, an all they get ya is late for work." But the unicorn continued to stare at her with his piercing gaze and bushy eyebrows, until she finally looked away.

"Well, good luck find'n somepony for yer adventure. Good morning," she smiled before starting off again.

"To think I should have lived long enough to be good morninged by Bowie Knife's daughter," The unicorn huffed indignantly, quickly grabbing Apple Slice's attention. "As if I was selling carrots in the street."

"Excuse me?" She started as her twang made itself more and more pronounced, but the Unicorn only shook his head.

"You've changed Apple Slice. And not entirely for the better."

"Okay if ya don't mind me ask'n jus who are ya?"

"Well you know my name even though you don't remember I belong to it; I'm Star Swirl, and that means ... well Me." The name instantly sparked recognition in the young mare's mind.

"Surelay not Star Swirl the wander'n wizard who used ta put on such amaz'n shows on Hearthswarming's Eve and dur'n the Summer Sun celebration?"

"The very same," He finally smiled.

"Dad-gum. I had no idea ya were still in business." The Unicorn's smile flashed back into a frown.

"And where pray tell should I be?"

"Uh, um, well," she back pedaled clumsily and looking for an escape route, before plucking a long piece of grass from the side of the road and putting it in her mouth to chew on. The Unicorn wizard's frown only deepened.

"Yes that's what I thought. That settles it then," he said firmly as he bent down to tap his horn on the farmstead gate. "This adventure will be very good for you," he said standing upright again with a slight smirk, "and nothing short of amusing for me. I shall inform the others."

"Adventure? Wait, OTHERS?!" Apple Slice yelped before her temper got the better of her, "Now you wait just an apple-pick'n minute! My Brother an I work hard to keep the farm goin, an the last thang we need is some adventure tak'n up our time. So you can take yer adventure somewhere else! We don't want any adventures here. Not today, not tomorrow, not next saturday evening either! Good Morn'n!" And with that she took off in a brisk trot toward town, leaving a very flustered Star Swirl standing by the farm's gate.

"Well," he sighed. "At least she still has her mother's charm."

Apple Slice trotted until she couldn't see the gray unicron's hat anymore, then walked until she saw the chimneys of town. Ponyville was a quiet little town, always had been and everypony living there thought it always would be. Apple Slice smiled as she said hello and good morning to the ponies she walked past on her way to the market, stopping for a minute to admire the little oak sapling her father Appleseed had helped plant near the middle of town, which was now growing fast and strong.

With a smile on her muzzle she made her way to the market and found the proper ingredients needed to turn part of the latest apple harvest into preserves. She had just finished selecting the last of her spices when an earth pony with an emerald green coat and patches of brown to match his dusky mane ambled up to her.

"Good morning Ms. Apple Slice," he smiled. His cutie mark was a round head of leafy lettuce.

"Good morning Mr. Patch." Besides running the local school with his wife, Cabbage Patch grew some of the finest vegetables in Ponyville. "How's the crops?"

"Oh they're coming in just fine," he returned. "Got the last of the corn in just yesterday. Now all that's left is the potatoes." Apple Slice wasn't listening as intently as she usually did however, and she couldn't help but glance around. "Is something the matter?" Cabbagepatch asked.

"Well uh," she started nervously. "ya'll wouldn't've happened to see a grey unicorn would you?"

"Tall pony?" Cabbage asked, to which the farm mare nodded, just as she spotted the shape of a pointed blue hat bobbing through the market stalls. "Long beard, pointy hat?" Instead of answering Apple Slice darted behind Cabbagepatch, standing so their silhouettes matched and Starswirl couldn't see her. But when the hat moved out from behind the stalls, she saw it was only a sack on top of a cart of boxes. But the scare had been enough for her.

"No, can't say I've seen him," Cabbagepatch sighed, turning to look at Apple Slice only to see the farm mare was gone. "Ms. Apple Slice?" He called out, looking around behind shaking his head. "I swear that girl gets more odd every day."

Apple Slice took the long way back to the farm, so she didn't arrive back until it was nearly time for Celestia's sun to set. When she opened the door and went to store her purchases in the kitchen cupboards, she found Chopper already slicing apples. By the time Luna's moon appeared in the sky, fifteen new jars of apple butter were cooling in the kitchen, and the apple siblings were sitting down to a nice meal of hay crisps and lettuce wraps. But before Apple Slice could take a bite, there was a knock at the door. Her brother was just as confused.

"Who in celestia's mane could that be at this hour?" He wondered getting up from the table and trotting over to open the door. When he did, he found a Diamond Dog with curly black fur, piercing green eyes, short round ears and two great axes strapped across his back. He looked over the door and hallway a moment before looking Chopper in the eye.

"My name is Growlin," he said without so much as a smirk or smile, just a curt bow, "At your service sir. I was told this is where I'm to meet my companions."

"Well," Chopper said hesitantly, not really liking the look of the dog, who was easily as tall as he was standing on his hind legs. "I'm afraid I don't know anything about your companions but you're welcome to join my sister and I for dinner."

"Thank you," he said with another courteous bow, whipping his paws as best he could on the doormat and placing his weapons by the rack where the hat that had belonged to Apple Slice and Chopper's father still hung. He said not a word as he took a seat at the table, giving only a thankful nod as Apple Slice brought him a plate of cheese and bread. He'd barely taken his first bite when another knock was heard.

"Ah, that sounds like my brother," Growlin smiled through a mouthful of food. As she was already up, Apple Slice opened the door, where another Diamond Dog with white curly fur, short round ears and the same green eyes as his brother stood. He was wearing a deep red vest, clearly meant for a colder climate, though his smile on it's own could easily warm a frozen hearth.

"Howlin," he said with a bow, before standing back to his full height and towering over Apple Slice. "At your service madam."

"Uh, good evening?" she greeted, not quite sure what to make of the combination of his manners and fearsome appearance. The sword strapped to his hip certainly didn't help.

"Yes it is isn't it," he smiled, glancing over her shoulder. "I was told I could be expecting some friends of mine here."

"In here!" Growlin called from the dining room. Before Apple Slice even knew what was happening the white Dog was inside and hugging his brother, when there was another knock. Two actually.

Apple Slice could only sigh as she once again opened the door, this time finding not one but Two Diamond Dogs waiting there, both shorter and thinner than the first two with pointed ears and slick shiny coats, one dark brown with a pair of swords on his back, the other blonde with a bow and a quiver of arrows slung over his shoulder. Both seemed much younger than the first two, and their light brown eyes shone brighter too.

"Kiki," The blonde dog bowed.

"And Tiki," The dark brown dog bowed, before both spoke together. "At your service." By now Apple Slice was starting to have had enough.

"I'm sorry boys but I think ya have the wrong house."

"Wrong house," Tiki gasped looking at his brother. "Goodness me has it been cancelled already?"

"You mean we come all this way for nothing?"

"Cancelled?" Apple Slice wondered, "No nothin's been cancelled it's just,"

"Oh what a relief!" Kiki sighed walking right past the farm mare. "I was afraid we'd have to sleep in town. Dreadful mare than innkeeper." Apple Slice could only sputter and watch as two more dogs walked through the door, one pawing her his twin swords.

"Careful with these," Tiki warned with a flirtatious wink, "I just had them sharpened." Apple Slice suppressed the urge to gag as she placed the weapons with the others. "Nice place you have here," Tiki commented as his brother stooped down on all fours to inspect a large wooden chest.

"What's in here?" Kiki asked.

"My mother's armor," Apple Slice said warningly, making the blonde dog yelp and hop back on his haunches. Just then Growlin appeared from the kitchen.

"Tiki, Kiki!" He called abruptly, "Get your tails in here an lend us a paw will you? We need to clean this dining room up or we'll never get everyone in here."

"Certainly Mr. Growlin!" And with that the two young dogs bounded through the house to help the older pair, leaving Chopper to look at his sister with confusion and concern.

"Others?" He asked with a bit of fear, and Apple Slice only managed a squeak before an even louder knock came from the door.

"Otay that is IT!" She yelled, finally out of patience as she stomped back to the door. "I swear to Luna if this is someponies idear of a joke then when I get my hooves on them they're gonna be sorrier than a white rabbit in a fox hole!" She threw the door open with another yell at the ready, but had to jump back, stumbling onto her haunches as SEVEN more Diamond dogs toppled in like dominoes in front of a familiar grey unicorn in blue robes.

"Star Swirl," Apple Slice sighed, finally piecing together what was happening. "I should'a figured." The old unicorn only gave her a sly smile. Within ten minutes the house was a total mess, with Diamond Dogs running to and fro with food and drinks, laughing and joking at old stories. Apple Slice wasn't sure what was more shocking, the sight of her beautiful house being slowly torn apart, or the fact that her brother was laughing right along with their uninvited guests as she attempted to preserve order.

"No please put that back!" she cried as a short squat Dog with pale brown fur and floppy ears waddled past with the stool from the kitchen. "My Father made that with his own hooves! And don't touch the apple butter!" she scolded another pale brown but slightly taller floppy eared dog before he touched the jars. "They still need to set properly." She gaped as one Dog fatter than the rest waddled past her carrying no less than four loaves of bread. "Excuse me but ain't that bit much?"

"Not at all," a thin red and white dog with droopy cheeks and pointed ears said casually. "He eats it by the pound you know."

"Mr. Star Swirl," a third floppy eared dog with long shaggy grey fur said walking up to the unicorn. "Begging your pardon sir, but have you seen Torup or Liken anywhere?"

"No I'm afraid I haven't Tuff," He said glancing up from the dog around the others and doing a head count. "Let see, Howlin, Growlin, Tiki and Kiki, Ruff, Tuff, Duff, Boin, Doin, Roly and Poly, we appear to be two dogs short."

"Not to worry," Growlin said off-pawdly, "They left two days ago for Castle Everfree and a meeting of the royals. They will be here soon."

"I certainly hope so," Star Swirl remarked suddenly nervous even as the impromptu party brought all the dogs to the dining room table for a meal. Kiki and Tiki sat next to each other laughing at old stories, while Howlin and Growlin ate across the table from them. Further down seated one after the other were Duff, Ruff, Tuff, made distinct by their floppy ears and blue eyes, while opposite was Boin and Doin, by far the largest Dogs of the gathering with thick almost matted red and black hair respectively. Next to Doin sat Star Swirl, and next to him sat Poly, a thin dog with droopy cheeks and long red and white fur, and at the head of the table was Roly, the fat dog with almost brown red fur. The told stories and sang songs of adventures in far off lands, and after Chopper brought out the apple cider, attempted to see who could drink the most in a single breath.

As the night wore on and bellies became full and the dogs started to move about the house, Apple Slice was able to pull Star Swirl away from another of her brother's embarrassing fillyhood stories about her.

"Otay Star Swirl explain yerself," she whispered abruptly, jabbing a hoof at the Unicorn's chest.

"My dear Apple Slice whatever do you mean?" He asked innocently.

"What do I?! There's eleven Diamond Dogs in ma house! Why?!"

"Oh they're quite the merry lot," he said smiling evasively, "Once you get used to them of course."

"Get used to!" she spluttered. "They've torn the kitchen to ribbons! They've gone an plundered the pantry, tracked mud all over the floor! I don't even wanna think about what they went an did to the outhouse. Just what in the name of Celestia are they doing here?!"

"Excuse me Ma'am," the youngest and smallest of the Dogs, floppy eared puppy eyed Duff, said politely as he walked up to Apple Slice holding an empty plate. "But what would you like me to do with my plate?"

"Don't worry Duff," Kiki said mischievously as his brother appeared at the end of the hall. "I'll take care of it." He then tossed the plate like a frisbee and Tiki caught it in his mouth, only to toss it to Doin waiting in the kitchen.

"Stop that!" Apple Slice yelped as a bowl was thrown overhead from the dining room and passed down the hall. "Those my grandma's dishes she got in Baltimare!" But her pleas fell on deaf ears, and soon the other dogs were stomping out a rhythm with their feet and clanging their silverware against one another's. "I said stop it, you're gonna blunt the knives for neigh'n outloud!"

"Hear that fellas?" Poly laughed in a merry sing song voice, "She say's we'll blunt the knives." And with that Kiki and Tiki started to sing. Three verses in the other Dogs had all joined in, clapping, chanting, and stomping as dishes and cutlery sailed overhead like birds towards the kitchen. Ruff Tuff and Duff were even playing a merry tune on the tea set. The song's end turned to raucous laughing, and when Apple Slice finally shoved her way through to the kitchen, there sat all the dishes clean, intact, and neatly stacked.

"But, how?" she stuttered as her brother clapped a hoof on her back.

"Come on Slice, don't be so serious," he smiled, though from the cider poured tonight or the jokes it was hard to tell. "I'm start'n to think Star Swirl was right about you needing to lighten up." Apple Slice turned to ask her brother the details of his words, when fate came knocking, literally.

"Finally," Howlin sighed with a smile, "They're here at last."

"Oh no," Apple Slice muttered in pure dejection, "Not more Dogs. And they just cleaned the kitchen too." Star Swirl opened the door with his magic, and in stepped two more Diamond Dogs. Both were tall and well built, with long snouts, tall pointed ears, and smooth shiny black fur with chestnut brown patches. Anypony could see they were twins, but where the one on the left carried himself like true royalty, the other was slighter, and perhaps a tad friendlier in his stance as well.

"Star Swirl," the regal looking Dog greeted the wizard, who nodded in kind.

"Apple Slice, Chopper," The Unicorn said turning to the ponies, "Allow me to introduce the leaders of our merry band; Torup Rockwall." The regal Hound bowed with Canterlot like grace, allowing all to see the round shield and broadsword he carried atop his pack. "And Liken Riverstone." The slighter Hound also bowed, he too carrying a sword and shield, although the blade he carried appeared curved and much more elegant than any of the other Dog weapons Apple Slice had seen tonight.

"You led us to believe this place would be easy to find," Liken said shrugging off his thin coat and hanging it carefully. "Thanks to Torup we lost our way, twice."

"We did not lose our way," Torup retorted. "We simply misplaced our location for a moment."

"Twice," His brother reminded, sending up a round of soft laughter from the other Dogs. "I dare say we might not have found it at all had we not see the mark on the gate." Apple Slice quickly remembered Star Swirl's peculiar actions earlier that day, and shot the Unicorn a scathing look, only to find herself come under Torup's piercing gaze.

"So," He rumbled from somewhere down in his chest. "This is the pony." He walked around her on all fours, paws barely making a sound on the wood, and only serving to unnerve Apple Slice even more. "Tell me, have you done much fighting?"

"Pardon?" she asked nothing short of confused by the question as Liken became concerned.

"Brother," the younger of the two said warningly but Torup didn't hear.

"What's your preferred weapon then? Spear, sword, slingshot?"

"Well if I'm honest," Apple Slice said in slight desperation, "my Ma did show me a thing or two bout handle'n a sword when I was little."

"Little-er," Torup scoffed glancing back to the other Dogs. "Seems more of a milkmare than a thief."

"Thief?" Appleslice asked as the remark sent up laughter from the dogs, who followed their leader into the dining room. They all took their previous seats, with Liken and Torup now sitting at the head of the table next to Star Swirl. Apple Slice walked up to the unicorn's side as Chopper brought out two bowls of apple soup for the newest arrivals.

"Thank you," Liken smiled to the stallion, who returned it with his own just as the Dogs began their business.

"So," Howlin started, "what news of the meeting at Castle Everfree? Did they all come?"

"Aye that they did," Liken smiled with some effort, "Envoys and ambassadors from all the Kingdoms. Even the Griffons and the Monstria tribes." The news sent up sighs of relief, then Growlin raised his voice.

"And what was the decision of the Alicorn Sisters?"

"Never mind them," Boin barked, "What did the Dogs of the Galloping Gorge say? Is Herc with us or not?" Liken made to speak, but quickly closed his mouth and looked at his brother, who seemed even more reluctant to speak but forced himself.

"They will not help,” Torup sighed, “nor will the Sisters give us their blessing. They say this quest will be ours, and ours alone."

"Quest?," Apple Slice wonder out loud. "You're going on a quest?" Now it was Star Swirl's turn to speak.

"Uh Chopper," he said with a slight cough as he looked to the green stallion. "Perhaps some more light is in order." Chopper left but quickly returned with a newly lit candle, which after handing it to his sister Apple Slice placed on the table. "Beyond the domain of Celestia and Luna," The old unicorn explained as he used his magic to take from his robes and unfold a paper map, "where the Unicorn Range meets the sea, the land is dominated by a single peak." Apple Slice leaned in so as to see the map and the names written on it.

"Smokey Mountain?"

"Aye," Doin said. "Boin has read the signs, and according to the prophecies, it. Is. Time."

"Pegasi have seen ravens and owls returning to the mountain," Boin explained, "as it was foretold: When the birds of yor return to Kanidor, the reign of the she-beast will end."

"She-Beast?" Apple Slice asked. "What sort of beast exactly?"

"Oh that lassie would be a reference to Scarr the Terrible," Poly said casually, even as Liken turned his eyes away from the other dogs. "Chief among the calamities of our time. Wings like a thunderstorm, teeth like swords, claws like meat hooks. She'll melt the flesh off your bones with one good breath."

"I do happen to know what a dragon is you know."

"And she's a nasty one at that," Howlin groaned in frustration. "It'll take no less than an army to slay the dragoness, and we number only thirteen. And not thirteen of the best, nor brightest."

"Old mutt!"

"Who you call'n dim?!" The indignant yells continued until Kiki of all Dogs stood up and raised his voice.

"We may be few in number,” he shouted boldly, “but we're fighters. All of us. To the last Dog!"

"And you forget," Tiki chimed in looking for a silver lining. "We happen to have one of the greatest Unicorn sorcerers of all time in our company, Star Swirl will have killed hundreds of Dragons in his day." Apple Slice allowed herself a smile as it was finally Star Swirl’s turn to be awkward.

"Well uh actually," He stumbled before Ruff asked:

"Well come on then how many?"


“How many dragons have you killed?” Star Swirl looked around nervously before Torup stood from his seat.

“It doesn’t matter,” he said with stone like finality. “What matters are the facts. The She-Dragon Scarr has not been seen for nearly fifty years. Dragons may be long lived, but they are not immortal. What if the great wealth and halls of our fathers now lay unprotected? While we sit on our haunches and argue over debate eyes look west to Smokey Mountain, watching and weighing the risk.

Tell me brothers, will we sit back while others steal what is rightfully ours? Or will we seize this chance to take back Kanidor?!” A cacophony of ecstatic shouts and barks went up, and Apple Slice found herself infected by the optimism of the Dogs.

“You forget,” Howlin growled bringing the volume of his fellows back down to earth. “The front gates are sealed with alicorn magic. There is no way inside.”

“That my dear Howlin,” Star Swirl said cryptically as he levitated something out of his robes, “Is not entirely true.” On the table he set a large key, angled stone inlayed with gold. Apple Slice wasn’t sure she liked how intently Torup was staring at it.

“Where did you get that?” He asked breathlessly.

“It was given to me by your Father, Vor,” Star Swirl explained. “Shortly before he went missing he entrusted this key and the map to me for safe keeping. They are yours now.” Torup watched with bated breath as Liken picked up the key, both brothers admiring it as the candlelight danced off it’s surface, whilst Kiki gave voice to the other Dogs hopes.

“If there is a key, surely there must be a door of some kind.” Star Swirl nodded in agreement.

“Indeed,” the unicorn nodded gesturing with his hoof to the map. “These runes speak of a hidden passage to the lower halls, near the courts of the art-hounds.”

“I can’t believe it,” Tiki gasped hugging his brother. “Theres another way in after all.”

“If we can find it,” Star Swirl cautioned, and Apple Slice saw the map was much broader than simply the Smokey Mountain and offered no real instructions as to where the door was. “The key to finding the hidden entrance lies somewhere in this map and I have not the skill to find it. But there are those in Equestria who can. Now please keep in mind,” He said seriously. “The plan I have in mind will not be easy. But if we are clever and careful I believe it can be done.”

“Our intentions are these,” Liken said slowly, standing beside his brother. “We will use the secret door to enter the mountain and retrieve the Barrkenstone. With it in our possession we can summon the other Dog packs to us.” He looked at the other Dogs gathered in the dining room, eyes young and old wearing the same cautious hope. “Only with their combined strength can we reclaim the Smokey Mountain.”

“That’s why we need a thief,” Duff thought out loud, “So we can get the stone without being seen.”

“Eeyyuup,” Apple Slice agreed. “An a good one too. Sounds like ya’ll are gonna need an expert for this job”

“Well?” Doin asked, “Are you?” The question was so casual in tone that Apple Slice didn’t catch it at first.

“Am I what?” She asked innocently. At that moment an apple could have fallen in the orchard and be heard in Ponyville, before old Boin broke the silence with the last thing Apple Slice wanted to hear.

“She said she’s an thieving expert!” He laughed happily. “What did I tell you?!”

“Thieving, wait hold on,” Apple Slice stammered before yelling over the chorus of dogs. “HAY!! I will have ya’ll know we Apples are respectable, honest ponies. I a’ve never stolen a thang in my life!” The dogs looked at her in shock, all except Torup, Liken, Howlin, and Star Swirl looked like a pony whose great plan had just crumbled.

“I have to agree with Ms. Apple,” Howlin sighed, “she’s hardly thief material.” The farm mare nodded in support, desperate to escape whatever adventure Star Swirl was trying to trap her in.

“Aye,” Growlin agreed. “Besides the wilds are no place for ponies raised in the comfort of a village, much less a farm filly.”

“Exactly, wait,” Apple Slice halted, then turned to glare at the gruff dog. “Filly? I’ll have you know mah brother an I run this farm all day all the time.” Star Swirl watched with a growing smirk as he witnessed the expression of the dogs change from contempt to something else.

“I ain’t no prissy town-mare,” Apple Slice snapped, jabbing her hoof at Growlin’s chest, making the much larger than her dog back up. “An I sure as Luna’s moon ain’t no scared farm filly neither. Fact I bet the only reason ya’ll ain’t already stolen what ya’ll need, is cause the dragon can smell ya a mile away! When in the name of Celestia was the last time any of ya’ll had a wash?!”

Growlin tried to respond but only managed to sputter. Tiki and Kiki exchanged surprised looks, and Howlin looked to Torup and Liken, approval written all over their muzzles.

“And that,” Star Swirl beamed triumphantly, “Is my point. Earth ponies are remarkably swift on their hooves, and they are much more attuned to the ground than Pegasi or Unicorns like myself. In fact, they can pass unseen by most if they choose. And as Apple Slice said, Scarr may be well accustomed to the smell of Dog, but the scent of Pony has only ever been on her tongue briefly.” He gauged the expressions of the Dogs, noticing the only members not convinced seemed to be Apple Slice herself and Torup. Thankfully though, The royal dog had a brother to make him see sense.

“Brother,” Liken whispered carefully to his twin. “Let us not forget you asked Star Swirl to find a fourteenth member for our company. If this mare is his choice I see no reason to doubt it.”

“She has a great deal more to offer than her appearance might suggest,” The Unicorn smiled, glancing back at the apple red farm mare. “Even to herself.” Apple Slice’s muzzle bowed up in a proud smirk before she remembered what was happening. Before she could protest again though, Torup relented.

“So be it,” he groaned, nodding his long head to Howlin. “Give her the contract.”

“Contract?” She asked even as the white dog retrieved a folded paper from his vest.

“Don’t worry lassie, it's nothing more than a summary of the usual expenses. Travel arrangements, liability renouncements, Funeral arrangements and the like.”

“Funeral arrangements?” She squeaked, taking the contract with her left hoof and holding it up so the rest folded down and into a pile on the floor. “Oh my.” As she read, Torup turned to Star Swirl.

“You know the perils that lie ahead of us. I cannot in good conscience guarantee her safety.”


“Nor will any of us be responsible for her fate.” Star Swirl looked at the Dog, about to protest before he saw the honesty in his piercing brown eyes, and he found he could only nod.


“Lets see,” Apple Slice mumbled, still reading the contract. “Individual shares shall not exceed one fourteenth of total profit if any, otay sounds fair.” Star Swirl allowed himself to smile, thinking she was finally warming up to the idea of an adventure. “Company leaders shall not be liable for injuries includ’n but not limited tooooooo laceration.” Starswirl’s smile evaporated as a string on fear appeared Apple Slice’s voice.

“Evisceration?” She read in disbelief, looking back at the dogs. “Incineration?”

“Aye you read right,” Poly said matter-of-factly. “One good breath an she’ll melt the flesh off yer bones in the blink of an eye.” Howlin didn’t like the way the mare started to sway on her hooves.

“You all right lassie?”

“I’m fine,” she gasped, “Just need a minute to catch my breath.” She was obviously feeling faint, and everyone but Poly could see it.

“It’s really not all that terrifying when you think about it,” Poly said casually and with a smile on his muzzle. “Just imagine a furnace, with wings and teeth.” Apple Slice wobbled on her legs, and rapidly blinked away a dizzy spell. “It’s quick too. All it is is a flash of light, one maybe two seconds of searing pain and poof! You’re nothing more than a pile of cinders.”

“Apple Slice,” Star Swirl asked carefully, rising from his seat just in case the farm mare did something dramatic. “Are you all right?”

“Nnooope,” She smiled, then fell over like a chopped tree. Torup flattened his ears and growled at Poly, who looked more like a sheep under his leader’s glare while Liken groaned at the sight of the fainted mare.

“Well I see your helpful as ever,” he huffed with sarcasm thick as honey. “Thank Poly thank you ever so much.”

“Umm, whoops?” was all he could say as Star Swirl helped Chopper move his sister to the living room in front of the fireplace where she awoke half an hour later.

“I told ya I’ll be fine,” she protested even as her brother handed her a glass of warm cider. “Just, let me sit peaceful-like fer a minute or two.” But the old Unicorn was having none of it.

“You’ve been sitting ‘peaceful-like’ for far too long,” Star Swirl snapped, pacing the room in front of Apple Slice and her brother. “Goodness me just look at you! When in the name of Celestia did apple butter and your grandmother’s dishes become so important?” Apple Slice looked away from the unicorn’s accusing eyes, but when she looked at Chopper she found the same sad disappointment.

“I remember a filly who was always off running through Everfree Forest looking Deer and poison joke to prank her brother with.”

“Slice,” Chopper said trotting up to his sister and sitting down beside her. “I know you mean well, but Equestria ain’t just Ponyville and apple orchards. There’s a lot more out there than either ma or pa showed us.”

“But I can’t just go run’n off to luna knows where! You can’t run the farm all on yer own.”

“Now don’t go using that excuse,” Her brother scolded. “We just finished the bulk of the harvest, and fall’s just around the bend.”

“An what about our reputation?” She asked looking between Star Swirl and Chopper. “What does it say about Apples if I just go off on some crazy adventure?”

“In case you’ve forgotten my dear,” Starswirl said in a teacherly voice, “you’re not just an Apple. You are also a Blade, a proud house full of warrior mares and guard-stallions of Canterlot. Why did you know your great great great uncle on your mother’s aunt’s side, Broadsword, was so tall he could stand on his hind legs and look a Minotaur in the eye?”

“Yeah of course but.” But Star Swirl wasn’t finished.

“Why I still remember the day the Monstria tribes put Canterlot under siege, and he, Broadsword himself, led the Solar guard charging out the gates. He fought his way through to the enemy generals, and bucked his legs so hard it knocked the Centaur king’s head clean off, and it sailed a dozen yards, through the air, right between the remaining general’s chariots. Thus the battle was won, and the game of hoofball invented at the same time.”

“Call me crazy,” Apple Slice smiled in spite of herself, “But I do believe you just now made that up.”

“Only the last part,” The old Unicorn smiled trotting up to the farm mare. “Besides all good stories deserve a bit of embellishment. You’ll have a tale or two to tell of your own after this adventure.”

“Maybe,” She said as a smiled creeped across her muzzle, only to vanish. “Starswirl?”


“If I do this, can you promise that I will come back?” The unicorn suddenly found himself under scrutiny from both Apples, but he knew better than to start lying now.

“No. And even if you do, this quest will change you.”

“That’s what I figured,” she sighed and got out of her chair, and silently walked past the dining room and up the stairs to bed.

“Well,” Howlin sighed. “It would seem we have lost our thief. Once again the odds are against us. After all what are we?” he asked mainly himself, not looking at Torup and Liken were they sat nearby. “Trackers, entertainers, miners, jewelers and toymakers. Hardly the stuff of songs.”

“There are some warhounds amongst us yet old friend,” Torup said proudly.

“Old warhounds perhaps,” Howlin scoffed, then left to join his brother in another part of the house. Torup began to pace the room, twisting a silver ring he wore on his left paw in distant thought.

“He’s not wrong brother,” Liken said grimly, causing his twin to stop pacing and face him.

“Right or wrong,” Torup snarled, lips curling defiantly, “I would take any one of those dogs over an army from Canterlot or the Galloping Gorge, because when we called, they answered. Loyalty brother, is the mark of a true dog.”

“Torup,” Liken whispered in a pleading hush, “You don’t have to do this. Thanks to you we have a new life in the Macintosh Hills. Pups are growing up in peace, with full bellies and packs of their own. Is the gold in Kanidor really worth risking all of that?” Torup looked down to the wooden floor as his thoughts wandered again, but at the same time his paw clutched the key Star Swirl had given them earlier that night. And when he spoke again, his voice was hard like stone.

“From our father, this,” He said holding up the key, “Has come to us. Every dog here tonight has dreamed of a day when our people could reclaim their homeland, whether that hope is based on memories or stories makes no difference. This is our chance Liken, our chance to end sixty years of wandering and scraping and hold our heads high once again.”

Liken knew the look on his twin’s muzzle well; he’d seen it many times from their father and grandfather. It was a look that seemed to turn a face to stone and iron, leaving no purchase for fear or doubt.

“Very well,” He sighed, mustering a smile. “If that’s your mind I’m with you.” Torup’s iron visage melted like a summer mountain frost, and the brothers embraced, trust as unyielding as the stone of the halls they were born in. Halls they were now set on reclaiming for future generations.

But as the Brother’s embraced below and joined their friends in the living room, above them Apple Slice lay awake in her bed, staring out the window to where the moon hung low over the orchards.

“Princess Luna,” She breathed quietly. “I know Star Swirl an my Brother mean well, but what does it say about me if I go off on some adventure an leave the farm for mah brother to take care of alone?”

As her eyes fluttered closed, the Dogs in the room beneath her began to sing a haunting tune, but it was soon muted by a soft feminine voice whispering another question in her ear.

“But would thine parents wish thou to spend thine life knowing not but work and responsibility?” Sleep overtook the farm mare, and she found herself standing amidst foggy cliffs and forests, the shimmering mane of a dark blue alicorn fading into her vision.

“Princess Luna,” Apple Slice gasped, quickly bowing before the Princess of the night.

“Rise, please,” Luna asked. “There is no need for such formalities. I am a visitor in this place young one, here to mend your doubts.”

“Ah don’t know what to do Princess. I mean I’ve never really been beyond Ponyville, or really very far from the farm for that matter. What if it’s dangerous?”

“It could be,” The Princess smiled casually.

“What if I get lost?”

“You may.”

“And what if I can’t help the dogs?” The Princess of the Night remained silent for a moment, then walked up to Apple Slice and draped a wing over the farm mare’s shoulders.

“You are a brave, honest mare fair Apple Slice, like your mother. But what tidings tomorrow may bring has never been ours to know. We must take happenings as they come, and not fret on worries of what may be. Instead hope; hope for brighter futures, and embrace the unknown, for it is on the darkest nights that the moon might shine brightest.”

When Celestia’s sun finally rose over Ponyville, Chopper was already out in the orchard, checking trees for apples yesterday had missed. Star Swirl and the Diamond Dogs had left sometime in the night, but their tidiness on the dining room and the kitchen made him forgive the lack of a proper goodbye. He had just unhooked himself from the wagon after spotting a tree full of ripe red apples when he heard the farmhouse door bang open, and a set of hooves come galloping down the path.

“Slice?” he called, poking his head out into the lane, only to rear back on his hind legs to avoid being hit by a speeding ball of red mare.

“Sorry Bro,” Apple Slice shouted back, blonde curls waving in the wind as she galloped. “But I’m already late!”

“Late for what?!” He shouted after her, but she reached the gate before his voice reached her. It only took a moment though for the stallion to remember, and he wore a proud smile for the rest of the day. Apple Slice was still running at a full gallop as she dashed through Ponyville, weaving around and leaving over carts.

“Oy, Ms. Apple!” Cabbage Patch called as she rushed past. “Where are you going in such a hurry?”

“I’m going on an adventure!” She laughed back, following her nose after the smell of dog and danger.