//------------------------------// // The Search For The Talisman Of Dreadnaught Part 1 // Story: When Two Worlds Meet // by Darkness 1 //------------------------------// As Twilight and her friends were reading in the library, they began to hear a trotting in the distance, and then it grew louder and louder, until the front door opened, and Darkness rushed into the library. Twilight and her friends stopped what they was doing, startled as to why Darkness rushed in so. Twilight asked, "What's wrong? What did you find out at Zecora's? Did you find out a way to get into the castle?" Applejack stepped in, and said to Twilight, "Twilight, please, give him a minute, he just got here." Twilight said, "Sorry" Darkness said, "It's fine, anyways, yes, I found out a way on how to get into the Crystal Castle, we have to look for something from my ancestor's time, it's a talisman, created by one of the sorcerer pony elders. It's called 'The Talisman Of The Dreadnaught.' It's primary purpose was to give the wearer the ability to undo any barrier, but at the same time, give the wearer the protection against most magic spells, and give the wearer, and boost to their magic power. However, the elders, never could get magic boost part of it to work, but they did manage to get it to give the wearer magic armor, so in other words, whoever wore it, would be more resistant to physical and magic attacks, which in my father's case, for the most part, came in handy. But that's not all I found out, I also found out that ancient evil disturbance, is definitely something from my ancestor's time, and I was told that I am the only one that will be able to defeat it, or him or her, or whatever it might be. But, there's one problem, I have to come to terms with what happened two years ago, or Equestria has no future in a couple of weeks, possibly, so once again, time is against us....again. But this time, it's not me.... Anyways, I also found out my vision has something to do with the immediate future, something soon, how soon however, I do not know, I spent too long in the vision, and had to sit down for a minute." All Twilight said, was "I see." This time, Rainbow Dash piped in, and said, "Well, let's get to it, then! If we don't have very long before Equestria is wiped out completely this time, then let's find this talisman thing of yours!" Applejack said, "Whoa there nelly! Darkness hasn't even told us where to look yet." She then looked at him, and addressed him, "Do you even know where to begin to look?" Darkness said, "In fact, I do, my mother told me of the general location of where it might be. How did she know this, you ask? Because she saw it get blasted off my father's neck, when the magic of the three elders exploded as they died. Long story short, she was going to help him in battle, but had to flee because of the explosion, but not before seeing the talisman fly off in the distance, as she was trotting away." Rainbow Dash was growing impatient, because she said, "And that is where exactly?' Rarity commented, "Well, looks like somepony woke up cranky today." Rainbow Dash, now upset, said, "I did not! Equestria's fate is in our hooves!......again..." Twilight was the one who spoke, and said, "Easy, you two! This is no time to be fighting among ourselves! We need to stick together! If one of us leaves because of some petty argument, Equestria suffers a sad end." Fluttershy said nothing, she just stayed behind everypony, and just listened. Rainbow Dash and Rarity both sighed, and apologized to each other, and then Twilight said, "Good, now that that is settled, Darkness? Can you tell us where it might be? Darkness said, "Yes, but you're not going to like where." Everypony listened very intently, as Darkness continued, "It's well, how should I say it, remember where that waterfall once was? The talisman landed somewhere in that area, but in order to get there, it means going through what's left of the Everfree Forest." Fright was everypony's faces, except Darkness's, and Rainbow Dash said, "No way! No way am I going in there! The original Everfree Forest was fine, but now, it's nothing like it once was. I'm not going in there!" Rarity said, "Me neither! That, and it's even muckier than before!" Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy agreed with Rainbow Dash. Twilight said, "Are you not going either, Applejack?" Applejack said, "Of course I'm goin'! Ain't no forest gonna scare me! Sure, it's still got a lot of Darkness Night's evil within it, so what? We have each other, that's all that matters' as long as we stick together' we will accomplish anythin." Twilight said, "Well, I know for a fact that Darkness is going, and he's not afraid, are you?" Darkness said, "Of course not, it is just trees, and on top of that, I am a sorcerer pony, after all. But even without that, my kind was raised to face our fears, and I grew up on my own, facing the things, that scared me most, no matter how great. Ha! How great my kind was once, the glory my kind once represented, the inspiration we instilled in so many! But all to be corrupted and brainwashed all by one pony, and he got what he deserved....death. Oh, sorry, didn't mean to reminisce. Looks like I got a little carried away, heh heh!" Twilight said, "It's okay, we all understand you........to a point, I think..... anyways, Applejack, Darkness and I are going. What's the matter? Too chicken? They all, except for Fluttershy, said, "No way! We can face anything!" Twilight said, "Good, shall we get going? The sooner we find the talisman, the sooner we can wrap this mystery up." Applejack said, "I couldn't have said it any better." Twilight said, "Darkness said, "When you're ready Darkness, we shall get going." Darkness said, "Well, there's no time like the present, so now is probably as ready as I'll ever be. I'll take my mother's diary with me, so we don't get lost trying to find the general area she was talking about. Anyways, let us be off." Rainbow Dash said, as they headed for the Everfree Forest, "Here we go again, off to save Equestria once more." But then Twilight said, "But this time, it's different, we have Darkness with us this time." Rarity asked everypony, "Is it just me, or is it kind of weird that somepony we fought against, is now our friend, and is helping us?" Fluttershy, who had been quiet all this time, finally said something, she said, "Not at all..um...at least....I don't think so, it's not like we haven't done it before. Discord's our friend, and he was once our greatest enemy.' Applejack thought about it for a moment, and then said, "Ya know, Fluttershy's right. I mean seriously, who in Celestia's name, would've thought, that anypony could befriend the 'master of chaos?' Or so he says." Discord popped in just long enough to say, "Applejack, I heard that! That was the 'old' me, I'm reformed now, I think I've shown that more than once." And then, Discord disappeared, right after he waved, and "Oh hi Darkness, catch you later!" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and said, "He's right........again.." Darkness was the one who said something this time, "Alright, everypony, we're at the entrance to the Everfree Forest, nopony splits up, stick together, and don't lose sight of one another, as you all know, this forest is still very sick, it still suffers greatly from.....Darkness Night's evil magic. I can feel it........much of his evil will still lingers within this forest. Hopefully, in time, this forest will fight it off, and heal, as with all things." Twilight said, "This forest will, it will, and you was able to say his name with pausing so long this time, that's an improvement, and remember, we are all here for you, and so is Luna, so you no longer have to deal with this alone." And everypony shook their heads in agreement. Darkness with a scowl said, "You are only here because I thought it was good idea to find the talisman faster with a few extra hooves, you are all nothing more than that, other than being another annoyance, and I only need Luna's support, I don't need some silly ponies who think they are my friends trying to support somepony who does not need it, look after yourselves, and don't fall behind. .....I wonder how Luna's holding up though, I hope she's doing okay..." Applejack reassured him, "I'm sure she's doin' fine, she's a tough one, after all, we all know that from experience." Darkness said with emotions on his face, " What would you know?......Anyways I got off subject....back to the task at hoof. Remember everypony, stick together, I'll lead the way, just follow my lead and we'll be fine." Everypony just nodded, and stuck close together to each other, as a very heavy fog drew in, making visibility almost impossible, and hiding the path. Darkness said, "Whoa, even though I'm a sorcerer pony, I barely see my two front hooves in front of me. I'll have to see what I can do about that.... Okay everypony, I'm going to try this...I may be a little rusty, I haven't used any magic in a while, but I'm going to try one of the ancient spells from my ancestor's time.....man, I haven't casted a spell in too long. Everypony, just stay put, I'll be right here, just stand back a little. We need to see that path, if we are to get to our destination. Alright..here goes nothing.." Darkness concentrated, his horn began to glow the color of dark blue, his eyes filled with a white light, everypony watched front a safe distance, and then, all of a sudden, a massive shockwave emitted from Darkness's horn, and he aimed it at the fog, and the fog dissipated, and then vanished, clearing the path. Everypony then came up to Darkness, and hugged him, and each one congratulated him, as Darkness sighed in exasperation, and Rainbow Dash said, "That.....was...awesome!" Twilight said, "That spell was definitely from your time, the power of that spell, and how your horn lighted up....that was amazing!" Rarity said, "Simply spectacular, darling!" Applejack said, "Ah I knew you could do it! You haven't lost your touch! You still got it!" Pinkie Pie was talking so fast, that nopony could make out what she was saying, but she was amazed as well. Darkness pushed them off and said, "Guys, guys, get off of me! You are just helping hooves that's all, now, let's not make a big deal out of a simple dissipating spell." Fluttershy said, " We are sorry Darkness, it's just.... we were just excited because we've never seen anything like that." Twilight agreed, and said, "Fluttershy's right, we haven't, the magic you possess, has been gone and lost a long time ago, so it's really something to see an ancient spell get casted. Anyways, we better move on, everypony ready?" They shook their heads yes, and Twilight said, "Lead the way, Darkness." Darkness dug out his mother's diary from his pack, and began reading, and walking at the same time, but also looking up every now and then to make sure he was on the path, and that everypony was still following him. Darkness said, "Okay, according to my mother's diary, we are heading in the right direction, there's only one turn, so the path getting there shouldn't be too difficult. We're about to come up to the turn, and when we get there, we'll go right." Pinkie Pie said with a smile, "Easy peasy, we'll have that talisman in no time!" Darkness said, "Not to be a damper on things, but it's not the path that leads to the talisman that's hard part, it's about finding it, and getting back, that's going to be the hard part. Because if I believe I heard right, I believe you said it, Twilight? That the waterfall was destroyed by Darkness Night, when you guys were looking for Snowshy's Element Of Harmony?" Twilight answered, "As a matter of fact, I did mention that, and we all barely made it out alive. The foundation to the waterfall crumbled into three pieces, and then shattered into many, once it all crashed to the ground." Darkness said, "I see, I just hope the talisman is still in one piece, or we all could be in trouble. Then we'll have to find a different way to unseal the entrance to the Crystal Castle." As Darkness looked up from the diary, he saw a fork in the road, one way going to the left, and the other going to the right, Darkness lifted up his left front hoof, pointed to the right path, and said, "This is it, we already halfway there, we'll go on the right path. Let's go." Nopony said anything, they just nodded in understanding, and followed Darkness down the right path.