Night of The Dragons

by Citrus Shine

Prologue: Cinders of a Frozen Village

Prologue: Cinders of a Frozen Village

The village jolted into silence. Ash floated down onto the blackened, icy, path; embers sputtered and quietly squealed against the melting snow. A mare walked past the last of the burning buildings, a few roofs slowly collapsing, stirring cinders into the freezing air. Breathing in deeply, she filled her lungs with smoke and let the weight of the night settle upon her. Terrified eyes stared back at her, no longer shivering from chill but from fear and disbelief. The mare walked closer to the group, leaving slushed footprints in the snow.
Of course there was doubt, but the reward was undeniable. Another icy wind blew through the mountain, both strangling and feeding the flames behind her, whipping her mane in front of unblinking eyes; she now knew she was ready.

It was time to return to Equestria.