//------------------------------// // Some Explanations- Edited // Story: Beyond Earthend // by Brony For life 7 //------------------------------// --------Golden Oaks Library-------- Twilight was in her library studying on the ancient history of Equestria when she heard the sound of drums. PATA PATA PATA PON! It was distant, quiet at first. But whatever it was, it was getting closer. PATA PATA PATA PON! Now she could hear a sort of singing with it. She decided to investigate. "Spike I'm going out for a while, watch the library until I get back!" PATA PATA PATA PON! Louder, and strangely energizing. "What in Equestria is going on?!" Just out of town a group of bazaar looking creatures with swords, spears and bows were marching towards her. Thinking this was a threat she was about to get the girls when she saw both Applejack and Fluttershy marching with them. As she approached they noticed and stopped, and with them the music. "Uh, I don't mean to interrupt but. What are these...Things?" Fluttershy stepped up. "We're not sure but they seem to have their own language, because I can't understand them." She looked back to the group. "We were hoping that you might have a spell that can translate so we can know what their trying to say." "Oh. Alright, but what was with the music?" "We're not sure. It seems to happen every time they go anywhere together." Twilight still wasn't sure about them, mostly because they had so many weapons. But she decided not to judge a book by it's cover and give them the benefit of the doubt. "In that case you stay here, I'll go find my copy of 'Multilingual Magic'." A few moment later Twilight was flipping through the book until she found the spell she was looking for. "This book has nothing on these, but it dose have a universal language spell I could try. Now who was the one that tried to speak with you?" The most feminine of the creatures stepped forward. "The spell here is very difficult to perform, and takes a lot of concentration due to it being universal rather than aimed at a single language. Ready?" She nodded. "Alright, here goes." Twilight's horn began to glow. First a very dim, barley noticeable light. Then, quite suddenly, a blinding ball of magic. The light started to stream from her horn and surround the subject, starting to cause it to drift up. Until, in one giant burst of light, it was over. "Wow. That was harder than I though it would be." She said felling a little light headed. "Hopefully it worked." Twilight approached. "Now. Who are you?" "...We are the Patapons, and I and Meden." If it wasn't obvious before then it definitely was now. This Patapon was a female. "I've never heard of a Patapon before. Where did you come from?" "We came from a place known as Earthend, but our home is Patapolis." "These places. Never in any book have I seen or read of those places. How did you get here?" Meden and Twilight both noticed the attention they were attracting. "Actually, let's continue this in my Library." "Agreed." "But could you do without the drums?" Fluttershy and Applejack gasp at the question after what happened on the way here. "I suppose, if it's only for a little while." She looked to the sky. "That is if it's alright with him." Twilight looked up only to see a clear blue sky. "With who?" She looked back at Twilight. "I'll tell you there, let's go." On the way Twilight thought it would be a good idea to have all the girls be there to hear this. So she made sure to gather her other friends on the way. A few minutes found Twilight as well as her five friends, and the Patapons crowded in her library. "Uh, can some of you step outside please. I don't think we can all fit in here comfortably." The Patapons didn't like the idea of leaving Meden all alone, but so far these ponies didn't do anything to ruin their trust so most of them waited outside. All but Hatapon, Ton, Chin, and Kan. "Now. Can you answer a few questions?" "Of course, ask away!" Twilight pulled out a scroll and a quill to take notes. "Who were you talking about when you said 'Him'?" "He is the Almighty Patapon that looks over, protects, and leads us in our quest." "What quest?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Our quest to find 'IT'." She seemed to hop in excitement just by the mention of 'IT'. "You see, according to Patapon legend those who gaze upon 'IT' at Earthend will be granted eternal content." "But didn't you say you came from Earthend?" Twilight was a little more than confused. "Yes." Meden looked down disappointment plain in her eye. "But it would seem that 'IT' wasn't at Earthend at all, but rather beyond. Sadly there was a massive wall between us and the land. So we prayed to the Almighty to help us." She went back to her perkiness. "Shortly thereafter the wall was cracked and a hole was made for us to continue on our journey to find 'IT'!" Meden finished with a small hop. Twilight was just finishing jotting all the information down, while Pinkie had a bag of popcorn she was sharing with RD. "Something that has been bothering me for a bit." Rarity started. "How do you talk without a mouth?" Meden had no real answer for that. "Well, I'm not sure. We just do." "A more important question is. What's with the drums?" Pinkie Pie asked with a mouthful of popcorn. "That's simple, it's how the Great Patapon commands us. Tells us when to attack, defend, and in some cases, when to retreat." Twilight rolled up the scroll and put the quill away. "I think that's enough for today." She looked out a nearby window to see the sun setting. "Besides it's getting late. Speaking of which. Where do you all plan on staying?" Meden didn't think of that until now. "Well we don't really have anywhere to stay...We always had Patapolis, but now..." Fluttershy couldn't bear to see these Patapons without a home. "You can stay with me if you want, there's an empty field in my backyard you can use if you'd prefer that." The offer took Meden by surprise, but she was happy to get one. "We would like that very much, thank you." "Then we can continue this tomorrow?" "Sure, but we need to find a hint to where 'IT' could be." She thought for a moment then continued. "Perhaps you can help us?" Twilight thought about it, but couldn't think of anything that granted such a thing. "I have no idea what 'IT' could be, but I know someone who might. I'll send a letter tonight." "Alright, we'll get going." She looked to Fluttershy with a very grateful look in her eye. "Thank you again for your kindness Fluttershy." When she and Fluttershy left the home/library the sun was setting. Applejack decided to go with them, partly because it was on the way to the farm, but mostly because she loved the felling the drums gave her. "Alright everyone!" Meden addressed the rest of the Patapons. "Fluttershy is allowing us stay and her home, for this we should thank her!" The Patapons all cheered making Fluttershy fell a bit bashful. "Now let's head out and rest, For tomorrow we meet with the leader of this land. We must look our best when we meet them!" All the Patapons turned in the direction of the cottage and the beat was heard. PATA PATA PATA PON! And they were off, the rest of the girls headed for their homes leaving Twilight to wright the letter. "Spike, take a letter." The number one assistant came in with paper and quill in hand. "Ready!" "Dear Princess Celestia. Today Applejack and Fluttershy have discovered a new spices that call themselves Patapons. At first glance they seem rather frightening only because of their weapons and the energy they have behind them. When spoken to they appear to have a rich history. The way they prefer to travel is by the beat of a drum or command, from what or who they call 'Almighty' or the 'Great Patapon'. The commands fill them with energy, and help them push through anything that may be a threat or is in their path on their quest. Their quest in question is to find 'IT' none of them know what 'IT' is but according to their legend it will grant eternal content upon anyone whoever looks at it. I haven't read about anything like that but maybe you have, they need a direction to go, or a hint of their next destination. They seem lost without one. Please wright back if you have an answer. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle." She looked over to Spike. "Got all of that?" Spike was writing the last few words. "Twi-light Spar-kle. Got it!" "Good, now send it." Taking a deep breath Spike let out a small stream of green fire sending the letter in smoke, on it's way to Canterlot. "Great now. *Yawn* Let's get some sleep."