//------------------------------// // Ch.39: The Sweety from Apploosa! // Story: Pimp Spike's Swag Vol.5: The Comeback! // by trahzo //------------------------------// "Next is...Bailey Sweet from Appleloosa. No wait, since this is the R63 Braeburn, then I gotta do it right, *inhale* APPLOO*Gag*Shu" "Idiot, my sister is planning to cancel the whole thing if we aren't quiet, so shut-up!" "Bogus, just start the story, also your sister is a B-I-T-C-H, put it together, and we get Bit..." *Bitch slap!* Spike was on the train to Apploosa to assist with what had happened since Troubleshoes was relieved of all charges. "WELCOME TO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" The golden mare's voice echoed throughout the desert. "Well, well, well, howdy Spike, what brings you here little feller?" "I came to see how Troubleshoes is doing." "Well, despite a few things being broken by accidente, he's been pretty fine, though there have been a few near death experiences from laughing so much & so hard at him." *Crash!* "Hahahahahahaha! Hack!" "At least the docs get lotsa work from dealing with the ponies & buffaloes almost dying from laughter." "Good to know." "He should be the 3rd option, Guillotine, Gallos, and Gaggin' on laughter." Then they began snorting. "Good one, well I'll be leaving once the next train to Ponyville arrives, maybe we can hang out for a while?" Spike asked. "Sweet, just like mah name, come-on Spike, I was just heading to practice mah performance at the next rodeo, I gotta get back in shape after my leg healed." "Great plan." So Spike sat somewhere with the buffalo behind the fence to watch Bailey's practice. "Dang, I just love it when she's sweating, her heavy breathing and shaking off of the sweat is just so hot." Mumbled one buffalo. "I know, what about when she's doing that one event with the rope? Don't you just wanna do some bondage play?" "Yeah she's so good with it!" Then both Buffalo began laughing...until their girlfriends pinched their ears and went back to their tribe. "(Oh-no, after they said that, now I'm gonna look at her differently aren't I?)" Spike watched as Bailey got even sweatier as she trained hard for the next rodeo, seeing sweat begin to drip from her body, watching Baily fan herself with her hat, her panting from hard work was making it even worse for Spike, he couldn't get the thoughts from those buffalo out of his mind as his jaw slowly fell and began drooling. He didn't want to leave because he'd look like a jerk, he tried to think of things that'll calm down his twin towers, but nothing worked. *Toooooooooooooooooooooot!!!* "Sounds like the train little feller." "What? O-oh yeah, better go, see you later." "Wait, want a ride on my back?" She offered while walking closer. "No, I'll run." "No, I insist." She then picked up her pace. "It's fine!" Then he began running! Then Spike began doing Sonic's Spindash to speed faster to the train station, then he reformed to his regular self while still being pursued. "Hey, why are you running from me?!" She then began getting annoyed. "I just need to get to the station that's all." "Which is why I'm trying to get you there faster!" "No, you need to train." "A few minutes wont hurt, just let me help." Then Spike rushed into the train door, which quickly closed! "Hey you tiny bastard, know I'm gonna get you on the next train! Mark my words!" She yelled. Spike swept his brow. "Phew!" He whistled. "I'm safe, for now. *Gulp*" Hours later... Spike barricaded the door, and boarded up the windows. "Alright, now that she isn't trying to kill me." But he forgot his fireplace. "There you are!" "AAAAAAAHAHAHA, NO!" "Why were you runnin' from..." Then she saw the peaking twins. "...I turned yah on didn't I?" "Yes." Then Spike looked down ashamed. "It's fine, in fact, I'm flattered." "Really?" "Yeah, I know I have admirers, but dem cowards don't wanna confess to me. Also, good work on the barricade, complete privacy." "Yeah, just the 2 of us" Spike then darted his eyes away, fake smiling, because he's not ready for adult things! She was about to kiss him, but Bailey took off her hat so the audience couldn't see it, I hate that, don't you? "Hey Omnifox, just so you know, Bailey Sweet isn't the only member of the Apple Family being featured in this volume." Brak said. "Hey, don't tell them that, they're in the middle of saving who ever they need to save." Meanwhile in the top floor of Anna's Hotel... "Shoova, decule vala! Essence of rage, enter the cauldron! Vedo, nahstuj, velgea! Essence of hatred, enter the cauldron! Gyiolf Wequisck meshiguy vagan! Essence of malicious, enter the cauldron! Sheruuoo, M'graevihn! Essence of madness, enter the cauldron! Kuzsharr, marata, galtum! Essence of viciousness, enter the cauldron! Hortah-meru, gravutrock fidsuma lovalf! Wishes of the end, enter the cauldron!" Meanwhile... "AH!" Wazete grunted. "Wazete, you okay?" Asked Blood Brandy. "Yeah, I just feel a sharp pain." "Good to hear it."