//------------------------------// // 1 - 01 // Story: Four Hooves // by destinedjagold //------------------------------// Act 1 A human suddenly found himself as an Earth Pony in the fictional land of Equestria. Unfortunately, Equestria doesn't look the same as in the show. Regardless, it was still a little girl's show, so returning home shouldn't be a problem. Now if only he knew where the cliché ponies were located in this version of Equestria. You know, the ones who could help him get back home? Have you ever felt that familiar feeling of wakefulness? You know, that annoying feeling where you are about to wake up, but you still don’t want to? Yeah, I am feeling it at the moment. I am slowly losing my grip on sleep and the annoyance I’m feeling is not helping me getting back to slumber. What’s making it worse is that it’s Monday today. Ugh... ...Well, whatever. I can’t be late for work. I open my eyes and find myself lying on my belly on the grass in my apartment’s backyard. Yeah, I helped the landlady bring some life back in her dying garden. What can I say? I love nature. I just find it weird that I’ve slept outside... And then the low mixture of different voices reach my ears. Now that’s even weirder. Excluding the landlady, I’m usually the first one to wake up this early in the morning. Wait...today is Monday, right? Gah! I don’t want to wake up and get ready only to find out that it’s Sunday. That happened before, and I was not amused. The other rentees, as I like to call them, usually are up all Saturday night ’til Sunday morning. So it’s still Sunday today, right? But my internal clock is saying otherwise. ...Why am I still lying here? I need to trust my instinct and get ready! I push myself up and—! Those aren’t my hands. Nope, definitely not hands... ...Right... I still must be drea—sigh... No, I’m not. This is real, as far as I can tell. Yay, I turned into a pony... A brown-coated...pony. As a brony—and yes, I watch that show—I should, I dunno, be happy? I’ve read a lot of these kinds of fanfics before, and while the idea of ‘suddenly waking up in Equestria’ is fun, I...don’t find it fun. Yeah, it’s fun to read these kinds of fics, but that’s just it; reading. Well, another brony might say otherwise, but I guess I’m one of those boring guys that I’m sure Pinkie would love to try and make me unboring... I’m not going to deal with the questions of how I got here and blahblahblah. I’m just gonna find somebo—somepony, ask for where Twilight is, ask for her help, Celestia comes in, and then I get sent back home. Yay! Or maybe this is Discord’s doing. I like that dude, but I don’t think I’ll be able to say the same thing if I do end up talking to him directly. I stand up properly and see a few darker brown lines of hair in front of my eyes. So I guess I have dark brown mane, too. That goes for the tail as well, right? A quick look and, yep, dark brown. A quick head check, and nope, no horn. A quick glance on my sides again (I dunno why I didn’t check when I was looking at my tail) and nope, no wings. So I guess I’m an Earth Pony. I guess nature realized how much I love her work that she decided to tell this world’s nature to turn me into an Earth Pony. I’m...flattered, I guess? Well, since I’m in Equestria for reasons I don’t want to find out, those voices must be from other ponies. ...Or griffons. ...Or minotaurs. I look around and see a lot of trees in my surroundings. I must be on the edge of some forest if I can hear voices outside the trees. “Please be ponies, please be ponies, I’m not in the Everfree Forest, right? Oh, and please be ponies, please be ponies—” I keep on muttering in a low voice as I get closer to the outside worl...trees. Don’t ask how I can walk...or trot. I’ve read enough fics to know that I should never pay attention to my hooves while trotting, or else I’ll stumble and fall and make a fool of myself. The latter’s only applicable if someone’s watching. Anyway, I walk out of the line of trees and sigh in relief as I see the many ponies walking around...a flat and green plane. I blink and look around. I see no houses nor other structures in this flat grass land. “Hello there,” a manly voi—er...stallion...ny(?) voice reaches my ears and I turn to see a smiling...pony a few paces away from me. Reason why I’m not sure if this guy’s a pony is because, heck, I’m a pony, right? He’s just...tall. Super duper tall! And oh, he has a white coat and a brown mane and tail. Anyway, the tall dude excuses himself from his other tall guy friends and trots over to me. “Never seen you ’round this part of the pasture. You new?” I blink as he stands in front of me. And I really need to tilt my head up just to make eye contact. Damn this horse is tal—oh, oh! He’s a horse! And I’m a pony, a small horse. Oh...okay... Oh wait, he asked me a question. “Uh, yeah. Um...hi?” I say with a small smile. “I’m looking for uh, Twilight. Is she around?” He blinks at me, his smile faltering a bit. “Twilight?” He shakes his head, his long mane swaying left and right. “Can’t say I’ve heard that name before. But judging from the sound of her name, I’d say she’s a mare, right?” he asks with a sly grin. I roll my eyes with an amused smirk. Well, it’s obvious that she’s not here. She lives in Ponyville, not in some...pasture. Speaking of... “Oh, all right. Say uh...” I tear my gaze off of him and look around the...pasture. And now that I am looking at it again, I can now see ponies and horses in pairs, groups or by their lonesome, chatting or grazing on the grass! Like...cows and horses back home. I think I already know the answer for the question I’m about to ask, but... “...w-where do you guys sleep?” He replies after five or so seconds. “...Uh, around.” Figures. I sigh and look up at him again. Yeah, he’s looking at me as if I’ve hit my head or something. “Last question.” “Shoot.” “Do you know where Ponyville is?” Aaaaaand I’ll take his blank expression as a ’wtf are you talking about?’ Let’s try again. “Um... Canterlot?” Nope. He just blinks at me. I let out another sigh. “Well, thanks anyway.” I turn around and am about to walk away when he decides to say something. “Well...” I turn back to look at him. He brings a large hoof to his chin as he turn his head to the green field. “I don’t really know a lot of stuff, especially stuff beyond our pasture.” He brings his hoof back down as he looks at me with a smile. “Maybe you should ask the harvesters.” “Harvesters?” He nods his head. “Yep.” He brings back his hoof to his chin. “Technically, they’re the ones bringing a few of our harvests to the winged ones, but we’ve been calling them harvesters anyway.” He shrugs. I blink. “So...I should ask the harvesters... Why?” “Well,” he says, bringing his hoof back down again. Oh, the reason why I’m paying some attention to that hoof of his is because it’s freaking big and he might suddenly smack me with it. I’ve learned to be more careful to anyone I ever talk to in the city. “They’re the ones who are always leaving the pasture to offer our harvests to the winged ones. So they may know something that might help you look for this mare of yours,” and he finishes it with a wink. I roll my eyes again. “Uh, yeah. Thanks.” I nod my head anyway. “So,” I look back at the pasture. “Where are they?” “Around.” He chuckles. I stifle a groan. “...Figures.” “Well, sorry that I couldn’t be much help, outsider,” he says as he turns and walks back to his buddies. “But good luck with your love search!” I didn’t bother to reply, since my eyes are locked on a pink pony in the middle of this vast green field surrounded by trees. “Pinkie Pie?” What is she doing here? Well, whatever. If she’s here, then I guess the others might be close by. If not, then I could probably ask (or beg) her to bring me to Ponyville. I smile. Yeah, I like that idea. The sooner I get out of here, the better.