//------------------------------// // Almighty's Return // Story: Beyond Earthend // by Brony For life 7 //------------------------------// --------???-------- The Uberhero has just finished off Arch Pandara and now is presented with a choice. To return to the land of the living and spend the rest of his life fighting. To be done with the battles and die peacefully in the earth. Or to sacrifice his own soul to free the Patpons from their stone curse. Knowing that his tribe must grow to fully reach their goals he offered his soul to save the rest of his race. A most noble sacrifice. Once his choice was in his mind he could feel himself getting sort of 'pulled', but before he was completely gone. He heard a voice say. "To make the journey beyond time and space,to save the Patapons from the stone curse. This is a most honorable choice indeed!" Then in a burst of light in the void. He was gone, and with his final choice made, the Almighty Patapon was once again free to guide the newly freed Patapons. --------Earthend-------- Hatapon, as well as, Ton, Chin and Kan were sitting at Earthend unsure of what to do now. Hatapon in particular was thinking about the battle that just happened. What if that broke the curse, where would the rest of the tribe go without him to relay the Almighty's commands? Speaking of which, where was he. The Pata drum was once again in is hands, as it has been each time the Almighty had left. but why now? Was their adventure truly over? As Ton, Chin and Kan started to explore their new surroundings. Hatapon sat next to his flag, pondering all of these questions, until he saw the portal open up again to spit out Meden, the Princess as well as the rest of the tribe. All unfrozen and well! All of the Patapons got up but Meden was the first to speak. "I can't remember anything that happened after we were petrified, but I have a load of Ka-ching and I don't know what to do with it!" Hatapon felt a wave of relief and joy in seeing his fellow Patapons alive and happy, but now the question was. "Where is Almighty?" Hatapon found himself saying the last part aloud, with Meden replying. "Why he's here, ready to guide us on a new journey. Past Earthend to find IT for it is past Earthend in a whole new world!" The rest of the tribe let out a collective gasp at the news as the remaining troops, Hatpon, Ton, Chin, Kan, two Yaripons, three Tatepons, and four Yumipons, prepaired for what is sure to be their greatest adventure yet! "But first we must eat! Being in stone doesn't stop hunger!" Meden said.