//------------------------------// // The Best Policy // Story: Stardust in the wind // by StarDustShine //------------------------------// Stardust walked through the halls reviewing the previous situation in his head "So let's see, I have to add her to the list of people I need to avoid. Heck, I might need to start avoiding the cafeteria all together, pretty much everyone in school is in that one room all at the same time, yeah, no thanks. Besides I don't need to eat, do I? Well I've gotten this far, I think I'll be fine," he kept walking and turned a corner, not necessarily having a goal he was working towards just... walking. Although on the very next corner he turned something interesting caught his eye, and when that happens normally nothing good comes of it. When he turned the corner what immediately grabbed his attention was a girl, nothing good ever coming of that either, who seemed to be having difficulties with a wooden crate. Stardust walked up to get a better look at the girl. Looking at her she appeared to be about the same height as him with with blonde hair tied at the bottom by a red rubber band, light orange skin, green eyes, and three white freckles under either eye. As for her clothes, she was wearing a button up shirt that was completely white, except for a bit around the chest and neck, with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, along with a blue jean skirt with two pockets on the front, something you don't see on skirts very often, held up by a belt with design of an Apple on the belt buckle. Speaking of apples, she had on a pair of brown, heeled, cowboy er... cowgirl boots each one had three apples on the front. Finally, sitting atop her head was a cowboy hat. As Stardust drew closer he was able to hear the girl ramble something in a country accent. "Now, I coulda sworn this thing was lighter just a minute ago. Then I look away for one minute and it gains 100 pounds. Ah well, when life hands you apples, make apple juice, even if that apple weighs more than you," she then began to push the box along the ground making a very annoying, very high pitched squeak. Stardust could tell she needed help and although he had told himself to keep to himself he was always taught to help people in need, so he walked up and, in the most monotone voice possible, "Um, do you maybe need some help with that?" Much to his surprise, the girl was not at all phased by his question, she answered and kept pushing as if she had expected him to ask it. "Now I don't want you to go and trouble yerself with me," she stoped pushing to take a good look at Stardust, "Right here yer looking at the strongest person in all of Canterlot High. If I can't lift it I have reason to doubt that you can. After all you actually seem a lot weaker than me... oh uh, no offense," she looked at him and smiled. Stardust being... well Stardust, of course responded very sarcastically, "Oh none taken, and believe you me little miss country, looks can often be deceiving. Now lets see," he knelt down beside the box to examine, "I'd say it's made of pure oak wood, the box itself can't weigh more than 50 pounds, plus the weight of whatever's inside," The girl had a look of doubt upon her face, "Now look here, I'm as sure as sugar no one, at this point, can lift that," she turned away from Stardust, "but if you want to try then be my..." she wasn't able to finish her statement as she was interrupted by the sound of a wooden box leaving the ground, "...guest," "Hmmm... it feels like it weighs about, I'd say, 350 pounds. Not really hard to lift at all," Stardust put the crate down and looked back at the girl to find her dumbstruck, "What can't you lift 350 pounds that easily miss 'strongest person in Canterlot High'," he then started leaning on the crate. "Well shoot, I don't think I know anyone who can do something like that. What's your name stranger" the girl walked up to him and reached her arm out. "Um, Stardust... Stardust Shine," he shook her hand, "you can just call me Star," Stardust looked back down at the crate, "If you need help moving this I can help get it," he knocked on the crate, "where it needs to go," "Mighty kind of ya there Stardust, pick it back up and follow me. It's not to far from here," the girl started walking the opposite direction then quickly turned around, "Oh, by the way my name's Applejack," "Nice to meet you Miss Jack" Stardust responded as he picked up the crate and followed behind Applejack. "Uh, just Applejack is fine," she continued walking while also continuing the conversation, "So Star huh, is that what yer friends call you?" she asked intently. Stardust being being the arrogant idiot he was answered her question truthfully but sarcastically, "Actually... no," he kept his face about as blank as possible. At this time Applejack's face slowly turned from that of intent to curiosity, "Oh... Well then what do your friends call you?" She was very curious. Stardust, at this point, became a bit more snarky, "I'll let you know when I get some friends," he paused, "and when they start calling me stuff," "So, you don't have any friends. I bet it's just cause you're new, no one's had a chance to know you," Applejack said with a bright smile that Stardust couldn't see. Stardust sighed, "You know what, I'm getting real tired of this," at this point he was more annoyed then ever. "Uhh, tired of what exactly?" Applejack turned around and started walking backwards showing she knew this place to well and didn't even have to look where she was walking. Luckily the halls were relatively deserted so there was a low chance of her bumping into anyone. "The reason I have no friends is cause I don't want any. I had a friend at one point and she hurt me so much that I didn't want anything to do with anyone," Stardust was being very hostile towards Applejack without trying to, this happens to him on occasion. "Well, what do ya mean. What was it she did to ya that was so bad, and what do ya mean ya didn't want anything to do with anyone?" Applejack started to change her to that of worry. "Applejack, let me ask you something. Do you enjoy living in this city? From the school, to your friends, to any family member that lives here, to just the place in general, do you enjoy it?" Stardust had to set the box down to fully concentrate on the question. "Why, of course I do! I love my brother and my sister, I love all my friends at Canterlot High, and I especially love the farm. My family owns an apple farm just down the road from the school, in fact that's what's in that crate, apple juice I was going to restock the vending machines in the gym with," Applejack was the happiest Stardust had seen anyone at Canterlot High not to mention relieved that they got to talk about a brighter subject. "So that was your farm I passed by on the way here. I hope you don't mind but I picked an apple off a branch hanging over the fence," Stardust started relaxing as he was being pulled astray from his initial question. "Oh it's no problem, we normally like to offer free apples to anyone who needs it, and looking at how big that shirt is on you I can tell you really need it," Applejack didn't really mean much by this statement but it opened Stardust's eyes to something. For the first time Stardust had realized how skinny he actually was, in fact his shirt appeared to be about three sizes too big, but it was all he had. Really there was no one to blame but himself, after all it had been at least a couple of months since his last decent meal. Now he understood why Applejack was surprised when he lifted that crate with how weak and frail he looked. The more he thought about it the more visually disturbed he was by the sight of himself. Applejack took quick notice to this, "Oh, uhh... no offense," she smiled to try to make the situation better. "What, oh no it's fine. Anyway," Stardust was mad at himself for getting so off track, although it was not unlike himself to do so, "For one reason or another, you like this town. Now imagine if by the actions of someone, who you once considered your friend, you had to leave this town behind. This town, every thing you love about it, you had to leave it all without saying anything to anyone and never come back, how would you feel towards that person?" "Well gee, I guess I wouldn't think too highly of that person. Shoot what am I saying, I'd hate that person with all my guts, I'd tell you what I'd do to that person but I don't want any of the young'ins to hear, but let's just say they'd rue the day they messed whit me," Applejack didn't take it seriously though as she thought it was just a joke and therefore she wondered, "but uh, what does this have to do with you not wanting friends?" "Being blunt, that happened to me. The person that did that to was the best and only friend I ever had and ever will have. So I guess you could just say I'm afraid to have anymore friends out of fear that it'll happen again. You could try to tell me that with people like you stuff like that won't happen but I won't listen, now let's just get this crate to the gym so I can be alone," Stardust picked the crate back up and stared at Applejack waiting for her to lead the way, Stardust still wasn't too familiar with the school. Applejack hesitated a small bit before turning around and walking the other direction, what followed was an awkwardly silent walk to gym. When they got to the gym it looked like most other gyms, huge and bland with three different entrances, the one they walked in and one on the right and left sides. There was a vending machine on either side of the left and right doors, "Well, here we are," proclaimed Stardust, "can you open this yourself or do you need my help with that to?" he asked sarcastically. "Nah, I... I reckon I can get it open," Applejack grabbed the lid of the box and lifted removing it with relative ease considering it was nailed shut. The moment she opened the crate she was pushed back as a very familiar, very pink face popped out of the box. "Bet you didn't expect to find me in there did ya?" Pinkie pie stated as she jumped out of the box and stood next to a very furious Applejack. "Pinkie pie! How in tarnation did you get in there and keep it shut?" Applejack asked confused and angry all at the same time. Before Pinkie could answer she heard a familiar voice. "Hey, Pinkie, I didn't see you here... or anywhere," Stardust had very smugly started leaning on the, now open, box of apple juice. His statement caused Pinkie pie to turn around and look at him. "Oh, Star, I heard what you said and I wanted to know, what did this 'friend' do to you to make you have to leave your town? Please tell me," Even though Pinkie had asked this very politely Stardust refused to answer. In stead he turned, waved to them saying "Goodbye Applejack, Pinkie, I'll try not to see you again," and walked away While he was walking towards the door back into the hall he could hear Applejack saying to pinkie, "That kid sure is a strange case,"